1.HYBRID Conference “(Un)Freedom in Global Perspective: Actors – Perceptions – Agencies”, Innsbruck, 3-4 February 2024
Challenging static and binary concepts of freedom and unfreedom, the conference examines nuanced forms of agency within local, regional, and global frameworks of the early modern and modern periods. Through diverse case studies, the programme highlights overarching trends, offering comparative perspectives and fresh insights into historical continuities, transformations, and lived experiences of (un)freedom.
Information, programme and registration: https://conferences.uibk.ac.at/event/44/
2. Journée d’étude « Iran contemporain : résilience, défis et ripostes », Fonds Ricoeur Paris, 4 février 2025, 9h30 – 18h00
Nous proposons d’organiser un colloque pluridisciplinaire sur la réalité sociologique, politique et culturelle de l’Iran. Les raisons qui mobilisent l’argumentaire de ce colloque sont multiples : l’extrême complexité de l’Iran ; les événements tragiques qui se sont succédés depuis plusieurs décennies ; le monde foisonnant de l’art et de la culture iraniens qui ne cesse d’introduire des artistes imaginatifs , etc.
Information : https://iismm.hypotheses.org/113092
3. ONLINE Workshop “Intertextuality in the Qurʾān and Early Qurʾānic Exegesis: Exploring Christian Apocryphal Texts”, Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin / Institute for Islamic-Theological Studies, University of Vienna, 13-14 February 2025
The workshop will focus on investigating the nuanced relationship between Christian apocryphal texts and Islamic religious literature. We aim to scrutinize the dialogues that unfold between the Qurʾān and various Christian texts, both canonical and apocryphal.
Information and registration: https://shorturl.at/BLGkk
4. 4th Annual International “Islamophobia Studies Research Association (IISRA) Conference”, University of Granada, Spain, 20-22 May 2025
The conference will question whether categories such as Left and Right retain analytical and strategic value in the struggle against Islamophabia. We invite papers that engage with these questions from various critical perspectives and from a range of intersectionalities, histories, and contexts that flesh out the interconnected nature of oppressions and emancipations.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 February 2025. Information: https://www.iisra.net/4th-iisra-conference
5. Conference: “Disquiet: Auditory Cultures of the Late Ottoman Empire”, University of Cambridge, 22-24 May 2025
We aim to explore the manifold auditory histories of the late Ottoman Empire and surrounding eastern Mediterranean. In doing so, we hope to further elucidate possibilities for sound studies and global music history to engage more substantively with the Ottoman Empire as part of a broader “remapping” impulse, and for Ottoman history to deepen its understandings of the sensory and phenomenological experiences of the long nineteenth century.
Deadline for abstracts: 19 January 2025. Information: https://ottomanauralities.com/conference/
6. HYBRID Workshop: “Writing Global Histories of Socio-Economic Rights”, University of Sheffield, 5-6 June 2025
seeks to develop new conceptual approaches to writing a global history of socio-economic rights. To this end, there are no temporal or geographic restrictions for workshop papers. Theoretical and methodological contributions – rather than empirical case studies alone – are especially welcome. Themes: Gender and Work – Child Labour – Work and the Family – Intergovernmental Organisations and Social Rights – Decolonisation and Labour Rights, etc.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 February 2024. Information: https://www.glosoc.org/events/
7. Workshop “Why Location Matters: Doctoral Research in the Arab World”, American University in Cairo, 29 June – 3 July 2025
The workshop will bring together a select group of doctoral students from North American, German, and Arab universities to discuss the possibilities, critical approaches, epistemological, and practical challenges of undertaking archival and/or ethnographic research in the Arab region. Applicants from disciplines in the social sciences and humanities are encouraged to apply.
Deadline for abstracts: 20 February 2025. Information: https://mesana.org/resources-and-opportunities/2025/01/09/call-for-applications-mesa-acss-oib-summer-2025-workshop
8. PhD Position in Islamic Law in History and the Present, Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Qualifications: Completed academic degree in in Islamic theology or Islamic studies; interest in research on Islamic law and related topics such as comparative law, ethics and philosophy of law; knowledge of Islamic and legal research methods; very good knowledge of German, English and Arabic
Extended deadline for applications: 31 January 2025. Information: https://is.gd/N8RyMG
9. Assistant Director of the W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research, East Jerusalem
We seek an experienced administrator with an international reputation in Levantine research to serve as Assistant Director. The Assistant Director will oversee the Institute’s research activities, particularly its fellowships program. The ideal candidate will have proven leadership experience and the ability to work in a culturally diverse environment that hosts scholars from many religious, ethnic, and national backgrounds
Deadline for applications: 19 January 2025. Information: https://aiar.org/archives/13726
Head Librarian and Archivist of the W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research, East Jerusalem
The ideal candidate will have expertise in library sciences, strong organizational skills, and a commitment to creating a user-friendly research environment.
Deadline for applications: 26 January 2025. Information: https://aiar.org/archives/13700
10. Visiting Scholar in Religious Studies (Focus on Judaism or Islam), Definance College, Northwest Ohio
The successful applicant will hold a Ph.D. in Religion or Religious Studies or other relevant field. An advanced ABD candidate will also be considered. We are especially interested in (but not limited to) a scholar who has experience in teaching newer subfields such as those involving trans-nationalism, post-colonial studies, race, gender, sexuality, and/or ability.
Deadline for applications: 30 January 2025.
Information: https://mesana.org/resources-and-opportunities/2025/01/07/visiting-scholar-in-religious-studies
11. Visiting Assistant Professor (1 Year) in the History of Islamic Worlds, Department of History at Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA
We seek a candidate whose research and teaching will offer avenues for interdisciplinary and cross-regional understandings of the many cultures and political systems that encompass historical experiences of Islam. These could include migration, science, technology, and medicine, post-colonial, and/or digital histories potentially creating synergies with other existing or emerging interdisciplinary programs. A Ph.D. is required upon starting the position.
Deadline for applications: 14 February 2025. Information: https://apply.interfolio.com/161396
12. Call for Applications: Master’s Program in Islamic Studies, Institute for Islamic Studies, Istanbul University
This program provides a rigorous and interdisciplinary platform for advanced studies in Ottoman/Turkish history, Ottoman jurisprudence, hadith studies, Islamic political thought, and Islamic economy. Designed to integrate classical methodologies with contemporary research tools, the curriculum includes innovative courses in digital humanities and manuscript studies, ensuring students gain both traditional knowledge and modern analytical skills.
Deadline for applications: 17 January 2025. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/group/announcements/20054916/call-applications-masters-program-islamic-studies-institute-islamic
13. Summer Language Programm: “Qur`anic Arabic”, University of Toronto Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, 23 June – 31 July 2025
Eligibility: Open to advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and scholars. You need to be at the intermediate level of Arabic.
Deadline for applications: 1 February 2025.
14. Chapters on Trans Cinema from the Middle East, Africa and South Asia for “The Handbook of Trans Cinema”
We welcome chapters focusing on any country, with the following examples: Trans Cinema from Egypt, Iran, Iraq, and Israel, etc.
Deadline for abstracts: 30 January 2025.
15. Forthcoming Series: “Non-Mainstream Religion in the Middle East” Edited by Khanna Omarkhali and Philip Kreyenbroek (BRILL)
The term “non-mainstream” is intended to cover both non-orthodox, self-confessed Muslim traditions (e.g. Ismaili groups from Syria to Tajikistan, Syrian Alawites, and Shiʿite groups in Afghanistan; the Rawshaniya movement among Pashtuns) as well as Druzes, the Yaresan or Ahl-e Ḥaqq of Iran and Iraq, and the Alevis from Turkey; and also Zoroastrians, Yezidis, Mandaeans, Bahais, Jews outside Israel, and Christian minorities.
1. The Elahé Omidyar Mir-Djalali Institute of Iranian Studies and Invisible East present a series of monthly online seminars about archives and documents.
Convened by Arezou Azad and Mohamad Tavakoli, the seminars are held monthly on Zoom.
Please join us this month to hear from Dr Roxana Zenhari on ‘The Archive of Early Illustrated Persian Books as Historical Record’. Thursday 16 January at 12PM EST / 5PM GMT. Pre-registration is essential.
2. SOAS Centre for Iranian Studies and the Persian Manuscripts Association
5.00pm, Thursday 23 January 2025
This lecture examines lajvardina vessels within the broader context of the Ilkhanid aesthetic, and investigates how the interplay between ceramics and manuscript paintings can enhance our understanding of both media.
3. Intellect is pleased to present International Journal of Islamic Architecture 14.1!
For more information about the journal and issue click here>>
Aims & Scope
The International Journal of Islamic Architecture (IJIA) publishes peer-reviewed articles on the urban design, architecture and landscape architecture of the historic Islamic world, encompassing the Middle East and parts of Africa and Asia, but also the more recent geographies of Islam in its global dimensions. The main emphasis is on the detailed analysis of the historical, theoretical, and practical aspects of architecture.
This title is indexed with Scopus and the Web of Science’s Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI).
Issue 14.1
Design in Theory Articles
Design in Practice Articles
Architectural Spotlight
Book Reviews
Exhibition Reviews
Conference Précis
4. Image archive of Turkish (Anatolian) Architecture and Art
Tom Klobe of Honolulu, Hawai’i, announces that his images of Turkish (Anatolian) architecture and art are now available online at the stated url: https://digital.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/collections/show/85
His Iranian slides are soon to follow.
Contact Email
5. I’m writing to invite you to a Hamandishi /هَماندیشی (a term roughly translating to “symposium”) we are organizing on the topic of archiving Iranian underground performances.
The symposium named Archive: In-Progress will be held online from January 7th to 14th. It is free to register via this link.
Over the past two years, a significant shift has occurred among theatre practitioners and performers in Iran. Many have chosen to forgo licenses for their performances and disregard mandatory dress codes, resulting in a burgeoning scene of unlicensed performances in small private venues and apartments. This has created a new performance landscape in Iran, unprecedented in its scale and nature.
The symposium will explore the necessity (or lack thereof), ethics, agents, and methodologies of archiving these performances. It will feature approximately 34 sessions, including roundtables, papers, video essays, and lecture-performances. We are curating this under the umbrella of the Reconnect Festival. Presenters include practitioners and scholars from Tehran and Shiraz of Iranian or Afghan heritage, and several international participants joining from East and South West Asia, Europe, and North America.
Most events will be conducted in Persian, and several in English. We have integrated an AI-powered live translation feature in Google Meet, allowing real-time translation into 50 languages.
Kind regards,
Reconnect Festival Team
Film Screening and Director Q&A
Mohammad Ehsani
Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 4:00 pm, Royce Hall 314
Alternate live stream on Zoom:
The Water Will Take Us (2022)
(Persian with English subtitles)
In the spring of 2019 Iran experienced a near apocalypse event that went by almost unnoticed by the world. Widespread flash flooding affected large parts of the country over the course of one month, leading to major damages countrywide and leaving the already impoverished population in utter disarray. The film is a look at how years of mismanagement, poor spatial planning and climate change are impacting civil society in Iran.
Lady Urmia (2013)
(Persian with English subtitles)
The film is a poetic documentary about Lake Urmia, in the northwest of Iran, which is drying up completely. The environmental catastrophe will affect also neighboring countries such as Iraq and Turkey. The film is narrated in the voice of the lake itself, crying for help and trying to gain international attention to its suffering.
University of Edinburgh
7. Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies Research Seminars,
Mondays and Tuesdays, Spring 2025
‘Taxes, taxes, taxes. All the rest is bulls*it in my opinion’
Organised by the Caliphal Finances Team
Dalia Hussein, Marie Legendre, Noëmie Lucas, Georgi Obatnin, Eline Scheerlinck
and the Edinburgh Centre for Late Antique Islamic and Byzantine Studies (CLAIBS)
Monday 13 January 5.15pm
(week 1)
Caliphal Finances Team (IMES)
‘They have come to a place where there is no one who can read them.’ The many lives of the Aberdeen papyri from Egypt to Python
Tuesday 28 January 1pm
(week 3)
Simon Loynes
From esoteric communication to verbatim revelation: The conspicuous absence of the root w-ḥ-y in the schematics of revelation in medieval tafsīr
Monday 10 February 5.15pm
(week 5)
Nik Matheou
Crisis of accumulation in the Chinggisid world-order: Land, capital and fiscal administration in Ilkhanid Ani, 1256-1335
Tuesday 25 February 1pm
(week 6)
Caliphal Finances Team (IMES)
People and Money: The agents of Abbasid taxation from the village to the caliph
Monday 10 March 5.15pm
(week 8)
Caliphal Finances Team (IMES)
Accounting practices in the multilingual administration of the Abbasid era
Tuesday 25 March 1pm
(week 10)
Stefano Nicastro (History)
The Port of al-Iskandarīyya: The physical infrastructures and administrative roles of the Mamluk Dīwān and the Genoese funduq in shaping Egyptian-Genoese commerce and interactions (twelfth-fifteenth centuries)
All sessions take place in the Project Room (1.06) at 50 George Square, the University of Edinburgh
The Monday 5.15pm seminars will be followed by a reception
For zoom access to the sessions please email caliphalfinances@ed.ac.uk.
Caliphal Finances, The Finances of the Caliphate: Abbasid Fiscal Practice in Islamic Late Antiquity is an ERC funded project, follow our weekly posts on:
8. Samuel Hodgkin (Yale University) will be giving an online talk titled Love, Translated: Sentimental Internationalism and Nâzım’s Late Style at Boğaziçi University’s Nâzım Hikmet Research on January 15th.
For the link and abstract, please visit the link below:
1.New Journal: “Essays in Long Late Antiquity (ELLA)”, Liverpool University Press
The journal is open to submissions dealing with circa the second to the ninth centuries (ca. 100 – 800 CE) and the broader Afro-Eurasian region, taking a stand against disciplinary siloing and recognizing increasing interconnectivity in this period. Submissions dealing with individual periods and places within this wider geographic and temporal scope are also welcome. ELLA acts as a place of publication for those in history, archaeology, art history, religious studies, and philology.
Information: https://liverpooluniversitypress.co.uk/journal/ella
2. Kurdish Language Instruction: Spring Deadline Extended
Spring 2025 Kurdish Language Instruction Program
As a key part of our humanistic approach to Kurdish studies, Zahra Institute is committed to offering Kurdish language instruction. Students can enroll in our Kurdish language offerings (Kurmanji and Sorani) as standalone courses or take them as electives in our MA and Certificate programs. Application deadline is extended to 10 January and financial aid is still available. To apply, visit our webpage: https://www.zahrainstitute.org/KLIOverview.html .
Zahra Institute, a research center and graduate school located in Chicago, intends to provide an open, collaborative environment for learning, teaching, and scholarship in the fields of Kurdish Studies and Critical Muslim Studies.
3. Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia
Rumi’s Misogyny and Racism and the Limits of Mystical Knowledge
12.00am (Midnight, UK), Sunday 19 January 2025
In this talk, Mahdi Tourage will discuss what we should do with the ample evidence of misogyny, racism, and male-supremacy in the poetry of a globally celebrated mystic like Rumi. He will begin with a survey of the overlooked passages in Rumi’s poetry containing “non-mystical” vulgar stories, jokes, reproving other Sufis, mocking other men, slaves, Jews, and loathing women.
Part of the Alireza Ahmadian Lectures in Iranian and Persianate Studies. Alireza Ahmadian (1981 – 2019) was an alumnus of both UBC and SOAS.
4. Persia Educational Foundation
Maryam Mirzakhani Scholarship Fund
Deadline: 5.00pm, Monday 21 April 2025
In honour of the late award-winning Stanford mathematician, Maryam Mirzakhani (May 1977-July 2017), Persia Educational Foundation has established the Persia Mirzakhani Scholarship for Women. Professor Mirzakhani was the first woman to win the prestigious Fields Medal in mathematics.
The scholarship is designed to support the education of Iranian descent women of any age or citizenship enrolled in a Master of Science or final year of a Doctorate programme studying STEM at the prestigious University College London.
5. Bertha DocHouse
Friday 17 – 19 January 2025
Using her own home movies and a trove of collected 8mm archive, Iranian filmmaker Farahnaz Sharifi reveals the dual existences lived by women in Iran.
Sharifi was born during the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979, and finds her life divided between a public world of silence and submission, and the domestic world that she shares with other women behind closed doors. Her beautifully-constructed film diary captures the joy, music and defiance of this hidden life, navigating the contrast between unseen freedom and external oppression.
6. The University of Cambridge’s 5th International Conference on Teaching Persian Language and Literature will be hosted by held in Yerevan State University, Armenia on 18-19 September 2025.
The deadline for abstracts is Friday 24 January 2025.
The organisers welcome abstracts related but not
limited to the following topics:
Using AI and Technology in Teaching Persian
Teaching Heritage Students
Persian Language Examination and Assessment
Persian Literature Examination and Assessment
Teaching Persian for Specific Purposes
Teaching Language Skills
Using Resources in Teaching Persian
The main language of the conference is English, but abstracts and presentations in English, Persian or Armenian will be considered. The papers are allocated 20 minutes each. Would interested teachers and lecturers of Persian language and literature send their English, Persian or Armenian abstracts (not exceeding 300 words) by Friday 24 January 2025 to Dr. Mahbod Ghaffari mg695@cam.ac.uk .
The successful applicants will be informed by 28 February 2025.
We encourage successful applicants to approach their institution to cover their travel and accommodation costs during the conference in Yerevan.
Deadline: 24 January 2025
Conference early registration: 28 February to 18 April 2025
7. Workshop – “AI Tools Boot Camp for Researchers: Core Essentials” Course
As AI continues to reshape the academic landscape, staying one step ahead is essential. Join us for Academic Language Experts’ upcoming (free!) AI Tools Boot Camp for Researchers: Core Essentials course.
This course offers practical, hands-on training with essential AI tools to streamline your literature review search, conduct research more efficiently write and edit your papers.
Here’s what you can expect:
Whether you’re a seasoned researcher or a new doctoral student, this boot camp will empower you with cutting-edge AI tools to enhance your productivity and research output.
Learn more about the course topics and featured tools and register today: https://www.aclang.com/ai-bootcamp.php?src=hnet
Contact Information
Elana Lubka
Contact Email
8. Whitman College – Visiting Assistant Professor of History
The successful candidate will offer existing courses such as introductory surveys of Islamic Civilization, International Relations of the Middle East, The Arab Spring in Historical Context, or History of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict, and courses related to their area of expertise for a five course load over the academic year.
Review of applications will begin February 14, 2025.
9. Rappel: Prochaine séance du séminaire “Sociétés, politiques et cultures du monde iranien”, jeudi 9 janvier 2025, 17h, à l’INALCO
Le CeRMI a le plaisir de vous convier à la prochaine séance du séminaire “Sociétés, politiques et cultures du Monde iranien”, qui se tiendra après-demain, jeudi 9 janvier 2025, 17h-19h, en salle 3.15 (veuillez noter le changement de salle) à l’INaLCO(65 rue des Grands Moulins, Paris XIII, 3eétage).
Nous sommes heureux d’accueillir M. Nader Sohrabi (Freie Universität Berlin), pour une conférence intitulée: “Iran’s Constitutional History from Below: petitions, taxes, and democratization, 1906-1911“.
Constitutional revolution is imagined to be about freedom, legal-rationality, and formal democratic achievements such as constitution-making, legislative assembly, voting, and political parties. These goals were pursued by the elite but cannot explain the movement’s broad appeal. The large number of petitions received by the Assembly indicate the public was engaged in a tax revolt throughout Iran, a revolt that merged only eventually with the elite agenda. The blending of the two sustained the constitutional movement and managed also to deepen democracy in its own way. Bargaining over taxes brought the public many local victories with impact on daily lives, and petitions and associations constructed an alternative public sphere that gave voice to the public. These transformed the culture of politics and set the stage for mass movements of the next century. It also set in motion a decentralization drive that manifested itself in the next decade up to the present.
Orientations bibliographiques:
– Kharabi, Faruq. Anjumanha-yi `Asr-i Mashrutah. Tehran: Mu’assasah-i Tahqiqat va Tawsi`a-i `Ulum-i Insani, 2006.
– Majmu`ah-’i Musavvabat-i Advar-i Avval va Duvvum-i Qanun’guzari-i Majlis-i Shura-yi Milli. Tehran: Idarah-’i Qavanin va Matbu`at-i Majlis-i Shura-yi Milli, n.d.
– Schneider, Irene. The Petitioning System in Iran. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2006.
– Zaret, David. “Petition-and-Response and Liminal Petitioning in Comparative/ Historical Perspective.” Social Science History 43, no. 3 (2019): 431–51.
Pour rappel, vous retrouverez le programme 2024-2025 du séminaire mensuel de recherche “Sociétés, politiques et cultures du Monde iranien” sur le site du CeRMI :
1. February 5, 12:00-1:00 pm
NES, Digital Scholarship @IAS and Beth Mardutho virtual event:
Simtho Unveiled: Launch of the World’s Most Comprehensive Syriac Corpus.
Join us for the official launch of the next version Simtho, the most comprehensive digital corpus of Syriac texts ever assembled. This landmark release represents over five years of dedicated work, from its initial beta version of 6 million words to its current size of over 25 million words. Leveraging cutting-edge OCR technology, artificial intelligence, and the meticulous efforts of the MelthoLab, this first formal release offers unprecedented access to Syriac literary heritage. Attendees will learn how Simtho’s vast collection of Syriac texts—spanning printed books and manuscripts—has been curated, corrected, and expanded. Discover how natural language processing (NLP) advances have enabled part-of-speech tagging and integration with the Sedra lexical resources, enhancing the corpus’s functionality for scholars, students, and linguists alike. This session will also highlight the scholarly, educational, and technological significance of Simtho for the fields of Syriac studies, linguistics, and digital humanities. Join us to celebrate this major achievement and explore the future possibilities it unlocks for research and education. Don’t miss this opportunity to witness the unveiling of a transformative resource for Syriac studies. Registration is required: https://bit.ly/SimthoUnveiled.
2. Traditions and Transitions: New Directions in the Study of Islam in South Asia
The revised deadline for sending abstracts is 15th January 2025
The conference is hosted by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Lahore.
Full details at:
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Decolonising Cultural Heritage: State of the Art, Methodologies, and Practices
Siena, May 5-6 2025
Call for Papers: International Conference “Decolonising Cultural Heritage”, Siena, May 5-6, 2025.
Deadline for abstract submission: January 31, 2025
Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2025
Following the launch of the new curriculum entitled “Geografie della Decolonizzazione: sostenibilità, paesaggi e patrimoni culturali” – “Geographies of decolonisation: sustainability, cultural landscapes and heritage”, the University for Foreigners of Siena welcomes the conference “Decolonising Cultural Heritage: State of the Art, Methodologies, and Practices”. It aims at being an opportunity for sharing reflections, case studies and future directions, and possibly at creating new collaborative working networks on such an urgent and complex issue.
The main disciplines involved in the debate will be Archaeology, Art History, Cultural Anthropology, and Geography, but a cross-disciplinary perspective will guide the discussion.
The conference addresses the topic of decolonising cultural heritage especially in the fields of research and teaching of the disciplines involved, questioning approaches and perspectives, and analysing methodologies, categories, and theoretical principles.
We look forward to research works, case studies and projects that focus on decoloniality, especially concerning the heritage, including the presentation of university curricula and teaching courses already existing or being experimented with. We hope that the debate at the conference will show how to articulate and translate the concept of decoloniality into good practices.
These are some sub-topics we would like to deal with:
The conference is organised as follows: the first day will be dedicated to methodological aspects with interdisciplinary sessions; the second day comprises four specific sessions according to the disciplines involved and will be dedicated to specific case studies presented and discussed for each discipline. An interdisciplinary roundtable will close the conference.
Proposals should be in English or Italian and include a title, five keywords, authors’ names and affiliations, and an abstract of a maximum of 200 words; the language of the presentation should be specified. To facilitate the organisation of the programme, we appreciate if the speakers would state the focus of their presentation on methodological aspects or case studies.
Please send the abstract to decoloniality@unistrasi.it
Contact Information
4. The Elahé Omidyar Mir-Djalali Institute of Iranian Studies
نخستینهچاپهای فارسی: همگامی چاپ سنگی، سربی و چوبی
“The Persian Incunables: The Convergence of Lithographic, Typographic, and Woodblock Printing” (in Persian)
Ali Boozari
Tehran University of Art
Thursday, January 9, 2025, 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Zoom Meeting Registration:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
5. Le CeRMI a le plaisir de vous convier à la prochaine séance du séminaire “Sociétés, politiques et cultures du Monde iranien”, qui se tiendra jeudi prochain, 9 janvier 2025, 17h-19h, en salle 3.15 (veuillez noter le changement de salle) à l’INaLCO (65 rue des Grands Moulins, Paris XIII, 3eétage).
Nous sommes heureux d’accueillir M. Nader Sohrabi (Freie Universität Berlin), pour une conférence intitulée: “Iran’s Constitutional History from Below: petitions, taxes, and democratization, 1906-1911“.
Constitutional revolution is imagined to be about freedom, legal-rationality, and formal democratic achievements such as constitution-making, legislative assembly, voting, and political parties. These goals were pursued by the elite but cannot explain the movement’s broad appeal. The large number of petitions received by the Assembly indicate the public was engaged in a tax revolt throughout Iran, a revolt that merged only eventually with the elite agenda. The blending of the two sustained the constitutional movement and managed also to deepen democracy in its own way. Bargaining over taxes brought the public many local victories with impact on daily lives, and petitions and associations constructed an alternative public sphere that gave voice to the public. These transformed the culture of politics and set the stage for mass movements of the next century. It also set in motion a decentralization drive that manifested itself in the next decade up to the present.
Orientations bibliographiques:
– Kharabi, Faruq. Anjumanha-yi `Asr-i Mashrutah. Tehran: Mu’assasah-i Tahqiqat va Tawsi`a-i `Ulum-i Insani, 2006.
– Majmu`ah-’i Musavvabat-i Advar-i Avval va Duvvum-i Qanun’guzari-i Majlis-i Shura-yi Milli. Tehran: Idarah-’i Qavanin va Matbu`at-i Majlis-i Shura-yi Milli, n.d.
– Schneider, Irene. The Petitioning System in Iran. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2006.
– Zaret, David. “Petition-and-Response and Liminal Petitioning in Comparative/ Historical Perspective.” Social Science History 43, no. 3 (2019): 431–51.
Pour rappel, vous retrouverez le programme 2024-2025 du séminaire mensuel de recherche “Sociétés, politiques et cultures du Monde iranien” sur le site du CeRMI :
Dans l’attente du plaisir de vous y retrouver, nous vous adressons tous nos vœux les meilleurs pour la nouvelle année.
Bien cordialement,
Les organisatrices –
Samra Azarnouche et Justine Landau
Contact: justine.landau@sorbonne-nouvelle.fr
6. 2 CfPs:
All those with a keen interest in exploring the fascinating intersection between the Bible and the Qur’an consider submitting a paper to the Qur’an and Islamic Tradition in Comparative Perspective Unit at the International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (https://www.sbl-site.org/meetings/Congresses_ProgramUnits.aspx?MeetingId=46). Please find the CfP below.
The conference is scheduled to take place from 23 to 27 June 2025, in the beautiful city of Uppsala, Sweden.
The deadline for paper or session proposals is 15 January 2025.
This international meeting will be held jointly with the European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS), and we will be co-sponsoring a session with the Mariology unit of the EABS.
The Qur’an and Islamic Tradition in Comparative Perspective unit invites paper and panel proposals for the 2025 ISBL international meeting. We seek submissions exploring the Qur’an and Islamic tradition’s deep historical relationships with biblical, rabbinic, and Near Eastern traditions from Late Antiquity to the modern period. All proposals must include a comparative element with biblical literature. This year, we plan to offer the following special and open sessions: 1) Panel on Pedagogy for Teaching Biblical and Qur’anic Studies: We invite educators to discuss innovative teaching methods for biblical and Qur’anic studies, considering current political and technological trends. Interested participants should contact the session chairs directly. 2) Mariology in Christian and Islamic Traditions: We are planning a co-sponsored session(s) with the Mariological Discourses unit (EABS) on Mariology in both Christian and Islamic traditions, exploring Mary’s theological, devotional, and cultural significance. Comparative papers on Mariological themes are particularly welcome. 3) Open Sessions on Qur’anic/Islamic and Biblical Studies: We also invite papers exploring any relationship between the Qur’an/Islamic tradition and biblical, rabbinic, and Near Eastern studies, including shared narratives, interpretative strategies, and historical interactions. Membership is required to submit a proposal. For more information, please get in touch with the program unit chairs.
The International Meeting of the SBL does not have a virtual component. However, if for any reason you are unable to travel to Uppsala for the International Meeting, then we kindly encourage you to please participate in the SBL Global Virtual Meeting (https://www.sbl-site.org/meetings/GlobalVirtualMeeting.aspx), instead, which will be held between 1 to 4 April 2025. It requires no travel expenses, and you will still be able to share your insights and gather feedback.
The deadline for proposals for SBL’s Global Virtual Meeting is also 15 January 2025.
7. Conference “Queer Theater Against the State (Including MENA)”, University of Regensburg, 5-6 June 2025
We invite academic and artistic contributions from Gender and Queer Studies, Theater and Performance Studies, Cultural Studies, History, and other disciplines. We welcome abstracts that explore state-funded theaters, underground theaters, and independent theater collectives, as well as directing, drama, and playwriting in the context of global and regional shifts in thinking about non-normative gender and sexuality throughout the twentieth- and twenty-first centuries.
Deadline for abstracts: 29 January 2025. Information: https://tatianaklepikova.com/cfps/
8. Research Fellow for Project “Building a Database and a Digital Archive on the Mixedness in the Red Sea (ca. 1800-2000)”, Department of Historical Studies, University of Turin
Qualifications: MA or a PhD in Digital Humanities; History; Archival Science; Digital Engineering; Social Sciences, or other related areas. They should also have a suitable professional track record. In addition to an excellent knowledge of English, knowledge of other European languages is required, while knowledge of non-European languages is highly valued. Additional requirements are Proficiency in Open-Source Digital Archiving Software; Familiarity with Open-Source Semantic Web Tools; Project Management Skills.
Deadline for applications: 27 January 2025. Information: https://www.asaiafrica.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Building-a-database-and-a-digital-archive-on-the-mixedness-in-the-Red-Sea.pdf
9. Open Rank Position in History, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies (DI), Qatar
Qualification: Hold a doctorate degree in the field of History. – Demonstrate a track record of research and peer-reviewed publications in their field of specialization. – Possess competence and experience in teaching and supervising at the graduate level. – Exhibit proficiency in both Arabic and English.
Deadline for applications: 15 January 2025.
Information: https://mesana.org/resources-and-opportunities/2024/10/16/open-rank-position-in-history
10. Lecturer in Tamazight (2 Years), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Qualifications: 1. M.A. or Ph.D. in Amazigh studies or any other relevant field. – 2. Native or near-native fluency in Tamazight and English. – 3. At least 3 years of demonstrable experience in teaching different levels of Tamazight. – 4. Strong grounding in Tamazight curriculum design and proficiency-oriented instruction. – 5. Strong computer literacy and pedagogical technologies. – 6. Must currently be eligible to be employed in the U.S.
Deadline for applications: 15 January 2025. Information: https://apply.interfolio.com/159053
11. Spring School on “Imagining Futures: Dealing with Disparity” of the “European Network for Islamic Studies (ENIS)” in Cooperation with the “Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies (Philipps-Universität Marburg)” etc., Tunis, 27-30 May 2025
This ENIS Spring School explores the connection between multidimensional inequality and forward-looking ideas and models in the societies of the historical and contemporary Muslim communities. The focus is on complex social, political, cultural, and economic processes, as well as on issues of common interest and concern that have historically and presently both divided and connected regions with others.
Deadline for registration: 15 January 2025. Information:
1. Recordings of all the last term’s Monday Majlises of the Centre for the Study of Islam, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter and the recordings of the whole series, since October 2022 can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8YRkUahFj_81oJzCSDLTx4kVQQgeHLc-
2. Instructor (Senior Lecturer of Arabic) – U S Naval Academy
United States Naval Academy, Languages and Cultures Department
This position does not have a specific application deadline. Application review will begin on January 10, 2024 and will continue until the position is filled.
The United States Naval Academy is a unique institution of higher learning located in desirable Annapolis, Maryland. As an historic officer accession program and premier undergraduate college, the United States Naval Academy has its own distinctive niche amongst American educational institutions. Our talented faculty and staff are united by one common purpose–to develop the next generation of leaders for our naval service. To deliver on this promise to our nation, we recruit from all segments of society to find faculty, instructors, and support staff who model the highest professional standards.
The United States Naval Academy is committed to building a diverse workforce who collaborate to provide a multi-disciplinary and hands-on approach to student learning and leadership development. We believe that individuals from diverse backgrounds strengthen our programs and positively impact student success. We encourage qualified applicants from all backgrounds to apply for consideration.
Every year more than one million people tour “the Yard” to experience what our employees already know — the United States Naval Academy is a special place, with a special purpose. Those selected for employment will find challenging and rewarding work; state-of-the-art facilities which inspire academic and athletic excellence; the benefits of Federal employment; and exceptional quality-of-life.
The Languages and Cultures Department invites applications for the position of Instructor (Senior Lecturer Arabic) to begin as early as summer of 2025. The anticipated teaching load is four courses per semester. The successful candidate should have expertise in foreign language pedagogy, second language acquisition, Middle East politics, or a related field. Candidates should be able to teach Arabic across all levels of proficiency. The successful candidate will be expected to contribute appropriate service to support the departmental and institutional educational mission.
Duties and Responsibilities
This is an onsite, 10-month compensation model, excepted service federal faculty position with a 3-year renewable appointment. The position includes full federal benefits and a highly competitive salary within the AD-01 payscale, commensurate with experience and qualifications. Please see the AD-1 payscale for salary range: https://www.usna.edu/HRO/_files/documents/Faculty_Pay_Schedule_2024.pdf
Applicants should send the following materials to the Languages and Cultures Search Committee, at lcd-arabic-instructor-search-2025-group@usna.edu :
After the Search Committee’s initial screening, select candidates may be asked to provide additional application materials, to include:
Please note: Applications will be reviewed beginning January 10, 2024 and the position will remain open until filled.
NOTICE TO VETERANS: If you are a veteran, you are encouraged to clearly identify your Veterans’ status in your cover letter or elsewhere in your application materials. Please DO NOT provide official documentation, such as a DD-214 or any personally identifiable information, at this time.
NOTICE TO CURRENT ACTIVE DUTY SERVICE MEMBERS: Separating service members will be eligible for employment to an excepted service position within 120 days of discharge given a Statement of Service can be provided. If selected, you will be required to submit a Statement of Service indicating your branch of service, rate/rank, all dates of service, your expected date of discharge and anticipated character of service (Honorable, General, etc.) The statement of service must be printed on command letterhead and signed by your command.
NOTICE TO RETIRING MILITARY: Retired service members cannot be appointed to DOD civilian positions within 180 days of retiring. As such, they must observe a 180 day waiting period starting from their date of retirement. USNA does not waive this waiting period requirement for excepted service positions.
Education must be accredited by an accrediting institution recognized by the U.S. Department of Education in order for it to be credited towards qualifications. Therefore, provide only the attendance and/or degrees from schools accredited by accrediting institutions recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
The Department of the Navy provides reasonable accommodation to applicants with disabilities. Applicants with disabilities who believe they require reasonable accommodation should contact our Human Resource Office to ensure that the Department of the Navy can consider such requests. The decision to grant an accommodation will be made on a case by case basis.
Applicants are invited to submit a Demographic Information on Applicants Form to rsharps@usna.edu. This form is optional. Your responses will not be shared with the hiring committee or anyone involved in the hiring process.
Announcement: LC-24-25-2
3. ONLINE Webinar: ‘Using early plant remains to understand transmission of farming eastwards through Iran into Asia’
with Hannah Caroe
British Institute of Persian Studies (BIPS), 29 January, 2025, 5:00 pm UK Time
The Middle Eastern Fertile Crescent, whose eastern arc extends along the Zagros Mountains of western Iran, is renowned as a key world area for the origins of domesticated crops and livestock. Hannah’s current research focus is an interrogation of the ‘two corridors’ hypothesis for Neolithisation in Iran which suggests that, owing to Iran’s unique geomorphology (including desert and highland areas which present barriers to movement) transmission of people, animals, plants and ideas eastwards from the Zagros into Iran and, significantly, beyond into South and central Asia would have been funnelled along two ‘corridors’ to the north and south of the country respectively. She is studying charred plant remains from seven sites lying along these hypothesised routes (including in Fars and Mazandaran provinces), aiming to discern when and how Neolithic lifeways arrived in these regions, and any evidence here for de novolocal crop domestication beyond the Zagros.
Information and registration:
4. Articles for “Valonia: A Journal of Anatolian Pasts”, Vol. 2 (2025)
The journal is published by Koç University’s Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations. Appearing online and in limited print runs, the journal aims to bring forth in a timely manner selections of the latest innovative, critical, and synthetic scientific research on a broad range of subjects including the archaeology, architectural and art history, heritage, and history of Anatolia and its affiliated geographies, from deep prehistory through Late Ottoman times.
Deadline for abstracts: 1 May 2025. Information: https://valoniajournal.org/
5. Articles for the “Journal of Religious Minorities under Muslim Rule” (Brill)
Articles are invited that examine religious minorities (such as Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Hindus, and other minoritarian Muslim groups) under majoritarian Muslim rule. The journal covers the period from 7th century Arabia to 1922 (the end of Ottoman rule), in addition to a large geographic area from North Africa and al-Andalus in the West to Iran, some Central Asian lands, well into Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and Indonesia in the East.
We receive manuscripts on a rolling basis, and we publish two issues per year.
Information: https://www.editorialmanager.com/rmmr/default.aspx
6. Call Extended: BRAIS 2025
Call for Papers: Annual Conference of the British Association for Islamic Studies
Monday 30 June – Tuesday 1 July 2025
Old Divinity School, St John’s College, University of Cambridge
New date: 10 January, 2025, 5pm GMT
For further information and to submit your paper or panel proposal, click here: https://www.brais.ac.uk/conferences/brais-2025-call-for-papers
If you have any questions about BRAIS 2025, they might be answered on our FAQ pager HERE .
1.Call for Papers
Special Issue on: “Moratoriums on Islamic Criminal Punishments: Legal Debates and Current Practices”
Publisher: Harvard Law School
Abstract Submission Deadline: January 13, 2025
More information at:
2. Harvard Divinity School invites applications for a tenured or tenure-track appointment to the Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Chair of Contemporary Islamic Religion and Society
Review of applications will begin on January 13, 2025, and continue until the position is filled.
3. Association of East Asian Arabists
International Symposium 2025
Teaching Arabic in East Asia
Researching Arabic, Islamic and Middle East Studies in East Asia
April 11 & 12, 2025
On Site at SOAS, University of London or
Online via Zoom or Teams
Arabic and English
Abstract Deadline
15 February 2025
Association email address:
Association of East Asian Arabists (AEAA) is a forum with three sets of objectives. First and foremost, it welcomes scholars from East Asia specialized in Arabic, Islamic and Middle Eastern studies and invites them to critically reflect on the pedagogy of teaching Arabic to speakers of East Asian languages at different levels, to share their research priorities, agenda, approaches, and methodologies, and to discuss any problems arising from their professional careers. Second, the Association fosters sharing experiences and mutual enrichments in two aspects of pedagogy and curriculum design in the East Asian context: Arabic language pedagogy; enhancement of the curricular connection between language and content courses; and the challenges of Arabic language teaching in the digital age. Finally, and most importantly, the Association will build a support network for East Asian scholars around the world. The Arabists of East Asian backgrounds face triple marginalization. In North America, Europe and the Middle East, they are pushed out both by North American and European orientalists and scholars of Arabic and Islamic backgrounds. In East Asia, the fields they partake in are marginal to mainstream disciplines and areas of study. AEAA offers space for them to engage with each other’s research and teaching and career concerns. The Association will engage its members through regular online and in person meetings, workshops, lectures, and reading sessions, and trigger further questions for discussion and opportunities for future collaboration such as annual meetings The long-term ambitions of AEAA are the development of new paradigms for approaching Islamic and Middle Eastern studies through the prism of East Asian faith cultures and knowledge traditions.
The Arabic language, which originated from the sixth-century north Arabia, became the lingua franca of the Near East with the spread of Islam. The Arabic language and its literary productions are highly imbued with religious ideas and cultural norms of Arabs. Students from East Asian linguistic, cultural, and religious backgrounds without adequate prior knowledge of the region and religion would encounter challenges when they study more advanced texts. The cultural barrier and lack of relevant knowledge also impede them from appreciating the literary conventions, rhetorics, and poetics of the Arabic language.
While language teaching itself is inseparable from introducing the peoples and societies using the language, the need to combine both into a systematic curriculum is hardly realized in East Asia. At present, Arabic, Islamic and Middle Eastern studies in East Asia follows the agenda and pedagogy of either Orientalism or pre-modern knowledge traditions of the Arabic-Islamic world. A coherent curricular structure that takes into consideration the lingual and cultural backgrounds of East Asian students is currently missing.
Technology exerts an unneglectable impact on language teaching. As online Arabic classes and learning tools abound, the efficiency of the traditional teaching methods is called into question. Furthermore, students’ dependence upon technology products such as translation tools and AI programmes for their coursework also undermines the validity of the traditional way of evaluation.
Call for Participation 2025
The Association’s 2025 International Symposium will address two main areas of work that concern teaching and research in Arabic, Islamic and Middle East Studies. It will in addition host a graduate student forum.
We invite and encourage critical reflections on the suitability of textbooks and pedagogy modelled on Orientalism for East Asian lingual and epistemological environments. What are the possibilities of devising curriculum and developing pedagogy that take into consideration the languages and knowledge traditions in which East Asian Arabists are grounded? Papers seeking to reconceptualize religious, cultural, and literary norms and traditions in the Middle Eastern societies in the terms that can be explicated through and even harmonized with East Asian knowledge traditions are most welcome.
First: Teaching Arabic in East Asia
Second: Research in Arabic in East Asia
Third: The Graduate Student Forum
This is an open forum for (post)-graduate students from East Asia to come together to share their experience and concerns with their peers and senior scholars.
All East Asian Arabists are invited to the 2025 international symposium. If you are interested in giving a presentation on one of the two areas identified above, or in taking part in the Graduate Student Forum, please complete the registration form by clicking here.
If you have any enquiries, you can contact us at < AEAAInternational@gmail.com >.
Ouyang Wen-chin (歐陽文津)
Sumi Akiko ( 鷲見朗子)
Su I-Wen (蘇怡文)
Tsung Pei-Chen (叢培臻)
4. Final Chance to Register – Transformative Course on Islamic Philosophy
Explore the timeless wisdom of Islamic philosophy in an intensive online course from January 2–15, 2025, featuring globally renowned scholars such as Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Gain insights into key philosophical concepts, engage in interactive discussions, and discover the relevance of Islamic thought in addressing contemporary challenges.
Final Registration Deadline: December 30, 2024
Limited Scholarships Available
Learn more and register here:https://hikmat-ins.com/islamic-philosophy
1.HYBRID Bilingual Interdisciplinary Conference: “Druze in the Levant and the Diaspora – Discourses of Tradition and Modernity”, University of Kansas, Lawrence, 16-17 October 2025
We invite scholars from various disciplines to submit original and unpublished papers that focus on the Druze as a whole, a specific Druze community or communities, or a comparison between the Druze and others. Presentations can be from a discipline-specific approach or those who employ an interdisciplinary approach.
Deadline for abstracts: 28 February 2025. Information: https://druze.ku.edu/2025druzeconference
2. A Full-Time Assistant Professor Position in Social/Cultural Anthropology
The Department of Anthropology at Özyeğin University, Istanbul, invites applications for a full-time Assistant Professor position in Social/Cultural Anthropology, starting in September 2025.
Candidates must hold a PhD in Anthropology or a related discipline (e.g. Sociology, Cultural Studies, STS). The ideal candidate will have an active research agenda, a strong record of international peer-reviewed publications and demonstrated excellence in teaching. While areas of specialization are flexible, a research focus on environmental studies, digital anthropology or market ethnography is an advantage.
Deadline for applications: 1 February 2025. Information: https://mesana.org/resources-and-opportunities/2024/12/19/a-full-time-assistant-professor-position-in-social-cultural-anthropology
3. Head Librarian of the W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR), East Jerusalem
The AIAR is a US research institute in East Jerusalem seeking a Head Librarian to manage its 125-year-old library collections and promote its use by resident fellows and local students and scholars. Previous experience in library management is required.
Deadline for applications: 26 January 2025. Information: https://aiar.org/archives/13700
4. Assistant Professor in Islamic Theology, Loyola University Chicago
We welcome candidates with strong research and teaching profiles in Islamic Studies, Islamic theology, comparative religion, and theory and method in the study of religion.
Deadline for applications: 15 January 2025.
Information: https://mesana.org/resources-and-opportunities/2024/11/20/assistant-professor-in-islamic-theology
5. Internship Program at Euro-Mediterranean-Arab Association EMA, Berlin
Are you a university student passionate about economics, political science, marketing, events, or communications? Do you want to gain experience in a non-profit organization fostering international cooperation, focusing on the MENA region? We are looking for motivated interns to join our Berlin office for a 3-month voluntary internship. Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Send your CV and cover letter to Mr. Ali Rajat a.rajat@ema-germany.org.
6. Articles for the “Druze Studies Journal (DSJ)”, Issue 2
DSJ is a peer-reviewed open-access interdisciplinary journal, that is available free of charge for authors and readers on this website: https://journals.ku.edu/druze. We are accepting submissions for the journal’s second issue.
Information: https://journals.ku.edu/druze/about/submissions
7. Congratulations to Prof. Dick Davis on winning the 15th edition of the Lois Roth Prize for his two most recent volumes, Layli and Majnun and Khosrow and Shirin
The American Association of Iranian Studies (AIIrS), our partner for the Persian Translation Prize, announced that Dick Davis (Ohio State Univ.) won this year’s 15th edition of the Prize for his two most recent volumes. Layli and Majnun (Penguin Classics) and Khosrow and Shirin (Mage) capture the most celebrated epic romances of Nezami Ganjavi. A master of the Masnavi style of double-rhymed verse, Nezami is considered the greatest romantic epic poet in Persian literature, in part for his innovation of a colloquial and realistic style. Offering the highest praise for these volumes, the jury wrote: “Davis’s translations exhibit the height of his own poetic ingenuity through his impeccable use of iambic pentameter with end rhymes. So fluently and naturally written, his translations could stand as original poems.”
As AIIrS President Anne Betteridge points out, “The nuanced translations honored by the Prize introduce readers to literary and cultural worlds they would not otherwise be able to enter.” Over the years, Davis has made an immense contribution to the field. This year’s awarded volumes join his translations of Vis and Ramin (2012) and The Conference of the Birds (with Afkham Darband, 2002) in offering global English-language readers a window into the range of classical Persian poetry of the 11th and 12th centuries. At the other end of the spectrum, he won the inaugural Prize in 2000 for introducing the 20th-century Iranian author Iraj Pezeshkzad to readers, with his hilarious novel My Uncle Napoleon.
The Persian Translation Prize is the sole existing award for outstanding translations of classical and modern Persian literature into English. Lois Roth’s interest in and affection for Iran and Iranian culture dated back to the years she lived and worked in Iran (1967-72)—first as USIA’s Deputy Cultural Attaché and then as the Director of the Iran America Society. In a period when Iran was in a ferment of cultural activity and experimentation, this important bi-national organization, which focused on English language learning, cultural exchanges, and fine and performing arts, became one of the most significant centers for such endeavors in the country. Lois was also one of a group of persons who helped initiate and encourage the founding of the American Institute of Iranian Studies.
Wishing you happy and healthy holidays… and happy reading in the New Year! And, as the year comes to a close, please consider making a contribution to support our Literature & Translation programs.
Dr. Skyler Arndt Briggs
Board Chair
8. University of Calgary – Assistant Prof, Tenure-Track, South Asian or Middle Eastern History, Decolonial
9. The David Collection – Curator of Art from the Islamic World – The David Collection, Copenhagen
1.Indiana University’s Summer 2025 Language Workshop is now accepting applications for its intensive online Turkish program!
Funding Opportunities
Priority Application Deadline
Learn more and apply here: https://languageworkshop.indiana.edu/turkish
Questions? Email the Language Workshop at languageworkshop@iu.edu or join virtual office hours.
2. Indiana University’s Summer 2025 Language Workshop is now accepting applications for its intensive online Persian program!
Funding Opportunities
Application Deadline
Learn more and apply here: https://languageworkshop.indiana.edu/persian
Questions? Email the Language Workshop at languageworkshop@iu.edu or join virtual office hours.
3. Indiana University’s Summer 2025 Language Workshop is now accepting applications for its intensive online Kurdish program!
Funding Opportunities
Priority Application Deadline
Learn more and apply here: https://languageworkshop.indiana.edu/kurdish
Questions? Email the Language Workshop at languageworkshop@iu.edu or join virtual office hours.
4. City University of New York – Program Manager, MESA Global Academy
5. Missionaries in Persia: Cultural Diversity and Competing Norms in Global Catholicism,
C Windler, translated from German by Pamela E. Selwyn, London-New York-Oxford-New Delhi-Sydney: “I.B. Tauris”, 2024.—XIII+392 pp.
6. Open Access Book: The Subtle Meaning. An Outline of Persian ʿilm-i maʿānī
Dal Bianco, Alessia,
Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 2024
Free Download: https://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/it/edizioni4/libri/978-88-6969-782-1/
7. Le CeRMI a le plaisir de vous convier à la prochaine séance du séminaire “Sociétés, politiques et cultures du Monde iranien”, qui se tiendra le jeudi 9 janvier 2025, 17h-19h, en salle 3.15 (veuillez noter le changement de salle) à l’INaLCO (65 rue des Grands Moulins, Paris XIII, 4e étage).
Nous sommes heureux d’accueillir M. Nader Sohrabi (Freie Universität Berlin), pour une conférence intitulée: “Iran’s Constitutional History from Below: petitions, taxes, and democratization, 1906-1911“.
Constitutional revolution is imagined to be about freedom, legal-rationality, and formal democratic achievements such as constitution-making, legislative assembly, voting, and political parties. These goals were pursued by the elite but cannot explain the movement’s broad appeal. The large number of petitions received by the Assembly indicate the public was engaged in a tax revolt throughout Iran, a revolt that merged only eventually with the elite agenda. The blending of the two sustained the constitutional movement and managed also to deepen democracy in its own way. Bargaining over taxes brought the public many local victories with impact on daily lives, and petitions and associations constructed an alternative public sphere that gave voice to the public. These transformed the culture of politics and set the stage for mass movements of the next century. It also set in motion a decentralization drive that manifested itself in the next decade up to the present.
Orientations bibliographiques:
Pour rappel, vous retrouverez le programme 2024-2025 du séminaire mensuel de recherche “Sociétés, politiques et cultures du Monde iranien” sur le site du CeRMI :
8. Workshop “Faking It – Forgery, Fraud, Deception and Dissimulation in the Pre-Modern Mediterra-nean (Including Near East and North Africa)”, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, 10-11 April 2025
Proposals are welcome from scholars of all ranks from across all disciplines of the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, as are papers from the Sciences, that engage in the broadest sense with social, historical and cultural aspects of the Mediterranean language, linguistics, literature, culture, society, art, and social, economic and political history, as well as anthropology, sociology, and other related humanities and social science disciplines.
Deadline for abstracts: 6 January 2025. Information: https://calenda.org/1216466
9. Assistant Director of the W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR), East Jerusalem
The AIAR is a US research institute in East Jerusalem seeking an Assistant Director to manage and grow its academic programs. MA or PhD in any field related to Levantine studies, and fluency in Arabic and/or Hebrew is required.
Deadline for applications: 19 January 2025. Information: https://aiar.org/archives/13726
10. Tenure-track Assistant Professor in History, Languages/Literary Traditions, and Religions of Ancient Iran, University of California Los Angeles
Candidates are invited whose research and teaching in the history, languages/literary traditions, and religions of ancient Iran are diachronic, engage broader cultural and intellectual traditions (in particular the Ancient Near East, the Classical World, and Central Asia), and are transdisciplinary in scope.
Deadline for applications: 31 December 2024. Information: https://recruit.apo.ucla.edu/JPF09993
1. Workshop on GQCS
Introducing The Great Quranic Commentary Software
By: Dr. Mohammad Hasan Ahmadi
Wednesday Dec. 18, 2024
11:30 AM – 13:30 PM (UTC)
For Registration and to receive the meeting link, send your name and affiliate to:
2. Call for Papers
The journal Shadharat, published by the Alawiyya Shrine in Najaf, focuses on topics related to the humanities and Islamic studies, with a social and applied perspective. It is aimed at a general audience rather than a specialist one, making it accessible to a wider readership.
The theme of the next issue is “The Theology of Ziyara (Pilgrimage).” Submissions between 1500 and 4000 words are welcome.
This recently established journal is managed by a team of distinguished scholars. The previous issue featured contributions from respected academics in the West, Arab countries, and Iran.
Submissions are accepted in any language, and the journal will handle translation into Arabic.
Deadline: January 15, 2025
If you are interested, you can submit your paper to shadharatmag@gmail.com
3. Workshop “Islam – Migrations – Gender. Reconsidering the History of Muslims in 20th-Century Europe”, Campus Condercet, Paris-Aubervilliers, 18 December 2024, 11:00 – 18:00 h CET
By focusing on actors and their interactions with religious and state bodies, this workshop offers an original way of writing a social and cultural history that strives to integrate gender as a category of historical analysis. Discussions will focus on the practices and dynamics of everyday life, private and intimate space, and conjugal and family life.
Information and programme: https://genreurope.hypotheses.org/5710
4. Journée d’études « Salaf, salafiyya, salafisme la foi dans le bon vieux temps dans l’islam moderne », LEM, IREL — MSH/EPHE Paris, 17 janvier 2025
Organisateurs: Rainer Brunner et Dominique Avon. – Dominique Avon (EPHE / IREL): La référence aux salaf sous la plume d’azharis (années 1950-1970). – Joas Wagemakers (Université Utrecht): Problematising Salafi Literalism. – Justyna Nedza (Université de la Ruhr, Bochum): On collective takfīr in militant Salafist tought. – Jan-Peter Hartung (Université Erlangen / Nuremberg): The IS in the Wilayat Khurasan: Decontextualitzing an Indigenous Salafi Heritage.
5. Berliner Institut für Islamische Theologie
Position: Research fellow (m/f/d) in the field of Islamic Law in History and the Present (1/2 part-time employment, E 13 TV-L-HU, temporary for 4 years)
Qualifications: Completed academic degree in in Islamic theology or Islamic studies; interest in research on Islamic law and related topics such as comparative law, ethics and philosophy of law; knowledge of Islamic and legal research methods; very good knowledge of German, English and Arabic.
Deadline for applications: 27 December 2024.
Information: https://is.gd/iV6nIo
6. Edward Said Associate Professor/Professor of Modern Arab Studies and Literature, Columbia University
PhD required at the time of appointment. Candidates should demonstrate scholarly promise and achievement and excellence in teaching. Candidates for tenured associate or full professor should be widely recognized for their distinction and professional accomplishment.
Deadline for applications: 1 February 2025. Information: https://apply.interfolio.com/159754%C2%A0
7. Summer School “The Archives of Islam in the Russian Empire (16th – Early 20th Centuries)”, Study of Islam in Central Euraria, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, 6-11 July 2025
The goal of this initiative is to draw attention on practices of information-gathering and knowledge production on the Muslim communities inhabiting the vast area encompassing Inner Asia, Siberia, Central Asia and the Caucasus from the fall of the Khanate of Kazan (1552) to the end of the Russian Empire. The summer school promotes an extended reflection on the institutions and the individuals who played a significant role in the creation of the imperial repositories.
Deadline for applications: 28 February 2025. Information: https://www.oeaw.ac.at/sice/events/summer-schools
8. Fellowship for Research at the “Islamic Manuscript Collection” at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
The Collection covers subjects including the Qur’an and its sciences, hadith, theology, jurisprudence (fiqh), Sufism, philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, rhetoric, grammar, poetry, history, geography, and medicine. It consists of more than 1,100 volumes, plus a small number of fragments, dating from the 8th to the early 20th century and containing roughly 1,800 texts primarily in Arabic, Persian, and Ottoman Turkish.
Deadline for applications: 31 January 2025. Information:
9. The deadline for submissions to the upcoming BRISMES Annual Conference—“Destruction, Loss, and Recovery in the Middle East”—has been extended to Friday, 10 January 2025, at midnight (UK time).
This year’s conference will be held at Newcastle University from 1–3 July 2025, co-hosted by the School of Geography, Politics and Sociology. In addition to submissions aligned with the conference theme, we welcome papers on a broad range of topics related to Middle East Studies. Relevant fields include, but are not limited to, politics, culture & society, literature, anthropology, economics, history, linguistics, and translation studies, with a focus on the MENA region. We accept co-authored/individual paper proposals, as well as panel and roundtable submissions.
Please find here the full call for papers.
To submit, please read the instructions for submission.
10. Reconstructing Erpenius’ Library
The First Collection of Oriental Manuscripts at Cambridge University Library
Brill 2024
M Daneshgar
The Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at MIT (AKPIA@MIT) is pleased to announce its postdoctoral / post-professional degree fellowship program for the academic year 2025-2026. The fellowship program is intended for scholars with a Ph.D. and/or practitioners in any field related to architecture — including architectural, art, landscape, and urban history; and also contemporary art, design, landscape, heritage studies, urban planning, anthropology, and archeology. We seek applications both from fields close to AKPIA@MIT’s core research areas, e.g., historical, comparative, artistic and humanistic inquiry, and from complementary fields analyzing contemporary crises and responses. Eligibility criteria for practitioners include the completion of a terminal degree at least 3 years prior, as well as evidence of a research-informed practice. For Postdoc applicants, the degree should be in hand before the beginning of the fellowship.
Applicants should describe the scope of their proposed research project and how they plan to engage with the MIT academic community. Fellows are expected to engage in research, give at least one public lecture, submit an article / publication / exhibition on their input to the subject at the end of their fellowship that will be posted online and possibly included in a publication by AKPIA@MIT, and participate in the program’s scholarly and academic activities during their stay at MIT.
One to three fellowships will be granted. The fellowship duration can range from two months to a maximum of two semesters, or nine months, of residency at MIT, that will have to fall within the academic year (September to June). The fellowship award consists of monthly stipend not to exceed the amount of $5,917 (before taxes) per month.
The Aga Khan Program does not provide financial assistance for travel, housing, or health insurance. Fellows will be responsible for these costs. MIT requires all fellows to have health insurance. Please see these links for healthcare info:
MIT Ship link
Main page info link
Cost sheet link
MIT Insurance FAQ
Please note that the links above are from last year, and the cost sheets above show last years rates, which are there for your reference only. New rates will be released in July 2025, which will most likely be higher than those from last year. MIT does not cover the costs on the sheet, affiliates are responsible for all healthcare costs needed for the insurance coverage.
AKPIA will also provide library cards, email accounts at MIT, and, if available, a workplace in the AKPIA@MIT office that is shared with other fellows. For practitioners, access to various fabrication facilities at MIT will be provided.
Deadline for application is Feb 20th, 2025 and recipients will be announced by April 3, 2025. To apply please complete the electronic form below and make sure to fill all fields marked with asterisks. The form includes a field for uploading accompanying documents, which should be formatted as a single compressed file or PDF file less than 12 MB in size. This file must include a C.V., research proposal, substantial writing sample (obligatory for scholars) and/or a portfolio (obligatory for practitioners), and two letters of recommendation in that order. Letters of recommendation can be sent separately to akpiafellowapp@mit.edu .
If health or other restrictions arise, as in the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, MIT reserves the right to suspend the fellowships at any time before the official start date. No remote fellowships will be allowed and fellows will have to resubmit their applications to a new cycle and compete with new applicants when MIT is reopened.
Applicants are encouraged to seek other sources of funding to supplement the fellowship award. Scholars on sabbatical or with their own financial resources are also welcome to apply to AKPIA fellowships. AKPIA reserves the right to prorate its fellowship when combined with another grant or fellowship.
Apply Here or on the akpia.mit.edu website at AKPIA Post Doctoral Fellowships
For further information please send email to akpiafellowapp@mit.edu
12. Indiana University’s Summer 2025 Language Workshop is now accepting applications for its intensive immersion programs in Arabic, Chinese, and Russian!
Funding Opportunities
Application Deadline
Learn more and apply here: https://languageworkshop.indiana.edu/overview
1.Journal of Qur’anic Studies – free access
The bilingual Journal of Qur’anic Studies encourages and promotes the study of the Qur’an from a wide range of scholarly perspectives. In both English and Arabic, the journal bridges the gap between Muslim and Western scholarship.
Access all articles from 2005 onwards online for free. Ends 31 December 2024: ( https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fddlnk.net%2Fc%2FAQjSfRCbroIHGPmorJQFIKzfxqIBsiDqNhnCsjKh29Zf9uhehegsLCZb_im-2iEjVdFDBmY&data=05%7C02%7C%7C4ee5a1676545489adeff08dd1a025977%7C2e9f06b016694589878910a06934dc61%7C0%7C0%7C638695319607428759%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=l5j%2BUhyF5lPeUXWR3ZkN4CXRhpyC4nqGbjY%2FEftB8fo%3D&reserved=0 )
2. We would like to invite you to join the Muslim Foodways Network, led by Stefan Williamson Fa (Cambridge) and Joud Alkorani (Radboud). The network is dedicated to exploring the social, political, and cultural dynamics of foodways across the Middle East and throughout the wider Muslim world.
The network’s first initiative is an online seminar series, which will begin on January 9 with Larisa Jašarević’s talk, “Taste of Honey: Flavors of the Waning World.” A description of future speakers and dates can be found in the PDF attached.
To learn more about the network and sign up for the online seminars, visit https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cis.cam.ac.uk%2Fhome%2Fmuslimfoodways%2F&data=05%7C02%7C%7Cb8a1d9d4293840d7515c08dd1a9bdd62%7C2e9f06b016694589878910a06934dc61%7C0%7C0%7C638695978944813735%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=2mGW0tE9HBNMOyKOIDfmz1U5zIBDWWbzqXoRUCkCx4o%3D&reserved=0
To sign up for our mailing list, visit https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fforms.gle%2F52SVPJZ69hbum7hg6&data=05%7C02%7C%7Cb8a1d9d4293840d7515c08dd1a9bdd62%7C2e9f06b016694589878910a06934dc61%7C0%7C0%7C638695978944841784%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=22dg1iP33G9QSZiJyZQXuSQtf2yuFycGHKMFf7yctVo%3D&reserved=0
Dr Stefan Williamson Fa
Research & Outreach Associate
University of Cambridge, Centre of Islamic Studies
Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Cambridge, CB3 9DA
3. Introduction to Pahlavi: Online Winter School of Zoroastrian Middle Persian
Applications are open until January 7th, and no prior knowledge of Persian is required.
For course details and dates, please visit the following link:
Introduction to Pahlavi – Online Winter School of Zoroastrian Middle Persian
4. Cambridge Muslim College
CfP: Proofs for God’s Existence in Islamic Thought
Conference Overview
In a world where the dialogue between science, philosophy, and theology is increasingly important, the Islamic tradition offers a wealth of insights and arguments concerning the existence of God. This conference seeks to highlight these contributions, encouraging scholars to mine the depths of Islamic thought for novel arguments or to refine existing ones in light of contemporary developments in both science and philosophy.
Key Themes
We invite papers on, though not limited to, the following key themes:
Important Dates
For further details and a link to the online abstract submission form, please visit: https://www.cambridgemuslimcollege.ac.uk/research/existence/
5. The I.B. Tauris Handbook of Iranian Cinema
I B Tauris, 2024
Michelle Langford, Maryam Ghorbankarimi, and Zahra Khosroshahi, eds.,