1. Free online course “Learn Persian through Qabus-Nameh,” offered by the Armenian School of Languages and Cultures – ASPIRANTUM. This course will start on February 5, 2024, and run until February 9, 2024. The application deadline for this free course is October 31, 2023.
For more details and to apply, please visit https://aspirantum.com/courses/learn-persian-through-qabus-nameh
2. The submission process for themed day papers for the 10th School of Mamluk Studies Conference in Kuwait has closed; we are extending the deadline for panel submissions to October 31.
Reminder – the deadline to register for the Intensive Course: To What Degree Can Mamluk Artifacts be Interrogated? is November 30.
We are pleased to announce The Tenth Conference of the School of Mamluk Studies that will be held at Kuwait University, Kuwait, March 5-7, 2024.
The conference, which will be exclusively in person (no online presentations will be accepted), will be conducted in two parts (March 5-7, 2024), and will be preceded by a three-day (March 2-4, 2024) intensive course on Mamluk archaeological material taught by Professor Bethany Walker, University of Bonn.
Paper Panels: The remaining two days of the conference (March 6-7) will be structured in preorganized panels, which may focus on any aspect of the intellectual, political, social, economic, and artistic life of the Mamluk period. The panels will be organized into presentations of three to four papers of twenty minutes each. Time allotted to each paper will be twenty minutes with a discussion at the end of each panel. Panel proposals must be made by a representative, who will be responsible for the panel’s organization. Please note that in case of cancellation of two papers out of the three (or three out of the four) composing the panel, the panel will have to be withdrawn from the program.
Language: The official languages of the conference will be English and Arabic.
Proposals: Panel proposals must be submitted electronically through the conference webpage (http://mamluk.uchicago.edu/school-of-mamluk-studies.html) by October 31, 2023. No proposal will be accepted after the deadline. Those who would like to express their intention to attend the conference as listeners must fill in the registration form by October 31, 2023.
Paper proposals require the name and a one-page CV of the speaker, a provisional title, and an abstract of a maximum of 300 words per paper. Panel proposals must be submitted as such, including the relevant information for each component paper as well as the name of the panel’s chair (the chair can be one of the panelists).
Acceptance: Panel proposals will be peer-reviewed. A first circular will be sent by December 2023 to those whose proposals have been accepted, and to those who have expressed interest in attending the conference as listeners.
Fees: The conference registration fees will be $60 for all participants and attendees. A farewell dinner will take place on the last day (March 7) at a cost to be determined. Payment of the fees (registration and farewell dinner) must be received by January 15, 2024 (information on the method of payment to be used will be provided in the first circular, which will be sent in December 2023).
Cancellations received in writing by January 31, 2024, will secure a full refund, minus 20% of the registration fee. Refunds of fees (registration and farewell dinner) will not be made under any circumstances for cancellations after January 31, 2024. Participants must make their own travel arrangements; information and suggestions for accommodation will be provided in the first circular.
Intensive Course: To What Degree Can Mamluk Artifacts be Interrogated?
A three-day intensive course in Mamluk archaeology intended for advanced graduate students and other qualified participants will be offered by Professor Bethany Walker (University of Bonn) and will be held immediately before the tenth conference of the School of Mamluk Studies at Kuwait University, in collaboration with Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah (March 2-4, 2024). The course will serve as an introduction to what is now a mature discipline within Mamlukology: Mamluk Archaeology. It is also a venue for exploring ways in which archaeology could serve as a primary source for historical studies during the Mamluk period. Participants will be exposed to both theory and methods, and emphasis is placed on “learning by doing”, making use of the Mamluk-era holdings of the unique al-Sabah Collection of Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah and artifacts from excavations.
Since the number of the participants will be limited (a maximum of 20), those who desire to take part in the course are requested to submit a CV, a statement of purpose, and a letter of recommendation by someone familiar with your work to the following email address: sms10kuwait24@ku365.onmicrosoft.com by November 30, 2023. Those who are selected for the course will be notified by the end of December 2023, at which time information about the method of payment for the course fees will be provided.
The course fee is $350, which also includes the registration fee for the subsequent conference (March 5-7). The fees must be paid by January 15, 2024. Registration and participation will not be confirmed until payment is received. Cancellations received in writing by January 31, 2024, will secure a full refund, minus 20% of the course fee. Refunds of course fees will not be made under any circumstances for cancellations received after January 31, 2024.
Participants must make their own travel arrangements. Information and suggestions for accommodation will be provided in the first circular.
We look forward to meeting you in Kuwait.
Amenah Abdulkarim, Kuwait University (local organizer) – sms10kuwait24@ku365.onmicrosoft.com
Frédéric Bauden, Université de Liège
Antonella Ghersetti, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice
Marlis Saleh, University of Chicago
Contact Information
Amenah Abdulkarim, Kuwait University (local organizer)
Contact Email
3. CFP: The Female Voice in Philosophical Conversations
Location: Australian Catholic University’s Rome Campus (Villa Maria)
Dates: May 30-June 1, 2024
Confirmed Speakers: Virginia Cox (Cambridge), Jana Matuszak (University of Chicago), Katarzyna Jażdżewska (Warsaw), Julia Hairston (Rome)
Organizer: Dawn LaValle Norman (Australian Catholic University)
At various times and places in history, it was attractive to write philosophy as a conversation between characters. Only very rarely are any of the philosophical speakers female. When the female voice was used by male or female authors, it frequently leaned on gendered associations, such as women’s expertise in certain ‘female’ topics such as love and reproduction.
Yet, the story is not always so simple. This conference will explore when the female voice was used, how it was deployed, and what it can illuminate about changing gender norms and views about the definition and limits of philosophy.
The conference will bring together scholars on philosophical dialogues (as either genre or discourse mode within other genres) from various time periods and languages, from the 2nd millennium BCE to the modern day, who are working on theoretical issues around the use of the female voice in philosophical discussion and drama. The concept of a philosophical dialogue is meant to be an inclusive one, encompassing conversational literature dedicated to intellectual inquiry and wisdom across cultures and periods.
We welcome papers dealing with the use of the female voice in philosophical dialogues especially outside of the area of Classical and Renaissance literature, for which we already have some coverage (although abstracts about these areas will certainly be considered). Non-western topics are especially welcome, as are papers dealing with the 18th century and later.
We expect to be able to cover housing and meal costs during the conference for accepted participants but are unable to subsidize travel to Rome. We hope to gather approximately fifteen scholars together for the workshop, and plan to publish the papers as a special issue of a journal, subject to peer review.
This conference is sponsored by Dawn LaValle Norman’s Australian Research Council’s Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) on ‘The Female Voice in Ancient Philosophical Dialogues’.
For consideration, please send your name, affiliation, and a 200-300 word abstract to dawn.lavallenorman@acu.edu.au by Dec. 15th.
Contact Information
Professor Dawn LaValle Norman
Contact Email
4. Call for Papers for an upcoming edited volume, “Latin and Eastern Catholicism in Ottoman Anatolia: social, economic, and religious inquiries from the fourteenth to the twentieth centuries.”
While recent years have seen an increase in scholarly interest towards the history of Catholicism in the European provinces of the Ottoman Empire, with emphasis on Hungary, Bosnia, Istanbul, and the Greek Archipelago, Anatolia (Asia Minor) remains a less explored setting. With the forthcoming 300th anniversary of the Melkite Catholic Church of Antioch, it is time to examine more closely the history of Catholicism in places such as Antakya, Iskenderun. This is also a perfect occasion to examine the history of Catholic Churches and communities across Anatolia, from Izmir to Trabzon, and from Mersin to Samsun across the longue durée. With original and innovative interdisciplinary perspectives from established as well as early-careers scholars and postgraduate researchers, this volume will go beyond a simple positivist history of the Communion of Eastern Churches with Rome and to provide in-depth social, economic, and religious inquiries into the Catholic communities of Asia Minor from the late Byzantine to the early Republican periods.
We invite contributions from a variety of perspectives and fields that include but are not limited to:
Submission Guidelines and Deadlines
Contact Information
Vanessa R. de Obaldía, MAMEMS – JGU of Mainz
Radu Dipratu, Institute for South-East European Studies
Anaïs Massot, EHESS, Casor
Padraic Rohan, Quincy University
Contact Email
5. Registration Open: Online Workshop, ‘Armenian Society under Caliphal Rule’, 7–8 December 2023
Dear colleagues, the Emmy Noether Junior Research Group ‘Social Contexts of Rebellion in the Early Islamic Period’ (SCORE) at the University of Hamburg is delighted to announce that registration is now open for the online workshop ‘Armenian Society under Caliphal Rule’, 7–8 December 2023.
This workshop will consider the social history of Armenia in the period between the first Muslim invasions and the establishment of the Bagratuni Kingdom, i.e. seventh to ninth centuries AD/first to third centuries AH. Contributions will cover a diverse range of topics including church councils, epigraphy, the environment and cross-cultural marriage.
Confirmed participants include Stephanie Forrest (Cambridge), Tim Greenwood (St Andrews), Ani Honarchian (Saint Louis), Nik Matheou (Edinburgh), Leone Pecorini Goodall (Edinburgh/St Andrews) and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller (Vienna). Each talk will be followed by a response from a dedicated discussant and a public Q&A.
To register, please contact the convener, Alasdair Grant, at alasdair.grant@uni-hamburg.de . Registration will be open until the end of the event, but advanced registration is encouraged. The workshop will be hosted on Zoom and will take place in the afternoon only (CET). The finalised programme will be published soon.
For more information on our research group, please visit http://www.aai.uni-hamburg.de/score
6. Medieval Academy Summer Research Program for graduate students (deadline: 22 Jan 2024)
About: The Medieval Academy of America (MAA) is excited to announce the 2024 Summer Research Program for PhD-track students. Organized by the MAA’s Mentoring Program Committee, the Summer Research Program is designed to foster the growth of essential skills and mentorship relationships and improve educational experiences and outcomes for graduate students in fields intersecting with Medieval Studies. Our primary goals are to facilitate the development of successful dissertation projects, foster networking and community-building, and improve competitiveness for grants and academic positions.
Format: The 2024 Summer Research Program will convene via Zoom over the course of six weeks in June, July, and August and culminate in a hybrid event in early August. Participants will learn about the range of available grants, develop successful strategies for securing these funding opportunities, and begin to work with mentors and one another to produce their own grant proposals (with specific attention on identifying the broader contributions of their research, developing budgets, and proposing viable schedules). In the latter sessions, participants will break into two cohorts, and leaders will help them each develop a targeted written work relating to their dissertation project: ideally a dissertation prospectus, a grant proposal, or an introduction to an article addressing and contextualizing the broader goals of the project. The workshop series also will feature guidance on library and archival research, writing strategies and techniques, networking, community-building, and other vital professional skills. The in-person event for US, Canadian, and Mexican participants will take place at the University of California at Berkeley on August 1-4. During this long weekend, participants will continue their collaborations, meet and learn from mentors and other invited experts, and finalize and ultimately present the work they have been developing and sharing virtually in their workshops. Participants from other countries will attend this event virtually. Eligibility: We seek twelve graduate students who are currently enrolled in U.S., Canadian, or Mexican PhD programs, and five graduate students from other countries, who will have finished their second year but not yet completed or defended their dissertations. There are no disciplinary or geographical limitations. The only restriction is that the applicant’s research project intersects somehow with Medieval Studies. The MAA seeks to incorporate and enable access to resources for people from underrepresented groups. We especially encourage applicants from communities and backgrounds that have been traditionally underrepresented or marginalized within Medieval Studies. Preference will also be given to applicants who do not already have access to the resources this program provides. Funding: Participants from the US, Canada and Mexico will receive a stipend of $1000 and reimbursement for round-trip travel costs up to $500 to attend the in-person culminating event. Those from other countries attending only via Zoom will also receive a stipend of $1000. All participants will receive a one-year free membership to the MAA. Application: Applications are due by January 22, 2024. Use this link to access and submit the application. Applicants will be notified of decisions via email by April 1, 2024. For help with any questions or further information, please email maamentorship@gmail.com. |
7. The Allard Pierson has launched a new fellowship programme to promote academic research into the unique and extensive collections of the University of Amsterdam, including its very rich collection of maps and atlases. As of 2024, the Allard Pierson will be offering several stipends each year for national and international researchers, for a maximum of three months. Applications for the year 2024 are now open; the closing date is 1 December 2023.
Please feel free to contact one of the members of the Explokart research group if you would be interested to apply for an Allard Pierson fellowship. It replaces the former Explokart fellowship, whose call is now closed.
Guidelines and application form can be found here.
8. Call for Papers: Interdisciplinary Approaches to People, Power, and Place
Thursday 18th – Friday 19th April 2024
The world of Antiquity is vast. It encompasses Greco-Roman, Near Eastern, Asiatic, African, and ‘Celtic’ cultures, across centuries of history, spanning geographical regions traditionally stretching from the western Mediterranean to the far reaches of China. It is therefore critical that historians do not limit themselves to understanding it through a single perspective.
For this reason, the organising committee is looking for papers that tackle the topics of people, power, or place ranging from the Archaic period until the end of Late Antiquity.
Possible topics might include, but are not limited to:
Those wishing to have a paper considered, please send a title, 300-word abstract, short bio, and their institution to ampahconference@gmail.com by Friday 1st December 2023.
As with previous conferences, selected papers will be published in an edited volume. Submissions should aim to be as close to the theme as possible in their abstract and paper. Nevertheless, all submissions are warmly invited.
The conference will have a hybrid format, with papers delivered at the Cardiff University John Percival Building and livestreamed for a remote audience. Online papers will be accepted.
Keep up to date:
Website: https://ampahconference.wixsite.com/annual-meeting-of-po
Twitter/X: @AMPAHistory
9. Fellowship – Grabar Post-doctoral Fellowship, HIAA – deadline: December 15, 2023
Grabar Post-doctoral Fellowship
Deadline: December 15, 2023
The Grabar Post-doctoral Fellowship is intended to support post-doctoral scholars at an early stage of their careers in advancing their research. Fellowship funds may be used in one of two ways:
* To spend up to two months in residence as a visiting professor or fellow/research scholar at a university, museum, research institute or similar institution outside their usual country of residence or employment.
* To support additional research to aid in preparing the dissertation for publication.
Applicants should have completed their Ph.D. within the last five years or have submitted their dissertations by the start of the fellowship.
The Grabar Post-doctoral Fellowship will provide up to $2000 US per month, for a maximum of two months. An additional $1000 may be requested for travel or for supplies.
All materials should be submitted by email to the chair of the Grabar post-doctoral fellowship committee chair (grabar.hiaa@gmail.com) by December 15, 2023. Files exceeding 5 Mb should be transferred by FTP.
For further details and to apply, please visit: https://www.historiansofislamicart.org/opportunities/hiaa-prizes/grabar-grants-and-fellowships
10. Award – The Margaret B. Ševčenko Prize in Islamic Art and Culture Deadline, HIAA – deadline: December 15, 2023
The Margaret B. Ševčenko Prize in Islamic Art and Culture
Deadline: December 15, 2023
Every year the Historians of Islamic Art Association (HIAA) sponsors a competition and awards the Margaret B. Ševčenko Prize for the best unpublished essay written by a junior scholar (pre-dissertation graduate student to three years after the Ph.D. degree) on any aspect of Islamic visual culture. This competition is open to HIAA members only. The Ševčenko Prize recipient receives an award of $500 and a citation, generally presented at HIAA’s annual business meeting. The Prize is named in memory of Margaret Bentley Ševčenko, the first and long-serving Managing Editor of Muqarnas, a journal devoted to the visual culture of the Islamic world and sponsored by the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at Harvard and at MIT. The winning essay will be considered for publication by the Muqarnas Editorial Board.
Submissions must include the paper in both Word and PDF format, and a separate sheet with the author’s contact information (address, telephone number, and email address). Papers should not exceed 10,000 words in length (including footnotes) and can be accompanied by up to 15 low-res illustrations.
Please note that submissions cannot be in press or under review with any publisher.
A letter of recommendation for the paper should be sent separately by the author’s adviser or referee.
All materials should be submitted by email to the Ševčenko committee chair (sevcenko.hiaa@gmail.com) by December 15, 2023. Files exceeding 5 Mb should be transferred by FTP.
For further details, please visit: https://www.historiansofislamicart.org/opportunities/hiaa-prizes/the-margaret-ševčenko-prize-in-islamic-art-and-culture
11. Association of Iranian Studies (AIS)
21 – 22 October 2023
The Association of Iranian Studies (AIS) is holding its inaugural online symposium this weekend, which a number of colleagues at SOAS are participating in.
Please note that registration is only open to members of the AIS, and that the Centre for Iranian Studies, SOAS is not involved in this event.
Please contact symposium@associationforiranianstudies.org for any queries about the symposium.
12. Lecturer (Education and Research) in Arabic Studies
University of St Andrews
The School of Modern Languages is seeking to recruit a Lecturer in Arabic Studies. You will be a scholar with a growing international research reputation and commitment to delivering high quality in Arabic language studies and the broader field of Arabic literary and cultural studies. The position is available for a period of 3 years to cover a staff secondment.
Deadline | 2 November 2023
13. Research Fellowships
Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies
The Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies invites applications for up to two Research Fellowships open to post-doctoral candidates in any area of the arts, humanities or social sciences which contribute to a more informed understanding of the Islamic world – its history, economy, politics, culture and contemporary life.
Deadline | 30 November 2023
14. Khalid bin Abdullah Al Saud Professorship for the Study of the Contemporary Arab World
University of Oxford
The Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES) and Magdalen College intend to appoint to the Khalid bin Abdullah al Saud Professorship in the Study of the Contemporary Arab World with effect from 1 October 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. This post is a statutory professorship, which is the most senior academic grade at Oxford.
Deadline | 4 December 2023
15. Call for Applications | BIAA Study, Research and Large Research Grants
The British Institute at Ankara (BIAA) is offering a range of grants for UK Higher Education Institution-affiliated scholars at all stages of their career from postdoctoral researcher to senior academic:
Deadline | 29 October 2023
16. CBRL Andrea Zerbini Awards 2023-24
CBRL is delighted to announce the call for applications for CBRL Andrea Zerbini Awards. Applications are invited for grants of up to £4,000 from registered doctoral students (up to a maximum of 12 years since the completion of their Master’s degree) at EU and UK Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) to travel to the countries of the Levant. Two awards are available in 2023/24.
Deadline | 31 October 2023
More information
17. Call for Leadership Proposals – 2024 APSA MENA Workshop
The American Political Science Association (APSA) is pleased to announce a call for proposals from political scientists interested in serving as co-leaders for the 2024 MENA Workshop program. This research development workshop will be a 6-day in-person program held in the MENA region in summer 2024.
Deadline | 5 November 2023
18. Call for Proposals – International Writing Workshops
Funding | British Academy
The British Academy is inviting proposals for Writing Workshops in Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Philippines, South Africa, Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam and/or Least Developed Countries. These workshops should aim to develop the skills of early career researchers, including supporting and promoting the uptake of their research in journals and publications.
Deadline | 6 December 2023
19. 2024-2025 Tanya Baker-Asad Scholarship for Palestinian Women Pursuing PhDs
The Palestinian American Research Center announces the inauguration of The Tanya Baker-Asad Scholarship for Palestinian women pursuing PhDs in the humanities and social sciences. The Scholarship was established in honor of the late Tanya Baker-Asad, an anthropologist, a feminist, and a strong supporter of the Palestinian cause.
Deadline | 08 January 2024
20. Nahrein Network-UCL Graduate Studentship
The Nahrein Network is pleased to announce our next fully funded MA/MSc + PhD studentship for Iraqi nationals, to be held at University College London in the Department of History, the Institute of Archaeology, or the Bartlett Institute for Sustainable Heritage. The scholarship covers full university tuition fees plus an annual maintenance grant of £23,995.00 and access to research funds.
Deadline | 15 January 2024
21. Autumn School – Arab World Institute
Workshops | Arab World Institute (IMA) | 23-27 October 2023
The Arabic Language and Civilization Center (CLCA) of the Arab World Institute (IMA) is organizing its first Autumn School, EDIMA, a series of conferences and workshops around didactics and teaching Arabic as a foreign language. The Autumn School’s full content will be given in Arabic.
22. Iran’s Struggle for Sovereignty, 1828-1928
Gholam-Reza Nikpay Lecture | LSE International History Department | 26 October 2023
This year’s speaker will be Professor Houchang Chehabi. This talk will explore questions like: Was Iran a fully sovereign country in the age of empires? How did the Iranians preserve their independence when much of Asia was colonised?
More information
23. New Area Studies: Under Construction
Symposium | University of East Anglia | 8 November 2023
This one-day conference will bring together international leaders of the discipline to spark an important discussion about New Area Studies, how we understand and conceptualise the field in theory and action, and how we imagine it will evolve in coming decades.
More information
24. Assistant Professor of Literature
New York University: NYU – NY: Gallatin School of Individualized Study
Location New York; Open Date: Oct 17, 2023
The Gallatin School of Individualized Study at New York University (NYU) invites applications for a tenure-track position of Assistant Professor of Literature focusing on the literary cultures of global antiquity in periods before approximately the 7th century CE, including the literatures of Ancient Iran, South Asia, Central Asia, and the Tibetan Himalayas. Linguistic expertise could include Sanskrit, Old Tibetan, Old and Middle Persian, or Iranian languages such as Bactrian, Saka, and Parthian. Successful candidates for this position will present strong evidence of excellence in interdisciplinary teaching and research and will have the Ph.D. in hand by the start date of September 1, 2024.
We seek a scholar with a Ph.D. in Literature or a related discipline committed to teaching and studying works across genres—epic, drama, oral literature, commentaries, or sacred texts—and across languages, traditions, and historical contexts.
The teaching load for this position is four courses per year (two in the fall and two in the spring). Additionally, faculty carry an advising load up to 20-25 students. Successful applicants will have evidence of an ongoing research program, teaching effectiveness, and commitment to increasing diversity and fostering inclusion in academia.
Candidates must be eager to teach courses in the literature of ancient cultures that encourage students to engage with these topics and to guide them in thinking about how studying this literature can historically and globally deepen their individual and interdisciplinary concentrations.
Founded in 1972, NYU Gallatin is a liberal arts college of 1,600 undergraduate students and 160 graduate students who are part of New York University. Its innovative B.A. and M.A. Programs in individualized study encourage students to develop an integrated, interdisciplinary program of study that combines courses taken in the various schools of NYU with independent studies, internships, and Gallatin’s own interdisciplinary seminars, writing courses, and arts workshops. The School emphasizes excellent teaching, top level faculty research, intensive student advising and mentoring, and a unique combination of program flexibility and academic rigor. To learn more about the Gallatin School, please visit our website at gallatin.nyu.edu.
In compliance with NYC’s Pay Transparency Act, the annual base salary range for this position is $70,000 to $110,000.
Review of applications will begin on November 10, 2023, and will continue until the position is filled.
For questions, please contact Gallatin Human Resources at gallatin.hr@nyu.edu.
Candidates should have a comparative and interdisciplinary research program, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and a commitment to increasing diversity and fostering inclusion in academia.
Application Instructions
Applicants should include a CV, a cover letter that outlines their research, teaching, and service experience, a research statement of no longer than two pages, and a list of three referees. Applicants should upload material to the Interfolio link by November 10 (https://apply.interfolio.com/134353) to receive full consideration. We will ask selected candidates for further material including a writing sample, a description of three dream courses, teaching and diversity statements, and reference letters. For questions, please contact Gallatin’s Office of Human Resources at gallatin.hr@nyu.edu, or the chair of the search committee, Professor Gregory Erickson, at gte1@nyu.edu.
25. The Pourdavoud Center, UCLA
Legacies of Ancient Persia: New Episode Available
We are excited to announce the release of a new podcast episode of Legacies of Ancient Persia! A legacy consists of three critical elements: a past, a present, and a future. Join the Pourdavoud Institute as we explore elements of the many legacies of ancient Persia and their relevance to global patrimony. Learn how the ancient Iranian civilization impacted its neighbors and how the interconnectivity of ancient cultures influenced Persia. Featuring interviews with thought leaders in academia, conversations with specialists in the entertainment industry who reimagine ancient worlds for modern society, and round-table discussions that bring together a multiplicity of perspectives, we highlight Persia’s interactions with the wider ancient worlds and explore how this entangled history is received in the modern era.
Episodes will air bimonthly on Thursdays, and are available wherever you listen to podcasts, including Apple and Spotify.
26. Workshop | Persian Manuscripts between East and West
| 3 November 2023; from 9AM |
Ancient India and Iran trust, Cambridge
This workshop, financed by BIPS with the support of the Sufi Manuscript Cultures research project, is part of the project Persian Manuscripts between East and West: Britain, India and the Circulation of the Persianate Literary Heritage led by Prof Andrew Peacock, Dr Ursula Sims-Williams and Dr Mahmood Alam.
More information about the project and the workshop, including how to register, can be found at this link.
Register by 30 October 2023.