1.ONLINE Conference “Researching Muslim America: Intersecting Identities, Methodological Advances, and Lingering Challenges”, Muslim Studies Program, Michigan State University, 8-9 February 2024
Information, program and registration: https://events.islamicity.org/events/theme-researching-muslim-america-intersecting-identities-methodological-advances-and-lingering-challenges/
2. ONLINE Book Talk “The Kurdish Nobility in the Ottoman Empire: Loyalty, Autonomy, and Privilege” by Nilay Özok Gundogan (Florida State University), Center for Middle East Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI, 9 February 2024, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST
This book is a study of the rise and fall of Kurdish nobility in the Ottoman Empire from the sixteenth through the nineteenth centuries. Focusing on one noble Kurdish family based in the emirate of Palu, a fortressed town in the eastern provinces of the Ottoman Empire, the book provides the first systematic analysis of the hereditary nobility in Kurdistan between 1720 and 1895.
Information and registration: https://watson.brown.edu/cmes/events/2023/nilay-ozok-gundogan-kurdish-nobility
3. ONLINE Working Group Race & Gender in the Global Middle Ages: “The Racialized Scentscape of Fatimid Automata” by Dr. Holley Ledbetter (Oberlin College), Medieval Academy of America, 9 February 2024, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm EST
This paper explores the eight life-size mechanical sculptures stationed in the majlis of the early twelfth-century Fatimid vizier al-Afḍal Shāhanshāh (r. 1094-1121) as technological embodiments of enslavement. Performing for viewers, the jewel-bedecked female figurines purportedly bowed their heads when al-Afḍal entered the hall and returned to their upright position when he found his seat. Etc.
Information and registration: https://scholarblogs.emory.edu/raceandgenderglobalmiddleages/
4. ONLINE Webinar “The Muslim Difference: Defining the Line Between Believers and Unbelievers from Early Islam to Present” with Professor Youshaa Patel, Muslim Studies Program, Michigan State University, 21 February 2024, 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm EST
Information and registration: https://muslimstudies.isp.msu.edu/about/reg-links/
5. HYBRIDE Seminaire “De poète de la tribu à poète de la rue – les transformations de statut et de conditions de vie des poètes arabophones à l’époque prémoderne” avec Hakan Özkan (IREMAM – Aix-Marseille Université), MMSH/IREMAM, Aix-en-Provence, 25 April 2024, 14h00 heure de Paris
Nous accorderons une attention particulière à la notion de mobilité sociale des poètes, c’est-à-dire à la capacité de ces auteurs à s’élever au-delà de leur statut socio-économique initial, à travers leurs carrières en tant que poètes mais également dans d’autres domaines professionnels. Nous explorerons en outre la thématique de la précarité, qu’elle soit d’ordre économique ou physique.
Information et inscription : https://www.iremam.cnrs.fr/en/node/101905
6. 17th Pan-European Conference on International Relations: RG Section 13 “Islam in Inter-national Affairs: Theories and Practices of Diplomacy”, 27-31 August 2024, Lille Catholic University, France
The section analyses both theoretical approaches of Islam in International Relations and concrete historical experience of diplomacy in Islam: – Theoretical Approaches of Diplomacy in Islam. – Worldviews of Muslim Thinkers and Practitioners vis-á-vis Diplomacy. – Diplomacy and Islamic Polity/Governance. – Diplomacy of Transnational and Political Islamist Movements. – The Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL, Daesh) Phenomenon and Diplomacy.
Deadline for abstracts: 13 March 2024. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/group/announcements/20021931/cfp-panels-section-s13-islam-international-affairs-theories-and
7. Workshop “Aesthetics, Rituals, and Narratives in Islamic Mobilization”, University of Oxford, 24 October 2024
We will investigate how art, rituals, performances, music, and symbolic meanings contribute to creating a cohesive narrative that shapes various forms of Islamic mobilization across the Middle East. We invite abstracts that explore aesthetics, rituals, and narratives within the context of Islamic movements in the Middle East.
Deadline for abstracts: 22 March 2024. Information: https://www.cfplist.com/CFP/40739
8. International Conference on “Digital Archiving in the Arab World (DA|AW)”, Abu Dhabi, 29-31 October 2024
The conference will bring together scholars and practitioners for discussions about archiving challenges in the Arab world, hence no discipline or approach is proposed. The questions are broad, and all possible responses are appreciated.
Deadline for abstracts: 18 February 2024.
Information: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TwMxdXGdz5eumFI6yS-4KWyUI1EpJLY4/view
9. Fellowship of the American Center of Research in Amman in the Fields of Ancient History, Anthropology, Middle East History / Studies and Political Science (2024-2025)
Extended deadline for applications: 15 February 2024.
10. Articles on “Contemporary Issues of Capitalism in the Middle East”, for a Special Issue of “Middle East Critique” with Guest Editors Stella Morgana and Kayhan Valadbaygi
What does the term ‘capitalism’ imply when it is applied to the Middle East and North Africa? How do dy-namics of class, gender and ethnicity shape contemporary issues of capitalism? This special issue tackles these questions by exploring the gaps in current mainstream literature.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 February 2024. Information: http://tinyurl.com/MEC-CapitalisMENA
11. Gulf International Forum is pleased to invite nominations for our Gulf book award, a recognition celebrating exceptional scholarly works. Both authors and publishers are eligible to nominate, and while there is no restriction on the number of submissions per author, we encourage thoughtful and selective nomination.
Eligibility Criteria
* The book should be a scholarly monograph grounded in original research.
* Publications must be in English, released between January 2023 and December 2023.
* The content should be centered around one or more of the nine Gulf states: the six nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Iraq, Iran, and Yemen. It should comprehensively delve into one or more pertinent themes, such as political, economic, social, security, or cultural aspects relevant to the Gulf region.
* This award accepts submissions of original works. Please note that this award does not consider edited volumes, new editions of previously published books, bibliographies, or textbooks.
Nomination Deadline and Application
Nominations must be submitted by February 14, 2024.
Please apply by completing the <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ZUP1wkDuvmctLaWUVf7cvn18q8oPdgXFeW3iBWRu7OJC49qwSCX9h5Ny8JNUsTEWAF9MiViGmEXuYOBJPPgE5QBEhHmJ-yiJC8GzvexucmjU7nJ4sAhxEX8nj0PzIh2DD5-H2wImJxhnyELUGKPJ-wl4pYE1sv-NpBwdowCUvw5Ku1r_WDga6fQxhTEIPHGfmRYgsmDAN9lKNDXp5sHgdeLGZ2vm-ra6j06RHJDfR99R4orD_YiVjtKndWO7TxPedbtgrB99s7WTXPbww2HrdQ==&c=AcJmH9ndQj19Z02S_CSPEvre_B7JwE8OgFx6wxbaa6h5adHtBVQPRA==&ch=fQCp5qsBzFAzJfjS0brxnBkMU0A2DVsT1ULGCKw0AEBgkT5qdeex1w==>following form <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ZUP1wkDuvmctLaWUVf7cvn18q8oPdgXFeW3iBWRu7OJC49qwSCX9h5Ny8JNUsTEWAF9MiViGmEXuYOBJPPgE5QBEhHmJ-yiJC8GzvexucmjU7nJ4sAhxEX8nj0PzIh2DD5-H2wImJxhnyELUGKPJ-wl4pYE1sv-NpBwdowCUvw5Ku1r_WDga6fQxhTEIPHGfmRYgsmDAN9lKNDXp5sHgdeLGZ2vm-ra6j06RHJDfR99R4orD_YiVjtKndWO7TxPedbtgrB99s7WTXPbww2HrdQ==&c=AcJmH9ndQj19Z02S_CSPEvre_B7JwE8OgFx6wxbaa6h5adHtBVQPRA==&ch=fQCp5qsBzFAzJfjS0brxnBkMU0A2DVsT1ULGCKw0AEBgkT5qdeex1w==>. APPLY NOW!
* The author(s) of the winning book will receive a $1,000 award. In the case of multiple authors, the prize will be divided equally.
* Winner will be awarded a certificate of recognition, a trophy and announced on social media.
* Winner will be announced and awarded at the GSS Opening Ceremony on March 4, 2024, at Georgetown University Campus in Washington DC.
Selection Committee
Dr. Dania Thafer, Senior Fellow and Executive Director at Gulf International Forum
Dr. Yagoub Alkandari, Advisory Board Member at Gulf International Forum and Director of Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Center in Kuwait University
Dr. Courtney Freer, Senior Non-Resident Fellow at Gulf International Forum and Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellow at Emory University
Dr. Khalid Al-Jaber, Director of MENA Center
Dr. Gawdat Bahgat, Senior Non-Resident Fellow at Gulf International Forum and Professor at the Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies at the National Defense University
For additional information or any queries, please contact us at gss@gulfif.org.
12. Call for Submissions | 2024 BRISMES Early Career Development Scholarship
Submissions are now open for the 2024 BRISMES Early Career Development Scholarship. The aim of this award is to support activities geared towards strengthening the academic profile and CV of an early career scholar. This year, two awards of £3,000 each are available.
In order to be eligible for this award, applicants must be members of BRISMES, must have submitted a PhD dissertation in the last 2 years in any disciplinary field, on a topic related to the study of the Middle East and North Africa and must not have a permanent academic position when they receive the grant.Priority will be given to applicants with limited or no access to institutional support (whether time or funding) for research-focused activities.
Eligible activities include (but are not necessarily limited to):
The deadline for submissions is midnight (UK time) on 31 March 2024.
More information: https://www.brismes.ac.uk/awards/ecds
13. The next online Monday Majlis of the Centre for the Study of Islam, Exeter:
Monday, the 12th of February, 17:00-18:30 (UK time). Dalal S al-Baroud with Sayed Ismail A al-Behbehani, Rewilding Arabic Literature
Registration is required. Register please on this link:
14. The Gibb Memorial Trust
The Gibb Memorial Trust offers two annual scholarships to students undertaking doctoral research in the field of the Trust’s activities.
The Gibb Memorial Trust’s Centenary Scholarship of up to £2,000 is available to postgraduate students at an advanced stage of their doctoral research in any area of Middle Eastern Studies (7th century to 1918) at a British university.
Centenary Scholarship application form & past recipients
The A. H. Morton Memorial Scholarship for Doctoral Research in Classical Persian Studies is for a maximum of £3,000 and can be applied to any year of a course of doctoral study at a British university, including for an approved period of study abroad.
H. Morton Scholarship application form & past recipients
Applicants may apply for only one of the scholarships in any one year. Previous winners may not re-apply for the same scholarship.
The Gibb Centenary Scholarship
The Gibb Memorial Trust’s Centenary Scholarship of up to £2,000 is available to any doctoral research student in any area of Middle Eastern Studies (7th century to 1918) at a British university, with preference given to students at an advanced stage of their research, working with materials in Arabic, Persian or Turkish, and with an established financial need. Those unable to take up an award will need to reapply.
Applications must be submitted by 29 March 2024. The result will be announced by 30 June 2024.
For more information: https://www.gibbtrust.org/scholarships/
For any questions, please contact the Secretary, Zuher Hassan, at secretary@gibbtrust.org.
15. 2024: International Symposium, University of Arizona: Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Miracles and Wonders, Science and Faith in the Pre-Modern Age: The Experience of Transcendence – Reality or Imagination
22nd International Symposium on the Middle Ages and the early modern age, to be held at the University of Arizona, Tucson, May 3-4, 2024
For the first social get-together, please try to arrive already on May 2.
Ca. 24 papers can be included. We invite close readings of artworks, literary texts, legal documents, medical treatises, etc., all dealing with the broad complex of faith, miracles, science, and wonders in the pre-modern world. This symposium wants to challenge naive modern perspectives of the pre-modern world as having been determined by simple-mindedness, foolish belief in miracles and wonders, and hence ignorance. Science was a major factor already then, and belief in miracles is still with us today. Hence, the papers ought to address the two sides of the same coin and unearth the dialectics of the two dimensions, miracles and science.
Program (tba)
Contact: Prof. Albrecht Classen, aclassen@arizona.edu
Registration (which will cover all meals, refreshments, social gatherings, the meeting room, equipment, materials, and local transportation: $110.
Hotel accommodations:
Ramada by Wyndham TUCSON
777 West Cushing Street, Tucson, AZ 85745 520-239-2300 520-239-2329 FAX; or contact the sales manager, Wes Clark, dWes Clark wes@tucsonramada.comirectly with email: Wes Clark <wes@tucsonramada.com>
$99.00 + $11.93 Sales Tax + $4.00 Bed Tax = $114.93 (extremely competitive; please book early b/c there is a mariachi competition going on at the same time, with lots of people coming to Tucson at the same weekend).
This rate is for 1-2 occupancy and includes our complimentary American Breakfast Buffet, free WiFi and free parking. This rate is valid 3 days pre- and post-event. NOTE: Tax rate subject to change.
Guests will call to make their own reservations. Please call our reservation number (520-239-2300) and ask for the “Miracles and Wonders Conference” Rate. The group rate is not available online or thru travel agents – guests must call the hotel directly.
As per sales manager: “The cut-off date for the May 2-4, 2024 conference is April 15th. We will continue to honor the $99 rate after the cut-off on a space available basis. Please let your attendees know that the Tucson Mariachi Festival is that week at the TCC, so we may be sold out if they wait until the last minute.”
Payment: Guests will pay for their own rooms. The University of Arizona is not responsible for any charges.
Cancellations: Must be made at least 48 hours prior to avoid a penalty.
Cut-Off Date: May l1, 2024 – Rooms Subject to Availability After Cut-Off Date
Contact: Prof. Albrecht Classen, aclassen@email.arizona.edu