1.Stanford University, Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies/Mediterranean Studies Forum
Associate Director
2. Curator of Islamic Collections, Chester Beatty Library
3. MA Intellectual Encounters of the Islamicate World
The aim of the MA Intellectual Encounters of the Islamicate World is to provide international graduate students with a thorough understanding of the deep and diverse links between the Muslim, Jewish and Christian intellectual contributions during the medieval period. The program is characterised by a strongly research-driven, interdisciplinary and interreligious approach with an emphasis on primary texts in original language (Arabic). Students will be trained and mentored by internationally renowned guest lecturers who are counted among the leading experts in their respective fields of research.
The primarily web-based MA program also includes three face-to-face sessions in Cordoba (prov.) and Berlin per academic year during which the students and teachers will actually come together for discussion, teaching and examination. Freie Universität Berlin offers this one-year, full-time MA program of 60 ECTS to an expected number of 20 students, many of whom are from the region of the Middle East. The language of instruction is English.
Applications are now open! The application period is from April 15th to May 31st! Please follow the link in the attached call for application.
For more information: www.ihiw.de/master
For direct enquiries: ieiw@geschkult.fu-berlin.de
4. SÉminaire ‘SociÉtÉs, politiques et cultures
du monde iranien’
Jeudi 4 Mai 2017, 17h-19h
Alexandre Papas, chargé de recherche au CNRS, CETOBAC
« Nouvelles recherches sur l’hétérodoxie soufie en Asie centrale du XVe au XXe siècle »
Je présenterai un ouvrage en cours d’achèvement intitulé Ainsi parlait le derviche. Islam, langue et marginalité en Asie centrale (XVe-XXe siècle). Autour de la figure du marginal à la fois social et religieux, le livre étudie cinq cas qui se suivent dans le temps : les milieux interlopes à Hérat au XVe siècle à partir d’un portrait de la ville en turc oriental ; une communauté soufie rurale à Khotan au XVIe-XVIIe siècle décrite dans une hagiographie manuscrite ; un poète nihiliste d’Aksu au XVIIIe siècle connu grâce à un unique recueil de vers vindicatifs ; des anachorètes tardifs cachés dans des grottes à Samarcande, au Manguistaou et dans le Fergana, dont les traces subsistent sur le terrain et au détour de quelques sources persanes ; les groupes de chantres itinérants (maddahs) sur les routes d’Ouzbékistan et du Xinjiang au XIXe et au début du XXe siècle, documentés par des enquêtes ethnographiques ou philologiques russes et ouïgoures. Outre les aspects propres à la mystique musulmane, une attention particulière est portée à la question de la langue, notamment argotique, et des différents régimes linguistiques appliqués par les derviches sur le temps long. Plus largement, l’étude cherche à expliquer comment et pourquoi des formes hétérodoxes de soufisme se sont maintenues en Asie centrale bien au-delà de l’époque médiévale à laquelle elles sont souvent reléguées.
Marc Toutant, chercheur post-doctoral, CETOBAC
« Mīr ‘Alī Shīr Nawā’ī. Interprète et passeur du legs persan classique »
Mīr ‘Alī Shīr Nawā’ī (Hérat, 1441-1501) est l’une des plus grandes figures du monde turco-iranien. Homme d’État et littérateur timouride, son œuvre résume le legs de la civilisation turcopersane et n’a cessé d’irriguer les belles lettres, la pensée religieuse et, plus largement, la culture comme la langue turque d’Asie centrale. Si son œuvre reste aujourd’hui encore méconnue en Occident, l’influence qu’elle a pu exercer à l’époque sur les littérateurs des autres cours (moghole, safavide, et ottomane notamment) est encore moins étudiée. Il faut cependant rappeler, par exemple, que ses poèmes composés en persan ont été pris comme modèles par les sultans ottomans pour la composition de leurs propres divans persans. C’est cette figure de « passeur », mais aussi d’« interprète » de la tradition religieuse et littéraire persane, que cette présentation s’attachera à mettre en avant à l’occasion de l’exposé des dernières avancées de la recherche sur l’interprétation et la réception de son corpus.
Lieu : INALCO, 65 rue des Grands Moulins, salle 5.12, 75013 Paris.
Organisateurs :
Matteo De Chiara (INALCO), Denis Hermann (CNRS), Fabrizio Speziale (Paris 3 Sorbonne nouvelle), Julien Thorez (CNRS).
5. Arabic Codicology: the Islamic Manuscript Heritage in the El Escorial Collection (3-7 July: El Escorial)
A new summer course on Arabic Codicology: the Islamic Manuscript Heritage in the El Escorial Collection will be offerd inSan Lorenzo de El Escorial (Spain) from 3-7 July 2017.
International researchers, MA and PhD students, professionals related with the Arts, the History and the libraries can attend to acquire or improve their codicological skills with a practical approach studying the most important collection of Arabic Manuscript in Spain.
Web: http://arabiccodicologycourse.weebly.com/
Email: mss.arabicscript@gmail.com
6. Lecture – “Spices, Silks, and Slaves: Travel by Land in the Medieval Islamic World” – York Islamic Art Circle, 9 May
by Fozia Parveen
York Islamic Art Circle “Spices, Silks, and Slaves: Travel by Land in the Medieval Islamic World” with Professor Scott Redford (SOAS) on Tuesday 9th May 2017 from 6:30pm – 8:00pm at the Bowland Auditorium (Berrick Saul Building), University of York, UK
In the 13-14th centuries, the central Islamic lands witnessed a resurgence in the building of caravanserais. Going well beyond the functional accommodation of humans, their beasts of burden, and their cargos, these caravanserais are splendid manifestations of the power of the state projected into the countryside. This talk will examine caravanserais, and other examples of the architecture of travel like bridges and roads, along with the mechanics of medieval Islamic travel. Entry is by free ticket only available at https://www.york.ac.uk/news-and-events/events/public-lectures/summer-2017/spices-silks/
7. Workshop: “The Concept of Freedom and the Concept of Justice in Judaism, Christianity and Islam”, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 10-12 May 2017
Registration: Contact Dr. Katja Thörner (katja.thoerner@fau.de). Information: http://www.orientalistik.uni-erlangen.de/veranstaltungen/kcid-the-concept-of-freedom-and-the-concept-of-justice.shtml
8. International Conference: “Rethinking Halal: Genealogy, Current Trends, and New Interpretations”, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, 24-25 April 2018
We invite scholars and researchers to speak on the genealogy of halal since Muslim religious scholars started to instruct a written knowledgeable debate on “halal” and to unravel Muslim social practices towards halal.
Deadline for abstracts: 8 January 2018. Information: https://de.scribd.com/document/344316016/Halal-International-Conference-on-23-25-April-2018-at-UCL-Louvain-la-Neuve-Belgium
9. Open Rank Professorship in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Bern
In terms of research, the candidate should demonstrate at least two historically informed areas of work, one of which should be devoted to present day societal issues and at least one of which should focus on the MENA region.
Deadline for application: 21 May 2017. Information: http://www.jobs.ch/de/stellenangebote/detail/7490023
10. Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2017/18, Orient-Institut Beirut
Requirements: Excellent research project; PhD in a region related discipline; excellent command of Arabic and English, basic command of German; research design must convincingly project results within the prospected period.
Deadline for application: 15 June 2017. Information: http://www.orient-institut.org/main/announcement-detail/post-doc-fellowship-2017/
11. Middle East Summer School at SOAS
An intensive five-week summer school programme which includes a choice of courses from the following:
1. Workshop: “The Arabic Pasts: Histories and Historiographies”, Aga Khan University & SOAS University of London, 6 October 2017
This year’s exploratory and informal workshop will reflect on methodologies, research agendas, and case studies for investigating history writing in Arabic in the Middle East and North Africa in any period from the seventh century to the present. As in previous years, the emphasis will be on informal discussion and exchange of ideas.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 May 2017. Information: http://mailchi.mp/mediterraneanseminar/participate-arabic-pasts-histories-and-historiographies-6-october-london?e=82aeb6c61d
2. Visiting Faculty of Arabic Language and Cultures or Interdisciplinary Middle East Studies, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta
This position begins in August 2017, includes full-time professorial appointment, and is renewable for up to two years. Minimum requirements include native or near-native fluency in Modern Standard Arabic and at least one Arabic dialect; scholarly and program building achievements commensurate with title and rank; documented evidence of successful teaching, etc.
Deadline for application: 18 May 2017. Information: https://chroniclevitae.com/jobs/0000365513-01
3. Open-Rank Professorship for the Master of Arts in “Women in Society and Development Program”, College for Humanity and Social Sciences, Hamad bin Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar
The successful candidate will ideally be a distinguished scholar in the areas of Middle Eastern Studies/ Women’s and Gender Studies/ Political Science or closely related fields with a strong record of publications with international exposure.
Positions will be open until filled. Information: http://tii.qa/en/college-humanities-and-social-sciences-openings
4. Open-Rank Professorship in “Digital Humanities and Societies” (Focus on Socio-cultural Studies and Digital Technologies), College for Humanity and Social Sciences, Hamad bin Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar
The college seeks candidates that may address interrelations and interconnectivity of studies in culture, film and media, journalism, religions, history and philosophy, gender, geo-politics and the built environments of the MENA region through digital forms and interpretations.
Positions will be open until filled. Information: http://tii.qa/en/college-humanities-and-social-sciences-openings
5. Summer Intensive Program: “Living Islam in the 21st Century and Beyond”, Ibn Khaldun University, Istanbul, 30 July – 25 August 2017
The program aims to connect scholars of the Islamic tradition with young students and professionals from a variety of disciplines to study the role of Islam in the modern world and develop perspectives and approaches rooted in the Islamic tradition to tackle the pressing issues of our time.
Deadline for application: 28 April 2017. Information: http://ihsan.academy/
6. Yale University – Postdoctoral Fellowship on the Racialization of
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston – Curatorial Assistant, Art of the
Islamic Worlds
7. The Department of Middle Eastern South Asian, and African Studies at Columbia University invites applications for adjunct faculty to teach three Persian language courses during the academic year. Appointment is from September 1, 2017 and ends on May 31, 2018. We are seeking a professional language teacher with a serious commitment to teaching languages for academic purposes. This is a part-time position.
Preference will be given to applicants who have a Ph.D., but those with a Master’s degree and at least 1 year of language teaching experience are also encouraged to apply. Native or near-native fluency in Persian and English, foreign language instruction experience on a collegiate level, and an oral proficiency based approach are required.
For more information and to apply, please go to:
8. Summer Online Persian
This summer the University of Texas at Austin will be offering a three-credit intermediate/advanced Persian course online. This is a wonderful opportunity for students who want to maintain or improve their Persian skills over the summer break. The course, called “Media Persian,” will focus on the use humor in various media and will be taught by Babak Tabarraee, a PhD student in Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures at UT Austin. The priority deadline for applying is May 1, 2017.
The Department of Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Texas at Austin has been offering intermediate- and advanced-level Persian classes online since 2012 and has become a leader in developing online pedagogies for this critical language. For more information, including details about how to apply, please check out our website: https://liberalarts.utexas.edu/mes/languages/persian/online_persian.php.
An International Symposium
13-15 April, 2017
See programme at: http://macmillan.yale.edu/event/conference-recent-perspectives-ceremonies-rituals-and-festivals-ottoman-world
2. I.B.Tauris invites submissions for inclusion in its academic monograph series, The Early and Medieval Islamic World. Led by series editor Professor Roy Mottahedeh (Harvard University), the series promotes innovative research on the period 500–1500 AD with the Islamic world, as it ebbed and flowed from Marrakesh to Palermo and Cairo to Kabul, as the central pivot.
Thematic focus within this remit is broad, from the cultural and social to the political and economic, with preference given to studies of societies and cultures from a socio-historical perspective. It aims to foster a community of unique voices on the medieval Islamic world, shining light into its lesser studied corners.
Key areas of focus are:
Tom Stottor, Editor tstottor@ibtauris.com
Guidelines for submitting proposals are on our website at: www.ibtauris.com/Publish.
3. Global Nodes, Networks, Orders:
Three Global History Workshops on Transformative Connectivity
University of Leiden, 20 – 22 April, 2017
4. Workshop: “Violence in Sharīʿa and its Contemporary Implications”, Al-Mahdi Institute, Birmingham, UK 6-7 July 2017
We invite paper proposals engaging with the methodological questions involved in justifications for both traditional and alternative perspectives on fiqhī (juristic) readings of matters related to any aspect of the regulation or use of violence in Sharī ͑a with contemporary implications.
Deadline for abstracts: 8 May 2017. Information: http://almahdi.edu/forthcoming-workshop-the-status-of-non-muslims-in-shari-a
5. Panel on “Trade and Material Culture in the Medieval Mediterranean” at the 2018 Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America, Emory University, Atlanta, 1-3 March 2018
We are interested in papers from any relevant disciplines and approaches, including economic, social, and institutional history, art and cultural history (including music and literature) that examine the trade and material culture in the medieval Mediterranean in relation to the formation of religious, ethnic, linguistic and cultural identities.
Deadline for abstracts: 20 April 2017. Information: http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=e1ae5bef9757e58afec01a89a&id=6175c82979&e=82aeb6c61d
6. Visiting Professor at the Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Vienna
Successful candidates will have the following qualifications: PhD and post-doctoral experience at a university or other research institution; outstanding research and publication record; experience in university teaching, and willingness and ability to teach at all curricular levels, etc.
Deadline for application: 2 May 2017. Information: https://univis.univie.ac.at/ausschreibungstellensuche/flow/bew_ausschreibung-flow?_flowExecutionKey=_cAAC711CD-CC28-9FAE-FF85-68E6D4304812_k6C7C57FA-485F-8257-0819-B5A9CD0B59FF&tid=62258.28
7. GTOT Prizes 2018 for Outstanding Theses and Dissertations in the Fields of Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies
The Society for Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies (GTOT) is inviting applications from anyone who completed her/his thesis/dissertation in these fields between 1 September 2016 and 1 May 2018. Papers in German, English and French are accepted.
Deadline for application: 1 May 2018. Information: http://gtot.org/files/GTOT-Preis-Ausschreibung_03042017_eng.pdf
8. Call for Contributions: Minorities and Identity Formation in Iran: From the Achaemenids to the Islamic Republic
Dear Collegues,
Together with Josef Wiesehöfer I am planning to edit a volume on Minorities and Identity Formation in Iran. I organized a conference workshop in Vienna last year bearing the same title and was approached by I. B. Tauris to edit a volume. If you are interested in contributing an article, please read the attached abstract carefully. Contributions have to refer to the theoretical frame established in the abstract. Please be so kind to send your requests and abstracts to the following e-mail address:
Thank you!
Looking forward to your proposals, A. Pistor-Hatam
Prof. Dr. Anja Pistor-Hatam
Seminar für Orientalistik der Christian-Albrechts-Universität Leibnizstr. 10 24118 Kiel
9. The Leiden Institute for Area Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Leiden, is looking for two PhD candidates in Central Asian / Middle Eastern Studies. Applications must be received no later than 30 April 2017. For details see:
10. Islamic School of Art has organized three ten-days of academic holiday courses on “The Heritage of Islamic Persian Architecture” on July 2-11, 2017, “World of Persian Carpet” on 25 July – 3 August, 2017, “Philosophy of Islamic Art” on 24 August – 2 September, 2017, in Iran. It is our great pleasure to invite you to join us in any or all three courses.
These courses are going to be held in five cities of Tehran, Isfahan, Kashan, Yazd and Qom.
For more detailed information about the program and the fees see http://www.isoacourses.com/
11. Negotiating Ethnic & Religious Identities
Midwest Association for Middle East and Islamic Studies 2017 Annual Conference
April 21, 2017
University of Louisville
Shumaker, Rm. 139
9-10:30 Muslim Identity in the Spiritual Realm
Bradley Bowman, University of Louisville
From Acolyte to Ṣaḥābī: The Curious Conversion of Salmān al Fārisī and the Monks Who Guide Him to Islam
Matthew Niemi, Indiana University-Bloomington
Judging by what God has Revealed: Din in 7th-century Arabia
Gregory S. Hutcheson University of Louisville
Negotiating the Multiconfessional in Medieval Iberian Law
10:30-11:00 Coffee/Tea Break
11:00-12:30 Identity and Empire in Iran
Marian Smith, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
‘Abd Allah Hātifī’s Tīmūr-nāma: Observations on the Dispersed Manuscript Corpus of a Late Timurid Epic
Rosemary Stanfield-Johnson, University of Minnesota-Duluth
Storytelling and Identity in Safavid Iran
James Gustafson, Indiana State University
The Ecology of Empire in Qajar Iran
12:30-1:30 Lunch
2:00-3:00 Exploring Turkish Identities during Empire and Republic
Brian Van Wyck, Michigan State University
Transmitting Turkishness in the Diaspora: Turkish Teachers and Imams in Germany, 1961-2017
Gül Aldıkaçtı Marshall, University of Louisville
Negotiating Transnational Feminist Activism: The Significance of Multiple Platforms for Turkish Feminists
3:00-3:15 Coffee/Tea Break
3:15-4:15 War, Displacement, and Relocation: Identity in Transition
James Tallon, Lewis University
Albanian Identity at the End of Empire
Jusuf Salih, University of Dayton
Catholicism, Islam and Albanianess as Collective Queries Among Kosovars
4:15-4:30 Closing Remarks
James Tallon, Lewis University
James M. Gustafson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of History – Modern Middle East
Association for Iranian Studies Council, 2017-19
Faculty Senator, 2016-18
Indiana State University
621 Chestnut St., Terre Haute, IN 47809
1.MScT Scholarship in Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies at Edinburgh
The Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Edinburgh is delighted to invite applications for a fees only MSc Taught degree scholarship for any of its programmes (IMES, Middle Eastern Studies with (Advanced) Arabic, Advanced Arabic, Persian Civilisation).
Application Deadline: 2 May 2017.
For more information: http://www.ed.ac.uk/literatures-languages-cultures/graduate-school/fees-and-funding/funding/masters-students/imes-msct-scholarship
2. Sultan Qaboos Chair of Modern Arabic Studies in the University of Cambridge
Informal enquiries about this Professorship may be directed to Dr Amira K. Bennison, Co-Chair of the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies and Head of the Department of Middle Eastern Studies, Cambridge, telephone +44 (0)1223) 335115 or email knb21@cam.ac.uk.
Applications, consisting of a letter of application together with a statement of current and future research plans, a curriculum vitae and a publications list, along with details of three referees should be made online no later than 28 April 2017.
3. University of Oxford – Lecturer, Islamic Art and Architecture
University of Minnesota – Twin Cities – Assistant Professor of South Asian Art History (tenure track)
Chair in Islamic Studies (Ottoman History and Culture), Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Deadline for application: 21 September 2017. Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/9011
Assistant Professor of Persian Literature and Digital Humanities, University of Maryland
Experience in scholarship and teaching in the areas of Comparative Literature, Islamicate Sexualities, and Persian Digital Humanities are preferred.
Deadline for application: 1 May 2017. Information: https://ejobs.umd.edu/postings/50664
4. International Symposium: “Avicenna Reloaded. Analyzing a Muslim Polymath from a Present View”, Osnabrück University, 12-13 May 2017
Panels cover: Avicenna and Medicine; Avicenna’s Philosophy and the Reception of Avicenna.
Deadline for registration: 30 April 2017. Information: http://www.islamische-theologie.uni-osnabrueck.de/fileadmin/documents/public/Plakate_Brosch%C3%BCren/Brosch%C3%BCrenentwurf_Avicenna_Reloaded_3-Seitig.pdf
5. Senior Research Fellow / Research Fellow at the GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Hamburg
Your profile: Doctorate in political science, economics, or a cognate discipline; profound knowledge of political, economic, and/or social developments in countries of Africa, Asia, Middle East.
Deadline for application: 31 May 2017. Information: http://www.giga-hamburg.de/en/vacancies
6. Summer School: “Religion in the World: Beyond the Secular Paradigm”, Utrecht University, Netherlands, 3-7 July 2017
We will discuss the tension between religious identities and the modern state, and other recent controversies about religious diversity, as well as recent scholarly approaches to the study of ‘religion’ from a material and corporeal perspective. Experts of various religious traditions will offer you a broad overview of the history and current situation of religion in the West.
Deadline for registration: 1 June 2017. Information: http://www.utrechtsummerschool.nl/courses/culture/religion-in-the-world-beyond-the-secular-paradigm
7. Launch of the First Volume of the “Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association”
Potential English and Arabic contributions to JIQSA should be sent to the editors.
Information: https://iqsaweb.wordpress.com/2017/04/07/launch-journal-of-the-international-quranic-studies-associationvol-1-2016/
with a Focus on Seljuk and Ilkhanid Dynasties (April 22-23, Kashan)
Conference and Workshop at the University of Kashan’s Department of Archaeology in collaboration with Otto Friedrich University, Bamberg, Germany. April 22-23, 2017.
In collaboration with Kashan Department of Cultural Heritage Handicrafts and Tourism Organization and supported by the Bumiller Art Foundation (Liechtenstein)
Venue: Auditorium of University of Kashan; Address: Ghotb-e Ravandi BLvd., Kashan State University, School of Architecture and Art Department of Archaeology
Conference Subject:
This conference is dedicated to current research of Islamic Stucco Revetments in Iran. The research presented in the conference covers numerous aspects of Stucco Revetment studies: Archaeometric, calligraphic, epigraphic, ornamental, craftsmanship and artistic techniques and aesthetics. The conference includes practical study workshops of traditional stucco revetment production techniques led by masters of stucco craftsmanship and visits to museum collections in Kashan.
Working Language: Farsi. All papers are going to be delivered and all discussions are going to be conducted in Farsi.
For conference attendance registration and further information, contact:
Convened by Dr. Majid Montazer Zohuri (University of Kashan) and Maryam Moeini (University of Bamberg) in the context of international collaboration between the University of Kashan, Iranian Cultural Heritage Handicrafts and Tourism Organization, University of Bamberg and the Bumiller Art Foundation.
For more information about this project and the workshop’s concept, see the following web page:
1.The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago announces a position for a full-time Lecturer in Arabic, for a one-year appointment, with the possibility of renewal. Lecturers teach two classes of various levels of Arabic in each of three quarters (Autumn, Winter, Spring) to both undergraduate and graduate students and are expected to contribute to the planning of the curriculum. Applicants must have native or near-native proficiency in Arabic and experience at the college level teaching Arabic as a foreign language. Preference will be given to candidates proficient in an Arabic dialect. A Ph.D. is desirable but not required.
To apply to this position you must submit a cover letter along with a brief description of teaching philosophy, a curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation. Supporting documents, including teaching evaluations and sample syllabi, may also be submitted, if available. All application items except letters of recommendation may only be submitted via the University of Chicago Academic Career Opportunities website at https://academiccareers.uchicago.edu for posting 03297. Letters should be submitted either through the Academic Career Opportunities website or via email to amanday@uchicago.edu.
Review of applications will begin on 28 April and will continue until the position is filled. This position is contingent on budgetary approval.
2. The Department of Art History at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities seeks candidates for the position of Assistant Professor of South Asian art (tenure track) beginning Fall 2017. We invite applications from scholars whose research focuses on any historical period and geographic area of South Asia, but especially welcome candidates specializing in the art, architecture or archaeology of ancient through early modern South Asia, particularly those that complement current faculty strengths in ancient Iran or the Ottoman and Safavid empires.
The deadline to apply for this position is April 14, 2017.
3. The American Numismatic Society (ANS) is delighted to announce that the 2017 Harry W. Fowler Memorial Lecture will be presented by Phillip B. Wagoner, Professor of Art History and Archaeology at Wesleyan University. The lecture will take place on Monday, May 1, 2017 at the American Numismatic Society, 75 Varick Street, Floor 11, in New York City.
Prof. Wagoner will speak on “The Deccan as an Integrated Currency Zone: New Approaches to the Study of Peninsular Indian Coin Hoards (1347-1687).”
The lecture will be followed by a response from Finbarr Barry Flood, the William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of the Humanities at the Institute of Fine Arts and Department of Art History, New York University.
The lecture will begin at 6:00 PM. It will be preceded by a reception at 5:30 PM.
RSVP Required to: membership@numismatics.or, or 212-571-4470 ext. 117.
Government issued photo I.D. required for entry.
4. On display in the Treasures Gallery: Humayun’s meeting with Shah Tahmasp
The British Library
5. PhD-candidate Researching the Contemporary Cultural Production of Lebanon, University of Zurich
The researcher should have a background (Master degree or equivalent) in French/Francophone studies, comparative literature, cultural studies or cultural history or any other comparable specialization with emphasis on the Middle East, in particular Lebanon. Excellent language skills in French, English, and Arabic required.
Deadline for application: 14 April 2017. Information: www.jobs.uzh.ch/jobDetail.php?jobID=7336
6. PhD-candidate in Central Asian/Middle Eastern Studies, Leiden University
We offer a fixed-term post from 1 August 2017 until 31 July 2021. Selection criteria: a MA degree in Central Asian, Iranian or Middle Eastern Studies; excellent command of Turkic, Arabic and Persian, fluency in English; etc.
Deadline for application: 30 April 2017. Information: http://werkenbij.leidenuniv.nl/vacatures/phd-posities/17-050.html
7. University Lectureship in Religion in International Relations, Leiden University
We offer a fixed-term post from July 2017 through June 2021 after which the position will be reviewed. Selection criteria: a PhD degree in the Study of Religion; a research and publication record commensurate with career stage; demonstrable specialist expertise in the broad and growing field of Religion in International Relations and a vision for the further development of that field; an excellent command of English, etc.
Deadline for application: 17 April 2017. Information: http://werkenbij.leidenuniv.nl/vacatures/wetenschappelijke-functies/17-095.html
8. Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Comparative Politics of the Middle East and North Africa, SOAS, University of London
Applications are invited from scholars who combine a strong disciplinary background in Political Science with substantive regional engagement.
Deadline for application: 26 April 2017. Information: http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/AYH872/lecturer-senior-lecturer-in-comparative-politics-of-the-middle-east
9. Articles on “Islam and Images” for Special Issue of “Cinema – Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image”
This issue aims at analyzing Islamic art and aesthetics, with a special focus on the “modes of sense perception” embodied in particular images, taken politically as forms of organization, encompassing forms of visibility, ways of doing and making, and ways of conceptualizing.
Deadline for abstracts: 30 April 2017. Information: http://cjpmi.ifilnova.pt/cfp/
1. “24th International Congress of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO)” combined with the “33rd Deutscher Orientalistentag (DOT) / German Oriental Studies Conference of the German Oriental Society (DMG)” at the Friedrich Schiller-University in Jena on 18-22 September 2017.
31 March 2017 is the deadline for the registration of papers and panels. This is also the deadline for the individual registration of participants at a reduced fee.
For further information and registration see www.dot2017.de/en.
2. Islamic Art and Architecture (Zurich, Schaffhausen, 4-6 Jun 17)
Zurich and Schaffhausen, May 4 – 06, 2017
Registration deadline: Apr 30, 2017
A l’Orientale – Collecting, Displaying and Appropriating Islamic Art
and Architecture in the 19th and early 20th centuries
International conference
Prof. Dr. Francine Giese (University of Zurich),
Prof. Dr. Mercedes Volait (CNRS/InVisu),
Dr. Ariane Varela Braga (University of Zurich)
Museum Rietberg Zürich,
Moser Familienmuseum Charlottenfels der Heinrich und
Henri Moser Stiftung in Neuhausen bei Schaffhausen
Keynotes Speakers:
Kjeld v. Folsach (The David Collection, Copenhagen),
Yannick Lintz (Musée du Louv-re, Paris), Tim Stanley (Victoria and
Albert Museum, London),
Stefan Weber (Museum für Islamische Kunst, Berlin)
Registration open:
3. Workshop: “Eternal World and God’s Free Will in Islam – A Diachronic Perspective”, Yale University, New Haven, USA, 31 March – 1 April 2017
This workshop will focus on thinkers who write after al-Ghazali’s landmark criticism of Avicenna’s position on the subject and go from there into the 20th century.
Information: http://cmes.macmillan.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/Eternity0331.pdf
4. Muslim Studies Program Tenth Annual Conference: “Islam, Muslims, and US Politics”, Michigan State University, East Lansing, 12-14 April 2017
Information: http://muslimstudies.isp.msu.edu/other-do-not-delete/events/?department=11
5. Postgraduate Workshop: “Producing Knowledge on Islam in Europe: Epistemology, Methodology, Reflexivity”, Cambridge Muslims in Europe Postgraduate Forum, Cambridge, 25 April 2017
This workshop addresses the related themes of epistemology, methodology, and reflexivity, which have frequently arisen when problematizing our respective productions of academic knowledge, such as the multiple forms of insider-outsider negotiation for both Muslim and non-Muslim researchers, various issues of access, trust and representation, and the politicization of the Muslim subject in a security-saturated cultural context.
Information: www.eventbrite.com/e/producing-knowledge-on-islam-in-europe-tickets-32317669018
6. Assistant Professor of Middle Eastern History/Political Science, Rhode Island College
Ph.D. in History or Political Science and college level teaching experience are required as well as research specialization in Middle Eastern History and/or Political Science with a focus on the region.
Position is open until filled. Information: https://employment.ric.edu/postings/2856
7. The Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at Harvard University presents
Thursday, April 6, 2017
“The Madrasa in Iran and Baghdad under the Saljuqs”
Maryam Kamali
Harvard AKPIA Associate
Lectures are free and open to the public.
They are held Thursdays, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m., at the Arthur M. Sackler Building,
Room 318, Harvard University, 485 Broadway, Cambridge MA 02138.
For further information, call 617-495-2355 or
email agakhan@fas.harvard.edu or
visit http://agakhan.fas.harvard.edu/
View our previous lectures:
8. Lecture – Dr. P. Khosronejad, “Iranian Shiism, Persian Material Culture and Visual Piety”
The University of Tulsa
The Department of Religion and Anthropology
Chapman Hall Auditorium.
April 3, 2017, 4 P.M.
9. The University of Exeter is looking for a strong academic in History
of the Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula to assist in the delivery of an
exciting new strategy for Gulf Studies at Exeter. In this role you will
contribute to further enhancing the research profile of the Centre for
Gulf Studies and of the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies,
particularly in areas related or complementary to the history of the
modern and contemporary Gulf and Arabian Peninsula.
The post is advertised at either Lecturer or Senior Lecturer level –
candidates who are suitable for either level can apply.
Salary for appointments at Lecturer level: £33,943 – 41,709 per annum
Salary for appointments at Senior Lecturer level: £41,709 – £55,998
per annum
Application deadline: *20April 2017*.
All information and details are available here:
1.Annual Meeting of BRAIS
11-13 April, 2017
University of Chester
Programme available at:
2. CfP: Summer School – Theologies and Ethics of Justice: New Directions in 21st Century Islamic Thought, 26-29 July 2017, USA
3. The Historians of Islamic Art Association (HIAA) invites proposals from junior scholars (advanced graduate students or those within three years of completion of the PhD) to present at the Majlis to be held in conjunction with the College Art Association (CAA) Annual Conference in Los Angeles, from February 21 to 24, 2018.
The HIAA Majlis, held periodically in conjunction with MESA or CAA, offers an opportunity for junior scholars in Islamic art to learn about their colleagues’ work and to connect with more senior scholars. It will take the form of a panel of four papers, followed by comments from more senior colleagues and discussion.
4. Le Département d’études persanes de l’Université de Strasbourg en France recrute un ATER (Attaché Temporaire d’Enseignement et de Recherche) pour l’année universitaire 2017-2018 pour un service de 192 H / TD, réparties sur deux semestres et constituées de cours et de travaux dirigés en études persanes pour les niveaux suivants :
– DU (initiation à la langue) ;
– Licence (linguistique et histoire de la littérature) ;
– (et éventuellement) Master (analyse littéraire et traductologie).
L’ATER recruté devra donc être capable d’assurer des cours de langue, linguistique, traduction et histoire de la littérature. Par conséquent, une solide maîtrise des deux langues (persane et française) est exigée. Expérience dans l’enseignement est appréciée.
Pour toute information complémentaire, veuillez consulter la page « Attachés temporaires d’enseignement et de recherche (ATER) » sur le site Web de l’Université de Strasbourg à l’adresse suivante :
5. CfP: Symposium: “Ottoman Sufism: Scholars, Works, and Problems”, Istanbul, 9-10 December 2017
This symposium focuses on the Ottoman period of Sufi history and aims to open up new viewpoints to the present scholarship. Languages: Turkish, English and Arabic.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 April 2017. Information: www.isar.org.tr/en/announcements-news/ottoman-sufism-scholars-works-and-problems
6. Grants for Research Scholarships and Research Projects Provided by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung on “Islam, the Modern Nation State and Transnational Movements”
The special programme takes a look at the dynamics between Islamic teachings, Islamism, nationalism and transnational orientations and environments.
Deadline for application: 24 May 2017. Information: www.gerda-henkel-stiftung.de/special_programme_islam
7. Gibb Centenary Scholarship in Middle Eastern Studies
Postgraduate students at an advanced stage of their doctoral research in any area of Middle Eastern Studies (7th century to 1918), and who are studying in a British university, are eligible to apply for scholarship of up to £2,000.
Deadline for application: 30 April 2017. Information: www.gibbtrust.org/Scholarship.html
8. Spatial Thought in Islamicate Societies, 1000–1600
The Politics of Genre, Image, and Text
Opening: Thursday, 30 March 2017, 19:00
Alte Aula, Münzgasse 30, Festsaal
Panels: Friday, 31 March and Saturday, 1 April 2017, 09:00
Hohentübingen Castle, Institute of Classical Archaeology, room 165
University of Tübingen
14 papers and 4 poster presentations examine how place and space have been conceived by writers and mapmakers in Islamicate parts of the world. Questioning the notion of genres, the conference explores the ways how spatial thought was entangled with political, religious, cultural, and intellectual history. The aim is to envisage a diversely linked spatial history, with new relevance for the study of Islamicate societies.
All information is also available at
1.Reconsidering Kharijism – CfP for panel at DOT 2017 (Jena/Germany)
The deadline for panel submissions is end of March, contact hannah-lena.hagemann@uni-hamburg.de and/or tb31@soas.ac.uk as soon as possible.
2. Research Colloquium: “Arabic Popular Culture”, Department of Arabic Studies, Bamberg University, 5-6 May 2017
The colloquium addresses academics working on Arabic popular culture. Languages of discussion are German, Arabic, and English.
Deadline for abstracts: 20 March 2017. Information: http://bit.ly/2mSCDfw
3. Lecturer in the History of the Modern Middle East, King’s College London
The successful candidate will have trained in some aspect of the modern or contemporary history of the region. The candidate will be skilled in the use of a regional language, and offer some geographic breadth to our current expertise. S/he will teach and supervise BA students and contribute to the full range of the Department’s clearly defined activities in postgraduate teaching and PhD supervision, research, and administration
Deadline for application: 9 April 2017. Information: www.hirewire.co.uk/HE/1061247/MS_JobDetails.aspx?JobID=75326
4. Three-year PhD Scholarship for Research on “Late Antiquity and Early Islam”, University of Groningen
The PhD student is expected to have graduated with excellent results in a research-based MA thesis in Theology/Religious Studies, History, Islamic Studies or another relevant discipline; to have an advanced level of Arabic or other relevant linguistic skills, so as to be able to read primary sources; to be fluent in English (both oral and written); etc.
Deadline for application: 2 April 2017. Information: www.rug.nl/education/phd-programmes/phd-scholarship-programme/phd-scholarships?details=00347-02S0005CFP
5. Postdoc Position, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
Applicants must hold a PhD, and they must have documented research qualifications within the study of religion in the Middle East. The postdoc position is not tied to a specific, ongoing research project. Preferred start up is early autumn 2017.
Deadline for application: 29 March 2017. Information: www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/135324/postdoc-position-at-the-department-of-philosophy-and-religious-studies
6. Articles on “Before Archaeology. The Meaning of the Past in Classical and Pre-modern Islamic Thought” for Volume of the “Atlas of the Ancient Near East Project”
This is a research program funded by Sapienza-University of Rome, aimed at the description, display and analysis of cultural heritage and landscapes in the ancient Near East.
Deadline for abstracts: 30 September 2017. Information: www.academia.edu/31426127/CALL_FOR_PAPERS
7. The Journal of the Anthropology of the Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia (ACME) is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the anthropological studies of all societies and cultures in the Middle East and Central Eurasia.
Its scope is to publish original research by social scientists not only in the area of anthropology but also in sociology, folklore, religion, material culture and related social sciences. It includes all areas of modern and contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia (Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, China) including topics on minority groups and religious themes. The journal also will review monographic studies, reference works, results of conferences, and international workshops. ACME also publishes review essays, reviews of books and multimedia products (including music, films, and web sites) relevant to the main aims of the journal. All submissions for articles are peer-reviewed.
ACME is published with the financial support and collaboration of Iranian and Persian Gulf Studies (IPGS) program at the Oklahoma State University.
Founder&Chief Editor-Pedram Khosronejad- Oklahoma State University, USA; Assistant Editor- Leonardo Schiocchet, Institute for Social Anthropology (ISA) Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria; Book Review Editor- Brian Callan- Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK.; Film Review Editor-Michael Abecassis, University of Oxford, UK.
For general enquiries and Instructions for Authors, please visit:
8. The 25th European Conference on South Asian Studies (ECSAS) is scheduled for 24-27 July 2018 at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, (54 and 105, Blvd. Raspail, 75006 Paris). It is organized by the Centre d’Etudes de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud (UMR 8564, CNRS-EHESS).
The call for panels is now open and will close on 30 April 2017.
If you would like to convene a panel at this conference, please submit your proposal via the online form: https://portal.smart-abstract.com/ecsas2018<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__portal.smart-2Dabstract.com_ecsas2018&d=DwMFAw&c=lhMMI368wojMYNABHh1gQQ&r=2c_2rNSmRvqc9lubXXiZdA&m=t-8Fzex-lKuknbJfwV0kHylxTy20nrXqwu77gxTFBlA&s=llkhJJtoqKque3nPb_zVe9-O_uCGFNGILCIWJWFz20Q&e=>
How to proceed?
Proposals should consist of:
* panel title
* name of panel convenor or convenors
* short panel abstract of fewer than 300 characters
* long panel abstract of about 1750 characters, preferably including names of tentative panelists.
Rules for convening a panel at ECSAS 2018
EASAS membership required
All proposed panel convenors must be members of EASAS at the time of submission of the panel proposal
One panel and paper per conference
Panel convenors may present a paper during the conference, either in their own panel or another. Due to the ‘competition for time’ within such a conference, colleagues are allowed to convene no more than one panel and present only one paper during the conference. This does not prevent potential participants from making several proposals, but in the case of multiple acceptances the convenor and/or panelist will be asked to choose only one.
All panels with an open call
ECSAS requires all accepted panels to be open to paper proposals through the website: proposed panels cannot be ‘closed’ to further papers from the outset.
Composition of panels
EASAS appreciates a well-balanced composition of convenors and panelists within a panel (by gender, with an international mix of participants, and senior and junior scholars) but the main criterion will be the high academic quality of the panel. We also strongly encourage young researchers to contact panel convenors to be considered for inclusion in their panel; young researchers are also encouraged to propose panels themselves.
One convenor per panel must be based in a European institution. The conference organizers will also seek to ensure that the wide range of disciplines usually represented at the conference finds adequate coverage, both separately and in interdisciplinary panels.
No panel may run for more than 4 sessions of 90 minutes.
Convenors and presenters at the 25th ECSAS must be members of EASAS through 2017 & 2018 or 2018 & 2019 and then pay conference registration fees. Only members will be able to attend the conference.
It is easy to join EASAS through the following link:
9. A Brief History of the Ismailis in Canada
Canada’s Ismaili Muslim community was thrust into the spotlight recently following Justin Trudeau’s New Year’s getaway to a private island in the Bahamas owned…
10. The Delightful World of Qur’anic Recitation
By Sayed Jalal Masoomi
Tuesday 28 March 2017
3 pm – 5 pm
The Islamic College, London.
1.Conference: “Scripts and Scripture: Writing and Religion in Arabia, ca. 500-700 CE”, University of Chicago, 18-19 May 2017
The conference deals with Arabian epigraphy and religious traditions and their relation to the emergence of the Qur’ān. It aims to explore the question “How is it that a sacred scripture, the Qur’ān, coalesced in a region that apparently lacked an established script?”
Information: https://cmes.uchicago.edu/page/scripts-and-scripture-language-and-religion-arabia-circa-500-700
2. Jobs: University Professor of Turkish Studies, Institute for Oriental Studies, University of Vienna
In its main research fields, the chair is to cover the development of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey (18th century to the present) within the framework of history and in addition cultural studies or literary studies.
Deadline for application: 31 March 2017. Information: https://personalwesen.univie.ac.at/fuer-mitarbeiterinnen/professorinnen/job/english/singleview/article/at-the-faculty-of-philological-and-cultural-studies-of-the-university-of-vienna-the-position-of-a-un-3/?tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=11945&cHash=44008a637a5ba9f6fd57d5a8d7d022f9
Assistant Professor in Social and Cultural History and/or Anthropology of the Middle East (from ca. 1800 to the present day), University of Ghent, Belgium
The applicant should have a proven track record of research and publications in the afore-mentioned academic field. The position will start on 1 October 2017.
Deadline for application: 24 March 2017. Contact Professor Andreas Niehaus, andreas.niehaus@ugent.be
One-Year Visiting Position, Modern Middle East, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA
The Department of History at Franklin & Marshall College invites applications for a one-year visiting position in the history of the modern Middle East, beginning Fall 2017. The rank will be Visiting Assistant Professor or Visiting Instructor depending on qualifications; candidates should have or be close to completing the Ph.D. Teaching experience is required.
Deadline for application: 20 March 2017. Information: https://apply.interfolio.com/40797
Lecturer in Politics (Focus Middle East), Bates College, Lewiston, ME
The Department of Politics invites applications for a one-year visiting position focusing on Comparative Politics with a specialty in politics of the Middle East starting in the fall of 2017. Candidates should have a Ph.D. completed or nearly complete.
Review of applications will begin 10 March 2017 and continue until position is filled. Information: https://apply.interfolio.com/40843
Andrew W Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in History (Middle East or North Africa), Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME
The two-year position will begin July 1, 2017. Preference is given for candidates who can offer curricular coverage of the twentieth century.
Review of applications will begin 10 March 2017. Information: https://careers.bowdoin.edu/postings/3823
Instructor for Arabic Language and Muslim Cultures (Tenure-Track), University of Calgary, Canada
The successful candidate will have a PhD or MA in Arabic Language, Linguistics or Literature, with expertise in language pedagogy and native or near native fluency in Arabic. The ideal candidate will also show evidence of excellent achievement in teaching. An ability to teach other languages of the Muslim World would be considered an asset.
Deadline for application: 15 March 2017. Information: http://mideast.unc.edu/university-of-calgary-instructor-arabic-language-and-muslim-cultures-tenure-track/
3. Open Access Book:
The Teaching and Learning of Arabic in Early Modern Europe
Editors: Jan Loop, Alastair Hamilton and Charles Burnett
Subjects: Middle East and Islamic Studies
Keywords: scholarship; Arabic; Koran; Bible; poetry; orientalism; learning; Qur’an; Erpenius; Islam; mission; grammar; Golius; teaching; textbooks
Publication Year : 2017
Book DOI: 10.1163/9789004338623
E – ISBN : 9789004338623
4. Kamran Djam Scholarships
Deadline: 3 May 2017
There are a number of Kamran Djam scholarships available for UK/EU and Overseas fee-paying SOAS students, providing a contribution towards fees of up to a maximum of £13,000 each year for the duration of the award. The MPhil/PhD scholarship is paid for 3 years. The MA is paid for one year (or two years if part-time). The Undergraduate scholarship is paid for one year.
5. The Annemarie Schimmel Kolleg “History and Society during the Mamluk Era (1250-1517)” (https://www.mamluk.uni-bonn.de/ ) has opened the call for applications for three PhD scholarships and three junior fellowships (Post-Doc scholars) with a prospective start date of October 2017.
Furher information at: https://www.mamluk.uni-bonn.de/mamluk-events
6. Architecture and Landscape in Medieval Anatolia, 1100-1500, eds. Patricia Blessing and Rachel Goshgarian, Edinburgh University Press, 2017:
7. CFP – “Evidence of Power in the Ruler Portrait, 14th – 18th Centuries” (Munich, 1-2 Dec., 2017)
Munich / München, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, 01. – 02.12.2017
Deadline: Apr 30, 2017
Head and Body: Evidence of Power in the Ruler Portrait Between the 14th
and 18th Centuries
Kopf und Körper: Evidenzen der Macht im Herrscherporträt des 14.-18
8. Princeton University’s Department of Near Eastern Studies invites applications for a one-year full-time position in modern Iranian studies at the rank of Lecturer. The appointment is from September 1, 2017 to July 1, 2018. We welcome applications from early career historians and social scientists of modern Iran. Research expertise and teaching interests may concern any aspect of modern Iran, from the 19th century to the present. The successful candidate will be expected to teach a total of four courses in this field, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
To apply, please complete an online application at https://jobs.princeton.edu. Applications must include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, at least one course syllabus, and a paper or chapter of published writing or work-in-progress. Applicants must supply the names of three referees and their contact information in their online application. For any questions, please contact Karen Chirik (kchirik@princeton.edu).
Review of applications will begin March 27, 2017. Princeton University is an equal opportunity employer and complies with applicable EEO and affirmative action regulations.
This position is subject to the University’s background check policy.
1.8th International Conference on Popular Cultures of the Middle East and North Africa – “Popular Culture between Site and Flow”, Tbilisi, Georgia, 28-30 September 2017
In what ways can or should the idea of popular culture be adapted to account for the significant patterns of contemporary movement of MENA peoples? In what ways are the spectacular demographic flows towards, through, and away from the region leading to the fetishization of movement, hybridity, and exchange in MENA cultural production? Etc.
Extended deadline for paper and panel proposals: 15 March 2017. Information: https://menapoptbilisi.wordpress.com/
2. Associate Professor of Ottoman History, University of Oxford
With a doctorate in the field of Ottoman history, the successful applicant will have an outstanding record of internationally excellent publication and research in Ottoman history of the period. She/he will have an excellent command of Ottoman Turkish, being able to carry out research using primary sources in that language, and to teach it to students; a working knowledge of Arabic and/or Persian is also necessary.
Deadline for application: 24 March 2017. Information: www.ox.ac.uk/about/jobs/academic/index/ac23361j/
3. Gibb Memorial Trust
A.H. Morton Scholarship for Doctoral Research in Classical Persian Studies
The Gibb Memorial Trust is pleased to announce an Annual Scholarship in memory of Alexander (Sandy) Morton for doctoral research in the area of classical Persian Studies. Sandy Morton (1942-2011) worked at the British Museum and as Senior Lecturer in Persian at the London School of African and Oriental Studies. His interests ranged widely over the field, from glass weights and numismatics to Persian literature and the history of Iran from the Saljuqs to the Safavids. He was a long-standing Trustee of the Gibb Memorial Trust.
The award is for a maximum of £3,000 and can be applied to any year up to the final completion of a course of doctoral study at a British university, including for an approved period of study abroad; it will be paid at the start of the academic year in question, up to the submission of the dissertation.
Deadline: 30 April
4. Mardin Artuklu University
Faculty of Literature Position Advertisement Anthropology
Closing date for applications: April 15th 2017
The Department of Anthropology at Mardin Artuklu University, Turkey, invites applications for full-time positions at the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor with a specialization in the field of Socio-Cultural Anthropology. We are seeking creative thinkers with intellectual interests in the issues related to the Middle East, North Africa and Balkans. Positions are available for candidates at all ranks beginning in September 2017 or earlier. Successful candidates, once hired, are expected to fulfill their respective Department’s requirements with regard to teaching, research, record of publications, and service to the institution. Junior candidates are expected to have a Ph.D. at the time of appointment. All candidates should have an excellent command of English or Turkish and a strong commitment to teaching and research.
Mardin Artuklu University (ARTUKLU) is a newly founded, public university which has put forward a vision of research and teaching in social sciences, humanities and architecture. ARTUKLU aims to be a leading research university in especially the Middle East region. The medium of instruction is English and Turkish. The campus is located in Mardin, south east region of Turkey.
Please submit an application file that includes information about your research and teaching interests, your curriculum vitae, one sample of written work and names of three references or three letters of recommendation (for junior candidates) via e-mail to:
Assist. Prof. Süleyman Şanlı, suleymansanli@hotmail.com
Short-listed candidates will be individually informed of their selection for formal interviews.
Mardin Artuklu University: www.artuklu.edu.tr
5. XIXème Journée Monde Iranien
17 mars 2017
Bibliothèque Universitaire des Langues et Civilisations (BULAC)
Auditorium du Pôle Langues et Civilisations
65, rue des Grands Moulins 75013, Paris
Organisation : Florence Jullien et Pollet Samvelian
6. Jobs:
Tufts University – Lecturer part-time in Middle Eastern History
University of Glasgow – Lecturer in Medieval Transcultural History
(Grade 7 or 8)
University of Glasgow – Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Global History
(Grade 7, 8 or 9)
7. The Seventh issue The Journal of Rotterdam Islamic and Social Sciences (JRISS) Vol. 7, No. 1, 2016 focuses on themes such as philosophy, epistemology, study of religion and comparative studies while taking a critical-analytical approach to the most important contemporary theoretical issues and questions. We invite scholars from all over the world to submit their articles to JRISS.
For more information please click the link here: https://www.jriss.nl/
8. The 5th Perso-Indica Conference
Science and Philosophy: Translation, Transmission and Interaction between Persianate and Hindu Traditions
The Fifth Conference of Perso-Indica (see: www.perso-indica.net) looks at the forms of interaction and translation between Persian and Hindu cultures in the scientific and philosophical fields. Persian scientific studies in South Asia acquired important distinctive features compared with the treatises produced in Iran and the rest of the Muslim world during the post-Abbasid period. In the multicultural context of South Asia, where Muslims remained a minority of the population, a number of treatises dealing with Indian scientific materials were written in Persian: Persian language and texts became new means of expression and transmission of Hindu scientific knowledge and practices, allowing them to circulate beyond the networks of Hindu scholars. Persian translations of Sanskrit sources appeared from the Sultanate period, especially from the early 14th century, and the production of these texts lasted until the colonial period. Many of them were compiled by and for the Muslims; however, from the Mughal period onward, Persian scientific texts — dealing with both Hindu and Greco-Arabic materials — were also written by Hindu scholars and for Hindu noblemen. Certain sciences seem to have fulfilled specific demands of the ruling elite: such as astrology, prognostication and the treatises on the horse. Differently, the large amount of Persian texts dealing with Ayurveda and pharmacology chiefly emerged and developed outside the courts. The production of these texts does not seem to have been a homogeneous trend but rather a polycentric phenomenon in which the regional spaces occupied a key role.
In the scope of this conference we aim to explore especially the following topics:
Which were the common cross-disciplinary aspects and practices of scientific translation, and which were the non homogeneous features that characterized the reception of different Indian sciences in the Persianate environment, either from an historical, geographical or social perspective?
Which were the historical, geographical, regional and dynastic contexts in which these scientific studies emerged and developed?
Which were the symmetric features of these interactions? How did Hindu scholars assimilate scientific notions drawn from Muslim sources? Did Muslim scientific materials circulate through translations and become incorporated into Sanskrit sources, and which disciplines were concerned? How and to what extent did Persian-speaking Hindu scholars appropriate Muslim sciences by reading the sources in the original languages?
Which genres of Persian texts on Indian sciences were produced, and how did the role of different types of texts evolve or change according to the requirements of different disciplines? What was the influence of direct translations from Sanskrit and other Indian languages and what was the role of new Persian treatises on Indian sciences? Moreover, how were Indian notions and practices incorporated and transmitted in Persian works which dealt chiefly with Greco-Arabic knowledge?
How were the source terms and notions translated in the lexicon and the concepts of the target culture? Which Indic terms were incorporated in Persian texts? Did their transliteration into Persian script follow common patterns or evolve? What was the role of intermediate translations in vernacular languages in the production of these Persian texts, and how did this influence translation?
Which were the non textual, oral and social aspects of the interaction? How was knowledge taught and transmitted between masters and students of different religious groups and networks of scholars, and how did these interreligious pedagogical interactions emerge and develop?
What were the impact and the legacy of these interactions and of the corpus of Persian texts for Indian sciences? Did these studies propose conceptual changes compared to the Greco-Arabic tradition? Did they have a reflexive impact that could redefine certain concepts of the target culture which were involved in translation? In a wider perspective, did these Persian studies circulate also outside South Asia, and into which languages were they translated?
Date: 1st and 2nd February 2018.
Venue: Friedrich-Wilhelm University Bonn, Germany
Scientific coordination: Eva Orthmann (Friedrich-Wilhelm University, Bonn) – Fabrizio Speziale (Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris)
Contact for information: Soraya Khodamoradi: skhodamo@uni-bonn.de
Deadline for submission of abstract proposals: 1st August 2017, abstract proposal must be sent to: skhodamo@uni-bonn.de. The abstracts will be assessed by peer review.
Web page: http://www.perso-indica.net/events-news/31
9. New Book Series – The Material Culture of Art
New Book Series, Bloomsbury Academic
Series Editor: Michael Yonan, University of Missouri
The Material Culture of Art is devoted to scholarship that brings art history into dialogue with interdisciplinary material culture studies. The material components of an object – its medium and physicality – are key to understanding its cultural significance. Material culture has stretched the boundaries of art history and emphasized new points of contact with other disciplines, including anthropology, archaeology, consumer and mass culture studies, the literary movement called “Thing Theory,” and materialist philosophy. The Material Culture of Art seeks to publish studies that explore the relationship between art and material culture in all of its complexity. The series is a venue for scholars to explore specific object histories (or object biographies, as the term has developed), studies of medium and the procedures for making works of art, and investigations of art’s relationship to the broader material world that comprises society. It seeks to be the premiere venue for publishing the growing scholarship about works of art as exemplifications of material culture.
The series encompasses material culture in its broadest dimensions, including the decorative arts (furniture, ceramics, metalwork, textiles), everyday objects of all kinds (toys, machines, musical instruments), and studies of the familiar high arts of painting and sculpture. The series welcomes proposals for monographs, thematic studies, and edited collections.
Please direct inquiries and proposals to both:
Michael Yonan, series editor, yonanm@missouri.edu
Margaret Michniewicz, Visual Arts Acquisitions Editor, Margaret.Michniewicz@bloomsbury.com
10. The Historians of Islamic Art Association invites proposals from junior scholars (advanced graduate students or those within 3 years of completion of the PhD) to present at its Majlis, to be held at the Middle East Studies Association Meeting, November 18-21, 2017, in Washington DC.
The HIAA Majlis, held periodically in conjunction with MESA or CAA, offers an opportunity for junior scholars in Islamic art to learn about their colleagues’ work and to connect with more senior scholars. It will take the form of a panel of four papers, followed by comments from more senior colleagues and discussion. We invite proposals for 20-minute papers on current research focused on any topic, time period or region related to Islamic art.
Proposals should be submitted by email to Amanda Phillips at sec.hiaa@gmail.com as a two-part attachment and should include:
Proposals are due by April 15, 2017.
Please note that all those selected to present at the Majlis must be current members of HIAA.