1.New Journal: “Essays in Long Late Antiquity (ELLA)”, Liverpool University Press
The journal is open to submissions dealing with circa the second to the ninth centuries (ca. 100 – 800 CE) and the broader Afro-Eurasian region, taking a stand against disciplinary siloing and recognizing increasing interconnectivity in this period. Submissions dealing with individual periods and places within this wider geographic and temporal scope are also welcome. ELLA acts as a place of publication for those in history, archaeology, art history, religious studies, and philology.
Information: https://liverpooluniversitypress.co.uk/journal/ella
2. Kurdish Language Instruction: Spring Deadline Extended
Spring 2025 Kurdish Language Instruction Program
As a key part of our humanistic approach to Kurdish studies, Zahra Institute is committed to offering Kurdish language instruction. Students can enroll in our Kurdish language offerings (Kurmanji and Sorani) as standalone courses or take them as electives in our MA and Certificate programs. Application deadline is extended to 10 January and financial aid is still available. To apply, visit our webpage: https://www.zahrainstitute.org/KLIOverview.html .
Zahra Institute, a research center and graduate school located in Chicago, intends to provide an open, collaborative environment for learning, teaching, and scholarship in the fields of Kurdish Studies and Critical Muslim Studies.
3. Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia
Rumi’s Misogyny and Racism and the Limits of Mystical Knowledge
12.00am (Midnight, UK), Sunday 19 January 2025
In this talk, Mahdi Tourage will discuss what we should do with the ample evidence of misogyny, racism, and male-supremacy in the poetry of a globally celebrated mystic like Rumi. He will begin with a survey of the overlooked passages in Rumi’s poetry containing “non-mystical” vulgar stories, jokes, reproving other Sufis, mocking other men, slaves, Jews, and loathing women.
Part of the Alireza Ahmadian Lectures in Iranian and Persianate Studies. Alireza Ahmadian (1981 – 2019) was an alumnus of both UBC and SOAS.
4. Persia Educational Foundation
Maryam Mirzakhani Scholarship Fund
Deadline: 5.00pm, Monday 21 April 2025
In honour of the late award-winning Stanford mathematician, Maryam Mirzakhani (May 1977-July 2017), Persia Educational Foundation has established the Persia Mirzakhani Scholarship for Women. Professor Mirzakhani was the first woman to win the prestigious Fields Medal in mathematics.
The scholarship is designed to support the education of Iranian descent women of any age or citizenship enrolled in a Master of Science or final year of a Doctorate programme studying STEM at the prestigious University College London.
5. Bertha DocHouse
Friday 17 – 19 January 2025
Using her own home movies and a trove of collected 8mm archive, Iranian filmmaker Farahnaz Sharifi reveals the dual existences lived by women in Iran.
Sharifi was born during the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979, and finds her life divided between a public world of silence and submission, and the domestic world that she shares with other women behind closed doors. Her beautifully-constructed film diary captures the joy, music and defiance of this hidden life, navigating the contrast between unseen freedom and external oppression.
6. The University of Cambridge’s 5th International Conference on Teaching Persian Language and Literature will be hosted by held in Yerevan State University, Armenia on 18-19 September 2025.
The deadline for abstracts is Friday 24 January 2025.
The organisers welcome abstracts related but not
limited to the following topics:
Using AI and Technology in Teaching Persian
Teaching Heritage Students
Persian Language Examination and Assessment
Persian Literature Examination and Assessment
Teaching Persian for Specific Purposes
Teaching Language Skills
Using Resources in Teaching Persian
The main language of the conference is English, but abstracts and presentations in English, Persian or Armenian will be considered. The papers are allocated 20 minutes each. Would interested teachers and lecturers of Persian language and literature send their English, Persian or Armenian abstracts (not exceeding 300 words) by Friday 24 January 2025 to Dr. Mahbod Ghaffari mg695@cam.ac.uk .
The successful applicants will be informed by 28 February 2025.
We encourage successful applicants to approach their institution to cover their travel and accommodation costs during the conference in Yerevan.
Deadline: 24 January 2025
Conference early registration: 28 February to 18 April 2025
7. Workshop – “AI Tools Boot Camp for Researchers: Core Essentials” Course
As AI continues to reshape the academic landscape, staying one step ahead is essential. Join us for Academic Language Experts’ upcoming (free!) AI Tools Boot Camp for Researchers: Core Essentials course.
This course offers practical, hands-on training with essential AI tools to streamline your literature review search, conduct research more efficiently write and edit your papers.
Here’s what you can expect:
Whether you’re a seasoned researcher or a new doctoral student, this boot camp will empower you with cutting-edge AI tools to enhance your productivity and research output.
Learn more about the course topics and featured tools and register today: https://www.aclang.com/ai-bootcamp.php?src=hnet
Contact Information
Elana Lubka
Contact Email
8. Whitman College – Visiting Assistant Professor of History
The successful candidate will offer existing courses such as introductory surveys of Islamic Civilization, International Relations of the Middle East, The Arab Spring in Historical Context, or History of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict, and courses related to their area of expertise for a five course load over the academic year.
Review of applications will begin February 14, 2025.
9. Rappel: Prochaine séance du séminaire “Sociétés, politiques et cultures du monde iranien”, jeudi 9 janvier 2025, 17h, à l’INALCO
Le CeRMI a le plaisir de vous convier à la prochaine séance du séminaire “Sociétés, politiques et cultures du Monde iranien”, qui se tiendra après-demain, jeudi 9 janvier 2025, 17h-19h, en salle 3.15 (veuillez noter le changement de salle) à l’INaLCO(65 rue des Grands Moulins, Paris XIII, 3eétage).
Nous sommes heureux d’accueillir M. Nader Sohrabi (Freie Universität Berlin), pour une conférence intitulée: “Iran’s Constitutional History from Below: petitions, taxes, and democratization, 1906-1911“.
Constitutional revolution is imagined to be about freedom, legal-rationality, and formal democratic achievements such as constitution-making, legislative assembly, voting, and political parties. These goals were pursued by the elite but cannot explain the movement’s broad appeal. The large number of petitions received by the Assembly indicate the public was engaged in a tax revolt throughout Iran, a revolt that merged only eventually with the elite agenda. The blending of the two sustained the constitutional movement and managed also to deepen democracy in its own way. Bargaining over taxes brought the public many local victories with impact on daily lives, and petitions and associations constructed an alternative public sphere that gave voice to the public. These transformed the culture of politics and set the stage for mass movements of the next century. It also set in motion a decentralization drive that manifested itself in the next decade up to the present.
Orientations bibliographiques:
– Kharabi, Faruq. Anjumanha-yi `Asr-i Mashrutah. Tehran: Mu’assasah-i Tahqiqat va Tawsi`a-i `Ulum-i Insani, 2006.
– Majmu`ah-’i Musavvabat-i Advar-i Avval va Duvvum-i Qanun’guzari-i Majlis-i Shura-yi Milli. Tehran: Idarah-’i Qavanin va Matbu`at-i Majlis-i Shura-yi Milli, n.d.
– Schneider, Irene. The Petitioning System in Iran. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2006.
– Zaret, David. “Petition-and-Response and Liminal Petitioning in Comparative/ Historical Perspective.” Social Science History 43, no. 3 (2019): 431–51.
Pour rappel, vous retrouverez le programme 2024-2025 du séminaire mensuel de recherche “Sociétés, politiques et cultures du Monde iranien” sur le site du CeRMI :