1.Narrating the pilgrimage to Mecca, Historical and contemporary accounts
Edited by Marjo Buitelaar and Richard van Leeuwen
2. ONLINE Lecture “Race and Islam in Historical Perspective” by Professor Chouki El Hamel (Ar-izona State University), Middle East Studies Program, UW Madison, 3 February 2023, 12:00 pm CT
Professor El Hamel discusses the emergence and evolution of ideas of race and color in the Middle East and North Africa. This lecture is mainly interested in racial constructs built around notions of color and lineage. It traces distinct genealogies of race and racism to the beginning of the Islamic empire.
Information and registration: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIsdOuurT8vEtf-ZAJCqOftqIBjDxPFqu4D
3. Roundtable “Gender, Race, Religion, and Ethnicity in North Africa: Ongoing Issues, Future Challenges” at the “European Conference on African Studies (ECAS)”, University of Cologne, 31 May – 3 June 2023
Dans le cadre des mouvements sociaux du XXIe siècle, la table ronde a pour but d’interroger et débattre au sujet des dynamiques et des enjeux liant le genre, la race, la religion et l’ethnicité à la fois à des processus de minorisation et des revendication de pluralité dans l’espace nord africain.
Deadline for abstracts: 23 January 2023.
Information: https://ecasconference.org/2023/programme#12481
4. “29th International Congress of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO)” in Co-operation with the “Turkologentag 2023 – Forth European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies”, University of Vienna, 21-23 September 2023
The host of this joint conference is Prof. Dr. Yavuz Köse, Chair of Ottoman and Turkish Studies of the University of Vienna. See https://turkologentag2023.univie.ac.at for further information on the joint conference.
Deadline for abstracts of open panels: 31 January 2023.
Deadline for abstracts of papers and closed panels: 28 February 2023.
5. Full-Time Clinical Assistant Professor (Non-Tenure Track) in Arabic Language Instruction, New York University, NY
We seek a scholar whose teaching and research will strengthen our Arabic language curriculum ranging from Elementary to Advanced levels, while also complementing and enhancing the department overall. A suc-cessful applicant will demonstrate experience in and commitment to innovative pedagogical practices and developing an inclusive classroom.
Deadline for applications: 10 February 2022.
Information: https://apply.interfolio.com/117980
6. New Book Series “Studies in Pre-Modern Arab History and East-West Encounters”, Edited by Ahmed M. A. Sheir and Amar S. Baadj
This new book series is broadly concerned with the political, economic, social, cultural, and intellectual history of the Arabs and the Arab World, as well as the relations of the Arabs with others from Antiquity up to the Early Modern period.
Information: https://trivent-publishing.eu/81-studies-in-pre-modern-arab-history
7. Chapters on “Arabic Language Teaching in the Arabic-Speaking World” for Edited Book on “The History of Arabic Language Teaching”
Topics could include government policies on Arabic language teaching, historical studies on pedagogy, work on language manuals/phrasebooks, etc. Other contributions to the volume span periods from the late 18th century to the present day and consider teaching of Arabic both in the Arabic-speaking world and in colonial countries.
Deadline for abstracts: As soon as possible.
8. Articles on “The Political Economy of Authoritarianism in the Arab Region” for a Special Issue of the Journal “Rowaq Arabi”
Articles should discuss the intersection between political economy and the sustainability of authoritarianism in the Arab region. Relevant articles from all disciplines of social sciences, humanities and law are welcome, and will be financially compensated.
Deadline for full manuscripts: 13 February 2023.
Information: https://rowaq.cihrs.org/call-for-papers-the-political-economy-of-authoritarianism-in-the-arab-region/?lang=en
9. Death and Disease in the Medieval and Early Modern World
Perspectives from across the Mediterranean and Beyond
Edited by Lori Jones and Nükhet Varlık
York Medieval Press, 2022
‘Knowing the Signs of Disease: Plague in the Arabic Medical Commentaries between the First and Second Pandemics’ N. Fancy;
‘Colours of Disease and Death in the Early Modern Ottoman Cultural Imagination’ N. Varlik