1. Workshop on GQCS
Introducing The Great Quranic Commentary Software
By: Dr. Mohammad Hasan Ahmadi
Wednesday Dec. 18, 2024
11:30 AM – 13:30 PM (UTC)
For Registration and to receive the meeting link, send your name and affiliate to:
2. Call for Papers
The journal Shadharat, published by the Alawiyya Shrine in Najaf, focuses on topics related to the humanities and Islamic studies, with a social and applied perspective. It is aimed at a general audience rather than a specialist one, making it accessible to a wider readership.
The theme of the next issue is “The Theology of Ziyara (Pilgrimage).” Submissions between 1500 and 4000 words are welcome.
This recently established journal is managed by a team of distinguished scholars. The previous issue featured contributions from respected academics in the West, Arab countries, and Iran.
Submissions are accepted in any language, and the journal will handle translation into Arabic.
Deadline: January 15, 2025
If you are interested, you can submit your paper to shadharatmag@gmail.com
3. Workshop “Islam – Migrations – Gender. Reconsidering the History of Muslims in 20th-Century Europe”, Campus Condercet, Paris-Aubervilliers, 18 December 2024, 11:00 – 18:00 h CET
By focusing on actors and their interactions with religious and state bodies, this workshop offers an original way of writing a social and cultural history that strives to integrate gender as a category of historical analysis. Discussions will focus on the practices and dynamics of everyday life, private and intimate space, and conjugal and family life.
Information and programme: https://genreurope.hypotheses.org/5710
4. Journée d’études « Salaf, salafiyya, salafisme la foi dans le bon vieux temps dans l’islam moderne », LEM, IREL — MSH/EPHE Paris, 17 janvier 2025
Organisateurs: Rainer Brunner et Dominique Avon. – Dominique Avon (EPHE / IREL): La référence aux salaf sous la plume d’azharis (années 1950-1970). – Joas Wagemakers (Université Utrecht): Problematising Salafi Literalism. – Justyna Nedza (Université de la Ruhr, Bochum): On collective takfīr in militant Salafist tought. – Jan-Peter Hartung (Université Erlangen / Nuremberg): The IS in the Wilayat Khurasan: Decontextualitzing an Indigenous Salafi Heritage.
5. Berliner Institut für Islamische Theologie
Position: Research fellow (m/f/d) in the field of Islamic Law in History and the Present (1/2 part-time employment, E 13 TV-L-HU, temporary for 4 years)
Qualifications: Completed academic degree in in Islamic theology or Islamic studies; interest in research on Islamic law and related topics such as comparative law, ethics and philosophy of law; knowledge of Islamic and legal research methods; very good knowledge of German, English and Arabic.
Deadline for applications: 27 December 2024.
Information: https://is.gd/iV6nIo
6. Edward Said Associate Professor/Professor of Modern Arab Studies and Literature, Columbia University
PhD required at the time of appointment. Candidates should demonstrate scholarly promise and achievement and excellence in teaching. Candidates for tenured associate or full professor should be widely recognized for their distinction and professional accomplishment.
Deadline for applications: 1 February 2025. Information: https://apply.interfolio.com/159754%C2%A0
7. Summer School “The Archives of Islam in the Russian Empire (16th – Early 20th Centuries)”, Study of Islam in Central Euraria, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, 6-11 July 2025
The goal of this initiative is to draw attention on practices of information-gathering and knowledge production on the Muslim communities inhabiting the vast area encompassing Inner Asia, Siberia, Central Asia and the Caucasus from the fall of the Khanate of Kazan (1552) to the end of the Russian Empire. The summer school promotes an extended reflection on the institutions and the individuals who played a significant role in the creation of the imperial repositories.
Deadline for applications: 28 February 2025. Information: https://www.oeaw.ac.at/sice/events/summer-schools
8. Fellowship for Research at the “Islamic Manuscript Collection” at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
The Collection covers subjects including the Qur’an and its sciences, hadith, theology, jurisprudence (fiqh), Sufism, philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, rhetoric, grammar, poetry, history, geography, and medicine. It consists of more than 1,100 volumes, plus a small number of fragments, dating from the 8th to the early 20th century and containing roughly 1,800 texts primarily in Arabic, Persian, and Ottoman Turkish.
Deadline for applications: 31 January 2025. Information:
9. The deadline for submissions to the upcoming BRISMES Annual Conference—“Destruction, Loss, and Recovery in the Middle East”—has been extended to Friday, 10 January 2025, at midnight (UK time).
This year’s conference will be held at Newcastle University from 1–3 July 2025, co-hosted by the School of Geography, Politics and Sociology. In addition to submissions aligned with the conference theme, we welcome papers on a broad range of topics related to Middle East Studies. Relevant fields include, but are not limited to, politics, culture & society, literature, anthropology, economics, history, linguistics, and translation studies, with a focus on the MENA region. We accept co-authored/individual paper proposals, as well as panel and roundtable submissions.
Please find here the full call for papers.
To submit, please read the instructions for submission.
10. Reconstructing Erpenius’ Library
The First Collection of Oriental Manuscripts at Cambridge University Library
Brill 2024
M Daneshgar
The Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at MIT (AKPIA@MIT) is pleased to announce its postdoctoral / post-professional degree fellowship program for the academic year 2025-2026. The fellowship program is intended for scholars with a Ph.D. and/or practitioners in any field related to architecture — including architectural, art, landscape, and urban history; and also contemporary art, design, landscape, heritage studies, urban planning, anthropology, and archeology. We seek applications both from fields close to AKPIA@MIT’s core research areas, e.g., historical, comparative, artistic and humanistic inquiry, and from complementary fields analyzing contemporary crises and responses. Eligibility criteria for practitioners include the completion of a terminal degree at least 3 years prior, as well as evidence of a research-informed practice. For Postdoc applicants, the degree should be in hand before the beginning of the fellowship.
Applicants should describe the scope of their proposed research project and how they plan to engage with the MIT academic community. Fellows are expected to engage in research, give at least one public lecture, submit an article / publication / exhibition on their input to the subject at the end of their fellowship that will be posted online and possibly included in a publication by AKPIA@MIT, and participate in the program’s scholarly and academic activities during their stay at MIT.
One to three fellowships will be granted. The fellowship duration can range from two months to a maximum of two semesters, or nine months, of residency at MIT, that will have to fall within the academic year (September to June). The fellowship award consists of monthly stipend not to exceed the amount of $5,917 (before taxes) per month.
The Aga Khan Program does not provide financial assistance for travel, housing, or health insurance. Fellows will be responsible for these costs. MIT requires all fellows to have health insurance. Please see these links for healthcare info:
MIT Ship link
Main page info link
Cost sheet link
MIT Insurance FAQ
Please note that the links above are from last year, and the cost sheets above show last years rates, which are there for your reference only. New rates will be released in July 2025, which will most likely be higher than those from last year. MIT does not cover the costs on the sheet, affiliates are responsible for all healthcare costs needed for the insurance coverage.
AKPIA will also provide library cards, email accounts at MIT, and, if available, a workplace in the AKPIA@MIT office that is shared with other fellows. For practitioners, access to various fabrication facilities at MIT will be provided.
Deadline for application is Feb 20th, 2025 and recipients will be announced by April 3, 2025. To apply please complete the electronic form below and make sure to fill all fields marked with asterisks. The form includes a field for uploading accompanying documents, which should be formatted as a single compressed file or PDF file less than 12 MB in size. This file must include a C.V., research proposal, substantial writing sample (obligatory for scholars) and/or a portfolio (obligatory for practitioners), and two letters of recommendation in that order. Letters of recommendation can be sent separately to akpiafellowapp@mit.edu .
If health or other restrictions arise, as in the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, MIT reserves the right to suspend the fellowships at any time before the official start date. No remote fellowships will be allowed and fellows will have to resubmit their applications to a new cycle and compete with new applicants when MIT is reopened.
Applicants are encouraged to seek other sources of funding to supplement the fellowship award. Scholars on sabbatical or with their own financial resources are also welcome to apply to AKPIA fellowships. AKPIA reserves the right to prorate its fellowship when combined with another grant or fellowship.
Apply Here or on the akpia.mit.edu website at AKPIA Post Doctoral Fellowships
For further information please send email to akpiafellowapp@mit.edu
12. Indiana University’s Summer 2025 Language Workshop is now accepting applications for its intensive immersion programs in Arabic, Chinese, and Russian!
Funding Opportunities
Application Deadline
Learn more and apply here: https://languageworkshop.indiana.edu/overview