1.HYBRID “22nd Annual Women’s and Gender History Symposium”, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 29 February – 2 March 2024
We seek graduate student paper presentations of 15-20 minutes that foreground the social, cultural, and political implications of space and place in histories of women, gender, sexuality, and/or queerness. Alter-native presentations (e.g. film, poetry, art) are welcome so long as they fit within the symposium’s format.
Deadline for abstracts: 30 November 2023. Information: https://wghistory.web.illinois.edu/
2. “10th School of Mamluk Studies Conference”, Kuwait University, 5-7 March 2024
The conference will be conducted in two parts (5-7 March 2024), and will be preceded by a three-day (2-4 March 2024) intensive course on Mamluk archaeological material taught by Professor Bethany Walker, Uni-versity of Bonn. The preorganized panels may focus on any aspect of the intellectual, political, social, econo-mic, and artistic life of the Mamluk period.
Extended deadline for abstracts: 30 November 2023.
Information: https://networks.h-net.org/group
3. Colloque « Apocalypse Now ? Attentes des derniers jours dans le judaïsme, le christianisme et l’islam (du Moyen Age aux temps contemporains) », Strasbourg, 18 et 19 mars 2024
Le premier axe s’intéresse aux transferts des idées apocalyptiques dans le judaïsme, le christianisme et l’islam. Le second se penchera sur les mouvements messianiques et apocalyptiques dans une période de tensions extrêmes. Le troisième axe aborde la question des prophètes et du prophétisme. Aujourd’hui, l’image actuelle du prophète est assez floue.
Propositions de communisation: 27 novembre 2023. Information : https://iismm.hypotheses.org/files/2023/11/Appel-a%CC%80-communication-Apocalypse-Now-.pdf
4. International Conference “Voices that Matter: Gender in Times of Crises and Natural Disasters”, Errachidia, Morocco, 20-21 May 2024
Given the critical role of gender in crisis and disaster management and its significant influence on Sustainable Development Goals, this conference seeks to address the health, social, economic, natural, and political dimensions of crises and disasters. It also aims to question why gender inequalities are magnified in such contexts and what actions should be taken by various actors to mitigate their impact and achieve gender justice. In collaboration with the “International Journal of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies: Contemporary Medusa”.
Deadline for abstracts: 30 December 2023.
5. ONLINE Graduate Student Workshop of the Association for Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies (AGAPS), 8-9 June 2024
The workshop is open to all graduate students currently in the writing/revisions stage of their PhD dissertations, writing in English. Students working in all disciplines and chronological periods are encouraged to apply, as are scholars looking at connections between the Gulf, Arabian Peninsula, and other parts of the world. Each graduate student will have their chapter discussed in depth by a senior scholar.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 February 2024.
Information: https://agaps.org/call-for-agaps-graduate-student-workshop/
6. Visiting Doctoral Fellowships (6-12 Months) at the Orient-Institut Beirut (OIB)
The visiting fellowships are beginning no later than 1 March 2024 for doctoral candidates engaged in out-standing research projects in the humanities and social sciences. We invite applications across disciplines, time periods, and geographic coverage outlined in our mission statement. Proposals are encouraged to articulate the contemporary stakes of the research project, encompassing historiographical, cultural, religious and/or political dimensions.
Deadline for applications: 10 December 2023.
Information: https://www.orient-institut.org/support/fellowships/doctoralfellowships.html
7. Visiting Doctoral Fellowships (6-12 Months) at the Orient-Institut Beirut (OIB)
The visiting fellowships are beginning no later than 1 March 2024 for doctoral candidates engaged in out-standing research projects in the humanities and social sciences. We invite applications across disciplines, time periods, and geographic coverage outlined in our mission statement. Proposals are encouraged to articulate the contemporary stakes of the research project, encompassing historiographical, cultural, religious and/or political dimensions.
Deadline for applications: 10 December 2023.
Information: https://www.orient-institut.org/support/fellowships/doctoralfellowships.html
8. Post-doctorant (24 mois) dans le champ aréal “Sociétés et cultures de l’Afghanistan”, Campus CNRS Ile-de-France, Villejuif
Compétences: Diplôme de doctorat dans une discipline des sciences humaines et sociales, avec une compétence sur l’aire culturelle de référence. – Productions scientifiques régulières (communications et publications, autres que la thèse). Compétences linguistiques : maîtrise indispensable d’au moins une des langues de l’aire culturelle de référence ; maîtrise de l’anglais; pour les candidats étrangers, compréhension du français souhaitée (B1); Qualités rédactionnelles, capacité à formuler un projet scientifique, à publier et valoriser ses recherches; etc.
Date d’embauche prévue : 5 décembre 2023. Information : https://iismm.hypotheses.org/92309
9. Research Groups at the “Israel Institute for Advanced Studies” 2025-2026, Hebrew University in Jerusalem
The IIAS invites scholars from Israel and abroad to submit Research Group (RG) proposals for the 2025-2026 academic year. Research proposals may be submitted by initiator(s) affiliated with any academic institution in Israel or abroad. Proposals may cover any research topic from all disciplines including interdisciplinary research, and must seek to be innovative with potential impact on their research field.
Deadline for proposals: 1 December 2023. Information: https://iias.huji.ac.il/rgopencall
10. Individual Fellowships at the “Israel Institute for Advanced Studies” 2025-2026, Hebrew University in Jerusalem
The IIAS invites scholars from Israel and abroad to submit proposals for an individual fellowship at the IIAS for the 2025-2026 academic year. Topics may cover any research area from any discipline and must seek to be innovative, with the potential to impact research in the field. Two or three scholars who collaborate on the same project should apply individually and state clearly that they wish to work together.
Deadline for proposals: 1 December 2023. Information: https://iias.huji.ac.il/open.call.individual.fellowship
11. Mellon Post-doctoral Fellowship (2 Years) in Near Eastern Studies, Society for the Humanities, Cornell University
We invite applications from candidates whose scholarship focuses on questions of decoloniality/decolonial methods, environmental humanities, and / or migration studies. Temporal and regional focus is open, and we are especially interested in conceptually oriented work that critically reexamines and considers the Middle East beyond area studies.
Deadline for applications: 5 January 2024. Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/25799
12. Post-doctoral Research Associates (1-3 Years) in Studies on Iran and the Persian Gulf (19th – 21st Century), Sharmin & Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Iran & Persian Gulf Studies, Princeton University
The full-time position is open to scholars of all academic disciplines in the humanities and social sciences.
Deadline for applications: 10 January 2024.
Information: https://puwebp.princeton.edu/AcadHire/apply/application.xhtml?listingId=32581
13. Visiting Assistant Professor in Islamic Studies (2 Years), University of Rochester, NY
Qualifications: A Ph.D. in Religion or a related field is required. Preference will be given to candidates with demonstrated excellence in teaching at the undergraduate level and with demonstrated potential and/or excellence in research and publications in the candidate’s field.
Deadline for applications: 25 November 2023. Information: https://apply.interfolio.com/135710
14. Stage Intensif de Langue Arabe, Spécialisation Golfe, Niveau B2, CEFREPA-Koweit, 7-16 jan-vier 2024
Les cours d’arabe standard sont accompagnés d’immersions et de pratiques en dialectal du Golfe et d’un cours de sciences humaines et sociales (histoire, géopolitique, patrimoine archéologique et artistique). Il est destiné à des stagiaires (étudiants en master, doctorants, chercheurs, professionnels des entreprises et administrations françaises dans la région) ayant déjà acquis le niveau B1.
Date de application : 27 novembre 2023. Information : cefrepa@gmail.com
15. Stage Intensif de Langue Arabe, Niveau C1, CEFREPA-Koweit, 21-30 janvier 2024
Les cours d’arabe standard sont accompagnés d’immersions et de pratiques en dialectal du Golfe et d’un cours de sciences humaines et sociales (histoire, géopolitique, patrimoine archéologique et artistique). Il est destiné à des stagiaires (étudiants en master, doctorants, chercheurs, professionnels des entreprises et administrations françaises dans la région) ayant déjà acquis le niveau B2.
Date de application : 27 novembre 2023. Information : cefrepa@gmail.com
16. Articles for the Eighth Issue of the “Oxford Middle East Review”
We invite authors to reflect on the role of the MENA’s people, civil societies, and governments as a driver of local, regional, and global transformations. We encourage submissions to explore change from below or from above and to question what continuities persist during moments of sudden change or during periods of gradual transformation.
Deadline for submisstions: 10 December 2023.
Information: https://mesana.org/resources-and-opportunities/2023/11/13/the-herbert-scoville-jr.-peace-fellowship-program
17. Articles for the Journal “Sociology of Islam (SOI)”
SOI provides an international scholarly forum for research related to the religion and culture of Islam, Muslim societies, and social issues related to Muslims in socio-political context. SOI publishes multiple issues per year containing original peer-reviewed articles and book reviews on the sociological, political, anthropolo-gical, historical and other aspects of Islam and Muslim societies across all times and places
Information: https://brill.com/fileasset/downloads_products/Author_Instructions/SOI.pdf
18. Washington University in St. Louis – The John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics seeks applications from junior scholars and recent Ph.D. graduates for up to two postdoctoral fellowships in residence at Washington University in St. Louis.
Applicants should hold a doctorate in religious studies, politics, anthropology, law, philosophy, theology, American studies, history, Jewish studies, Islamic studies, sociology, or another relevant field. Scholars should be engaged in projects centrally concerned with religion and politics in the United States, historically or in the present day.
Closing date: Jan 8, 2024
19. ONLINE Webinar: ‘Uncovering Dr Hans E. Wulff Collection: A Life Contribution to the Study of Iran and Iranian Studies’
with Pedram Khosronejad
British Institute of Persian Studies, 06 December 2023, 5PM (UK time).
On Zoom.
This paper will present the life and research conducted by Hans E. Wulff in Iran between 1936-1941 and in 1964-65 and discusses the significance of his archive and collection for the study of the traditional craft, art, technology, and science of Iran.
20. Thinking and Believing: al-Jāḥiẓ on Religious Knowledge
Hussein Abdulsater
Thinking and Believing: al-Jahiz on Religious Knowledge | IIS lecture series
This talk, which forms part of the Islamic History and Thought Lecture Series, presents an overview of the intellectual project of al-Jāḥiẓ (d. 868-9) as an introduction to the worldview of the Epistemists, while touching on their rise and fall as a theological trend. It also seeks to situate them in the formative ʿAbbasid moment of Islamic history.
Date: 30 November 2023
Time: 5:00pm – 6:30pm
Venue: Online (Zoom)
Registration required (follow the link above)
21. In a change to the original programme
‘Empire, Sultanate, and the Boundaries of the Persianate world in South Asia.
with Roy Fischel,
British Institute of Persian Studies (BIPS)
27 November 2023, 7pm (UK time)
The British Academy, 10-11 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AH
This is an in-person only event, which will take place at the British Academy. Registrations for the event are currently closed: people booked on the lecture by Prof Frankopan have been contacted to confirm their attendance. Should there be available places, these will be open for booking early next week.
Please check the website above.