Shii News – Zoom: ‘Urdu Shi`i Khiṭābat in contemporary Karachi’ – M N Jafri (28.3.24, 12.00-1.30, EDT)
The Māḥauls of Oratory: Urdu Shi`i Khiṭābat in contemporary Karachi
In this talk, I attend to the material and the historical māḥauls within which Urdu Shiʿi khiṭābat (oratory) unfolds in Karachi. My attention to these contexts aims to move beyond a solely discursive approach to public language-use, in which much of the emphasis lies on referentiality, or what do orations mean. Instead, I foreground the physical and ideological contexts of khiṭābat to lay bare the newness of practices and concepts that undergird oratorical speech-events.
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Zoom webinar:
- March 25, 2024
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