1.Book talk:
Ibn Arabi’s Religious Pluralism: Levels of Inclusivity
F Abdel-Hadi
Date: Friday, 30th August
Time: 6:00 PM UK time
Format: Online event (via Zoom)
Dr. Abdel-Hadi’s talk will be followed by a panel discussion featuring:
Sajjad Rizvi
Amina Inloes
Frank Gelli
Sohail Hanif
Farhana Mayer
Mukhtar Ali
To participate, please register to receive the Zoom link:
2. Conference “The Concept of Wealth and the Concept of Poverty in Judaism, Christianity and Islam”, Bayrisches Forschungszentrum für Interreligiöse Diskurse (BaFID), Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 25-27 September 2024
Programme and registration: https://www.bafid.fau.de/files/2024/08/Program_KCID_09.24.Werbung.pdf
3. Conference “Perspectives on the Development of Islamic Law: Philosophy of Law & Islamic Medical Ethics”, Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 8–9 November 2024
The international conference addresses contemporary developments in the field of Islamic Law from an interdisciplinary perspective. It sheds light on theory-centred approaches to the study of Islamic Law as well as the practical implementation of Islamic Law and Islamic Ethics.
Deadline for registration: 18 October 2024.
Programme and further information: https://hu.berlin/perspectives-islamic-law
4. Workshop Discussions of Young Researchers on Islamic Philosophy of Law or Islamic Medical Ethics, Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 8 November 2024
As part of the international conference “Perspectives on the Development of Islamic Law: Philosophy of Law & Islamic Medical Ethics” (8–9 November 2024), young researchers working on Islamic Philosophy of Law or Islamic Medical Ethics will have the opportunity to present their current research project. The papers can be presented in German or English.
Deadline for abstracts and registration: 18 October 2024.
Information: https://hu.berlin/perspectives-islamic-law
5. Session on “Byzantine Engagement with Islam (7th-15th): Actors, Sources, and their Impact on the Western View of Islam”, 60th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo MI, 8-10 May 2025
The session aims at examining actors and sources in Byzantium engaging with Islam and translations of the Quran, and their impact on the Western knowledge of Islam. Papers studying specific texts, argumentation, or contexts are welcome in order to shed further light on the field of Byzantino-Islamica and the Latin-Byzantine relations.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 September 2024. Information: https://mailchi.mp/mediterraneanseminar/cfp-byzantine-engagement-with-islam-icms-kalamazoo-8-10-may?e=82aeb6c61d
6. Directeur d’établissement de recherche, Centre français de recherche de la Péninsule arabique (CEFREPA), Koweït
Compétences :Titulaire d’un doctorat d’un établissement d’enseignement supérieur français ou d’un autre pays de l’UE. HDR souhaitée. Maîtrise orale et écrite de l’anglais indispensable, arabe vivement recommandé. La connaissance de la région constituerait un atout.
Date limite de candidature : 26 août 2024.
Information : https://emplois.diplomatie.gouv.fr/nos-offres/ae60091e-dc79-4718-8b47-9dab59ba76d1
7. Assistant Professor in Middle East Politics (Tenure-Track), University of Maryland-Baltimore County
Preference will be given to candidates who have a Ph.D. in political science or international politics, or will have a Ph.D. in hand by August 2025. Applicants must provide evidence of a focused, ambitious research agenda and a commitment to excellent undergraduate teaching.
Deadline for applications: 20 September 2024.
Information: https://apply.interfolio.com/150619
8. Fellowships for Historical Research on the Islamic World, School for Historical Studies,
Princeton University, NJ
The School embraces a historical approach to research throughout the humanistic disciplines, from socioeconomic developments, political theory, and modern international relations, to the history of art, science, philosophy, music, and literature. Accepted Members receive access to the extensive resources of the Institute. The only obligation is to pursue one’s research.
Deadline for applications: 15 October 2024. Information:
9. Chapters for Book on “Exploring the Halal Industry and Its Business Ecosystem Prospects”, Published by IGI-Global
This book aims to uncover recent developments in the global halal industry and its business ecosystem. It covers a multidisciplinary range of topics, including economics, management, technology, marketing, strategy, and social aspects, providing comprehensive information about the halal industry and its business ecosystem. The book addresses the latest advancements in the halal industry and its global business landscape.
Deadline for abstracts: 25 August 2024.
Information: https://www.igi-global.com/publish/call-for-papers/call-details/7875
10. Intellect is pleased to announce that Journal of Contemporary Iraq & the Arab World 18.2-3 is out now!
Special Issue: ‘The US War Against Iraq: More than 20 Years Later’
These articles provide insight into the distinctive harms resulting from intervention and occupation in Iraq and deserve close attention by anyone concerned with US foreign policy towards Iraq, the Middle East and elsewhere in the world.
For more information about the journal and issue click here>>
Aims & Scope
The Journal of Contemporary Iraq & the Arab World is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of the contemporary Middle East and Arab public sphere. Publishing works in both English and Arabic, the journal engages arts and culture, politics, history and economics as they address real world problems across the modern states and mosaic of cultures connected to the Middle East region. JCI&AW works to provide a platform by conveying prominent and emergent new voices in the field as well as by highlighting the relevance of evolving topics and questions of research in the scholarship of Middle Eastern and Iraq Studies.
This title is indexed with Scopus.
11. Association for the Study of Persianate Societies Virtual Graduate Student Conference (Oct. 23, 2024
The Association for the Study of Persianate Societies(ASPS) is pleased to announce its First Biennial Virtual Graduate Student Conference, to take place online, October 23, 2024. The conference will be hosted by the Sharmin and Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Iran and Persian Gulf Studies at Princeton University.
The Deadline for Submission of Abstracts is August 23, 2024.
Please note that those wishing to submit an abstract must be a current (2024) graduate student and ASPS member. Otherwise your submission will not be considered. To become a new member or renew your ASPS membership please proceed to our membership page at https://www.persianatesocieties.org/membership-form/. The ASPS offers reduced student memberships. There will be no registration fee for participating in the conference.
Submissions in all humanities and social science disciplines related to Persianate societies are welcome. Pre-organized panels are encouraged. Submissions for pre-organized panels must include a panel abstract of no more than 300 words plus individual abstracts of no more than 300 words for each panelist. Panels must be limited to a minimum of three panelists and a maximum of four.
Submissions for pre-organized panels and individual papers can be made here: https://www.persianatesocieties.org/abstracts-form-graduate-student-conference/.
Submissions in all humanities and social science disciplines related to Persianate societies are welcome. Pre-organized panels are encouraged. Submissions for pre-organized panels must include a panel abstract of no more than 300 words plus individual abstracts of no more than 300 words for each panelist. Panels must be limited to a minimum of three panelists and a maximum of four.
Submissions for pre-organized panels and individual papers can be made here: https://www.persianatesocieties.org/abstracts-form-graduate-student-conference/.
For questions, please contact the ASPS Secretary, Rob Haug at haugrt@ucmail.uc.edu.
12. Les études sur l’Asie centrale : pluridisciplinarité et connexions d’un champ
mercredi 11 et jeudi 12 décembre 2024
INALCO, Auditorium Dumézil, 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris
Cette journée d’étude est organisée dans le cadre des activités du GIS Moyen-Orient et Mondes musulmans, en partenariat avec l’Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO), l’Institut français d’études sur l’Asie centrale (IFEAC) et le Centre de recherche sur le Monde iranien (CeRMI). Elle fait suite à la rencontre qui s’est tenue en février 2023 intitulée « Les études sur l’Asie centrale : dynamiques scientifiques, nouveaux contextes de recherche ».
Dans la perspective de renforcer la structuration du champ, la journée d’étude a pour ambition de promouvoir les études centrasiatiques en rendant compte de leur dynamisme et de leur diversité, de mettre en relation ses différentes disciplines et composantes, et de proposer un moment d’échanges entre les collègues impliqué-e-s dans les travaux sur la région. L’Asie centrale est entendue dans une acception géographique large, s’étendant de l’Iran à la Mongolie et de l’Afghanistan à la Russie.
Cet appel s’adresse aux chercheuses et chercheurs de tout statut qui travaillent dans le large spectre des SHS, de l’Antiquité jusqu’à nos jours, sur des thématiques aussi diverses que le patrimoine, le religieux, le pouvoir, le territoire, les rapports sociaux, les circulations, le numérique, le changement climatique, les approches critiques, etc. La journée pourra également aborder les conséquences des crises géopolitiques actuelles sur les terrains et le champ de recherche centrasiatiques.
Les doctorant-e-s sont fortement incité-e-s à soumettre une proposition de communication.
Les propositions de communication devront comprendre un titre, un résumé de 200 mots, ainsi que le nom et l’affiliation de l’auteur/autrice.
Les propositions de posters devront comprendre un titre, un résumé du projet de recherche soulignant ses points importants, ainsi que le nom et l’affiliation de l’auteur/autrice. Les posters seront affichés sur le lieu de l’événement.
Merci d’envoyer votre proposition à l’adresse asiecentrale2024@gmail.com avant le 15 septembre 2024. Une réponse sera transmise au 30 septembre 2024.
Des financements sont possibles pour les participant.e.s ne résidant pas à Paris et ne disposant pas de ressources de leur institution.
Comité d’organisation :
Juliette Cleuziou, anthropologue, Université Lumière Lyon 2, LADEC
Adrien Fauve, politiste, Université Paris-Saclay, IEDP
Svetlana Gorshenina, historienne, CNRS, Eur’Orbem
Isabelle Ohayon, historienne, CNRS, CERCEC
Catherine Poujol, historienne, INALCO, CREE
William Rendu, archéologie, CNRS, ZooStan
Camille Rhoné-Quer, historienne, Aix-Marseille Université, IREMAM
Julien Thorez, géographe, CNRS, CeRMI
Organisation :
GIS MOMM (Moyen-Orient et mondes musulmans)
INALCO (Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales)
IFEAC (Institut français d’études sur l’Asie centrale)
CeRMI (Centre de recherche sur le Monde iranien), UMR 8041 (CNRS, Sorbonne Nouvelle, INALCO, EPHE)