1.Annual Conference of the British Association for Islamic Studies 2024: University of Leeds, Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 May 2024 – Call for Papers and Panels
We are delighted to announce that the 2024 Annual Conference of the British Association for Islamic Studies will be hosted by the University of Leeds in their stunning Cloth Hall Court conference venue on Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 May 2024.
The Call for Papers is now live and can be viewed here: www.brais.ac.uk/conferences/brais-2024/cfp
We welcome proposals for individual papers or whole panels from across the many sub-disciplines of Islamic Studies and look forward to welcoming you all to what promises to be a very memorable two days of presentations and conversations in a truly exceptional venue.
The deadline for submissions is Thursday 14 December 2023, and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or require any guidance on submitting your proposal.
2. The Praxis of Digital Humanities: Expanding Horizons and Transforming Scholarship in the Arab/Islamic World
6-7 March 2024
The American University of Sharjah
First Call for Papers
The emergence of digital humanities has revolutionized the landscape of academic research, providing unprecedented opportunities for scholars to explore, analyze, and interpret literary texts and media in ways that were previously unimaginable. Particularly in the context of the Arab/Islamic world, the application of digital technologies has become increasingly crucial in expanding the horizons of scholarship, whether in exploring the power of computations and machine learning of languages such as Arabic, or in applying new methodologies in the analysis and interpretation of different kinds of data (textual, visual, audio, geospatial, network, etc). Digital humanities not only enable the preservation and dissemination of Arabic/Islamic literature and cultural heritage but also facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations and offer new insights into the intricate connections between literature, media, religious studies, history, translation, computer science, and other fields of study.
The Department of Arabic and Translation studies at the American University of Sharjah (AUS) is pleased to invite you to participate in a two-day symposium on the Praxis of Digital Humanities. The symposium aims to bring together scholars and practitioners from diverse disciplines to explore the ways in which digital humanities approaches and technologies are revolutionizing the study, interpretation, and dissemination of literary texts and cultural production in the Arab/Islamic world. It also aims to emphasize the importance of digital humanities and its transformative impact on the study of Arabic/Islamic literature and media in the present and the future. By focusing on an array of topics, including digital archives, computational analysis, close and distant reading methods, digital editions, spatial analysis, translation, storytelling, cultural heritage preservation, lexicography, and dialects, this symposium seeks to illuminate the multifaceted ways in which digital technologies are reshaping our understanding and interpretation of the Arab/Islamic literary and cultural traditions. Through this interdisciplinary exploration, we aim to address the challenges, opportunities, and limitations associated with digital approaches, and to foster innovative research collaborations that expand the frontiers of knowledge in the Arab/Islamic context.
The symposium invites original contributions which explore the intersection of digital humanities and literature/media in the context of the Arab/Islamic world. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
Submission Guidelines:
We invite scholars, researchers, and practitioners to submit abstracts of original research relevant to the symposium’s themes. Submissions can be in English or in Arabic (abstracts in Arabic also need to have an abstract in English). Abstracts should be informative and well-structured (250-300 words) outlining the paper’s objectives, methodology, and key findings. All abstracts will be double reviewed by members of the scientific committee.
You can send your abstract to atsconference@aus.edu (please enclose also a copy of your passport)
Publication Opportunity:
Papers presented at the symposium (and which will not be under review for publication elsewhere at the time) will be considered for publication in a special issue of the Journal of Digital Islamicate Research (published by Brill) and/or Dragoman: International Journal of Translation Studies (published by ATI & Garant). Authors will be notified about the publication process after the symposium.
Important Dates:
Registration fees: $150
(includes coffee breaks and lunch for 2 days and the symposium dinner)
Reduced rate for full-time students: $100
Presenters and attendees need to make their own accommodation reservations. AUS has contracted a discounted rate for conference attendees at Centro Sharjah (closest hotel to AUS). AUS will provide transportation to/from the hotel and the university. More information will be provided on the conference website.
Contact Information:
For inquiries and submission of abstracts, please send an email to atsconference@aus.edu.
3. Workshop /: Taller: Practicing Autonomy to Think-Feel Decolonially/ Practicar la Autonomía, Senti-Pensar Decolonial
Title: Practicing Autonomy to Think-Feel Decolonially: decolonial methods for creating knowledge and practice.
Deadline: First selection- September 20th, 2023, and then, until filled.
Notice of Acceptance in the Workshop: September 27th, 2023
Payment Deadline: October 6th, 2023
Sessions: October 7th, 2023 – November 25th, 2023, 10am to 12pm, Mexico City Time
Location: Online
Languages: English and Spanish with simultaneous interpretation
Description: Decolonial and Anti-Colonial thought could be characterized as incorporating a great diversity of ways of knowing and experiencing the world that is not limited by classic western thought / philosophy. Many of these forms of knowledge have been preserved in form and practice by indigenous communities in the Americas. However, decolonial thought is not limited to only these communities, rather, it also incorporates ways of knowing / being that derive from diasporic experiences, diverse genders and sexualities, racialized communities, neuro- and physically diverse lived experiences as well as the many other forms of knowledge that have been devalued by capitalism / coloniality. Because much of the violence imposed on these communities is structural, build into governance by the state and multi-national corporations, the need to construct, to practice autonomy becomes more urgent everyday. From the macro-scale of the crisis of capitalism that threatens to destroy life on Earth to daily forms of brutality that so many of us experience in our bodies and sense of self, the desire to minimize our precarity, create communities of care and live a life free of violence is driving more and more people around the world to recognizing our responsibility to transform our history and present so that we may have a future. Autonomous practice recognizes that we can’t wait for someone else to create change; we must do it ourselves. It also recognizes that we create interdependencies across communities of practice so that we may learn from each other, grow and deepen our ability to create well-being.
This workshop brings together a group of thoughtful practitioners working across scales to transform the day to day lives of their communities and contribute to renewing our ability to realize our lives in environments with access to critical infrastructures, health and care. On the other hand, for our present and future to flourish it is also necessary to develop and recognize an inclusive history that dignifies the experiences of the many peoples of the Earth whose cultures have persisted in spite of the massive drive of modernity to annihilate them. From Philadephia, USA to Cusco, Peru we will look at the work, struggles and successes involved in creating autonomy from a de- / anti- colonial perspective.
For more info and to register: https://cambalache.noblogs.org/post/2023/09/04/online-workshop-practicing-autonomy-to-feel-think-decolonially-taller-practicar-la-autonomia-senti-pensar-decolonial/
To download the workshop description directly: https://cambalache.noblogs.org/files/2023/09/description-practicing-autonomy-1.pdf
Título: Practicar la Autonomía, Senti-Pensar Decolonial: Métodos Decoloniales Para Crear Conocimiento Y Práctica
Cierre Convocatoria: Primera Selección- 20 de septiembre, 2023. Y después, hasta agotar plazas.
Aviso de los Resultados: 27 de septiembre, 2023.
Fecha Límite para Pagar la Inscripción: 6 de octubre, 2023.
Sesiones: 7 de octubre, 2023 – 25 de noviembre, 2023, 10am á 12pm, Horario de la Ciudad de México.
Donde: En Línea
Idiomas: Castellano e Inglés
Descripción: El pensamiento decolonial y anticolonial podría caracterizarse por incorporar una gran diversidad de formas de conocer y experimentar el mundo que no están limitadas por el pensamiento / filosofía occidental clásica. Muchas de estas formas de conocimiento han sido preservadas en forma y práctica por las comunidades indígenas de las Américas. Sin embargo, el pensamiento decolonial no se limita sólo a estas comunidades, sino que también incorpora formas de conocer / ser que se derivan de experiencias diaspóricas, diversos géneros y sexualidades, comunidades racializadas, experiencias vividas neuro- y físicamente diversas, así como las muchas otras formas de conocimiento que han sido devaluadas por el capitalismo / colonialidad. Debido a que gran parte de la violencia impuesta a estas comunidades es estructural, construida en la gobernanza por el Estado y las corporaciones multinacionales, la necesidad de construir, de practicar la autonomía se hace cada día más urgente. Desde la macro-escala de la crisis del capitalismo, que amenaza con destruir la vida en la Tierra, hasta las formas cotidianas de brutalidad que tantos de nosotres experimentamos en nuestros cuerpes y en nuestro sentido del yo, el deseo de minimizar nuestra precariedad, crear comunidades de cuidado y vivir una vida libre de violencia, está impulsando a cada vez más personas de todo el mundo a reconocer nuestra responsabilidad de transformar nuestra historia y nuestro presente para que podamos tener un futuro. La práctica autónoma reconoce que no podemos esperar a que otre cree el cambio; debemos hacerlo nosotres mismes. También reconoce que creamos interdependencias entre comunidades de práctica para que podamos aprender unes de otres, crecer y profundizar en nuestra capacidad de crear bienestar.
Este taller reúne a un grupo de practicantes pensadores que trabajan a distintas escalas para transformar el día a día de sus comunidades y contribuir a renovar nuestra capacidad de realizar nuestras vidas en entornos con acceso a infraestructuras críticas, salud y cuidados. Por otro lado, para que nuestro presente y nuestro futuro florezcan también es necesario desarrollar y reconocer una historia inclusiva que dignifique las experiencias de los muchos pueblos de la Tierra cuyas culturas han persistido a pesar del impulso masivo de la modernidad por aniquilarlas. Desde Philadelphia, EE.UU., hasta Cuzco, Perú, examinaremos el trabajo, las luchas y los éxitos en la creación de autonomía desde una perspectiva decolonial/anticolonial.
Para más info y entrar en la convocatoría: https://cambalache.noblogs.org/post/2023/09/04/online-workshop-practicing-autonomy-to-feel-think-decolonially-taller-practicar-la-autonomia-senti-pensar-decolonial/
Para descargar la descripción del taller en pdf: https://cambalache.noblogs.org/files/2023/09/practicar-la-autonomia.pdf
4. History at SUNY Buffalo is hiring this fall:
Open-rank, tenure-track position in the History of Science, Health, or Disability in South/Southeast Asia or Latin America.
Open-rank, tenure-track position in the History of Science, Health, or Disability, with focus on Africa
This is part of a cluster of interdisciplinary hires in this field. Specialty may be in any time period (including the medieval period).
Review of applications will begin October 2, 2023. Please consider applying or spreading the word
5. En 2023, les GIS Asie, Études africaines en Franceet Moyen-Orient et mondes musulmansfêteront leurs 10 ans. À cette occasion, l’unité CNRS Études aréales (UAR2999) organise le mercredi 27 septembre 2023 à l’Humathèque Condorcet une journée dédiée à ces trois GIS aréaux et au consortium DISTAM (Digital Studies Asia, Africa, Middle East).
Une table ronde, des cartes blanches, des cérémonies de remise de prix, une exposition et un cocktail seront autant d’occasions d’échanger sur le rôle des GIS et du consortium DISTAM dans les études aréales.
Retrouvez le 📑 Programme complet de l’événement
et le lien d’inscription pour 📩 la visite guidée de l’Humathèque !
Et n’hésitez pas à diffuser cette information autour de vous !
Au plaisir de vous retrouver nombreux et nombreuses,
L’équipe organisatrice, Unité CNRS Études aréales (UAR 2999), Campus Condorcet, Bât. Sud
Contact : sandra.aube@cnrs.fr