1.The first workshop of the Persianate Subalterns project – on pre-Safavid subalterns – will take place on 7-8 November, 2015 in Edinburgh, UK. To register for free live-streaming of this event, and for further information, and information on our Twitter feed, please visit:
2. Lecture – Manouchehr Moshtagh Khorasani, “Persian Fire and Steel: Historical Firearms of Iran” (London, 6 Nov)
by Pradines Aga
Persian Fire and Steel: Historical Firearms of Iran
By Dr Manouchehr Moshtagh Khorasani
Friday 6 November 2015, 17:30– 19:00
Aga Khan University Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations
210 Euston Road
London NW1 2DA
The first part of the lecture will introduce a series of Persian manuscripts on production and typology of historical firearms in Iran, including the earliest known Persian manuscript on firearms from the Safavid period.
The second part will show a selection of 100 unique examples of Persian firearms from the Military Museum of Tehran, which belonged to the personal royal collection of Nāsser al-Din Shāh Qājār. These include matchlock, flintlock and percussion cap muskets, pistols, cannons and other items which had been collected from the early Safavid period. Persian cannons, howitzers and mortars from the Artillery Museum of St. Petersburg will also be shown.
Dr. Manouchehr Moshtagh Khorasani is a specialist in Persian/Iranian arms and armor. He has written five books, co-authored four books and published 147 print articles in different journals across the world. He won the prestigious awards of the Book Prize of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2009 and 2012.
Dr. Stephane Pradines
The event is free but tickets are limited. To attend in person, please book your place here.
The event will be also broadcast online. Please register your attendance to the webinar here.
3. Istituto Lorenzo de’ Medici – Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz
MPI, November 5 – 07, 2015
Collecting and Empires
The Impact of the Creation and Dissolution of Empires on Collections
and Museums from Antiquity to the Present
5 – 6 November LdM Church Auditorium (San Jacopo in Campo Corbolini),
via Faenza 43, 50123 Florence
7 November Kunsthistorisches Institut – Palazzo Grifoni Budini Gattai,
via dei Servi 51, 50122 Florence
Thursday 5 November
Istituto Lorenzo de’ Medici – San Jacopo in Campo Corbolini, via Faenza
43, 50123 Florence
Welcome and Opening Remarks – Rappresentanti degli enti coinvolti
Royal Collections in the Ancient World
Chair: Maia Wellington Gahtan
Zainab Bahrani (Columbia University, New York)
The biopolitics of collecting: Empires of Mesopotamia
Alain Schnapp (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris)
The idea of collecting from Mesopotamia to the classical world,
convergences and divergences
Coffee/ Tea
Carrie Vout (University of Cambridge, Cambridge)
Collecting like Caesar: the pornography and paideia of amassing
artefacts in the Roman Empire
Michèle Pirazzoli-t’Serstevens (École pratique des Hautes Études, Paris)
Princely treasures and imperial expansion in Western Han China (2nd-1st
c. BCE)
Collections and questions of national identity
Chair: Daniel J. Sherman
Enrique Florescano (Conaculta, México)
The Mexica Empire: Memory, Identity, And Collectionism
Dominique Poulot (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris)
Empire and Museums: the case of Napoleon I
Coffee/ Tea
Christoph Zuschlag (Universität Koblenz-Landau, Landau)
Looted Art, Booty Art, Degenerate Art – Aspects of Art Collecting in
the Third Reich
Katia Dianina (University of Virginia, Charlottesville)
The Dispersal of the Russian Art Empire
Friday, 6 November
Istituto Lorenzo de’ Medici – San Jacopo in Campo Corbolini, via Faenza
43, 50123 Florence
Expanding empires – morning session
Chair: Eva Maria Troelenberg
Gerhard Wolf (Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florence)
Material versus Visual culture: Collecting, Dispersing and Display in
Imperial Dynamics (400 – 1600)
Catarina Schmidt Arcangeli (Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florence)
Collecting in Venice and Creating a Myth
Coffee/ Tea
Hannah Baader (Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florence)
– title to be confirmed-
Michael North (Ernst Moritz Arndt Universität Greifswald, Greifswald)
Collecting European and Asian Art Objects in the Dutch Colonial Empire,
17th and 18th Centuries
Expanding empires – afternoon session
Chair: Francesca Baldry
Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann (Princeton University, Princeton)
Habsburg Imperial Collecting
Ebba Koch (Universität Wien, Vienna)
The Mughal emperors as collectors: Jahangir (rul. 1605-27) and Shah
Jahan (rul. 1628-58)
Coffee/ Tea
Tapati Guha-Thakurta (Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta)
The Object Flows of Empire: Cross-Cultural Collecting in Early Colonial
Ruth B. Phillips (Carleton University, Ottawa)
Imperfect Translations: Indigenous Gifts and Royal Collecting in
Victorian Canada
Conservatorio Luigi Cherubini – Sala del Buonumore, Piazza delle Belle
Arti 2, 50122 Florence
L’Ensemble Marâghî – Ottoman Classical Music
Music of the Habsburg Empire, directed by Maestra Daniela De Santis
Saturday, 7 November
Kunsthistorisches Institut – Palazzo Grifoni Budini Gattai, via dei
Servi 51, 50122 Florence
Late and Post-Empire, De-Colonization and Museums
Chair: Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann
Edhem Eldem (Bogaziçi University, Istanbul)
Ottoman Imperial Collections in the Nineteenth Century: A Critical
Eva Maria Troelenberg (Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florence)
Collecting Big: Monumentality and the Berlin Museum Island as a “World
Museum” between the Imperial and Post-Imperial Age
Coffee/ Tea
Daniel J. Sherman (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel
The (De) Colonized Object: Museums and the Other in France since 1960
Wendy Shaw (Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin)
Islam and the Legacies of Empire: Ownership of Islam in 21st-Century
Moderated by Krzysztof Pomian (Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika, Torun;
Ecole des hautes Études)
For more information, contact Myra Stals, myra.stals@lorenzodemedici.it
The creation and dissolution of empires has been a constant feature of
human history from ancient times through the present day, especially if
one passes from a historical to a theoretical definition of empire as
an open expanding global frontier. Establishing new identities and new
power relationships to coincide with changing political boundaries and
cultural reaches, empires also destroyed and/or irrevocably altered
social structures and the material culture on which those social
structures were partly based. The political activities of empires—both
formal and informal to use Doyle’s definition—find their material
reflection in the creation of new art forms and the reevaluation of old
art forms which often involved the movement of objects from periphery
to center (and vice versa) and promoted the formation of new
collections. New mentalities and new social relationships were
represented by those collections but they were (and are) also fostered
through them.
In recent decades such issues surrounding objects and empire have
become important components of our understanding of British
colonialism, and to a lesser extent of anthropological approaches to
colonial studies more broadly conceived. Concurrent with these
developments, comparative studies of the political forms of empires
have also appeared, though the baseline for such comparisons is
invariably the Roman Empire, from whose imperium we derive our word,
but which is ill-suited to describe post-WW-II hegemonies or even Asian
historical examples. This conference seeks to cast a wider net
temporally, spatially and conceptually by exploring the impact of the
expansion and contraction of empires on collecting, collections, and
collateral phenomena such as cultural exchange in a selection of the
greatest empires the world has known from Han China to Hellenistic
Greece to Aztec Mexico to the Third Reich without privileging
particular political models and always with an eye to how these
historical situations invite comparisons not only with each other but
also with contemporary imperial tendencies.
While some scholars would argue that the term empire no longer applies
to today’s global and transnational environment, others have redefined
‘empire’ in terms of contemporary capitalism and a developing
post-modern global order. Exclusively based on political and economic
concerns (including identity politics) and for the most part
distressingly Eurocentric, these analyses of empire or its evolution
into something else yet to be defined, also neglect the impact of
material culture, even though material culture studies have made great
strides in recent decades by addressing issues of the migration of
objects and people for both political and non-political reasons.
Therefore by investigating empires and imperialism in a comparative
manner through the lens of collecting practices, museum archetypes and
museums proper, it is hoped that this conference workshop will help
shape our understanding of what is indeed imperial about our own
approach to material culture.
Contribution to Scholarship: While individual empires have been studied
extensively, it is only in recent decades that they have been examined
from comparative political, social and cultural perspectives. It is
also only recently that scholarship in history of collecting and
anthropology has begun to address the role imperial expansion on
collecting and museums in reference to European and particularly
British colonialism. Still there is very little written on the history
of collecting from any perspective outside of the European tradition or
from before the Renaissance. This conference would—for the first
time—approach the subject of collecting and empires from a global and
inclusive comparative perspective, from which it is hoped that
significant conclusions may be drawn about the social, cultural and
political impact of collecting and display across the centuries and
down to present times.
Reference / Quellennachweis:
CONF: Collecting and Empires (Florenz, 5-7 Nov 15). In: H-ArtHist, Oct
23, 2015. <http://arthist.net/archive/11289>.
4. 13th Annual Duke-UNC Islamic Studies Graduate Student Workshop on “Global Muslim Modernities and the Post-Secular”, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 27-28 February 2016
The concepts of “modernity” and “secularism” have received renewed attention within academic literature on Muslim societies and Islamic studies. This year’s conference aspires to create a forum for those exploring innovative engagements with this material from an interdisciplinary perspective drawing on critical theory and global approaches. Ph.D. students are especially encouraged to apply.
Deadline for abstracts: 1 December 2015. Information: DUKEUNCconf@gmail.com
5. Graduate Student Conference “Islam and the Modern State”, Buffett Institute for Global Studies at Northwestern, Evanston, IL, 7-8 April 2016
The conference will examine how modern states exist in tension with the practices, institutions, and sensibilities associated with Islam. This interdisciplinary conference will draw together advanced graduate students and senior scholars to probe the enduring entanglement of religion and modernity.
Deadline for abstracts: 9 November 2015. Information: http://buffett.northwestern.edu/programs/grad-conference/index.html
6. MENA Workshop Program for PhD Students in Beirut (May 2016) and Cairo (September 2016)
The American Political Science Association (APSA) is now accepting applications for this two-part workshop program. This is a unique opportunity to network with colleagues from across the MENA region and develop current research related to civil society in the Arab region and the changing state-society dynamics engendered by the Arab Uprisings post-2010.
Deadline for applications: 2 December 2015. Information: www.apsanet.org/menaworkshops
7. Professor/Associate Professor in Modern Gulf History, Centre for Gulf Studies, Qatar University
Qualifications: A doctorate in History with specialization in the Gulf, with significant record of; relevant and evidence of superior teaching experience, etc.
Deadline for application: 30 November 2015. Information: https://careers.qu.edu.qa/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?OAFunc=IRC_EID_VIS_INTG_GATEWAY&p_action=viewPosting&p_svid=9016&p_spid=440135&p_srid=239166
8. Associate Professor of Literature and Culture in the Gulf, Qatar University
Qualifications: A doctorate in Literature and Culture with specialization in Identity, Gender, Literature and Culture in the Gulf, with significant record of publications in this field; superior teaching experience; fluency in Arabic and English.
Deadline for application: 30 November 2015. Information: https://careers.qu.edu.qa/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?OAFunc=IRC_EID_VIS_INTG_GATEWAY&p_action=viewPosting&p_svid=4346&p_spid=202145&p_srid=111182
9. Post-doctoral, Visiting Research and Sabbatical Fellowships, Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore
MEI is offering up to two Visiting Sabbatical Fellowships for 2016-1017 and one or two post-doctoral Fellowships for two years, ideally from 1 August 2016 to 31 July 2018. The fellowships are for recent Ph.D. recipients in the social sciences or humanities working on anthropological, cultural, economic, historical, political, religious, or sociological topics in the greater Middle East region, especially on contemporary studies of the Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf, Iran, and Turkey.
Information: https://mei.nus.edu.sg/index.php/web/new-job-opening
10. Jeffrey H. Aronson Chair in Middle East Politics, Department of Political Science, Johns Hopkins University – http://apply.interfolio.com/31675
Aga Khan Chair in Islamic Humanities, Brown University – www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=51860
Visiting Scholar in Islamic Studies, California State University, Fresno – www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=51858
Assistant Professor in Islamic Middle Eastern History University of West Georgia – www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=51866
Assistant Professor, Islamic Middle Eastern History; University of West Georgia – www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=51866
11. The third Conference of the School of Mamlūk Studies will take place in Chicago, 23-25 June, 2016
Panel proposal “Authors as Readers”
Call for papers
Before composing a book, any author reads. In the Mamluk period—an example in terms of intellectual vivacity—scholars and books travel easily, ideas are extensively discussed and shared, scholars’ life is intense and prolific… How to compose a book in such a context of information overload? We are lucky enough to have at our disposal very precise sources about scholars’ biography, consisting in biographical notes, exceptional documents such as personal notebooks and reading journals, or paratexts in manuscripts attesting of their reading/borrowing/purchasing… These provide us with a more intimate insight of the scholars’ tastes and reading activity.
Many fascinating questions can be approached thanks to these sources. What did scholars like to read? How often and how much did they read? How did they use their readings for their works? What do we know of their note-taking strategies? Did Mamluk scholars use special devices to remember what they read/listen to? How did they gain access to books?
These are only a few questions that could be dealt with in the frame of this panel. The goal of the panel is to show authors as readers in the context of the Mamluk period, a rich and age-old tradition.
Please submit your paper abstract (300 words max) and a one-page CV for consideration before November 20, 2015 to elise.franssen@ulg.ac.be.
Participants whose proposal is accepted will be notified by November 27, 2015.
Please have a look at the following page for practical information regarding the Third SMS Conference: http://mamluk.uchicago.edu/school-of-mamluk-studies.html.
Élise Franssen, post-doc
University of Liège (ULg), Belgium
12. ANN: Qajar Court Photography and the Persian Past (New York,
26 Oct 15-17 Jan 16)
Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, 15 East 84th St. New
York, NY 10028, October 26, 2015 – January 17, 2016
Lecture Series: The Eye of the Shah: Qajar Court Photography and the
Persian Past
Each will have a reception to follow and RSVP is required. RSVP
212.992.7800 or isaw.nyu.edu/rsvp
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Nasseredin Shah and his 84 Wives
Beate Petersen, Film Director and Producer
Film Screening, 6 pm
In 1842 the 11 year-old heir to the Persian throne received a camera
from Queen Victoria of England. The young heir fell in love with the
magical contraption. In the following decades he documented his life,
revealing to the public eye, what it was never supposed to see.
“Nasseredin Shah and his 84 Wives” is based on the photos taken by the
Shah himself, as well as by his court. With the addition of animated
sequences, it tells the story of the rivalry and intrigues within the
harem, the murders, the corruption, the political power struggle, the
murders, and of Persia’s troubled relation to Europe. The documentary
focuses on an aspect that is all too often overlooked: that is, the
influential role played by women in the origins of modern Iran.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
The Discursive Spaces of Qajar Photography
Mirjam Brusius, University of Oxford
Public Lecture, 6 pm
When the mid-19th Century European travellers documented Persia’s
heritage with a photographic camera, many compiled albums that came to
have ubiquitous aesthetic and political functions. Consequently, in the
20th century, some of the albums ended up in different discursive
spaces: some can be found in state archives as diplomatic gifts
compiled by the Shah, some became indispensable tools for
archaeologists, others were admired by Islamic art curators in museums
for their lacquerwork bindings. This lecture explores some of the
fascinating biographies of these albums, including the impact they
still have today.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Qajar Photography and Contemporary Iranian Art
Layla S. Diba, Independent Scholar and Art Advisor
Public Lecture, 6 pm
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Ancient Persianisms: Persepolitan Motifs in 19th Century Qajar Persia
Judith A. Lerner, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World
Public Lecture, 6 pm
Pre-Islamic imagery – specifically that of the Achaemenid (c. 550-330
BCE) and Sasanian (224-651 CE) dynasties – had remained strong in the
art of Islamic Iran (post-651 CE); the major pictorial themes of razm
u bazm (fighting and feasting), along with hunting and enthronement,
continued through successive Islamic dynasties in painting, metalwork,
ceramics and textiles, all artistic media that were prominent in
pre-Islamic Iran. But one medium of the pre-Islamic period had all
but disappeared: monumental relief sculpture carved into living rock.
This ancient artistic medium had been dormant for more than a
millennium when it was revived under the second Qajar ruler, Fath ‘Ali
Shah (r. 1797-1834). During his reign all but one of the eight known
Qajar rock reliefs were carved; after his reign – except for one relief
executed in 1878 by his great-grandson, Naser al-Din Shah (r.
1848-1896) – monumental sculptured reliefs were no longer made.
Instead, relief carving on a much smaller scale was used for
embellishing the stone foundations of Qajar buildings. The stylistic
and iconographic contrasts between these two modes of sculptural
expression is striking: the earlier Qajar reliefs draw upon those of
the Sasanians, the last Persian dynasty before the Muslim conquest, and
feature enthronement and hunting scenes, while the later ones quote
those of the earlier Achaemenids, specifically images from their
capital city, Persepolis. What brought about this change? In this talk
I offer some reasons for this shift from Sasanian to Achaemenid imagery
and propose that it stemmed, in great part, from the desire in Iran to
forge a modern national identity that drew upon Iran’s imperial
pre-Islamic past. Select photographic examples of these reliefs and
monuments which provided the inspiration for the Qajar pieces, and
which form part of ISAW’s exhibition, Eye of the Shah: Royal Court
Photography and the Persian Past, will be discussed in the context of
The Series is part of the exhibition ‘The Eye of the Shah: Qajar Court
Photography and the Persian Past’, which presents some 200 photographic
prints, a number of vintage photographic albums, and memorabilia that
utilized formal portraiture of the shah, the exhibition shows how
photographers – many of them engaged by Naser al-Din Shah Qajar (r.
1848-1896), the longest reigning Shah of the Qajar Dynasty (1785-1925)
– ultimately created a portrait of the country’s ancient and recent
past. Most of the photographs in the exhibition have never been
publicly displayed.
Further details: http://isaw.nyu.edu/exhibitions/shah
Reference / Quellennachweis:
ANN: Qajar Court Photography and the Persian Past (New York, 26 Oct
15-17 Jan 16). In: H-ArtHist, Oct 27, 2015.
1. Duke University – Middle East & Islamic Studies Librarian
University of Toronto, St. George Campus – Tenure Stream Assistant Professor in Islam and Modernity {Department for the Study of Religion (60%) and the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations (40%)}
2. Open Access Book: Writing Self, Writing Empire Chandar Bhan Brahman and the Cultural World of the Indo-Persian State Secretary
Author: Kinra, Rajeev.
Published: California: University of California Press, 2015.
394 p.
ISBN: 9780520286467 (pbk. : alk. paper) 0520286464 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Chandar Bhan Brahman (d. ca. 1670), one of the great Indo-Persian poets and prose stylists of early modern South Asia. Chandar Bhan’s life spanned the reigns of four emperors: Akbar (1556–1605), Jahangir (1605–1627), Shah Jahan (1628–1658), and Aurangzeb ‘Alamgir (1658–1707), the last of the “Great Mughals” whose courts dominated the culture and politics of the subcontinent at the height of the empire’s power, territorial reach, and global influence.
Chandar Bhan was a high-caste Hindu who worked for a series of Muslim monarchs and other officials, forming powerful friendships along the way; his experience bears vivid testimony to the pluralistic atmosphere of the Mughal court, particularly during the reign of Shah Jahan, the celebrated builder of the Taj Mahal. But his widely circulated and emulated works also touch on a range of topics central to our understanding of the court’s literary, mystical, administrative, and ethical cultures, while his letters and autobiographical writings provide tantalizing examples of early modern Indo-Persian modes of self-fashioning. Chandar Bhan’s oeuvre is a valuable window onto a crucial, though surprisingly neglected, period of Mughal cultural and political history.
Open Access Bibliography: Albiblio – Bibliography of One Thousand and One Nights in Egypt
International Qur’anic Studies Association
4. Naples Qisas conference information now available online
Dear Colleagues,
Apologies for cross-postings. I have received a number of inquiries about the upcoming conference on qisas al-anbiya’ co-organized by Roberto Tottoli, Marianna Klar, and myself being held this week in Naples. The papers will eventually be published online, but for now we have made the full conference program with abstracts available here:
Those seeking more information should contact us at qisasconference@gmail.com.
Thank you,
Michael Pregill
Institute for the Study of Muslim Societies and Civilizations
Boston University
5. Panel Discussion – First Biennale of Contemporary Photography of the Arab World (London, 22 Oct)
The Image is Witness: panel discussion with curators Karin Adrian von Roques, Vali Mahlouji and Gabriel Bauret
22 October, 6-8pm, Institut Francais, London
This November the First Biennale of Photography from the Arab World will be held in Paris. Organised by the Institut du monde Arabe in partnership with la Maison européenne de la photographie, the biennale aims to bring to light the diverse and vibrant photographic output of the artists coming from the Middle East and North Africa. To celebrate the occasion and understand its timing and significance, this panel will bring curators Karin Adrian von Roques, Vali Mahlouji and curator of the biennale Gabriel Bauret, in a conversation aimed to take a closer look at the issues of representing, (re)framing and understanding Arab photography in the West today.
The talk will start at 6pm, and will be followed by drinks reception at the Institut Francais.
This panel is a part of a series of talks organsied by IESA UK for Nour Festival of Arts 2015, and will be followed in the next two weeks by four events at Leighton House on contemporary art from the MENA region as vehicle for cultural and civic engagement and community revitalisation.
To book and for further information, please click here or visit Nour Festival website.
Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.
Please contact Aliya Say if you have any questions.
AATT is pleased to announce an award ($500) for best translation of an Ottoman archival/historical or literary work by an undergraduate or graduate student in a semester length Ottoman course, during the academic year or during a summer progtram. To nominate a deserving student instructors should send AATTsecretariat@gmail.com a letter including the student’s name, status, department, a 5-10 page translation and a scanned copy of the Ottoman original by October 31, 2015. The award will be announced at the annual Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association meeting held in conjunction with the Middle East Studies Association Conference.
7. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford – Research Assistant, “Divination and Art in the Medieval and Early Islamic World” Project, funded by the Leverhulme Trust
The Ashmolean Museum is seeking to appoint a research assistant to join the team of the Leverhulme Trust-funded project “Divination and Art in the Medieval and Early Islamic World (1200-1800)” directed by Dr Francesca Leoni. The project examines the multiple roles of “licit” divinatory arts (i.e. astrology, geomancy, bibliomancy, dream interpretation, physiognomy and ‘ilm al-huruf) in the medieval and early modern Islamic world through their impact on visual and material culture. The post-holder will provide support to the project’s Principal Investigator and the core research team, undertake independent research and assist with a range of tasks and outcomes, including publications and the organisation of a large-scale exhibition.
Candidates should have a doctoral degree or equivalent knowledge or experience in a relevant area, specialist knowledge of Islamic Art and have demonstrated experience in the museum sector. The successful post-holder will also have a significant research and publication record and have good working knowledge of at least one language amongst Arabic, Turkish and Persian.
Applications for this vacancy are to be made online. You will be required to upload your CV, a supporting statement (max. 2 pages of A4) telling us how your skills, experience and knowledge meet our selection criteria, and a written sample of your published work (not to exceed 5,000 words) as part of your application. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.
To apply for this role and for further details, including job description and selection criteria, please click on the link below:
The closing date for applications is Wednesday 18 November 2015 at 12.00 noon.
Interviews will be held at the Ashmolean Museum on 25 November with a view to appointment starting in 4 January 2016.
8. new book
Publication – Aesthetic Hybridity in Mughal Painting, 1526-1658 (Valerie Gonzalez)
Dear Colleagues,
I am delighted to announce the publication of my book, Ashgate Publishing, series “Transculturalisms 1400-1700”. This two-part book is a critical-aesthetic study of early Mughal painting that also offers substantial essays on coeval Persian painting and pre-Mughal Sultanate book art. To be noted is the first part dedicated to methodology. This important section of the book examines variegated epistemological questions raised by the study of painting and art in Islam in general from the critical viewpoint, while providing an assessment of the scholarly literature on Mughal painting and its hybrid ontology. Overall, this book proposes a new way of researching and thinking about the pictorial traditions in Islam that should interest anyone seeking alternative paths to the current art historical practice.
The title’s description with further details can be accessed through these links: http://www.ashgate.com and http://www.ashgate.com/default.aspx?title_id=10078&edition_id=10391&page…
A book launch is planned on Friday November 27 2015, at the Nehru Center, London (http://www.nehrucentre.org.uk/). Reception at 6pm. Presentation lecture and book signing at 6.30pm. Address: 8 S Audley St, London W1K 1HF. Tel: 020 7491 3567.
9. Open Access Books from Brill Publishing
Childhood in the Late Ottoman Empire and After edited by Benjamin C. Fortna, SOAS, University of London
Series: OEH
Volume: 59
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9789004293120
Expected: November 2015
Muslims in Interwar Europe Edited by Bekim Agai, Frankfurt University, Umar Ryad, Utrecht University, and Mehdi Sajid, Utrecht University
Series: MUMI
Volume: 17
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9789004287839
E-ISBN: 9789004301979
Locating Hell in Islamic Traditions Edited by Christian Lange, University of Utrecht
Series: IHC
Volume: 119
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9789004301214
E-ISBN: 9789004301368
Publication date: September 2015
The Imagined and Real Jerusalem in Art and Architecture:Edited by Jeroen Goudeau, Mariëtte Verhoeven and Wouter Weijers, Radboud University, Nijmegen
Series: RSH
Volume: 2
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9789004270824
E-ISBN: 9789004270855
Publication date: September 2014
Catalogue of Turkish Manuscripts in the Library of Leiden University and Other Collections in the Netherlands Jan Schmidt, University of Leiden
Series: IMB
Volume: 3
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9789004221901
E-ISBN: 9789004221918
Publication date: July 2012
Islam and the Making of the Nation Chiara Formichi, City University of Hong Kong
Series: VKI
Volume: 282
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9789067183864
E-ISBN: 9789004260467
Publication date: June 2012
A Grammar of the Bedouin Dialects of Central and Southern Sinai Rudolf E. de Jong
Series: HO1
Volume: 101
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9789004201019
E-ISBN: 9789004201460
Publication date: April 2011
Ibn Taymiyya’s Theodicy of Perpetual Optimism Jon Hoover
Series: IPTS
Volume: 73
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9789004158474
E-ISBN: 9789047420194
Publication date: May 2007
10. Wednesday 18 November, 5.00 pm – The Warburg Institute, in conjunction with the Bilderfahrzeuge Project
“Prophetic Products: The Prophet Muhammed in Contemporary Iranian Visual Culture”
Professor Christiane Gruber, Department of the History of Art, University of Michigan
Please note that this lecture starts at 5.00 pm
Attendance is free of charge and pre-registration is not required.
The Warburg Institute,
University of London,
School of Advanced Study;
Woburn Square, London
Tel. (020) 7862 8949
11. The Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Cultures at Barnard College, Columbia University, is seeking a full-time teacher-scholar in Middle Eastern Cultures and Civilizations, starting September 1, 2016.
Rank open with strong preference for candidates with an established record of teaching and research. Candidates should demonstrate a broad interest in the cultures and civilization of the Middle East; discipline and geographic area of specialization is open but knowledge of major languages and mastery of at least two, including Arabic and Persian, are preferred. Teaching will include undergraduate general education courses such as “Middle Eastern Civilizations” and “Asian Humanities: Colloquium on Major Texts of South Asia and the Middle East,” as well as more specialized and graduate courses. Particular attention will be given to candidates with a record of diverse, innovative, and interdisciplinary research and teaching. The successful candidate will be responsible for helping to build an independent Program in Middle Eastern Studies at Barnard, and coordinating with MESAAS, Columbia University. Ph.D. required. Solid publications are expected. Application, including a complete curriculum vitae, a writing sample, and three references, to be sent directly to http://careers.barnard.edu/postings/1795. Review of applications will begin on October 30, 2015 and continue until position is filled. Barnard is an independent college of liberal arts and sciences for women that is affiliated with Columbia University. Barnard College is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is actively committed to creating a diverse and inclusive community. We especially encourage women and candidates from diverse backgrounds to apply.
12. International Society for Iranian Studies
ISIS Award Nominations Announcement
The Nominations are now open for:
The Saidi-Sirjani Book Award
The Ehsan Yarshater Book Award
The Latifeh Yarshater Award
Please consult the ISIS website for the details of each award and use the website to submit your nomination: http://www.iranianstudies.com/awards
1.Global Challenges Fellowship
The School of Public Policy (SPP) and the Institute for Advanced Study at Central European University (CEU IAS) in Budapest, and the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) in Berlin are collaborating on a unique fellowship program that seeks to bridge policy theory and practice to generate mutually beneficial and groundbreaking exchanges between the two areas. The goal is to encourage fresh perspectives on some of the most pressing global public policy challenges by forging closer ties between policy practitioners and academics from Europe and outside the “established West.” See detailed information here.
Application deadline is 11:59 p.m. on November 23, 2015 (Central European Time, GMT+1).
Applicants must:
See detailed information here.
Please send questions, including those regarding applications, to gcf@ceu.edu.
2. Lecturer in Persian Language – Department of Near Eastern Studies
Job #JPF00880
College of Letters & Science – Near Eastern Studies
Open date: October 5th, 2015
Next review date: February 16th, 2016
Apply by this date to ensure full consideration by the committee.
Final date: February 16th, 2016
Applications will continue to be accepted until this date, but those received after the review date will only be considered if the position has not yet been filled.
The Department of Near Eastern Studies at the University of California, Berkeley seeks qualified applicants for a non-tenure track, temporary position as a full-time lecturer in Persian language. The appointment is full-time (teaching 3 courses each semester) and is renewable, based on need, funding and performance. The expected start date is July 1, 2016.
Minimum full-time annual salary is $49,012. Salary is commensurate with education and experience.
Basic Qualifications (by time of application): The successful candidate must have an M.A. or Ph.D. (or equivalent degree) in Persian language, linguistics, applied linguistics, or related field, and experience in teaching Persian at the college level.
Additional Qualifications (by start date): S/he must possess native or near-native competence in speaking, listening, writing, and reading Persian, and must have the capacity to employ up-to- date and effective methods of language pedagogy and testing.
Preferred Qualifications (by start date): Experience with computer-assisted language learning (CALL) is desirable.
Responsibilities include teaching first-, second-, and third- year Persian language courses; cooperating with the department’s language coordinators in planning and teaching the department’s Language Pedagogy course for teachers of Near Eastern languages; providing guidance, in consultation with ladder faculty in Persian language, to undergraduates in NES who wish to complete a minor or major in Persian; and, if relevant, providing preparatory guidance and materials for Graduate Students Instructors and lecturers teaching Persian during the summer session.
This recruitment is open until filled. Applicants should submit the following materials at https://aprecruit.berkeley.edu/apply/JPF00880: an application letter that includes a brief statement of the candidate’s teaching philosophy; a curriculum vitae; and three confidential letters of recommendation. All letters will be treated as confidential per University of California policy and California state law. Please refer potential referees, including when letters are provided via a third party (i.e., dossier service or career center), to the UC Berkeley statement of confidentiality (http://apo.berkeley.edu/evalltr.html) prior to submitting their letters.
Applications must include a demonstration video of recent classroom instruction. The video should be no longer than 20 minutes and may be submitted via web link or DVD. (If submitting DVD, it needs to be sent to the Persian Language Lecturer Search, Department of Near Eastern Studies, 250 Barrows Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 94720-1940). The demonstration video may be from an elementary or intermediate Persian class, but should not be from the very early first-year Persian lessons.
Please direct all inquiries to: nes@berkeley.edu
The University and the Department are interested in candidates who will contribute to diversity and equal opportunity in higher education through their teaching. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, or protected veteran status. For the complete University of California non- discrimination and affirmative action policy, see: http://policy.ucop.edu/doc/4000376/NondiscrimAffirmAct.
Curriculum Vitae
Application Letter – Application letter that includes a brief statement of the candidate’s teaching philosophy
Digital Video – Digital video – via either web link or DVD – of not more than twenty minutes of a recent class taught. The demonstration video may be from an elementary or intermediate Persian class, but should not be from the very early first-year Persian lessons.
3 letters of reference required
PLEASE USE THIS LINK: <https://aprecruit.berkeley.edu/apply/JPF00880>.
3. CALL FOR APPLICATION | Conference: Interfaith Love: Love, Sex and Marriage in the Islamicate World from the Middle Ages to the Present | Deadline: 15 December 2015
From Wednesday 22 until Friday 24 June 2016, LUCIS organises in cooperation with the University of Naples ‘L’Orientale’ and the University of Salento an international conference entitled: Interfaith Love: Love, Sex and Marriage in the Islamicate World from the Middle Ages to the Present.
Interfaith love is a compelling topic in societies where faith is a decisive mark of identity, and culture is continuously shaped by interreligious coexistence and conflicts. In Medieval Islamic imagery the ‘religious other’, either boy or girl, has a prominent place in erotic poetry and love romances. The theme went through significant reshaping in the early modern period, when the confrontation between the Ottomans and Europe opened wide spaces for uncertain identities across contested frontiers. Eventually, it has taken on distinctive new forms in contemporary societies within the fragile framework of the Middle Eastern national identities but also in the West where issues related to interfaith love and marriages are increasingly part of the public debate.
This international conference seeks to explore, through a diachronic, interdisciplinary and comparative approach, how interfaith love is perceived and represented in historical, religious, legal, literary and artistic sources, both Islamic and non-Islamic. Relevant materials will be approached from multiple perspectives, and preferably in a comparative way, in order to bring out their historical, cultural and societal implications, and to analyse the way they shaped cultural representations both in the past and in the present. Narratives of interfaith love mirror a society’s understanding of cultural cross-influence, with its ‘dangers’ and ‘seductions’. As interfaith love concerns all the religious cultures involved in the process, the Islamic view will be complemented with that of other relevant cultures intertwined with Islam. This conference seeks to bring into focus the many facets of representation of this theme and trace its metamorphoses at turning points in history.
The main research questions we aim to address include:
– What are the different perceptions and representations of interfaith love in the various kinds of textual and visual sources produced both within and outside the Islamicate world?
– How social norms and boundaries shape and define the ‘performances’ of love affairs between the members of two different religious communities or two different sects within Islam (e.g. between Alevi and Sunni or Sunni and Shiite Muslims)?
– What are the gender implications of interfaith love and, in particular, how the representation of homoerotic love is intertwined with that of the ‘beloved infidel’?
– Why is the beloved in Islamic mystical-erotic poetry often of a different faith?
Organizing committee
Rosita D’Amora (University of Salento) Turkish Studies
Petra de Bruijn (Leiden University) Turkish Studies
Samuela Pagani (University of Salento) Arabic Studies
Monica Ruocco (Università L’Orientale of Naples) Arabic Studies
Asghar Seyed-Gohrab (Leiden University) Persian Studies
Call for application
Scholars, PhD candidates and advanced MA students doing research related to the subject of Interfaith Love are invited to apply for participation.
If application for participation has been successful, the following is granted:
– Participation in the complete programme, including lunches and the conference diner.
– Not included travel and accommodation expenses and the other meals.
To apply for participation, applications have to be sent to lucis@hum.leidenuniv.nl.
For more information please contact: Rosita D’Amora (rosita.damora@unisalento.it) and Asghar Seyed-Gohrab (A.A.Seyed-Gohrab@hum.leidenuniv.nl).
This application includes the following:
– a title and an abstract of 300 words (max.) of your presentation
– a short biography of 50 words (max.)
Deadline for application: Tuesday, 15 December 2015, 24.00 hrs (CET).
Applications that will reach us after this date will not be taken into consideration.
A provisional program will be available by the beginning of February.
4. Faculty Position in Arabic Studies: The Department of Arabic and
Translation Studies in the American University of Sharjah invites
applications for a faculty position in Arabic Studies at the rank of
Assistant or Associate professor beginning in the Fall 2016, subject to
budgetary approval. A Ph.D. is required in Arabic studies with a focus on
classical Arabic literature The ability to teach entry level Arabic
heritage courses is essential. The successful candidate will have a native
or near-native proficiency in Arabic, while being able to teach in
English. The language of instruction at AUS is English, however,
candidates able to teach courses in both Arabic and English are preferred.
Strong scholarly record/potential and relevant teaching experience are
AUS is located in the emirate of Sharjah, adjacent to Dubai, UAE. Founded
in 1997 by His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan Bin Mohammad Al Qassimi, AUS is
an independent, not-for-profit coeducational university in the Gulf,
serving some 6,000 students of 92 nationalities. The American University
of Sharjah (AUS) is accredited by the Commission of Higher Education of
the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. Review of
applications will begin immediately.
Applicants should have experience in and/or familiarity with the North
American higher educational system, and experience in dealing with
cultural and educational needs of a linguistically and culturally diverse
student population. The ability to contribute to other courses offered by
the Department will be a distinct advantage.
Interested applicants should send a letter of application, curriculum
vitae, a statement of research, a statement of teaching philosophy, and a
list of at least three referees to: Dr Mahmoud Anabtawi, Dean, College of
Arts & Sciences, e-mail: <about:blank>cashr@aus.edu
For full consideration, applications must be received before November 15,
For information about the American University of Sharjah (AUS), please
visit: <http://www.aus.edu> www.aus.edu
5. Buddhist and Muslim Encounters in Premodern South Asia
12-13 October 2015
University of Lausanne (Switzerland), Building Amphimax, Room 414
The conference is open to the public. If you are interested in attending, please contact Kathrin Holz to confirm that space is available: kathrin.holz@unil.ch
The religious and cultural encounters between Buddhist and Muslim communities in South Asia bear a long history of interaction and exchange spanning the period of 711 CE and 1400 CE. With the rise of Islam in the 7th century and the subsequent expansion of Arab armies into Sind (modern-day southern Pakistan) and Northern Afghanistan in the early 8th century, Muslims came to rule regions deeply embedding in Buddhist culture. The rapidly expanding Arab empire led to heightened exchanges in an intensified sphere of cultural encounters. A second phase developed in the late 10th century with the rise of Turkic dynasties, particularly that of the Ghaznavid with its capital in Ghazna, Afghanistan. In the 13th century Mongol Il-khanid rulers extended their authority into Central Asia and across the Middle East. Il-khanid rulers had adopted aspects of Tibetan Buddhism and Nestorian Christianity until largely converting to Islam in the late 13th century. The diverse religious milieu established under their rule is an important example of the complex networks of politics and the negotiation of religious boundaries in the period. These encounters had a lasting impact on medieval systems of knowledge, literature, trade and travel, language, and cultural transmission. On the whole, the accelerated pace of exchange was accompanied by imperial projects to collect across cultures forms of knowledge. Authors such as al-Biruni and al-Yaqubi exemplify the movement to produce studies on Buddhist thought and practices. There are also a few Buddhist sources, e.g. the Kālacakratantra, which bear witness to Buddhist circles actively discussing the religious beliefs and practices of Muslims. The social, political and cultural effects of these events were felt over a period of more than six centuries and the historical memory of that past is alive today.
It is also a period that witnessed the decline of Buddhism and its eventual eclipse in South Asia. A key moment in the debates about the decline of Buddhism is the sacking of the Nalanda monastery complex in 1193 by Ikhtiyar al-din Muhammad b. Bakhtiyar Khalji. The destruction of this site and the decline of Buddhism has frequently been attributed to Islam and iconoclastic theology. However, in many regions in India, Buddhism declined without the pressure of any Muslim conquests. For this reason, it is equally important to explore regions that did not face direct contact with Muslim armies. Especially East India, where Buddhism remained active up to the 13th century AD, deserves special attention. Therefore, the issues of Islamic conquest and the waning of Buddhism in South Asia require further thought and revision.
This conference seeks to refine and contribute further to the understanding of the encounter between Buddhist and Muslim communities in South Asia during the medieval period. The complexity of approaching this history can be seen in the variety of sources that have to be addressed. The multitude of Indic languages and scripts, as well as a knowledge of Chinese, Arabic and Persian has left the study of the significant cross-cultural influences of this period neglected. Therefore, the organisers of this conference will bring together a variety of historians, languages specialists, art historians and archaeologists to address the subject. Due to the limited information that can be derived from written sources this interdisciplinary approach will help to further enhance the understanding of this complex period of South Asian history.
The primary questions that this conference wishes to address relate to the processes of the transmission of knowledge and inter-communal and religious perceptions. How did Muslim and Buddhist communities view each other? In what ways did their encounter lead to cultural, social and religious change of the period? What role did politics and economics play in the cross-cultural exchange?
A further goal of the conference is to produce an edited volume of articles on the topic of Buddhist and Muslim Encounters in South Asia.
8.30-9.00 : Registration
9.00-9.30 : Welcome and Introduction
Theme 1 – Deconstructing Scholarship on Islamic/Buddhist Interactions
9.30-11.00 : Session 1
Audrey Truschke (Stanford) – “The Power of the Sword in Narrating Muslim and Buddhist Interactions”
Abhishek Amar (Hamilton College) – “Islamic State and Buddhist Monasteries in the Thirteenth Century Magadha”
André Wink (University of Wisconsin-Madison) – “Buddhism in Indian History”
11.00-11.30 : Break
Theme 2 – Cultural and Religious Exchanges
11.30-13.00 : Session 2
Abdul Samad (Directorate of Archaeology and Museums, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) – “Encounters between Buddhism and Islam in Gandhara: An Archaeological Perspective”
Zafar Paiman (Paris) – “L’utilisation de l’argile rouge dans les monastères bouddhiques, à Kaboul et sa region” (The Use of Red Clay in the Buddhist Monastaries in and around Kabul)
KTS Sarao (University of Delhi) – “Buddhist and Muslim Encounters in the Eighth Century Sind”
13.00-15.00 : Lunch
15.00-17.00 : Session 3
Finbarr Barry Flood (New York University) – “Islamicate Elements in Ladakhi Art: Buddhist Elites in Comparative Perspective”
Tamara Sears (Yale University) – “Wilderness Encounters: Diachronic Peregrinations and Architectural Environments in Precolonial Central India”
Suchandra Ghosh (University of Calcutta) – “Interface between Buddhism and Islam: View from Early Chittagong in Southeastern Bengal”
Persis Berlekamp (University of Chicago) – “Mongol period cultural exchange, South Asia, and manuscript illustration in the Ilkhanid realm”
19.00 : Dinner
9.00-9.30 : Coffee
Theme 3 – Perceptions of the Other
9.30-11.00 : Session 4
Minoru Inaba (Kyoto University) – “On the Muslim Descriptions of the Bāmiyān Colossi”
Sara Cappelletti (University of Pisa) – “Muḥammad presented as an avatāra: the BuddhistKālachakra literature, the Ismaili traditions and the Ghaznavid empire”
Walter Slaje (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg) – “Buddhism and Islam in Kashmir according to the Rājataraṅgiṇīs”
11.00-11.30 : Break
Theme 4 – Transmission of Knowledge
11.30-13.00 : Session 5
Christopher Beckwith (Indiana University-Bloomington) – “The Law of Heaven and Early Central Asian Science”
Bart Dessein (Ghent University) – “Pyrrho of Elis and Medieval Western Europe: What Happened in Between?”
Heidrun Eichner (Universität Tübingen) – “Buddhism in the Works of Avicenna?”
13.00-15.00 : Lunch
Theme 5 – Politics, Trade and Economics
15.00-16.00 : Session 6
Annette Schmiedchen (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) – “Medieval Endowment Cultures in Western India: Buddhist and Muslim Encounters – Some Preliminary Observations”
Ranabir Chakravarti (Jawaharlal Nehru University) – “The Maritime Network of the Northern Konkan Coast: Meeting Ground of Buddhism and Islam (8th – 11th Centuries CE)”
16.00-16.30 : Session 7
Closing Discussion
19.00 : Dinner
6. Recent news from www.islamicreformlations.net
Thoughtcrimes: Politics, Communities and Security 1pm-5.15pm, 21st October 2015, jointly convened with the Department of History, University of Birmingham. This seminar, the third in our series on the issues raised by recent counter-extremism legislation, will examine the practical implications of legislation in communities, in the workplace and in universities. Presentations by Elizabeth Poole, Charlotte Heath-Kelly, Chris Allen and Rizwaan Sabir. A programme is available here, together with details of how to register your attendance, and directions to the venue here.
Islamic Peace Ethics: Legitimate and Illegitimate Violence in Modern Islamic Thought, 15-17 October 2015: ITHF (Institute for Theology and Peace), Hamburg. This workshop includes presentations by an international array of speakers, including three researchers associated with the LIVIT and Islamic Reformulations projects: Dr Sarah Elibiary (former Islamic Reformulations Research Fellow, now SOAS) on “In Quest for Legitimacy: Usul and furu’ in Modern Violent Discourses”; Dr Bianka Speidl (former LIVIT PhD student) on “The Rhetoric of Power in Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah’s al-Islam wa-mantiq al-quwwa“; Rob Gleave’s lecture will be on “Violence through Example: the use of Sunna in Shi’i and Salafi justifications for violent action”.
Conference: Reformulation and Hermeneutics: Researching the History of Islamic Legal Theory, Istanbul, 21st-24th February 2016. You can now register your interest in attending this event, through the instructions on the page here. The conference is a collaboration between the Islamic Reformulations project and the Faculty of Theology, Istanbul University. A first iteration of the conference programme will be available soon.
Uncovering the Divine Law in Islam: A workshop on Muslim Legal Theory 4-7th October 2015. This workshop was held in Exeter recently. Many thanks to all involved. A programme of the workshop is available here; the themes developed here will also be explored in the “Reformulation and Hermeneutics” conference in Istanbul in February 2015.
Though not directly connected to the project, the following might be of interest to colleagues on the list:
Islamic law and Ethics
8th Conference of the International Society for Islamic Legal Studies
Coinciding with the 6th Annual Conference of
the Leiden University Centre for the Study of Islam and Society (LUCIS)
6th-8th November 2015
Leiden University, The Netherlands
Programme and Details of how to register attendance:
7. History of Medieval Iran
Princeton University’s Department of Near Eastern Studies invites applications for a tenure track position in the history of medieval Iran. Research expertise may be in any period of the history of Iran and the Persian-speaking world between 1000 and 1800. The successful candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in this field and to provide training to graduate students reading primary sources in the original Persian.
To apply, please complete an online application at https://jobs.princeton.edu. Applications must include a cover letter, curriculum vitae (including language proficiencies and teaching experience), statement of research interests, and a paper or chapter of published writing or work-in-progress. Applicants must supply the names of three referees and their contact information in their online application. For any questions, please contact Karen Chirik (kchirik@princeton.edu).
The expected start date of the appointment is September 1, 2016. We will begin reviewing applications on November 2, 2015. Princeton University is an equal opportunity employer and complies with applicable EEO and affirmative action regulations. This position is subject to the University’s background check policy.
8. https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=51611
MIT’s Program in Science, Technology, and Society invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position, at a rank of assistant, associate, or full professor. We seek an STS scholar with expertise in one of more of the following research areas: (1) science, technology, and society in Africa, Latin America, and/or Asia; (2) science, technology, and public policy and/or security. Graduate and undergraduate teaching, and advising are expected. Interest in establishing scholarly connections at MIT beyond the STS Program are desirable.
Candidates must hold a Ph.D by the start of employment. The offer is contingent upon completion of the degree by the start date of employment. Candidates must be able to demonstrate excellence in research and teaching. The appointment is anticipated to begin in academic year 2016-2017.
9. International Colloquium: “Muslims, Sports and Physical Activity”, KU Leuven University, 7 December 2015
We would like to examine how Muslims make sense of religion and their religious identity in sportive activities and how public policies are organized vis-a-vis the needs of the Muslim populations in Europe. During this workshop we want to address a range of issues such as space, gender, social inclusion, multiculturalism, citizenship, politics of identity and secularism.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 October 2015. Information: http://gulenchair.com/articles/call-for-paper-muslim-and-sports
10. Conference: “How Do We See Each Other? The Abrahamic Religions and Interreligious Relations in the Past and Present”, Institute for Culture and Society, University of Navarra, Spain, 10-11 March 2016
This conference will consider interdisciplinary perspectives of how the Abrahamic religions perceive and relate to one another today, and how they have perceived and related to each other in the past.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 November 2015. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/node/73374/announcements/88404/how-do-we-see-each-other-abrahamic-religions-and-interreligious
11. 2nd International Conference on Islamophobia: “From Orientalism to Islamophobia?”, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 21-22 October 2016
Accommodation and subsistence expenses will be covered by the convenors; the participants will need to take of their own travel costs. The conference languages are English and German.
Deadline for abstracts: 1 January 2016. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/node/73374/announcements/84922/cfp-2nd-international-conference-islamophobia-fribourg
12. 4 Two-years Postdoc Positions at New Research Priority Area: “The Making and Unmaking of the Religious”, Forum for Interdisciplinary Religious Studies, University of Göttingen, Germany
Studies will focus on discursive, institutional and materially mediated practices that constitute the religious field by (a) drawing boundaries of the religious; (b) constructing religious differences; and (c) shaping continuity and change of religious traditions. The positions are available from January 1, 2016. Applicants should be excellent researchers, holding a PhD in any relevant discipline and having a solid publication record in the study of religion. Fluency in English is required; proficiency in German is helpful but not mandatory.
Application deadline: 25 October 2015. For information contact cmeyer7@uni-goettingen.de
13. Arabic Instructor, Northwestern University, IL – www.mena.northwestern.edu/people/faculty/faculty-search.html#ArabicOpening
14. Graduate School Grants for 10 PhD Students at the “Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies”
The BGSMCS is funded by the German federal and state governments’ Excellence Initiative. It will admit up to fifteen PhD students to its doctoral programme, which is to begin on 1 October 2016. Up to ten of these candidates will receive a Graduate School grant; the other candidates will be supported in their search for funding.
Application deadline: 15 November 2015. Information: www.bgsmcs.fu-berlin.de/en/studies/application/index.html
15. PhD Position in SNF-Research Project “Afterimages of Revolution and War. Trauma- and Memoryscapes in the Post-revolutionary Iranian Cinema”, Institute for Media Studies, University of Basel
The PhD position is to be filled at the intersection of Film Studies, Middle Eastern Cinema Studies and Cultural Memory Studies. It will start on February 1, 2016 for the duration of 3 years.
Deadline for applications: 31 October 2015. Information: http://direktlink.prospective.ch/?view=201D6E49-2FDD-4B43-932B102EEA87510F
1.Séminaire ‘Sociétés, politiques et cultures du monde iranien’
« Le soufisme et le salafisme au Kurdistan d’Iran : une discontinuité historique dans le discours religieux contemporain »
Séance du 8 octobre 2015, 17h-18h30
Hawzhin Baghali, doctorante, CETOBAC, EHESS, Paris
Dans cette présentation, nous nous intéressons au changement discursif religieux dans une région qui constitue de nos jours le Kurdistan d’Iran. L’histoire des régions périphériques tel que le Kurdistan a généralement été ignoré au déterminent d’une histoire du centre. Sur la plan politique, l’Iran est connu peut être la capitale du monde chiite, tandis que la plupart de ses régions frontalières de pays sont sunnites, même que la plupart de la population kurde d’Iran. Cette dernière présente un visage sensiblement différent à par rapport à l’Iran chiite.
Les acteurs religieux dans la société kurde se présentent à travers deux discoures religieux. L’un repose sur le soufisme et l’autre sur l’islam politique. Aujourd’hui, les soufis sont considérablement marginalisés, moment où le Kurdistan était l’un des centres du soufisme depuisle XIVe siècle jusqu’au milieu du XXe siècle. En fait l’islam soufiste représentait l’islam dominant au Kurdistan. Mais à partir de cette date, l’islam politique émergé comme discours dominant par une rupture historique. Actuellement, il y’a trois groupes au Kurdistan sous la formes de groupe islamique ; Dawat va eslah-e Iran qui a l’approche des frères musulman, Maktab-e Qoran qui veut présenter un islam kurde et les petites groupes salafistes.
Donc en présentant de la situation de l’islam soufi et l’islam politique au Kurdistan nous nous demandons que comment l’islam politique a pris la place de soufisme au Kurdistan en tant que le discoures religieux dominant, de sorte que le soufisme se redéfini sous la forme du groupe politique aussi ?
Lieu : Université Sorbonne nouvelle – Paris 3, centre Censier, 13 rue de Santeuil, salle 410 (4e étage), 75005, Paris.
Organisateurs :
Matteo De Chiara (INaLCO), Denis Hermann (CNRS), Fabrizio Speziale (Paris 3), Julien Thorez (CNRS).
2. Assistant Professor in Modern Middle East History, Murray State University – www.murraystatejobs.com/postings/4834
Project Director Middle East Forum, Washington – www.meforum.org/5530/job-announcement-washington-project-director
Assistant Professor in the History of the Modern Middle East/North Africa, Kansas State University – www.k-state.edu/hcs/jobs/openings/5609AsstProf.pdf
Assistant Professor in the History of the Islamic World, Furman University – https://jobs.furman.edu/postings/5290
Tenured or Tenure-Track (any level) Position on History of the Modern Middle East for Arab Crossroads Program, New York University, Abu Dhabi
The position is to begin in September 2016. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. by the time of appointment. Deadline for applications: 1 November 2015. Information: http://nyuad.nyu.edu/about/careers/faculty-positions.html
3. Summer School: “Critical Muslim Studies: Decolonial Struggles, Theology of Liberation and Islamic Revival”, Granada, Spain, 23 May – 3 June 2016
The Center for the Study of Intercultural Dialogues is hosting this summer institute which is open to advanced undergraduates, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, junior faculty as well as professionals and activists interested in any aspect of Critical Muslim Studies. This seminar is open to both Muslims and non-Muslims.
Application Deadline: 5 February 2016. Information www.dialogoglobal.com/granada
4. Articles on “Water Security/Sovereignty in the Middle East and North Africa” for Special Issues of “Middle East Law and Governance” (MELG)
MELG invites scholars to consider how water offers a fruitful analytic vehicle by which to reflect on and assess the governing processes and conditions between people, state agencies, and other institutions in the Middle East and North Africa.
Deadline for proposals: 30 November 2015. Information: http://pomeps.org/2015/09/24/call-for-papers-water-securitysovereignty-in-mena/
5. Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages
Associate Professor within Modern Iran: History, Society and Politics
A permanent (tenure) position of Associate Professor in Modern Iran: History, Society and Politics is available at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo.
The holder of the position is expected to initiate and lead research related to historical, social and political developments in Iran in the period after 1900, to supervise PhD and MA candidates, to participate in teaching, exam setting and evaluation at all levels, and to carry out administrative duties in accordance with the needs of the Department. The successful candidate will play a central role in further development of high-quality research and teaching in Middle East Studies at the Department in collaboration with colleagues, and is expected to contribute to the activities at the Department’s Centre for Islamic and Middle East Studies.
The following qualifications will be taken into account in the assessment of the applicants:
In the assessment of the qualified candidates all criteria listed above will be explicitly addressed and assessed. The quality of published academic work, development potential and breadth of intellectual/academic interest will be prioritized in this order.
Applicants who at the time of appointment cannot document basic teaching qualifications will be required to obtain such qualifications within a two year period. The teaching language is normally Norwegian at the bachelor level, while the Master studies programme option in Middle East Studies is conducted in English. On the appointment of a candidate who is not fluent in Norwegian, Swedish or Danish, the appointee will be expected within two years to learn sufficient Norwegian to be able to participate actively in all functions the position may involve.
We offer
Applicants must submit the following attachments with the electronic application form, in pdf format:
Applicants are asked to describe and exemplify the entire range of qualifications and criteria mentioned in the announcement of the post.
Selection procedure
As the first step in the evaluation process, a Selection Committee will assess all applications and invite the most qualified applicants to submit a portfolio of educational certificates and academic works (up to 10 publications, which should not exceed 500 pages in total) for further assessment by an Expert Committee. Applicants who are invited to submit academic works are asked to select three works, published within the last five years, to be considered as more relevant for the position. In longer publications (monographs), applicants may specify the relevant pages. Applicants are also asked to submit a portfolio that documents other qualifications (public outreach, teaching and supervision, and any experience with leadership and administration). The Expert Committee’s assessment shall constitute the basis for the further proceedings by the appointments board.
Finally, the most highly ranked candidates will be invited for an interview and a trial lecture.
Within his/her normal duties, and in accordance with his/her academic competence, the person appointed may also be asked to work outside his/her department. The appointment is made under the condition that the employer may change the subject area and assigned tasks according to the needs of the department.
See also Rules for appointments to Associate Professorships which includes a guide for applicants and evaluation committees.
According to the Freedom of Information Act (Offentleglova) § 25, Chapter 2, demographic information about the applicant may be used in the public list of applicants even if the applicant opts out of the entry in the public application list.
The University of Oslo has an agreement for all employees, aiming to secure rights to research results.
The University of Oslo aims to achieve a balanced gender composition in the workforce and to recruit people with ethnic minority backgrounds.
If you have further questions, please contact:
6. Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut – Research Collaborator (pre-doctoral, part-time)
University of Alabama – Huntsville – Assistant Professor, Non-Western
University of Central Florida – Assistant Professor, Tenure Track /
World Heritage
1.Manhattan College – Assistant Professor with Teaching Field in
African or Middle Eastern History
American University – Beirut – The Alfred H. Howell Endowed Chair in History and Archaeology
University of Massachusetts – Lowell – Assistant Professor of History
of the Middle East and the Islamic World
Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Mellon Postdoctoral
Fellowship in the Humanities
Binghamton University – Assistant Professor, Ottoman History (c.
University of Nevada, Reno – Assistant Professor, History of the
Middle East and Security Studies
2. Details for a session on “Social policy, Islam and Muslim Societies” at 24th World Congress of Political Science, Istanbul, 23-28 July 2016 (https://istanbul2016.ipsa.org/my-ipsa/events/istanbul2016/panel/social-policy-islam-and-muslim-societies). The deadline for submitting an abstract is the 7th of October 2015. Please submit your abstracts (250 words outlining the main question, method, findings, conclusion) through the dedicated ISA submission website (https://istanbul2016.ipsa.org/events/gateway?destination=my-ipsa/events/submit/paper).
24th World Congress of Political Science (RC30 Comparative Public Policy)
Session Title: Social policy, Islam and Muslim Societies
Dr. Rana Jawad, Lecturer in Social Policy, Director of Studies for MIPPA, Department of Social and Policy Sciences, University of Bath, United Kingdom (R.Jawad@bath.ac.uk)
Dr. Ali AkbarTajmazinani, Assistant Professor (Social Policy), Faculty of Social Sciences, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran (atmazinani@yahoo.com)
With a total population of around two billion people, Muslims constitute the majority population in nearly 40 countries around the world from Morocco to Malaysia and also form a considerable part of other mixed societies. One of the most prominent features of Islamic social teachings revolves around social welfare concepts, principles, as well as strategies and solutions. However, it is not possible to portray a single picture of social policy in Muslim societies given the vast diversity of historical, political, and economic circumstances they have experienced as well as various cultural characteristics they possess. Despite these diversities, Muslim societies have to respond to more or less similar social problems with regard to family and gender issues, inequality and poverty, education and health, as well as juvenile delinquency and criminal justice. How do they deal with these issues and what is the status and role of Islamic teachings in such social policies? This session is aimed to address these broad questions and welcomes papers dealing inter alia with the following:
Dr. Ali AkbarTajmazinani
Assistant Professor (Social Policy), Faculty of Social Sciences
Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran
Telefax: 0098+21+22260055
Email: atmazinani@yahoo.com
Website: http://socialpolicy.ir
3. The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Department of Asian Studies (http://asianstudies.unc.edu) invites applications for a tenure-track position in Persian studies with support from the Roshan Cultural Heritage Institute at the rank of Assistant Professor, to begin July 1, 2016. The Department seeks a promising scholar and teacher who will actively contribute to the intellectual mission of a research institution. Candidates must be able to teach Persian language courses at the advanced level and participate in the continued development of the Department’s program in Persian studies. Interest in developing public programs is desirable. PhD in hand or near completion in Persian studies, Persian language and literature, or related field is required. Native or near-native fluency in Persian and English and demonstrated potential for innovative scholarship are also required. Candidates whose research and teaching interests include fields such as language, literature, cultural studies, intellectual history, gender studies, visual studies, performance studies, and other related fields are encouraged to apply. A candidate hired without PhD in hand by the date of appointment will be appointed as Instructor.
Qualified applicants should submit an online application at http://unc.peopleadmin.com/postings/84569. Application materials should include a detailed letter, CV, sample syllabi, and a writing sample. Paper or email applications will not be accepted.
Applicants will also be required to identify the names, titles, and email addresses of four professional references at the time of application. Recommenders identified by the applicant will be contacted via email with instructions for uploading their letters of recommendation.
Inquiries may be sent to persiansearch@unc.edu.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, race, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or status as a protected veteran.
Review of applications will begin November 15, 2015. The search will remain open until the position is filled.
4. Call for Papers
Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture
ISSN: 2333-5904 (Print) 2333-5912 (Online)
Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture is a peer reviewed international scholarly journal. The journal is dedicated to the scholarly study of all aspects of Islam and of the Islamic world. Particular attention is paid to works dealing with history, geography, political science, economics, anthropology, sociology, law, literature, religion, philosophy, international relations, environmental and developmental issues, as well as ethical questions related to scientific research. The journal is committed to the publication of original research on Islam as culture and civilization. It particularly welcomes work of an interdisciplinary nature that brings together history, religion, politics, culture and law. The Journal has a special focus on Islam in Africa, and on contemporary Islamic Thought. Contributions that display theoretical rigor especially work that link the particularities of Islamic discourse to the enterprise of knowledge and critique in the humanities and social sciences, will find Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture to be receptive to such submissions.
The journal is published by the American Research Institute for Policy Development that serves as a focal point for academicians, professionals, graduate and undergraduate students, fellows, and associates pursuing research throughout the world.
The interested contributors are highly encouraged to submit their manuscripts/papers to the executive editor via e-mail at editor@aripd.org. Please indicate the name of the journal (Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture) in the cover letter or simply put ‘Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture’ in the subject box during submission via e-mail.
The journal is Abstracted/Indexed in CrossRef, CrossCheck, Cabell’s, Ulrich’s, Griffith Research Online, Google Scholar, Education.edu, Informatics, Universe Digital Library, Standard Periodical Directory, Gale, Open J-Gate, EBSCO, Journal Seek, DRJI, ProQuest, BASE, InfoBase Index, OCLC, IBSS, Academic Journal Databases, Scientific Index.
E-Publication FirstTM
E-Publication FirstTM is a feature offered through our journal platform. It allows PDF version of manuscripts that have been peer reviewed and accepted, to be hosted online prior to their inclusion in a final printed journal. Readers can freely access or cite the article. The accepted papers are published online within one week after the completion of all necessary publishing steps.
DOI® number
Each paper published in Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture is assigned a DOI® number, which appears beneath the author’s affiliation in the published paper.
JISC is inviting papers for Vol. 3, No. 2. The online publication date is December 31, 2015. Submission Deadline: November 30, 2015.
For any additional information, please contact with the executive editor at editor@aripd.org
Dr. Mohammad Reza Iravani, Azad University of Khomeinishahr & Islamic Azad University, Khomeinishahr branch, Khomeinishahr, Esfahan, Iran.
Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture
Website: www.jiscnet.com
5. Comparative Islamic Studies,
Issue 9.1 (2013) table of contents
Special issue on Sufism, Pluralism and Democracy
Guest edited by Clinton Bennett and Sarwar Alam
The Islamic Manuscript Association—in cooperation with the Thesaurus Islamicus Foundation and the HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Centre of Islamic Studies at the University of Cambridge—invites the submission of abstracts for the Eleventh Islamic Manuscript Conference, to be held from 13 to 15 September 2016 at Magdalene College, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
The theme of the conference is Sufism and Islamic manuscript culture. Sufis have written litanies, panegyrics, didactic works in verse and prose, hagiographies, discourses, exegetical works, and metaphysical treatises made into manuscripts both humble and lavish. Sufi lodges have housed libraries and manuscript ateliers, and Sufi networks have disseminated manuscripts across the Muslim World. This conference seeks to present current international research trends on the relationship between Sufism and Islamic manuscript culture and generate discussion and study in this field. Possible topics for papers include but are not limited to:
This invitation is open to members and non-members of the Association. The languages of the Conference will be Arabic and English, and submissions will be accepted in both languages. The duration of each conference paper will be 20 minutes followed by ten minutes of questions and answers. The Association will pay for round-trip economy-class travel to Cambridge, accommodation in Magdalene College, and College-based meals for authors whose papers are accepted.
Papers should not have been presented or published previously. Selected papers will be considered for publication in the Association’s peer-reviewed Journal of Islamic Manuscripts, and speakers are expected to give the Journal the right of first refusal.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 10.00 GMT on Monday, 23 November 2015. Please submit a cover sheet (downloadable here), an abstract of no more than 250 words, and a biographical statement (a personal statement of no more than 200 words detailing your current work, education, research interests, and previous publications or research projects in third-person prose form), to the email, fax, or postal address below. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.
The Islamic Manuscript Association Ltd
c/o 33 Trumpington Street
Cambridge CB2 1QY
United Kingdom
Fax: +44 (0)1223 302 218
B. Davidson MacLaren
Executive Director, The Islamic Manuscript Association
c/o 33 Trumpington Street
Cambridge CB2 1QY
United Kingdom
E: davidson@islamicmanuscript.com
7. The Politics of Dress and Identity in Eastern Mediterranean Societies, Past and Present
An international symposium organized by the Fitting in/Standing Out project (NWO), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the University of Salento (Lecce), and the Allard Pierson Museum (Amsterdam)
24-26 March 2016, Allard Pierson Museum (Amsterdam)
Dress plays an essential role in the presentation of the self and in the perception of the other. Clothing and headgear, as well as accessories, tattoos, and hair styles, overtly state and sometimes more subtly convey information about a person’s social standing, gender, ethnicity, regional background, affiliations, profession, or religious beliefs – in other words, about the particular position (s)he holds, or would like to show as having, at a certain moment in time within a certain group or society. Dress is also part of the negotiation of identity and status; it allows individuals to articulate, or conceal, different identities, whether these are individual or collective, imposed or chosen. Identificational changes – when entering a new phase of life or assuming a new status or role – are often marked by the rejection of certain dress codes and/or the acquisition of new ones. Similarly, transient identities can be expressed through a new or composite dress vocabulary. Although dress is usually perceived, understood, and represented as an unambiguous statement about one’s identity, it is in fact a source of many potential ambiguities. The meanings and symbolic values associated with dress are not only culturally situated; they are also dependent on the time and place, the wearer, and the audience. Moreover, they constantly change over time.
This international symposium takes an interdisciplinary, diachronic, and comparative approach to explore the interplay between dress and identity in the broader Mediterranean basin, with a special focus on Muslim societies and interconnected cultures, in both the past and present. It aims to bring together anthropologists, sociologists, historians, art historians, archaeologists, and scholars of other disciplines working on this subject, using a wide spectrum of methods – from textual to textile analysis. The study of dress and, in particular, of attempts to control the meanings of dress – whether in practice, depictions, or texts – not only has great potential for social and cultural history, but is also crucial to understand sartorial dynamics within contemporary societies. From the sumptuary laws issued in many ancient societies to the contemporary debate on veiling practices among Muslim women, dress is, and has always been, the site of competing discourses, where authority and resistance, and the interests of the community and those of the individual meet. By bridging the gap between different academic fields, this symposium aims to put perceptions of dress in the past and the present into a broader perspective.
The main themes we aim to discuss are:
Scholars, PhD candidates, and advanced MA students doing research related to the subject of dress and identity are invited to submit a proposal for the symposium. If application for participation has been successful the following is granted:
The conference does not offer travel grants, but we can support applications for additional funding sought from third parties such as the Pasold Research Fund (www.pasold.co.uk)
To apply for participation applications should be send to the symposium organizers: Rosita D’Amora rosita.damora@unisalento.it or Tineke Rooijakkers c.t.rooijakkers@vu.nl
Deadline for application: Monday, 16 November 2015, 24.00 (CET)
This application includes the following:
We intend to publish a selection of the papers presented at the symposium in an edited volume. The deadline for the submission of these articles is: Thursday, 15 September 2016.
The organizing committee: Rosita D’Amora, Tineke Rooijakkers, Bas ter Haar Romeny, Mat Immerzeel, Judith Kindinger, and Alexandra Pleşa
8. Workshop: “Diaspora Mobilization for Conflict and Post-conflict Reconstruction”, University of Warwick, 26-27 November 2015
Submission of papers is particularly welcome to provide insights about: 1) diasporic identities, 2) conditions providing political opportunity structures for transnational mobilization, 3) causal mechanisms concatenating in mobilization processes, 4) and transnational diaspora networks.
Deadline for abstracts: 30 September 2015.
Information: www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/pais/research/clusters/comparativepoliticsanddemocratisation/diasporas/news/
9. Workshop Proposals for “7th Annual Gulf Research Meeting”, University of Cambridge, 16-19 August 2016
Deadline for applications: 30 September 2015. Information: http://grc.net/alerts/grm_2016.html
10. The University of Cambridge is seeking to appoint a University Lecturer in Modern Arabic Literature and Culture in the Department of Middle Eastern Studies, to begin on 1st September, 2016. This appointment is tenure-track, subject to an initial probation period.
11. Arizona State University seeks an instructor of advanced Persian (Farsi) to teach small groups in an intensive setting in the Washington, DC, area. Candidates must have a master’s degree or higher in second-language acquisition, linguistics, or a closely related field; possess native or near-native proficiency in Persian; be a U.S. citizen or authorized to work in the United States; and have documented experience teaching Persian to adults. Preference will go to candidates who have taught in intensive language programs and to candidates with experience teaching Persian above the intermediate level. Salary competitive. Successful candidate will teach full time beginning no later than January 1, 2016 for remainder of federal fiscal year, with potential for renewal beyond FY2016
Applications must be received by November 2, 2015.
Candidates should send a letter in English explaining their interest in and qualifications for a short-term, intensive advanced Persian program; a CV; contact information for two references–one of whom should be able to comment on the applicant’s teaching experience; and student evaluation results, if available. Materials should be sent tomelikiancenter@asu.edu.
Background check is required for employment. Arizona State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer committed to excellence through diversity. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Please see ASU’s complete non-discrimination statement at: https://www.asu.edu/titleIX/.
1. Workshop – Armenian Manuscript Studies (Berlin, 14-18 March 2016)
We would like to inform you about our workshop on Armenian Manuscript Studies, to be held at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Berlin State Library) from March 14th to 18th 2016. The workshop will be conducted by one of the leading specialists in the field, Prof. Dickran Kouymjian (California State University Fresno, Berberian Chair of Armenian Studies, emeritus). It is a cooperative working seminar between the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin and the Martin-Luther-University Halle Wittenberg (Oriental Institute).
The participants will be introduced to the study of different codicological and paleographical aspects of Armenian manuscripts, including an overview on the history, collections and catalogues of Armenian manuscripts. Among the topics to be covered will be bindings, genres, mise-en-texte, mise-en-page, inks, illuminations and miniature paintings, colophons, scripts, periodization, provenance, etc. The theoretical part will be supplemented by hands-on sessions, in which the participants will have the unique opportunity to observe the features discussed among Armenian manuscripts in the collection of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.
Applications, including a motivational letter, curriculum vitae, a summary of any current research project, should be sent to orientabt@sbb.spk-berlin.de or by regular mail to Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Orientabteilung, Potsdamer Straße 33, 10785 Berlin, by 15 October 2015.
14-18 March 2016, Berlin: Armenian Manuscript Studies. An Introduction (registration by 15 October 2015) http://staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/fileadmin/user_upload/zentrale_Seiten/orientabteilung/pd…
2. Symposium – Friedrich Sarre and the Berlin Museums (Berlin, 23 Oct 2015)
Wie die islamische Kunst nach Berlin kam.
Der Sammler und Museumsdirektor Friedrich Sarre
Tagung 23. Oktober 2015
Archäologisches Zentrum – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Brugsch-Pascha-Saal¸ Geschwister-Scholl-Str . 6, D-10117 Berlin
9.30 – 10.00 Introduction
Friedrich Sarre und die Berliner Museen
Friedrich Sarre and the Berlin Museums
Chair: Stefan Weber (Berlin)
10.00-10.30 Edhem Eldem (Boğaziçi University, Istanbul)
Friedrich Sarre, Osman Hamdi Bey, Halil Edhem Bey and the Birth of the Evkaf Museum in Contantinople
10.30-11.00 Gabriele Mietke (Skulpturensammlung und Museum für Byzantinische Kunst, Berlin)
Interests and Activities of the Royal Museums of Berlin in the Ottoman Empire at the turn of the 19th century
11.00-11.30 Pause / Break
Friedrich Sarre und die Türkei
Friedrich Sarre and Turkey
Chair: Klaus Kreiser (Berlin)
11.30 -12.00 Malte Fuhrmann (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
That’s What Friends Are For: The Sarres, the Humanns, and Enver Pasha
12.00-12.30 Patricia Blessing (Stanford University)
Friedrich Sarre and the Discovery of Seljuk Architecture in Anatolia
12.30-13.00 Veit Veltzke (Preußenmuseum, Wesel)
“Persia – finally cleared for us”: Friedrich Sarre and the expedition Klein between the Persian lion and the Ottoman half-moon during WWI
13.00-14.30 Mittagessen / Lunch
Orientalismusmode in Berlin
Oriental Fashion in Berlin
Chair: Sven Kuhrau (Berlin)
14.30-15.00 Anna Mc Sweeney (SOAS, London)
Arthur von Gwinner and the Alhambra Cupola
15.00-15.30 Angelika Kaltenbach (Potsdam)
Orient meets Occident: the Aleppo-Room and the Oriental Room in the Villa Stauß
15.30-16.00 Pause / Break
Der Sammler Friedrich Sarre
Friedrich Sarre as collector
Chair: Barry Flood (New York/Berlin)
16.00-16.30 Joachim Gierlichs (Qatar National Library, Doha)
Friedrich Sarre and his collection of Islamic Art
16.30-17.00 Irina Khoshoridze (Georgian National Museum, Tiflis)
Collectors and Museums –Alexandre Roinashvili (Roinov) and his collection
17.30-18.00 Eva Troelenberg (Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz)
The Masterpiece, the Golden Age and the Canon. Friedrich Sarre and the Introduction of Islamic Art History as Object-History.
3. University of Toronto – St. George – Assistant Professor, Islamic Art and Architecture Before 1800
4. AUB Post: Faculty position in Modern Arabic Literature
American University of Beirut – Department of Arabic and Near Eastern Languages
The Department of Arabic and Near Eastern Languages at the American University of Beirut seeks applicants in the field of Modern Arabic Literature and Literary Theory (with special emphasis on prose genres)
The language of instruction in this department (and only in this department) is Modern Standard Arabic (fuṣḥā), but mastery of English is an essential requirement. Applicants should be well versed in both Arab and Western classical heritages, including Western literary theory. A reading knowledge of French and/or German is highly desirable, as is the ability to teach a second Semitic language or elementary Persian. Applicants must be able to teach, in Arabic, service courses in Arabic grammar and modern Arabic thought to native speakers of Arabic. Solid knowledge of the Arabic language and heritage and training in modern Western methodologies are essential.
Interested applicants should submit a cover letter, a CV, and arrange for three letters of reference to be sent directly to:
Patrick McGreevy, Dean
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
American University of Beirut
c/o 3 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10017-2303, USA
Patrick McGreevy, Dean
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
American University of Beirut
P.O. Box 11-0236, Riad El-Solh
Beirut 1107 2020, Lebanon
Electronic submissions are highly encouraged and may be sent to: as_dean@aub.edu.lb
For best consideration, please submit all required credentials by the early deadline of 15 October 2015 and indicate whether you will be attending MESA. Applications accepted through 30 November 2015. Visiting scholars will be considered.
For more information on this position, please visit http://www.aub.edu.lb/fas/pages/academic-employment.aspx
5. Middlebury College: Program in Arabic
Tenure Track Position in Arabic
Location: Middlebury, Vermont
The Program in Arabic at Middlebury College announces an opening for one tenure track position at the Assistant Professor level, beginning the Fall semester of 2016. Superior language proficiency in both Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and English is required, and native or native-like proficiency in at least one Arabic dialect is strongly preferred. The area of specialization for the position is open.
The successful candidate will teach MSA courses at all levels, from beginning to advanced levels, and will also offer non-language courses in both MSA as well as in English in their disciplinary area. Candidates should hold a PhD in their area of specialization or should at least have an advanced ABD status with near-term plans for completion of a doctorate by the time of appointment. Candidates must have prior experience teaching MSA at the college level, preferably in a liberal arts college setting, and in accordance with the proficiency-based communicative approach to Arabic language pedagogy.
Applications for this position will be accepted starting September 18th 2015. Review of applications will begin on November 1st 2015, and will continue until the position is filled.
Middlebury College uses Interfolio to collect faculty job applications electronically. Email and paper applications will not be accepted. Through Interfolio, candidates should submit a letter of application addressed to the Arabic search committee. The letter should include a section addressing approaches to teaching as well as current and future research. In addition, applications should include: a curriculum vitae, graduate transcripts, and three current confidential letters of recommendation (at least two of which must speak to teaching ability/promise). Samples of written scholarship will be solicited from candidates invited for interviews.
Inquiries regarding this position should be directed to Usama Soltan, Associate Professor of Arabic, at usoltan@middlebury.edu. More information is available at http://apply.interfolio.com/31686.
Offers of employment are contingent on completion of a background check. More information regarding background checks may be found here: http://www.middlebury.edu/academics/administration/prospective_faculty/background_checks
International Journal of Islamic Architecture (IJIA)
Special Issue on Imagining Localities of Antiquity in Islamicate Societies; Thematic volume planned for Summer 2017
In honor of the life of Dr. Khaled al-Asaad
Paper proposal deadline: 30 November 2015
The tragically familiar spectacles of cultural heritage destruction performed by the Islamic State group (ISIS) in Syria and Iraq are frequently presented as barbaric, baffling, and far outside the bounds of what are imagined to be normative, “civilized” uses of the past. Often superficially explained as an attempt to stamp out idolatry or as a fundamentalist desire to revive and enforce a return to a purified monotheism, analysis of these spectacles of heritage violence posits two things: that there is, fact, an “Islamic” manner of imagining the past – its architectural manifestations, its traces and localities – and that actions carried out at these localities, whether constructive or destructive, have moral or ethical consequences for Muslims and non-Muslims alike. In this reading, the iconoclastic actions of ISIS and similar groups, for example the Taliban or the Wahhabi monarchy in Saudi Arabia, are represented as one, albeit extreme, manifestation of an assumedly pervasive and historically ongoing Islamic antipathy toward images and pre-contemporary holy localities in particular, and, more broadly, toward the idea of heritage and the uses to which it has been put by modern nationalism.
But long before the emergence of ISIS and other so-called Islamist iconoclasts, and perhaps as early as the rise of Islam itself, Muslims imagined Islamic and pre-Islamic antiquity and its localities in myriad ways: as sites of memory, spaces of healing, or places imbued with didactic, historical, and moral power. Ancient statuary were deployed as talismans, paintings were interpreted to foretell and reify the coming of Islam, and temples of ancient gods and churches devoted to holy saints were converted into mosques in ways that preserved their original meaning and, sometimes, even their architectural ornament and fabric. Often, such localities were valued simply as places that elicited a sense of awe and wonder, or of reflection on the present relevance of history and the greatness of past empires, a theme so prevalent it created distinct genres of Arabic and Persian literature (aja’ib, fada’il). Sites like Ctesiphon, the ancient capital of the Zoroastrian Sasanians, or the Temple Mount, where the Jewish temple had stood, were embraced by early companions of the Prophet Muhammad and incorporated into Islamic notions of the self. Furthermore, various Islamic interpretive communities as well as Jews and Christians often shared holy places and had similar haptic, sensorial, and ritual connections that enabled them to imagine place in similar ways. These engagements were often more dynamic and purposeful than conventional scholarly notions of “influence” and “transmission” can account for. And yet, Muslims also sometimes destroyed ancient places or powerfully reimagined them to serve their own purposes, as for example in the aftermath of the Crusader presence in the Holy Land or in the destruction, reuse and rebuilding of ancient Buddhist and Hindu sites in the Eastern Islamic lands and South Asia.
This special issue invites scholars from across disciplines to engage with a critical reassessment of imaginings of the past in Islamicate societies. Papers may draw on historical or contemporary examples to explore some aspect of the themes outlined here, but are not limited to them.
Essays that focus on historical and theoretical analysis (DiT papers) should be a minimum of 5,000 words but no more than 8,000 words, and essays on design (DiP papers) can range from 3,000 to 4,500 words. Contributions from practitioners are welcome and should bear in mind the critical framework of the journal. Contributions from scholars of heritage history and preservation as well as scholars and critics of heritage in the broadest sense are also particularly welcome.
Please send a 400-word abstract with essay title to the guest editor, Stephennie Mulder, The University of Texas at Austin (smulder@austin.utexas.edu), by 30 November 2015. Those whose proposals are accepted will be contacted soon thereafter and requested to submit full papers to the journal by 1 June 2016. All papers will undergo full peer review.
For author instructions regarding paper guidelines, please consult:www.intellectbooks.com/ijia
in the Department of German, Russian and Asian Languages and Literatures
The Arabic program and the interdepartmental program on International Literary and Visual Studies at Tufts University invite applicants for a tenure-track Mellon Bridge Assistant Professorship in Comparative Literature with a focus on Arabic literary, film, and/or visual studies of any period. The ideal candidate will provide evidence of excellent research and teaching in these topics, with a rigorously comparative and/or trans-regional emphasis. We are especially interested in candidates whose work engages comparatively with multiple languages and literatures, as well as candidates whose work develops connections between literary and/or cultural studies, understood broadly, and other disciplines or intellectual areas.
Responsibilities include teaching a variety of thematic courses for Arabic Studies, possibly in Arabic, and for the interdepartmental program on International Literary and Visual Studies. There are rich opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration with other departments and programs including, Anthropology, Art History, Classics, Colonialism Studies, English, Film and Media Studies, History, International Relations, Middle Eastern Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Religion, and Romance Languages.
This position is being supported by a grant from the Mellon Foundation to promote scholarship and teaching that bridges different departments and programs in the humanities at Tufts. The successful candidate will receive an appointment as a fellow at the Center for the Humanities at Tufts (CHAT) for the duration of the pre-tenure probationary period. We seek candidates whose research and teaching has prepared them to contribute to our commitment to diversity and inclusion in higher education.
Requirements: PhD by starting date; experience and demonstrated excellence in teaching courses in relevant subjects at the university level. While this position has no language-teaching duties, a high degree of fluency in both Arabic and English is required. Fluency in a third language is a plus.
Letter of Application, CV, statements of research and teaching interests, two writing samples, and three confidential letters of recommendation should be sent via Interfolio at https://apply.interfolio.com/31867 . Further materials will be requested of short-listed applicants. The review of applications will begin on November 16, 2015, and continue until the position is filled. Questions about the search should be addressed to Professor Kamran Rastegar: kamran.rastegar@tufts.edu.
Tufts University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. We are committed to increasing the diversity of our faculty. Women and members of underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.
8. CALL FOR PAPERS: Cambridge workshop 20-22 June 2016
St Andrews-Cambridge joint research initiative
Khamriyya as a World Poetic Genre:
Comparative Perspectives on Wine Poetry in Near and Middle Eastern Literatures.
After the success of the first Khamriyya workshop held in St Andrews in November 2014 and the Lecture Series supported by the Honeyman Foundation in St Andrews during the 2014-15 academic year, we are now launching the second workshop, to be held in Cambridge (UK) on 20-22 June 2016, supported by the Cambridge Soudavar Fund for Persian Studies and the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. The results of this collaborative research will be published in a dedicated volume or special issue of a specialised journal.
The organisors designed the two workshops to function as real “work”shops where shared and mutual critical assessment and open discussions will clarify the state of the question and open up new avenues of research. By opening up the participation to specialists across language and cultural boundaries, we hope to foster a better understanding of the phenomenon of wine-poetry across Near and Middle Eastern Literatures.
The initiative welcomes contributions exploring various aspects of wine poetry in comparative perspective of Near and Middle Eastern literatures with the focus on the following topics:
religious norms of society,
In order to put together the Programme, we would be grateful if you could submit your paper abstract (400 words max) and CV by the deadline of 30th November, 2015 at the following email address: cv223@cam.ac.uk. The organisation panel will consider the applications and respond by 15th January 2015. The scientific committee might suggest further focusing of some of the topics in order to better serve the comparative perspective of the workshops. The language of the presentations and publication is English.
For further information please contact Dr Kirill Dimitriev: kd25@st-andrews.ac.uk
or Dr Christine van Ruymbeke: cv223@cam.ac.uk.
9. Séminaire ‘Sociétés, politiques et cultures du monde iranien’
Séance du 8 octobre 2015, 17h-18h30
Hawzhin Baghali, doctorante, CETOBAC, EHESS, Paris
« Le soufisme et le salafisme au Kurdistan d’Iran : une discontinuité historique dans le discours religieux contemporain »
Dans cette présentation, nous nous intéressons au changement discursif religieux dans une région qui constitue de nos jours le Kurdistan d’Iran. L’histoire des régions périphériques tel que le Kurdistan a généralement été ignoré au déterminent d’une histoire du centre. Sur la plan politique, l’Iran est connu peut être la capitale du monde chiite, tandis que la plupart de ses régions frontalières de pays sont sunnites, même que la plupart de la population kurde d’Iran. Cette dernière présente un visage sensiblement différent à par rapport à l’Iran chiite.
Les acteurs religieux dans la société kurde se présentent à travers deux discoures religieux. L’un repose sur le soufisme et l’autre sur l’islam politique. Aujourd’hui, les soufis sont considérablement marginalisés, moment où le Kurdistan était l’un des centres du soufisme depuisle XIVe siècle jusqu’au milieu du XXe siècle. En fait l’islam soufiste représentait l’islam dominant au Kurdistan. Mais à partir de cette date, l’islam politique émergé comme discours dominant par une rupture historique. Actuellement, il y’a trois groupes au Kurdistan sous la formes de groupe islamique ; Dawat va eslah-e Iran qui a l’approche des frères musulman, Maktab-e Qoran qui veut présenter un islam kurde et les petites groupes salafistes.
Donc en présentant de la situation de l’islam soufi et l’islam politique au Kurdistan nous nous demandons que comment l’islam politique a pris la place de soufisme au Kurdistan en tant que le discoures religieux dominant, de sorte que le soufisme se redéfini sous la forme du groupe politique aussi ?
Lieu : Université Sorbonne nouvelle – Paris 3, centre Censier, 13 rue de Santeuil, salle 410 (4e étage), 75005, Paris.
Organisateurs :
Matteo De Chiara (INaLCO), Denis Hermann (CNRS), Fabrizio Speziale (Paris 3), Julien Thorez (CNRS).
1. CMES | The Yale Council on Middle East Studies
Iran Colloquium
Fall 2015
September 18 Graduate Student Workshop
12PM Painting, poetry, photography: A conversation in Qajar art
Luce 203 Shabnam Rahimi-Golkhandan, Graduate Student, Department of the History of Art, Yale University
October 2 The Allure of the Female: Aesthetic Transformations in
12PM Early Modern Persianate Poetry and Painting
ISPS A001 Sunil Sharma, Professor of Persianate & Comparative Literature, Boston University
Co-sponsored by the South Asian Studies Council
*Location change: ISPS, 77 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511 Room A001
October 16 Self-Representation, Audience Response, and the Art of Poetry
12PM in the Signature Verses of Sa’eb Tabrizi
Luce 203 Paul Losensky, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington
November 13 From Persian nasta‘liq to Ottoman ta‘lik: Aesthetic
12PM dissemination and cultural appropriation of a script (1500-1700)
Luce 203 Simon Rettig, Iran Heritage Foundation Curatorial Fellow, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC
Co-sponsored by the Medieval-Renaissance Forum of the History of Art Department and The Çağatay Fund
December 4 The Social World of “Polluted” Carpets
12PM Narges Erami, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Yale University
Luce 203
All lectures are in Luce Hall Room 203 unless stated otherwise. Light lunch available at all lectures.
The Yale Program in Iranian Studies
Yale University Council on Middle East Studies at the MacMillan Center
Luce Hall
34 Hillhouse Avenue
New Haven, CT 06511
Sponsored by the Yale Program in Iranian Studies and the Council on Middle East Studies
Funded by a USDE Title VI National Resources grant
2. A position as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Semitic Languages at Uppsala University, beginning in 2016 and with a maximum extent of four years is now open for applications. Application deadline is October 30 2015.
Subject area: Semitic languages, their philology, linguistics and literature have been studied and researched for over 400 years in Uppsala. Current research and teaching concentrates mostly on Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic/Syriac as well as Assyriology. The diversity of the field of Semitic Languages studied in Uppsala at present means that the postdoctoral research fellow will be part of the leading hub for research and education in the subject in Sweden. Work duties: The vacancy is for a research position within the subject area Semitic Languages and includes teaching and supervision at different levels. Some administrative duties are also part of the job. For more information, see links below.
Announcement in English: Position as Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Semitic Languages http://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/join-us/details/?positionId=73523
Announcement in Swedish: Forskarassistent i semitiska språk http://www.uu.se/jobb/detaljsida/?positionId=73523
3. The Birmingham Qur’an Manuscript
2-25 October 2015
Bramall Music Building, University of Birmingham
A Qur’an manuscript held by the University of Birmingham has been placed among the oldest in the world thanks to modern scientific methods. Radiocarbon analysis has dated the parchment on which the text is written to the period between 568 and 645 CE with 95.4% accuracy. Researchers conclude that the Birmingham manuscript is among the earliest fragments of the Islamic holy book known to survive.
The Birmingham Qur’an manuscript is on public display for a limited time only. The exhibition is ticketed and time slots will be allocated. For more information and to book your tickets, please visit www.birmingham.ac.uk/quran
Upcoming events accompanying the exhibition:
Unravelling the story behind the Birmingham Qur’an
Fri 16 Oct, 1-2pm
Nicolson Building, University of Birmingham
Explore the story behind the Birmingham Qur’an with curator Josefine Frank. Find out how the manuscript connects the 7th-century Muslim community in the Arabian Peninsula with Birmingham’s Quaker community in the 1930s. Free event, please register via http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/university/colleges/artslaw/events/bttf/2015/josefine-frank.aspx
4. London Middle East Institute: Forthcoming Events
To mark the start of the new academic year, we are pleased to announce the following special events which we hope will be of interest:
Friday 25 September, 5:30 pm: ISIS and the Crisis in the Middle East – A Year on Panel discussion with Professor Gilbert Achcar (SOAS), Professor Nadje Al-Ali (SOAS) and Ghias Aljundi (Syrian writer and human rights activist). Chair: Dr Hassan Hakimian (Director, London Middle East Institute). Organised by the LMEI jointly with the SOAS Students’ Union
Saturday 26 September, 7:30 pm: Live Concert by Reem Kelani The acclaimed Palestinian musician Reem Kelani performs live at SOAS
Monday 28 September, 6 pm: ISIS and the Caliphate: the uses and abuses of history Professor High Kennedy of SOAS examines how ISIS, in its periodical Dabiq, interprets early Islamic history to make its own propaganda and justify its own positions
The forthcoming October-November issue of the LMEI’s bi-monthly magazine ‘The Middle East in London’ is out at the end of the month. Featuring articles on the cultural, political, economic and other issues that affect Middle Eastern communities in London along with the most comprehensive guide to all events relating to the Middle East in London and across the UK the next issue of the magazine focuses on Endangered Languages in the Middle East. You can subscribe to ‘The Middle East in London’ magazine by becoming an Individual Affiliate of the LMEI.
5. Journée d’étude – 17 octobre 2015
9h -17h30 – Galerie Colbert
Représentations des martyrs en mondes musulmans
Fabrications des images – Présences dans l’espace public
Partant du constat largement partagé d’une exposition aussi nombreuse que diverse des figures de martyrs dans les espaces publics de pays musulmans, cette journée se consacre à l’étude des processus de fabrication (peintures, photographies, pochoirs, images numériques…), des supports d’affichage (murs, musées, internet) ainsi qu’à la mise en rapport de ces productions par-delà les singularités des pays, des conflits et des mythologies, pour en interroger le sens et les évolutions.
Journée organisée par l’HiCSA – Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne en partenariat avec : CéSor, IIAC-LAU, IREMAM, Tehran Municipality
Adresse : Galerie Colbert – 2 rue Vivienne 75002 Paris
Entrée libre
www. hicsa.univ-paris1.fr
Contact : agnes.devictor@univ-paris1.fr.
6. Medical Manuscript Studies has grown, and we now have an editorial board that allows us to accept submissions from a broader area: manuscripts, papyri and early printed books in Latin, Greek, Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Hebrew, Aramaic and German.
We accept submissions on a rolling basis. Our publications are peer reviewed.
We are happy to receive articles containing non-Latin alphabets, and we do not have any restrictions regarding colour photographs, tables and the like. We publish fast.
For all administrative intents and purposes, MMS is a normal journal. We have an ISSN, and we are being archived by the British Library. The only difference is that we don’t have a commercial publisher who makes a profit from our work. (Instead, I declared myself publisher, using my work address).
The main reason why I created this journal is that it is getting increasingly difficult to publish contributions that relate to more than one subject area, e.g. ancient and medieval or Greek and Arabic. Moreover, some fields are somewhat disconnected from the history of medicine debate. Here, the prime example is Turkish.
Also, I wanted to create a platform that suited the needs and interests of academics, rather than the interests and abilities of some publishers. The journal appears under the simonofgenoa.org URL, which is a decent branding, as it reflects five years of solid open access research. We are Wellcome Trust funded as well.
Please feel free to get in touch with any further enquiries!
Best wishes,
7. Conference: “Islam in Russia”, Harvard University, 15-16 October 2015
The Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies is hosting this conference. It is free and open to the public. Registration is not required, but is appreciated for planning purposes. Information: http://daviscenter.fas.harvard.edu/events/conference-islam-russia
8. Lecturer in Arabic, Department of Religion and Classics, University of Rochester
This is a three-year position, subject to annual review and potentially renewable, to begin fall, 2016. Requirements: M.A. or equivalent, and native or near-native proficiency in Arabic. Ph.D. degree would be beneficial. Information: https://www.rochester.edu/faculty-recruiting/login
9. Director, Carnegie Middle East Center, The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Beirut
Successful candidates will have recognized expertise on the Arab region; a Ph.D. in a field relevant to public policy and a distinguished publication record; proven team leadership and project management experience. Information: https://carnegieendowment.applicantpro.com/jobs/273952.html
10. Assistant Professor in Political Science (Focus on Middle East/North Africa), Bryn Mawr College, PA
The position will start on 1 August 2016. Deadline for applications: 7 October 2015. Information http://apply.interfolio.com/30357
11. Assistant Professor in Sociocultural Anthropology (Focus Middle East/Islamic World etc.), Haverford College, PA
Deadline for applications: 15 October 2015. Information: http://apply.interfolio.com/31066.
12. Associate or Full Professor, M.S. Sofia Chair in Arabic Studies, Ohio State University
The preferred field of specialization is pre-modern Arabic Islamic texts and traditions or classical Arabic language and literature. Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/6247
13. Research Project Coordinator of the Islamic and Middle East Studies Centers of Duke University, Durham, NC
This positon will work with the directors of the two centers to design, develop, and carry out research projects that pull together faculty from across the university. MA or equivalent higher degree preferable; minimum 4 years experience. Information: www.hr.duke.edu/jobs/apply/external.php?pageid=search, Requisition Number 401003203.
14. Stipend for Doctoral Studies in the Field of History of Egypt in the Islamic Period (7 – 20th centuries), Yousef Jameel Scholarship Fund, Philipps-Universität Marburg
The Department of Islamic Studies which is part of the Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies (CNMS) has a strong emphasis on socio-political and cultural issues but applications outside this field like Islamic Philosophy will be considered as well.
Deadline for application: 30 November2015. Information: www.uni-marburg.de/cnms/aktuelles/stellen/yousef-jameel-academic.pdf
15. Articles on “Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Muslim Thought” for “Journal of Islamic Thought & Civilization”
Deadline for full paper submission: 10 November 2015. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/node/GROUP_NID/announcements/83951/allama-muhammad-iqbal-and-muslim-thought
16. Palos Verdes Persian Heritage Foundation presents a two-day workshop for Persian instructors, tutors & parents:
This event has been sponsored in part by Farhang Foundation, USC Dornsife Middle East Studies-Iranian Studies Initiative, and Association of Professors & Scholars of Iranian Heritage.
Teaching Persian in the 21st Century
Date: October 3-4, 2015
Time: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Location: 25550 Hawthorn Blvd., Suite 300, Torrance, CA 90505
Deadline: September 21, 2015
Register at: http://www.pvphf.org or http://www.teachmepersian.com/pages/teachingpersian.php
To register for the workshop fill out the online application before September 21st deadline. Please feel free to forward the announcement to interested individuals.
17. The British Library: Persian and Turkish manuscripts on view in the Treasures Gallery
1.American Councils for International Education (American Councils) is seeking Foreign Language Specialists in 10 critical languages (Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Swahili, Turkish, and Urdu) to assist in the development of online proficiency-based reading and listening comprehension tests in the ten target languages, across a variety of levels. We are currently looking for Passage Selectors and target language Reviewers for the project.
Foreign language specialist qualifications include:
Please note that in order to participate in this project, language specialists will need to have authorization to work in the U.S. The work is part-time, contractual, and can be completed from your home computer.
Interested candidates should send an email message with a current resume or CV to Camelot Marshall, Ph.D. (itemwriting@americancouncils.org). All submissions will receive further information about the project, possible assignments, compensation and schedules.
Thank you in advance for your attention.
Holly Gerrity
Program Assistant, Assessment and Curriculum Development
American Councils for International Education
1828 L Street N.W., Suite 1200
Washington, D.C. 20036
T 202 833 7522
F 202 833 7523
2. The French website http://www.menestrel.froffers free academic on-line resources for the study of the Middle-Age. The section on Medieval Islam (http://www.menestrel.fr/spip.php?rubrique960&lang=fr) will soon host a page on the history of medieval Sufism and hagiographic literature. I am actually collecting all the academic (or-semi-academic) on-line projects related to Medieval Sufism. A first first draft of my contribution can be consulted here: https://www.academia.edu/s/77d16e452d. All your feedbacks are welcome, I am especially interested in project in non-european languages.
Dr. Francesco Chiabotti
Research Assistant
Associate Researcher
3. 22nd International Congress of German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO) combined with the 1st Section Conference of the Islamic Studies Section of the German Oriental Society (DMG), Ruhr University, Bochum, 24-26 September 2015
The conference will provide a forum for methodological exchange between the different disciplines of the humanities and the social sciences in their research on the historical and contemporary Middle East and the Islamic World. The PhD Conference offers PhD students the possibility to present and discuss their specific PhD projects with a regionally open and interdisciplinary audience.
Information: http://davo-iswidmg2015.de/en. Registration is still possible until 26 September 2015.
4. Conference: “Arabic Pasts: Histories and Historiography 2015”, ISMC, Aga Khan University/SOAS, University of London, 25-26 September 2015
Information on the programme: www.academia.edu/15509430/Arabic_Pasts_Histories_and_Historiography_2015_programme
5. Conference: “Islam on the Prairies”, University of Saskatchewan and St. Thomas More College, Saskatoon, 13-14 May 2016
The conference aims to explore the growing presence of Islam on the prairies and in other Canadian provinces, implications of this process, and to provide a dynamic space for the presentations and discussions on issues related to Muslims in Canada.
Deadline for abstracts: 30 October 2015. Information: islam.prairies@usask.ca
6. Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Islamic Studies, Department of Religious Studies, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
The position is to begin August 2016. Applicants are required to have a Ph.D. in Religious Studies or a related field at the time of appointment, show evidence of a strong potential for professional development as a scholar and teacher, and demonstrate a commitment to promoting diversity as a value in the department and college.
Deadline for applications: 1 October 2015. Information: https://jobs.uncc.edu/postings/5111
Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Literatures, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
The appointment will become effective July 1, 2016, with teaching duties beginning in September 2016. Candidates should have native or near-native proficiency in Modern Standard Arabic and English as well as a Ph.D in hand by the time of appointment. Area of specialty is open.
Review of applications will begin on 15 October 2015. Information: http://apply.interfolio.com/31166
Tenure-stream Position in Ottoman and Turkish Studies, Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University, Canada
Applications are welcome from scholars in all disciplines, who work on any aspect of the Ottoman Empire, modern Turkey, or Turkic Central Asia. Applicants whose research focuses on women, gender, and sexuality are especially encouraged to apply. Starting date: 1 August 2016.
Application deadline: 15 November 2015. Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/5975.
Tenure-track Position in Medieval History of the Mediterranean, Université du Québec, Montréal
Applications from Byzantinists or Arabists whose research concerns the Mediterranean ambit are welcome. The position is to start on 1 June 2016.
Deadline for application: 2 October 2015. Information: http://humweb.ucsc.edu/mediterraneanseminar/news/index.php?id=507
7. Summer School: “Reading Pleasure – Pleasure Reading: Medieval Approaches to Reading”, Swedish Research Institute, Istanbul, 23-28 May 2016
The aim is to engage with and develop specific approaches that will enable us to discuss medieval developments. Some possible themes include Persian, Arabic, Byzantine and Western literature; Middle Ages; reading and storytelling; translations; romance; drama; poetry; letters; chronography; court culture; book history; illuminations; gender studies. There is no cost for attending the Summer School.
Deadline for applications: 1 December 2015. Information: http://humweb.ucsc.edu/mediterraneanseminar/news/index.php?id=504
8. University of Toronto – Andrew W. Mellon postdoctoral fellowship in
the humanities
The Meyerhoff Program and Center for Jewish Studies and the Gildenhorn
Institute for Israel Studies at the University of Maryland, College
Park, seek to appoint a tenure-track assistant professor who specializes
in the Jews of Muslim Lands/Mizrahi Jews in Israel. The position is open
to scholars trained either in History, the Social Sciences, Religious
Studies, or Cultural Studies, and it is part of a larger initiative to
strengthen Middle Eastern Studies on campus. The successful candidate
will have the opportunity to affiliate with other departments at the
University of Maryland, which values interdisciplinary research and
teaching. Position start date: August 16, 2016.
[more info: https://ejobs.umd.edu/postings/36553 ]
Columbia University – Richard Bulliet Professorship of Islamic History
Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature and modern Arabic Literature
The Department of Comparative Literature at Brown University seeks a scholar of Comparative Literature and modern Arabic literature at the rank of assistant professor (tenure track). The Ph.D. must be completed by the time of employment, and native or near-native fluency in Arabic and English is required. The field of specialization within the modern period is open. Candidates will outline their future research in Comparative Literature and modern Arabic literature, and they will also make suggestions for courses. Demonstrated excellence in both scholarship and teaching is esssential; an interest in translation theory and practice is also welcome. Please submit complete dossier, including cover letter, curriculum vitae, dissertation abstract, sample of scholarly writing, and three letters of recommendation, online at the link above by November 1, 2015. Please also indicate whether you will attend the MESA convention in November 2015 and/or the MLA in January 2016.
Application Instructions http://apply.interfolio.com/30218
Please submit complete dossier, including cover letter, curriculum vitae, dissertation abstract, sample of scholarly writing, and three letters of recommendation, online at the link above by November 1, 2015.
Yale University – Full Professor in Near Eastern Languages and
Civilizations (NELC)
Christopher Newport University – Assistant Professor of History
(Middle East and North Africa)
9. CFP: Current Iran: Art and Culture, Harvard University (17-20 March 2016)
An organized seminar at the Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) held at Harvard University [Abstracts by Sept.
23, 2015; Conference March 17-20, 2016].
Scholars need to type “Iran” in http://www.acla.org/seminars http://www.acla.org/seminars
to find the name of the seminar: “Iran Is Not As It Is Told: Contemporary Persian Art and Culture”
After “register”, they can “propose a paper” for this seminar.
This seminar seeks to explore the complexities of Iranian contemporary art and
culture, discuss the religious, artistic, and sociopolitical dimension, and
trace the emergence of discourses, previously neglected by academia.
Advocating a comparative cultural approach, it aims to reflect the
competition between subversive and reinforcing discourses embedded in many
cultural products in a seemingly inflexible structure. The process of their
cultural formation reflects not only Iran’s central values but also the
continuously performing and revisionist qualities of those beliefs.
It will address new possibilities: the version of Iran produced by Iranians
themselves for (inter)national audience embedded in Iran’s post revolution
literature, cinema, music, fine art, popular culture, and advertising.
For further inquiries, contact organizers: ghandeharioon@um.ac.ir,
1.Art in action
Politics and social engagement in art
Akbank Sanat Beyoglu, Istanbul, Turkey, September 19, 2015
Art in action
Politics and social engagement in art
Workshop at AKBANK Sanat Beyoglu, Istanbul
Concept by: Dr. Zoltán Somhegyi
Organised by: Akbank Sanat
We can trace the origins of the relationship between art, politics and
social engagement from the Ancient Near East and Classical Antiquity
onwards. However, in modern times, especially after Romanticism,
artists started to be more openly and directly critical towards the
condition and situation of their times, and in many cases became the
living “conscience” of the society. The workshop aims to analyse both
historical and current questions related to “art in action”. How art
can be and should it be political? Is the social engagement a limiting
or enriching feature of the arts? Should art stay “art for art’s sake”,
or be(come) more and more radically political? These and other
questions will be examined in the workshop, from an inter- and
multidisciplinary perspective, with the participation of Turkish and
international scholars.
14:00 First session
Opening remarks by Dr. Zoltán Somhegyi, initiator of the workshop
Dr. Jale Erzen (Professor, Middle East Technical University, Ankara and
Izmir University, Izmir)
Art and architecture for and against ideologies
Dr. Jacob Lund (Associate Professor, Aarhus University, Denmark)
Reframings of the present moment and the experience of contemporaneity
in the work of Alfredo Jaar
Dr. Zoltán Somhegyi (Assistant Professor, University of Sharjah, United
Arab Emirates)
Memory and politics through art. Contemporary examples from the Middle
East and beyond
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Second session
Ipek Duben (artist, Istanbul)
Art as engagement and conversation
Bedri Baykam (artist and writer, president of UPSD – Turkish Plastic
Arts Association, Istanbul)
Art and politics. The art of constant repositioning and risk taking:
The cost of freedom
Reference / Quellennachweis:
CONF: Politics & Social Engagement in Art (Istanbul, 19 Sep 15). In:
H-ArtHist, Sep 6, 2015. <http://arthist.net/archive/10907>.
2. Porta Linguarum Orientalium. New Series
Edited by Lutz Edzard, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and University of Oslo,
and Stephan Guth, University of Oslo
The Porta Linguarum Orientalium series, founded in 1864 by Julius Heinrich Petermann, later in the 20th century published under the editorship of Franz Rosenthal and Werner Diem, since 2014 edited by Lutz Edzard and Stephan Guth, constitutes a scholarly forum for grammars, pedagogical manuals, chrestomathies, and comparative manuals of the most important languages in the Middle East and Central Asia. In this capacity, the series has an important role within the publishing portfolio of Harrassowitz Verlag. In particular, the series comprises volumes on Semitic languages (Akkadian, Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic, Gəʿəz, Amharic), Coptic, Ottoman Turkish, modern Persian, Bahasa Indonésia, and Mongolian. The series also comprises comparative reference works on Semitic and the languages of the Islamic cultural area. All contributors to the series are leading scholars in their respective fi elds. The volumes of the series are subject to periodical review and, where appropriate, new editions. In individual cases, English versions of monographs originally published in German are in preparation. The volumes of the series are of interest to scholars and students alike, and are conceived both as pedagogical manuals and reference works.
The volumes are published in German or English, and they should encompass not more than 450 pages. Interested authors are expressly encouraged to approach the editors or Harrassowitz with publication ideas:
Prof. Dr. Lutz Edzard: lutz.edzard@fau.de
Prof. Dr. Stephan Guth: stephan.guth@ikos.uio.no
Dr. Barbara Krauß: bkrauss@harrassowitz.de
Link to the series: http://www.harrassowitz-verlag.de/category_280.ahtml?NKLN=86_B
74th Annual MPSA Political Science Conference. April 7-10, 2016. Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Complete Panel Proposal Deadline: September 24, 2015
Paper and Roundtable Proposal Deadline: October 1, 2015
Poster Proposal Deadline: December 10, 2015
The 2016 MPSA Conference Program Co-Chairs and Section Heads invite proposals in over 80 sections which represent all subfields in political science; the deadline for paper proposals is 10/1/2015. You must log in at MPSAnet.org to submit a proposal. If you do not have an account for the website, register for an account here. If you have an account (e.g. past conference attendee, past member), but forgot your username or password, just retrieve your existing username and password. In particular, you might consider submitting a proposal to our sections on Area Studies:
The MPSA conference has more papers and panels than any conference in the discipline, and yet all sessions can fit in the historic Palmer House Hilton Hotel in Chicago. In addition to standard research panels or poster sessions, the MPSA also has innovative and interactive presentation formats like the Junior Scholar Symposia, Symposia and Research Blitz.
Conference participants are not required to be MPSA members, though all participating presenters are must register for the conference; members do receive a significant registration discount. The conference includes a number of open-bar receptions, formal networking opportunities and organized mentoring opportunities, as well as several dozen professional development sessions on topics of interest to academics including: Journal Editing, Blogging in the Academy, Experiments, Mentoring Students, Promotion to Full Professor and more.
Questions about the content of proposals should be directed to the Program Committee Co-Chairs or section heads. Questions about policies, presentation formats, and the electronic submissions process should be directed to MPSA staff at conf@mpsanet.org.
The MPSA was founded in 1939 and has members in over one hundred countries; the flagship journal of the MPSA is the American Journal of Political Science (www.ajps.org). Contact us at conf@mpsanet.org or 101 W. Kirkwood Ave, Suite 207, Bloomington, IN 47404. www.MPSAnet.org
You must log in at MPSAnet.org to submit a proposal. Paper proposals are due 10/1/2015. If you do not have an account for the website, register for one here. If you have an account (e.g. past conference attendee, past member), but forgot your username or password, just retrieve your existing username and password.
Useful Links to Help You Prepare for #MPSA16
Session Formats and Role Descriptions
Section Descriptions and Contacts
Programs and Photos from Past MPSA Conferences
4. Critical Studies in Architecture of the Middle East is devoted to the most recent scholarship concerning historic and contemporary architecture, landscape, and urban design of the Middle East and of regions shaped by diasporic communities more globally. We invite interdisciplinary studies from diverse perspectives that address the visual characteristics of the built environment, ranging from architectural case studies to urban analysis. The series will illustrate a range of approaches to the commission, design, construction, use, and reception of buildings and landscapes throughout the region; concurrently, it will illuminate the region’s diverse architectural cultures and traditions. The series intends to present the history, theory, practice, and critical analyses of historical and contemporary architecture, landscape, and urban design, as well as the interpretation and conservation of the region’s existing cultural heritage. It will include surveys, monographs, and edited volumes.
Series editors: Mohammad Gharipour & Christiane Gruber
Please submit your book proposals to the series editors. The following is the link to the book proposal template: http://www.intellectbooks.co.uk/repository/index/
5. The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at the University of Pennsylvania invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor in Persian Literature, to begin Fall 2016. Applicants’ primary research focus should be on modern Persian literature and culture. Candidates with additional demonstrated competence in teaching pre-modern Persian literature and in Persian language pedagogy are especially sought. Teaching responsibilities will include introductory and advanced undergraduate, as well as graduate, courses. Ph.D. is expected by July, 2016.
Applications are to be submitted on-line athttp://facultysearches.provost.upenn.edu/postings/697. Include a letter of application, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching interests, statement of research interests, and the contact information for three individuals who will be contacted by the University with instructions on how to submit a letter of recommendation. Review of applications will begin November 1, 2015 and the process will continue until the position is filled. The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations is strongly committed to Penn’s Action Plan for Faculty Diversity and Excellence and to establishing a more diverse faculty (for more information see:
The University of Pennsylvania is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
The University of Pennsylvania values diversity and seeks talented students, faculty and staff from diverse backgrounds. The University of Pennsylvania does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, age, disability, veteran status or any other legally protected class status in the administration of its admissions, financial aid, educational or athletic programs, or other University-administered programs or in its employment practices. Questions or complaints regarding this policy should be directed to the Executive Director of the Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Programs, Sansom Place East, 3600 Chestnut Street, Suite 228, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6106; or (215) 898-6993 (Voice) or (215) 898-7803 (TDD).
6. The Religion Programme at the University of Otago, New Zealand, invites applications for a three-year, fixed-term position as Lecturer in Religion. We welcome applicants from a range of disciplines and specialties, but applicants should have research expertise that speaks to one or more of the Abrahamic religions (Islam, Judaism, and/or Christianity) and be able to demonstrate sophistication in using social-scientific and/or historical methods. The successful candidate will teach an introductory 100-level paper on Judaism, Christianity and Islam each year, plus one or two more papers (courses) of their own design (an average of two and a half papers per year). We particularly encourage candidates whose own papers would address aspects of Islam and/or Christianity outside Europe and North America. Applicants should have an energetic and enthusiastic commitment to teaching and an active research profile.
Applicants should have completed a PhD by June 2016 and should have knowledge of languages relevant to their area of research expertise. It is hoped that duties will commence on 13 June 2016.
Further details are available from the University of Otago website at https://otago.taleo.net/careersection/2/jobdetail.ftl?lang=en&job=1501430
Specific enquiries may be directed to Dr Will Sweetman, Head of Department, Department of Theology and Religion, Tel 00 64 3 479 8793, Email will.sweetman@otago.ac.nz
Applications quoting reference number 1501430 will close on Monday, 2 November 2015.
Dr Will Sweetman
Head of Department / Tumuaki
Theology and Religion / Te Tari Whakapono
University of Otago / Te Whare W?nanga o Ot?go
+64 3 479 8793
7. Tenured or tenure-track faculty position in History – Medieval and Persianate World (Rank open)
Ashoka University’s Department of History seeks to hire a scholar of the Medieval Persianate World, rank open. Must have the ability/willingness to teach a survey course in Medieval Indian History, with research level fluency in Persian, and/or Arabic, or any language relevant to medieval history, and ability to mentor students in the same. |
Teaching load is two courses per semester. Compensation and research support unparalleled in India. PhD must be in hand by time of appointment.
Candidates will require (1) a coverletter / CV, (2) statement on teaching philosophy, (3) statement on research, (4) research portfolio sample, and (5) three references. For questions or more information please email faculty.recruitment@ashoka.edu.in. For full consideration all materials should be submitted at http://ashoka.edu.in/facultypositions by October 16, 2015. Ashoka University is a private, nonprofit university providing an international-quality liberal arts and sciences education, the first of its kind in India. We have attracted the brightest students and the highest-quality faculty to our world-class campus on the outskirts of New Delhi, India. Ashoka’s Young India Fellowship, in its fifth year, has become the top destination for Indian postgraduates and our growing Undergraduate Programme consists of 360 of the brightest students in India. Ashoka is supported by partnerships with top universities around the world and an academic council of eminent scholars, all of whom are invested in building a new model of higher education in India through excellence in teaching and research. Our faculty is very diverse and consists of world-class researchers from premier universities (Harvard, Stanford, Oxford and others) who have made a mark in their respective fields, from computer science to philosophy, and are working to shape minds of India’s future leaders. |
8. Manar al-Athar (http://www.manar-al-athar.ox.ac.uk/)
The Manar al-Athar website, based at the University of Oxford, aims to provide high resolution, searchable images for teaching, research, and publication. These images of archaeological sites, with buildings and art, will cover the areas of the former Roman empire which later came under Islamic rule, such as Syro-Palestine/the Levant, Arabia, Egypt, North Africa and Spain. The chronological range is from Alexander the Great (i.e., from about 300 BC) through, the Islamic period to the present. It is the first website of its kind providing such material labelled jointly in both Arabic and English. We will also be publishing related material, both online and on paper, in English and Arabic.
Aims of Image Archives
a. to provide freely-downloadable images at high resolution for research and publication, as well as at low resolution for powerpoint slides for teaching;
b. to make images freely available for publication simply by acknowledging the source (no form-filling); (see Copyrigh
c. to have simple labels with a concentration on accurate and standardized labels, using metadata (explained under Photo Archive) for easy searching and organizing, with bilingual text in Arabic and English to facilitate the use of the images for both teaching and research in the Arab world, where most of the monuments are located.
d. to present the images in a structured way that is simple and easy to follow, moving from the whole building to details, to show their context.
The Program in Middle East and North African Studies at Northwestern University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professorship in modern Iranian studies or Turkish studies, in the humanities or humanistic social sciences. Candidates should work within an established discipline, and also engage with interdisciplinary conversations in Middle East studies. The position is anchored in the interdisciplinary Program in Middle East and North African studies, which offers an undergraduate major and minor and a PhD certificate program and a growing community of scholars and students. The successful candidate will need to qualify for a joint appointment in a partner department, including but not limited to anthropology, art history, a literature department, history, philosophy, religious studies, or sociology. Expertise and extensive engagement with primary documents, archives, and/or fieldwork in the language(s) of the region is expected. While this search names both Iranian and Turkish studies, candidates need not engage both fields, nor work exclusively in one or the other. The committee will be considering applicants in both subfields, which are areas of growth within the MENA Program. Job to begin September 1, 2016. PhD expected to be completed no later than spring 2016.
Applications should include: a cover letter including description of current research project, future research areas, and teaching experience or philosophy; curriculum vitae; names and electronic addresses of three referees, and a writing sample of 20-25 manuscript pages or a published academic article. In order to receive full consideration, materials must arrive by Monday Oct 10. Interviews will be conducted at the Middle East Studies Association meetings in Denver (accommodations made for semi-finalists not able to travel to MESA).
The Program in Middle East and North African Studies is committed to a diverse faculty, both in terms of gender diversity and ethnic and racial diversity, as understood both in the United States and the Middle East region. We encourage women and ethnic, racial, and religious minorities to apply.
AA/EOE. Northwestern University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer of all protected classes including veterans and individuals with disabilities. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the United States.
For further information and to apply, see: http://www.mena.northwestern.edu/people/faculty/faculty-search.html
10. BRAIS 2016 Call for Papers
Third Annual Conference
Monday 11 – Tuesday 12 April 2016
Senate House, University of London
Call for panels and papers
Following BRAIS’s successful conferences in Edinburgh (April 2014) and London (April 2015), the organisers invite proposals for whole panels or individual papers on any aspect or sub-discipline of Islamic Studies, for the Third Annual Conference of BRAIS. Islamic Studies is broadly understood to include both Muslim-majority and Muslim-minority contexts as well as historical, textual, contemporary anthropological and sociological approaches.
Pre-arranged panels are particularly welcome on themes within the subject area, such as:
Individual proposals will also be considered, and, if accepted, will then be grouped with similar submissions by the conference organisers.
For panels, a 200-word outline of the theme of the panel, together with 200-word abstracts of each paper and a short biography of each presenter, should be submitted using the form which is available HERE.
For individual papers, a 200-word abstract of the paper, with a short biography of the presenter, should be submitted using the form which is available HERE.
All completed forms should be sent by email attachment to conference2016@brais.ac.uk by 5pm (UK time) on Monday 30th November 2015.
Notification of accepted panels and papers will be circulated in January 2016.
Further details about the Association, including how to join, can be found at www.brais.ac.uk. Registration for the conference will open in February 2016, and early registration is recommended as limited space is available. The deadline for registration for the conference will be 5 pm (UK time) on Monday 21 March 2016.
If you have any questions, please contact the Conference Committee on: conference2016@brais.ac.uk or the BRAIS administrator on: brais@ed.ac.uk.
1. MENA Program Assistant for Middle East and North Africa Program, Berghof Foundation, Berlin
Position for an initial period of one year with possible extension. Main tasks: Provide logistical support for program activities (workshops, conferences, travel) etc. Qualifications: BA in relevant field; background in the MENA region and/or in the field of conflict transformation is an asset; a minimum of one to three years’ work experience in project management; excellent communication skills in Arabic, English and German.
Deadline for application: 31 September 2015. Information:
2. Research Associate in the Centre of Islamic Studies, University of Cambridge
The post is a two-year, fixed-term position, beginning on 7 December 2015. The successful candidate will conduct original research into Islam or Muslims in the UK or Europe and must have been awarded a PhD or be in the final stages of completion of a PhD.
Deadline for application: 2 October 2015. Information: www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/7942/
3. Assistant Professor of Arabic (Applied) Linguistics, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
The position is starting in August 2016. The successful candidate will have a completed Ph.D. with a clearly demonstrated specialty in Arabic Linguistics and a solid background in classical Arabic, grammar, and texts.
Review of applications will begin on 10 October 2015. Information: Meriem Tikue mmt43@georgetown.edu
4. Tenure-track Position in Early or Medieval Islamic History, George Washington University, Washington D.C.
The position is to begin as early as fall of 2016. Basic Qualifications: A PhD in early or medieval Islamic history or a closely related field. Applicants should have a clear research agenda as demonstrated by publications.
Review of applications will begin on October 23, 2015. Information: www.gwu.jobs/postings/28673
5. Assistant Professor of Arabic, University of Oklahoma
The tenure-track position is beginning August 2016 as part of the Language Flagship program. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in a relevant field at the time of appointment, native or near-native proficiency in Arabic, and a demonstrable commitment to excellence in both teaching and research. Preference will be given to candidates specializing in modern literature and/or cultural studies.
Review of applications will begin on 30 September 2015. Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/5989
6. Assistant Professor in International Relations with Specialization in Intelligence Studies in the Middle East, University of Pittsburgh
The successful candidate will have both research and teaching interests in East Asia, the Middle East, analytical methodologies, cyber-security, and/or the increasingly globalized nature of intelligence collection (including big data).
Deadline for applications: 1 October 2015. Information: https://chroniclevitae.com/jobs/0000895409-01
7. Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies, Yale University
The tenure-track appointment is beginning July 1, 2016. Research specialties in early Islam or Qur’an and Qur’anic studies are necessary.
The review of applications will begin November 1, 2015. Information: http://apply.interfolio.com/30707
8. Assistant/Associate Professor in Islamic History, Qatar University
The successful candidate should be able to teach and develop different courses related to the area of Islamic History where the candidate will be able to demonstrate a proven record in research excellence and scholarship. Applicants should possess a PhD degree in Islamic history or related areas and should have a minimum of five years teaching experience.
Deadline for application; 15 October 2015. Information:
9. Dear Friends,
It gives me great pleasure to announce that the website, Anthology of Iranian Masters of Calligraphy, which I developed at the suggestion of Professor Kambiz GhaneaBassiri and with the support of Reed College, is now available online. Please take a look at it, if you are interested.
Sincerely yours,
Hamid Reza Ghelichkhani, Ph.D.
Calligrapher & Scholar of Persian Literature and Calligraphy.
10. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem invites applications for tenure-track and
tenured positions in the field of Arabic Language and Literature (modern Arabic
literature, classical Arabic literature – poetry and prose (adab), Arabic
language and linguistics, early Islamic history and historiography, medieval
Islamic philosophy/theology and Islamic law), as well as in the field of
Religious Studies, with a specialization in Islam.
An ability to teach courses in Arabic is an advantage. The primary language of
instruction at the Hebrew University is Hebrew, but candidates not familiar
with Hebrew will be given time to reach proficiency in Hebrew during the
initial years of their appointment.
Applications are due by 15 October 2015.
Please find further information here:
11. CfP: political party organisation in the Middle East and North Africa.
A conference to be held at the University of Manchester, 25-27 January 2016.
Convened by the Subject Areas of History and Arabic and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Manchester, in Association with the Centre for Advanced Study of the Arab World
Co-organised by Dr Siavush Randjbar-Daemi and Dr Eskandar Sadeghi-Boroujerdi Email: manchester.conference.2016@gmail.com
This international conference aims to make sense of past, present and future perspectives on political party organisation in the Middle East and North Africa. It will seek to understand whether political parties in MENA should still be considered an integral part to the creation of resilient democratic states or the enactment of radical social transformation, as well as chart the evolution of the single party system and the challenges it has faced over the past decade. It will aim to bring together a wide range of scholars studying topics ranging from the social bases of marginalized political organizations to mainstream parties which have held power for decades. It is the conference’s intention to contribute to extant international scholarship on political parties in the fields of history, political science, international relations, sociology and anthropology and the literature concerned with political parties in the post-colonial world.
Proposals might choose to focus on the following themes:
Limited funding is available to cover select travel and accommodation expenses of accepted panelists.
Please complete the paper submission form on the conference website ( https://politicalpartiesmiddleeast.wordpress.com/ ) by no later than 5 October 2015. Selected participants will be contacted towards the publication of an edited volume.
12. Islamic’ Art: Disrupting Unity and Discerning Ruptures
Organized by Avinoam Shalem, Riggio Professor, Arts of Islam, Department of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University, in collaboration with the Middle East Institute, Columbia University.
This semester continues a lecture series initiated in 2014-15, addressing the historiography of the field of ‘Islamic art’ by scoring the particular moments of ruptures that fractured its foundations. The next three lectures will address problems raised by modern and contemporary spaces:
September 21:
Eyal Weizman (Goldsmiths, University of London): “Hannibal in Rafah: a forensic reconstruction of one day in the 2014 Gaza War.”
October 22:
Zeynep Çelik (New Jersey Institute of Technology): “Photographing Ottoman Modernity.”
December 3:
Nada Shabout (University of North Texas): “Modernities: Discontent and Alliances.”
with discussant Zainab Bahrani (Columbia University)
*Rescheduled from Spring.
All lectures are held at 6 pm
Columbia University, 612 Schermerhorn Hall
1190 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10027.
For more information, please visit our website:
13. Final call for papers – Race, religion and migration: spaces, practices, representations
A final reminder about a call for papers for the conference below. Abstract deadline is 10th September. Please feel free to forward this on to colleagues or others who you think may be interested in participating.
Race, religion and migration: spaces, practices, representations
Newcastle University, January 13-15th 2016
Confirmed keynote speakers include:
Claire Alexander (University of Manchester),
Catarina Kinnvall (Lund University),
Greg Noble (University of Western Sydney),
Ann Phoenix (University of London), and
Gurchathen Sanghera (University of St Andrews)
The Race, religion and migration: spaces, practices, representations conference brings together scholars, activists and practitioners who research matters of ethnicity, faith and mobility. It engages with an international community of scholars (including established, mid-career and emerging), policy-makers, practitioners and activists who share an interest in these topics, and who are working on issues of space, practice and/or representation (or at the intersections between two or all of these). The conference includes contributions which explore and demonstrate the social and political significance of issues of race, religion and migration, and engages with the multiple spaces in which these are constructed, contested and represented.
We welcome a range of empirical, conceptual and policy-focused papers from different disciplines across the social sciences. We welcome papers that connect with the conference title and particularly encourage submissions on the following themes:
We also welcome suggestions for alternative forms of presentations/sessions.
If you would like to present at this conference, you should send a title and abstract (250 words maximum) to sean.gill@ncl.ac.uk by Thursday 10th September.
To register, follow the link at the bottom of this page: https://research.ncl.ac.uk/youngpeople/finalconference/
Peter Hopkins
Professor of Social Geography
School of Geography, Politics and Sociology
Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne
England, UK NE1 7RU
(0191) 208 3924 peter.hopkins@ncl.ac.uk
Managing Editor, Gender, Place and Culture
14. McGill University – Assistant Professor, Ottoman and Turkish Studies
University of North Carolina at Charlotte – Assistant Professor, Islamic World
Northwestern University – Associate/Full Professor, Islam in African