Edmund Hayes, “The Epistolary Imamate: Circular Letters in the Administration of the Shiʿi Community”;
Georg Leube, “Local Elites during Two Periods of Civil Strife: Al-Ashʿath b. Qays, Muḥammad b. al-Ashʿath, and the Quarter of Kinda in Seventh-Century Kufa”;
Nimrod Hurvitz, “Rulers, Ḥanābila, and Shiʿis: The Unravelling Social Cohesion of Fourth/Tenth-Century Baghdad”;
Paul Walker, “Resistance to and Acceptance of the Fatimids in North Africa: A Shiʿi Dynasty in Negotiation with Both Adherents and Enemies”
HYBRID Book Presentation “Religion That Matters: Shiʿi Materiality Beyond Karbala”by Fouad Gehad Marei (Lund University), Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, 6 June 2024, 5:00 pm CEST
The book engages with conceptual debates in the fields of Religious Studies, Material Religion, Anthropology of Religion, Media Studies, and Cultural and Heritage Studies. By examining how material things make the praesentia of the Sacred tangible, how they cultivate intimate relations between human and more-than-human beings, the book makes several propositions that push the frontiers of the social and anthropological
study of religion.
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