1.Le CeRMI a le plaisir de vous convier à laprochaine séancedu séminaire “Sociétés, politiques et cultures du monde iranien”, qui se tiendra le jeudi 04 avril 2024, 17h-19h, en salle 3.15 à l’INaLCO (65 rue des Grands Moulins, Paris XIII, 3e étage
Nous sommes heureux d’accueillir Mme Camille Rhoné-Quer, Maîtresse de conférences à l’Université d’Aix-Marseille en délégation au CeRMI, pour une conférence intitulée : « Histoire environnementale du monde turco-iranien médiéval : état des lieux, perspectives et étude de cas (bassin versant de l’Amou Darya) ».
L’histoire environnementale, qui analyse les rapports des sociétés à l’environnement, est née aux États-Unis dans les années 1970 et connaît un important renouveau depuis les années 2000. Toutefois, cette approche a encore été peu adoptée par les historiens des espaces turco-iraniens médiévaux. Les facteurs de ce « retard », multiples, incluent notamment la persistance d’un cloisonnement disciplinaire et épistémologique. Or, depuis quelques années, l’essor des études sur le paléoenvironnement de l’Iran oriental et de l’Asie centrale (archéobotanique, archéozoologie, etc.) permet de renouveler nos connaissances et de pallier en partie les lacunes des textes.
Lors de cette conférence, seront abordés les apports des études paléoenvironnementales des vingt dernières années sur les espaces turco-iraniens (thématiques et zones étudiées ; disciplines impliquées), ainsi qu’une réflexion sur la place qu’occupe l’époque islamique médiévale dans ces travaux, souvent consacrés à la longue durée. Nous nous intéresserons aussi aux limites scientifiques et épistémologiques de ce champ.
Enfin, après avoir abordé rapidement, en guise d’exemple, le débat historiographique sur les facteurs des migrations turkmènes et des conquêtes seldjoukides, nous proposerons une étude de cas sur l’Amou Darya : quels rapports les sociétés des premiers siècles de l’Islam entretiennent-elles avec ce fleuve ? De quel type de données (sources textuelles, archives « naturelles ») dispose-t-on pour proposer une histoire environnementale de l’Amou Darya ?
Orientations bibliographiques
Pour rappel, vous retrouverez le programme 2023-2024 du séminaire mensuel de recherche “Sociétés, politiques et cultures du monde iranien” sur le site du CeRMI :
2. Call for Papers: Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference, 27th and 28th June 2024
Deadline for proposals: 30th April 2024
University of Cambridge (In Person)
Seeing, whether through the lens of perception or representation, plays a pivotal role in shaping our understanding of the world and of those who inhabit it. Within this web of visual perception, knowledge construction, and power dynamics, we take ‘Muslimness’ as a focal point at which various modes of seeing converge, intersect, and often clash. This inquiry encompasses a study of ‘Muslimness’ as expressed in literature, film, culture, architecture, food, animal studies, fashion, and more broadly, as ‘presence’ in physical digital and spectral forms. The act of seeing goes beyond mere observation; it influences our perception, understanding, and further representation of Muslimness. These modes of seeing, whether they be oppressive, digital, communal, individual, self-perpetuating, or self-fulfilling, create discursive notions of authenticity, representation, and self-fashioning within Muslim communities. We seek to explore the multifaceted dimensions of seeing, presenting, and representing Muslimness and its profound impact on being. Building on scholarship that considers Muslimness as a plural and heterogenous social category, we aim to query what epistemological hierarchies determine how Muslimness is seen, shown and performed. What are the affective responses to Muslimness, and how do they manifest? In other words, what does Muslimness do, and what does seeing Muslimness do.
We invite scholars, researchers, and practitioners from across disciplines and genres to unpack these complex ways of seeing Muslimness and question its forms, formations and transformations. We welcome interdisciplinary perspectives from scholars engaged in fields such as cultural studies, sociology, anthropology, media & film studies, digital humanities, literature, and architecture. Potential paper topics include but are not limited to:
Please submit an abstract, not exceeding 300 words, along with a brief biography.
Deadline for submissions: 30 April 2024
Notification for final acceptance: May 15 2024
Please note that this is an in-person conference. Participants will be required to be present in Cambridge on the date of the conference. We would not be able to provide travel or accommodation bursaries for the participants.
Please direct all queries to seeing.muslimness@gmail.com
For more info, please visit: https://www.crassh.cam.ac.uk/events/41566/#description
Wednesday, March 27, 2024 (Noon–1:00PM US Eastern Time)
The International Journal of Islamic Architecture (IJIA) invites readers and potential authors – researchers, graduate students, university faculty, and professionals in architecture and related fields (including art history, urban planning, landscape design, sociology, anthropology, preservation, archaeology, etc.) – to join members of its editorial staff on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, Noon–1:00PM US Eastern Time for an open conversation on research and the publication process. The informal session will provide an opportunity for a discussion, questions, and answers regarding the IJIA publication process, the state of publication in the field, potential avenues for publishing success, and the journal’s perspective on the future of architectural studies in the Islamic world.
Please sign up at this link in order to register for this free event and for access to the Zoom session link.
4. UCLA Pourdavoud Lecture Series with Hilmar Klinkott
Consolidation of Law, Legal Order, and the Question of Constitutionalizing Processes in the Achaemenid Empire
Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 4:00pm Pacific
Royce Hall 306
Hybrid Zoom Option Available
5. The Arabic Language and Literature department at UAE University is currently advertising a full-time professor position in Classical Arabic. They are seeking a scholar who can teach in Arabic and possess a distinguished profile in Scopus in terms of publications and citations. UAEU provides exceptional benefits, including free accommodation, a tax-free salary, a children’s school allowance, return tickets in the summer, and comprehensive health care coverage. Please feel free to reach out if you require further information.
The deadline is 31/03/2024. Here is the link to apply:
6. Women Fighters in the Kurdish National Movement Transforming Gender Politics and the PKK
M Topal
Bloomsbury, 2024
7. Islam in North America
H Rashid et al eds.
Bloomsbury, 2024
Closing date 11.4.24
9. Call for Applications – Resident Scholar Program for Lebanon-based and Lebanese Scholars
The Finnish Institute in the Middle East in Beirut is excited to announce the call for applications for its Resident Scholar Program for the period of 1 September 2024 to 28 February 2025. The application period is now open, ending on 21 April 2024.
10. Registration is now open for the conference ‘Arts of the Indian Ocean’.
April 27 (online), May 2 – 4 (in person and online), Toronto, Canada
Registration for one or more days and the full conference program can be found on this link:
All presentations will be livestreamed and can be viewed virtually.
Attending the conference virtually is free of charge, but registration is required.
The in-person conference (May 2-4) is free to students, but others will be asked to contribute $50 CAD, which covers refreshments and receptions
We look forward to seeing you online or would love to welcome you in Toronto!
Ruba Kana’an
Zulfikar Hirji
Sarah Fee
Sanniah Jabeen
Arts of the Indian Ocean brings together knowledge producers working on the Indian Ocean’s arts from diverse backgrounds and scholarly arenas to present and discuss research and work on the materialities and artistic expressions in the Indian Ocean world, across geographies — from eastern and southern Africa, through the Gulf and Red Sea to South and Southeast Asia and the south China Sea — as well as across temporalities — from antiquity up until the present-day. Through the examination of the creation, production, and circulation of material culture in a wide range of forms including the visual arts, portable objects, manuscripts and maps, ships and navigational instruments, landscape, architecture, and the built environment, textiles and dress, photography and film, as well as the digital and plastic arts, the conference seeks to: provide a platform for scholars and artists to exchange current research; map the field of Indian Ocean arts; and open up new questions on Indian Ocean pasts, presents, and futures.
Contact Information
Sarah Fee, Sr. Curator, Royal Ontario Museum
Contact Email
11. Please join the National Museum of Asian Art online on Tuesday, March 26, 12 pm EST for Partying Like It’s 599: On Feasting in Iranshahr with Touraj Daryaee, University of California, Irvine.
Multiple sources, both textual and pictorial, document banquets and feasting in late antique Iran. At the court and among the local notables of Iranshahr (Empire of the Iranians), the banquet, which in Persian is called bazm, created solidarity among the elites and imposed itself culturally among the populace. But to eat at the table of the ruler also symbolized one’s status in an empire that stretched from Balkh to the Euphrates and from the Caucasus to Arabia. The sharing of food with the king at his table meant one was held in the highest esteem and implied the distribution of the king’s glory, power, and beneficence to those seated with him. In this program, professor Touraj Daryaee will discuss the forms and ways of feasting that took place at the court of the king of kings, which reached its zenith in the sixth century CE.
Touraj Daryaee is the Maseeh Chair in Persian Studies & Culture and the director of the Dr. Samuel M. Jordan Center for Persian Studies & Culture at the University of California, Irvine. His work revolves around the history of the Sasanian Empire and the Iranian world. He is the author of Sasanian Persia: The Rise and Fall of an Empire (I.B. Tauris, 2009) and is the editor in chief of the E.J. Brill Ancient Iran Series. He is also the editor of Sasanian Studies (Harrassowitz, 2022) as well as Dabir, an online journal at UC Irvine.
Register here
View the event listing here
Contact Information
Lizzie Stein, Scholarly Programs and Publications Specialist
National Museum of Asian Art
Contact Email
12. The Dunhuang Foundation (https://dunhuangfoundation.us/) announces our first in-person event for 2024. Dr. David Roxburgh, the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Professor of Islamic Art History at Harvard University, will be presenting his lecture, “Herat, the Pearl of Khurasan: Urban and Cultural Transformation under Shahrukh (r. 1409-1447)”.
The lecture will be held at the Lynn Wyatt Theater at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, on Wednesday, April 10th from 6:00 – 7:00 PM. The lecture is free, but does require registration. Please visit: https://bit.ly/RoxburghLecture.
“Herat, the Pearl of Khurasan: Urban and Cultural Transformation under Shahrukh (r. 1409-1447)”
Following Timur’s death in 1405, his son and successor Shahrukh (r. 1409-1447) established Herat as the capital and embarked on a program of redevelopment. Joined by other patrons of the Timurid elite, especially his son Baysunghur, Shahrukh created optimal conditions for cultural production in the arts. His rule also witnessed a resurgence in contacts with east Asia under Ming dynasty emperor Yongle (r. 1402-1424), exchanges that brought a new wave of contemporary objects from China to the “western lands.” Focusing on selected elements of the city and its life in the 1420s and 1430s, the lecture explores the dynamics and outcomes of a cultural achievement which secured Herat’s importance as an artistic center for centuries.
Contact Information
Rachel Parikh, Deputy Director
Contact Email
13. UCLA Iranian Studies Program:
And, Towards Happy Alleys
A Film Screening
Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 4:00pm Pacific Time | Royce Hall 314
1.Conference “Muslims in Britain, 1800‒1970, and Beyond: Historical Approaches & Why”,
Muslims in Britain Research Network (MBRN), University of Westminster, 17-18 June 2024
Topics: • Intersectionality in historical Muslim identity in Britain • Post- and de-colonial approaches within
history • Contemporary impact of historical British Muslims • Experiences of racism in early British Muslims •
Histories of Muslim Institutions • Contestations in ‘British Muslim’ identity • Socio-political activism to date •
Significant ‘British Muslim’ public figures • Recent publications on the history of Islam and Muslims in Britain.
Deadline for abstracts: 11 May 2024. Information: https://www.everydaymuslim.org/events/conference-muslims-in-britain-1800%E2%80%921970-and-beyond-historical-approaches-why/
2. Panels for the Session 13 “Politics, Religion and Conflicts” at the Conference of the Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP), Triest, 12-14 September 2024
Topics: Public role of religions – Use of religious symbols/discourses in politics – Religion, politics and marketing – Religion and populism – Religion and (social) media – Religion and gender – Religious pluralism – Religion, rights and freedoms – Religion and education – Transnational religious movements – Religion and international politics – Religious mobilization and authority between war and peace – Religious extremism, radicalization and de-radicalization.
Deadline for panels: 5 April 2024. Information: https://www.sisp.it/en/conference2024/sezioni_upd
3. Annual Conference of the DGFG-Working Group Geographies of Religion: “Religion and Space in the Digital Age”, University of Jena, 21-22 November 2024
Topics: Changing relationships between space, society, religion, and digitality. – Case studies on various forms of religious socialization. – Digitalization, digital media, digital religion, e-religiosity, and the media turn in the context of religious studies and religious geography research. – Societal contexts of digitalization movements in the religious field. – Specific forms of digitality. – Places of religion in the digital realm. – Etc.
Deadline for abstracts: 31 May 2024.
Information: https://vgdh.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/AKReligionsgeographie-2024-Jena-Call-eng.pdf
4. “2024 Suad Joseph Student Paper Award” of the “Association of Middle East Anthropology (AMEA)”
Eligibility: A graduate student at any stage in an MA or PhD program. Paper components: 15-35 pages long.
– Anthropological focus.- Regional focus on the Middle East and/or North Africa and/or diasporic communities. – Excellent standards of writing, argumentation, evidence, and ethnographic representation. – Significant contribution to knowledge production.
Deadline for paper: 1 September 2024.
Information: https://mideastanthro.com/suad-joseph-student-paper-award-2/
5. Articles for Journal “Forum Islamic-Theological Studies”
Papers in English and German are invited in the following areas:- Qur’anic Studies and Qur’anic Exegesis (tafsīr) – Hadith Studies – Sufism – Islamic Legal Theory and Hermeneutics (fiqh) – Islamic Ethics – Islamic Philosophy – Systematic-Discursive Theology (kalām) – Islamic Religious Education – Sociology of Religion on Muslims in Europe or the West – Contributions on current discourses on Islam and Muslims in Europe – Islam and Pluralism, Islam in Europe – etc.
Deadline for abstracts: 1 October 2024. Information: https://ojs.nomos-journals.de/index.php/fits/CfP
6. CFP: The map as the “eye of history” (16th-18th centuries)
The map as the “eye of history” (16th-18th centuries)
The idea of geography being the “eye of history” is a common expression in the early modern period, but it is articulated in a specific way if we take the cartographic object as the point of observation. The aim of this study day is to reinvestigate the relationship between maps and history in the chronological span from the 16th to the 18th century, in Europe and its imperial extensions, from three angles: the analysis of the place of maps in the teaching and reading of history, an investigation into history on and through maps, and a reflection on the porosity between the producers of historical and cartographic knowledge.
Terms and conditions of submission
Proposals in English or French, no more than 300 words long and accompanied by a brief curriculum vitae, should be sent to oeildelhistoire2024@gmail.com by May 15, 2024.
Organisational arrangements
With the support of the Centre Alexandre-Koyré (CAK) and the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), the study day will take place on Tuesday 8 October 2024 in the conference room of the Maps and Plans Department of the BnF on the Richelieu site (Paris).
The organisers will cover meals, travel expenses and, where possible, overnight accommodation. The study day will take place exclusively on site.
Oury Goldman, doctor from EHESS and associate researcher at TEMOS
Lucile Haguet, doctor and curator at Le Havre municipal library
Catherine Hofmann, Curator, Maps and Plans Department, BnF (French National Library)
Geoffrey Phelippot, doctor from EHESS and member of CAK
7. AKU-ISMC: 13 Dec 2023 Virtual Open Day
Join AKU-ISMC students, staff and academics online for a Virtual Open Day on Wednesday 17 April 2024 3 December at 12:00 -13:00 (London Time) to learn about our MA in Muslim Cultures, find out about admissions, quiz current students on academic life, and have the opportunity to ask your own questions.
The Aga Khan University Institute’s for the Study of Muslim Civilisations
Handyside Street
London, | N1C 4DN United Kingdom
8. Middle Eastern SciFi Translation Contest
The Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Texas at Austin is holding a Middle Eastern Science Fiction translation contest open to all translators of languages from the MENA region.
The winner will receive $1000 and the winning translation will be published in the fall issue of Y’alla: A Texan Journal of Middle Eastern Literature.
The deadline is July 1st, 2024.
More at:
9. Persian Composer Ahmad Pejman Honored at UCLA (Video)
1. Approaching Architecture in the Muslim World: Novel Paths of Investigationsquestions the historiography of the field of ‘Islamic Architecture’ by scoring particular instances that fractured its foundations or methods that shaped its objects of study. Collectively, the contributions in this issue address the topic from theoretical concerns as well specific case studies andaddress three moments of rupture in the architecture of the Muslim world: ‘visuality’, ‘typology’, ‘displacement’. The aim of this issue, then, is to open new horizons for rethinking ‘Islamic’ architecture and suggest novel interrogative paths in order to challenge the canonical frameworks, which have dominated our approaches in discussing architecture in the lands of Islam, namely ‘typology’, ‘regionalism,’ ‘master narratives,’ and ‘patronage’.
See: https://brill.com/view/journals/mcmw/4/2/article-p279_8.xml
2. The Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien invites researchers to apply for up to 4 postdoctoral fellowships for the academic year 2024/2025 for the research program EUROPE IN THE MIDDLE EAST—THE MIDDLE EAST IN EUROPE (EUME).
Location: Berlin / Closing Date: 8 April 2024, 12.00h (noon) CEST
Also see:
The Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien invites researchers to apply for up to 4 postdoctoral fellowships for the academic year 2024/2025 for the research program EUROPE IN THE MIDDLE EAST—THE MIDDLE EAST IN EUROPE (EUME).
Location: Berlin / Closing Date: 8 April 2024, 12.00h (noon) CEST
Also see:
3. Mosque: Approaches to Art and Architecture,
Idries Trevathan, ed..
Routledge, 2024
4. The Sharafnāma as a Case Study in the Ecolinguistics of Kurdistan
Wednesday, March 20th, at 2 p.m. Eastern the third event in our Spring Speaker Series. (Note: Please check the time difference as daylight savings time started once again in the US.)
The event will take place on Zoom. It will be free and open to the public.
During this event, Sacha Alsancakli will present, “The Sharafnāma as a Case Study in the Ecolinguistics of Kurdistan.” Sacha is a cultural historian of the Islamic world, whose work focuses on historiography and the history of the book. His presentation will delve into the Sharafnāma, which is regarded as an important text on Kurdish history. He will examine its author’s discourse on the Kurdish language and the ecolinguistics of the multilingual land of Kurdistan.
Speaker Series: The Sharafnāma as a Case Study in the Ecolinguistics of Kurdistan
When: 2:00 pm Eastern, Wednesday, March 20th
Where: https://zoom.us/j/92784270041?pwd=MFhBUmtkMVR1OGN0V2JtQTZycGwwQT09
For more information on Zahra Institute and our upcoming events, visit our website: https://www.zahrainstitute.org/.
5. The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers over 400 unique awards for U.S. citizens to teach, research, and conduct professional projects in more than 130 countries. Explore awards available in the 2025-26 competition.You can join the more than 400,000 Fulbrighters who have come away with enhanced skills, new connections and greater mutual understanding.
We encourage you to visit our website for application resources:
– Getting Started
– Application Guidance
– Open Awards in the 2025-26 Competition, searchable by discipline, country/region, etc.
– Webinar Schedule and Archive
– Office Hours, a great way to get your questions answered live by Fulbright staff
We look forward to receiving your application by our deadline of September 16, 2024. To receive program updates and application resources, connect with Fulbright.
‘Securitizing the Sacred: Pilgrims’ Trails across Digital Landscapes’
(University of Toronto, August 22-24th, 2024)
We invite abstracts for a three-day International Symposium on the state of pilgrimage (incorporating religious tourism) in the context of global security. The event will bring together specialists in different areas of pilgrimage, including academics, tourism providers and operators, local authorities and infrastructure administrators, religious communities, civil liberties organizations, art specialists and artists, and social media influencers. Our aim is to enable different stakeholders to collaborate in considering issues of digitality, security, datafication and mobility that form increasingly significant dimensions of the underlying socio-technical infrastructures of religious journeying.
Over the past two decades, physical travel has increasingly been aided by digital technologies. Some of the questions that drive our inquiry include: Who is responsible for gathering data on pilgrims, and how is such data used? What policies exist regarding types of information and knowledge that can be gathered from pilgrims? What aspects of pilgrims’ data can be deemed sensitive and in need of protection? Are there cross-cultural differences in data collection and practices over how pilgrims’ data is used? What are the implications for pilgrims regarding conditions or situations that may render them ineligible for or excluded from pilgrimage, and who gets to decide?
Behind such empirical questions are powerful concerns relating to data justice that we wish to explore: How might we determine whether there is sufficient transparency about where data is stored and processed, and by whom? What criteria should we use to decide these questions over justice, identity, and mobility? We also invite papers on broader conceptual and theoretical questions concerning the intersections of pilgrimage, mobility, and security.
In addition to our keynote speakers, we also seek submissions in the following categories:
We invite abstracts from scholars and practitioners working on different religious traditions and disciplinary perspectives. We also encourage community engagement projects, and practical applications of theory. We welcome submissions from outside of Canada.
Examples of topics include:
Submissions will be accepted through April 20, 2024 by 11:59pm EST. All submissions will be refereed and must be in English (even if for a poster). They must include the author’s name and position; full affiliation including email and telephone; a brief bio; presentation title, up to five keywords, and an abstract of no more than 500 words for individual submissions and no more than 1000 words for panels/sessions. Email your submissions to: securitizingthesacred@gmail.com
The symposium will be held at the University of Toronto. The local organizers are Dr. Nadia Caidi (nadia.caidi@utoronto.ca) and Dr. Simon Coleman (simon.coleman@utoronto.ca).
For inquiries, email us at securitizingthesacred@gmail.com
7. The School of Law and the Alwaleed Centre for the Study of Islam in the Contemporary World at the University of Edinburgh seek to appoint a Lecturer in Law in the Globalised Muslim World for a September 2024 start.
This three-year fixed term appointment is ideal for scholars seeking to develop their teaching and research profile. The Lecturer will contribute to the development of the Edinburgh Law School and the Alwaleed Centre’s research profiles as well as to their teaching and outreach activities. The Lecturer will undertake programme and course organisation as part of the Edinburgh Law School and Alwaleed Centre’s MSc and Honours programmes. The Lecturer will also take the lead in teaching and dissertation supervision, as well as contribute to other subject areas as appropriate. Ideally the expertise of the successful candidate will enable them to cover key aspects of Islamic/Sharia law and positive law in the contemporary Muslim world.
For further information including how to apply, click here: https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/DGK877/lecturer-in-law-in-the-globalised-muslim-world.
The closing date for applications is 5 April 2024.
8. The Journal, Iranian Studies, invites proposals for roundtables. Topics in all areas of social sciences are welcome.
Iranian Studies inaugurated the roundtable initiative in issue 2 of 2023, with a roundtable on Writing capitalism in Iran. Since then, three more roundtables have been commissioned: in issue 3 of 2023, we hosted a roundtable on the Woman Life Freedom movement, in issue 2 of 2024 one on minoritized communities in Iran, and one on diaspora politics is forthcoming.
Roundtables typically include 5-7 short pieces, each consisting of approximately 3,000 words, to showcase new research in the field, re-assess well-established interpretative trends by bringing to light new evidences or introducing new approaches, and/or offer focused analyses on important issues in current affairs, whose impact may be long lasting. Our goal is to centre the journal of Iranian Studies in discussions and exchanges between social scientists, introducing new debates and ground-breaking analyses in our journal.
Topics include, but are not limited to, the sociology and history of modern Iran, the Persianate world and their diasporas; social aspects of the arts, religions and literature; Iran’s domestic and international politics, and politics of the Persianate world and their diasporas; transborder and transcultural contamination in the arts, culture, political thought and policies, between the Persianate regions and the world; history and politics of slavery, capitalism, racism, transnational solidarities, civilizational exchanges and contemporary political mobilizations.
Proposals should include a 500-700-word description of the topic and rationale for the roundtable, highlighting its contribution to existing scholarly debates. Proposals may include a list of contributions, each with a title, author, and a 300- word abstract. Roundtables should have one or more editors. Editors will be responsible for leading the publication process and making sure that every contribution conforms to the journal style and is ready for peer review. All roundtable contributions go through an expedited review process, which assesses the quality of each piece and makes a recommendation about its feasibility for publication.
Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. They are competitively selected on the basis of their quality and innovation.
You can submit your proposal to Dr Paola Rivetti at paola.rivetti@dcu.ie by June, 17, 2024.
9. 3rd Annual Khamseen Graduate Student Presentation Award
Khamseen: Islamic Art History Online offers Topic and Term talks to support teaching, learning, and research in Islamic art, architecture, visual culture, and related fields. Since the website’s launch in Fall 2020, new contributions by scholars in the field have consistently grown our catalogue. In 2022, we successfully launched the first annual Khamseen Graduate Student Presentation Award; Sylvia Wu’s winning contribution on the Ashab Mosque in Quanzhou, South China, can be viewed here. The second iteration followed in 2023, when Namrata Kanchan won the award for her talk on figural obliteration within an early modern South Asian manuscript, available here.
While the PhD is a requirement for general submissions, Khamseen‘s Graduate Student Presentation Award enables advanced PhD students to feature their expertise and contribute to Khamseen.
For the 3rd Annual Khamseen Graduate Student Presentation Award, we invite PhD candidates (ABD) to submit a polished script of ca. 1,500 words and an accompanying PowerPoint slide show for a Topic presentation. The award recipient will work with our team to revise and then record their presentation, and they also will receive a $500 honorarium upon their presentation’s launch on the Khamseen website.
Submission Guidelines:
Applications due: April 15, 2024
Notification of decisions: May 15, 2024
PhD candidates (ABD) and advanced PhD students in their third year or above (for doctoral programs without candidacy) enrolled in a degree-granting program in Islamic art and allied fields. We do not accept applications from undergraduate and Masters students.
Application Procedures:
Candidates should submit a polished script of ca. 1,500 words and an accompanying PowerPoint slide show for a Topic presentation. Additionally, applications should include a 3-5 sentence summary of the presentation, a 2-page CV, and a note of support from a PhD advisor or dissertation committee member.
Please submit materials to TeamKhamseen@umich.edu; notes of support by advisors and queries by candidates also should be sent to TeamKhamseen@umich.edu.
10. Islamic Studies PhD and MA scholarships, Exeter
The Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies is pleased to announce it MA and PhD scholarships for the academic years 2024. Please do distribute them widely. These are dedicated funded scholarships for Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies students, and the details are as follows:
Al-Qasimi PhD Studentships can be viewed here.
IAIS Masters Excellence Awards
2x Home award here and 2x International here.
Shireen Abu Akleh MA Scholarship in Palestine Studies
1x Home OR International here.
1.2 Postdoctoral Fellowships (2 years) for Scholars at Risk at the “Academy in Exile”, TU Dortmund University and Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Essen, Germany
Eligible are scholars from any country who have a PhD in the humanities, social sciences, or law, and who are at risk because of their academic work and/or civic engagement in human rights, democracy, and the pursuit of academic freedom. Academy in Exile fellowships give scholars the opportunity to continue their careers in Germany and to work on a research project of their own choosing in a multidisciplinary environment.
Application deadline: 15 April 2024. Information:
2. Postdoctoral Research Fellow (3-4 Years) for the Research Project “Beyond Restitution: Heritage, (Dis)Possession and the Politics of Knowledge (BEYONDREST)”, Europe in the Middle East (EUME), Berlin
Requirements: Completed dissertation in anthropology, (art) history, cultural studies, sociology, archaeology or a related field. – Established research focus on critical heritage studies, cultural policy, museum studies, politics of knowledge, material culture, and/or state violence. – Experience with ethnographic research and preferably also with archival research. – Regional expertise regarding the Near and Middle East and/or North
Deadline for applications: 15 April 2024. Information: https://www.forum-transregionale-studien.de/en/news/news/details/job-postdoctoral-research-fellow-f-m-d-in-the-project-beyondrest
3. Visiting Assistant Professor (1 Year) for Comparative Politics (Focus Middle East), Department of Politics, Bates College, Lewiston, Maine
Applicants should show a strong commitment to excellence in undergraduate teaching. We strongly encourage applications from individuals with identities that have been historically marginalized in political science, and individuals who have followed non-traditional pathways to higher education due to societal, economic, or academic disadvantages.
Deadline for applications: 1 April 2024. Information: https://apply.interfolio.com/142258
4. 2024 Graduate Student Paper Prize of the “Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies (JMEWS)”
The prize is awarded to a graduate student in any discipline in the humanities or interpretive social sciences to recognize an original work on an aspect of Middle East women’s, gender, and/or sexuality studies. The 2024 prize winner will receive a $500 award and comments to prepare the manuscript for publication as an article in JMEWS.
Deadline for submissions: 31 May 2024. Information:
5. Chapters for Edited Volume on “The Practice of Pilgrimage in a Global Early Modern Context”
We are seeking contributions to a volume exploring pilgrimage in a global context from the mid-fifteenth to the mid-eighteenth century. We are seeking contributors working from the perspective of diverse disciplines (e. art history, history, literature, anthropology), religious traditions (ie. Buddhism, Shintoism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity) and regional contexts.
Deadline for abstracts: 31 March 2024. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/group/announcements/20026219/cfp-new-volume-practice-pilgrimage-global-early-modern-context
6. Articles for “Hamsa: Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies” (10th Issue)
Hamsa aims to create a multi-disciplinary space in the fields of Jewish and Islamic studies in which all perspectives of Social and Human sciences can converge. Articles are invited which foster a comparative analysis of historiographical, philosophical, anthropological and sociological discourses ranging from medie-vality to contemporaneity.
Deadline for papers: 31 March 2024. Information: https://journals.openedition.org/hamsa/4389
Ruben Nikoghosyan
8. “All the world at the palm of the hand”: imagining history through the life of an early Afghan saint
T Ahmed
9. Philipp Bruckmayr
Islamic Reform as a Family Affair: The Tariq Shah Wali Ullah in Modern Malaysia
Monday Majlis Online on the 18th of March, 17:00-18:30 (UK time)
Centre for the Study of Islam, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, Exeter.
Register please on this link:
10. UCL Press is delighted to announce the publication of a new open access book that may be of interest to list subscribers: Arabic Dialogues: Phrasebooks and the learning of colloquial Arabic, 1798-1945, by Rachel Mairs.
Download it free: https://bit.ly/3T07Fik
1.Arabic Literary Culture in Southeast Asia in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
A.C.S. Peacock Brill, 2024
2. The Invisible East programme in Oxford is looking for a new Postdoctoral Researcher and for a Programme Co-ordinator to join the team!
We are looking for driven and organised individuals who can help us grow an exciting academic project with direct links to the wider public.
The job descriptions for the two positions can be seen at this link. The deadline to apply is 25 March 2024. We look forward to receiving your application!
3. In-person symposium on Literature and Religion in Modern Iran, sponsored by the Program for the Study of Religion and co-hosted by the UC San Diego Library and Middle East Studies program at UCSD, on March 12th.
Commencing at 2:30 p.m., the symposium kicks off with a compelling keynote address by Professor Nasrin Rahimieh from UC Irvine. Professor Rahimieh’s speech, Fictions of Self in Contemporary Iranian Women’s Writing, promises to offer intriguing insights into the literary landscape of Iran.
The symposium continues with a series of illuminating presentations by esteemed scholars. Dr. Domenico Ingenito (UCLA) will explore the intriguing relationship between mysticism and sexuality in the literary and critical works of Forugh Farrokhzad. Dr. Aria Fani (University of Washington) will present his recent publication, “Reading Across Borders: Afghans, Iranians, and Literary Nationalism,” which offers fresh perspectives on literary nationalism within the region. Additionally, Dr. Farshad Sonboldel (UC San Diego Library) will examine the profound impact of religious poetic forms on the process of literary modernization in Iran. Throughout the event, discussions will be expertly moderated by Dr. Babak Rahimi (UC San Diego).
Registration is not required.
Geisel Meeting Room
University of California San Diego, Geisel Library
9500 Gilman Dr, La Jolla
Jen Cormier
4. King’s College London and the University of Kent are jointly offering up to fifteen fully-funded PhD studentships in medieval history, literatures and other disciplines (including up to three studentships for international students, and up to three Master’s Plus studentships available for low-income and/or ethnic minority applicants) through the new £2M Leverhulme doctoral training centre Knowledge Orders before Modernity.
Applicants can submit their own project through an open call, provided it falls broadly within the themes of the project (transmission, selection, production, reproduction and/or technologies of knowledge); or they can apply for particular projects proposed by potential supervisors at King’s and Kent.
For more information and on how to apply: https://www.komldsp.org.uk/about-us/ . The deadline this year will be 8 May 2024.
5. The Center for Research on the Iranian World (CeRMI, UMR8041 CNRS) is pleased to invite you to the XXV Iranian World Day, which will be held on Friday, March 22, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the Auditorium of the INaLCO Languages and Civilizations Center, 65 rue des Grands-Moulins, 75013 Paris (Reception-café from 9:30 a.m.).
You will find information online on the CeRMI website: https://cermi.cnrs.fr/xxve-journee-monde-iranien/
6. Le CeRMI a le plaisir de vous convier à laprochaine séancedu séminaire “Sociétés, politiques et cultures du monde iranien”, qui se tiendra le jeudi 14 mars 2024, 17h-19h, en salle 3.15 à l’INaLCO (65 rue des Grands Moulins, Paris XIII, 3e étage).
Nous sommes heureux d’accueillir M. Yury Karev, spécialiste de l’histoire politique et sociale de l’Asie Centrale à l’époque pré-mongole et de la culture matérielle, Chargé de recherches au CNRS (UMR 8546 AOROC – CNRS PSL), pour une conférence intitulée: “Les Qarakhanides au Māwarā’annahr: traits identitaires de la dynastie centre-asiatique à travers leur art et les textes de l’époque (fin Xe – début XIIIe s.)“.
7. UCLA – Legacies of Ancient Persia: New Episode Available
8. IIS: Applications for the Farhad Daftary Doctoral Scholarship Programme are now open
Closing date: 31 March, 2024
9. IIS: The Central Asian Studies Unit is pleased to invite you to register in-person to attend “Historical and Contemporary Migrations of Central Asian Muslims: History, Culture and Identity”, which will take place 3-4 April 2024 at Aga Khan Centre (London).
The conference will bring together scholars from various disciplines to discuss and exchange ideas on a wide range of topics related to the historical and contemporary regional and transnational migrations of Central Asian Muslims. There are limited spots available to attend in-person, so register soon.
10. The Oxford Handbook of Modern Egyptian History
11. Interreligious Interactions in South Asia: Second Colloquium, April 3–12, 2024
We are delighted to announce our second colloquium on “Interreligious Interactions in South Asia,” which will take place over Zoom from April 3 to April 12, 2024. The speakers for our colloquium are as follows:
Afsar Mohammad | Vernacular Sufi Texts and Hindu-Muslim Contexts
April 3, 2024 | 16:00–17:30 BST / 11:00–12:30 EDT / 20:30–22:00 IST
Purnima Dhavan | Resisting Religious Labels in Early Modern Punjab: Why Place Matters
April 4, 2024 | 18:00–19:30 BST / 13:00–14:00 EDT / 22:30–00:00 IST
Abdul Manan Bhat | Postures of Tradition: Corporeality and Islamic Ethics in Modern Urdu & Persian Poetry
April 5, 2024 | 16:00–17:30 BST / 11:00–12:30 EDT / 20:30–22:00 IST
Kashshaf Ghani | Sufism and Religious Interactions from South Asia
April 8, 2024 | 15:00–16:30 BST / 10:00–11:30 EDT / 19:30–21:00 IST
Tilak Parekh | Religious Leadership in Interfaith Interactions
April 9, 2024 | 16:00–17:30 BST / 11:00–12:30 EDT / 20:30–22:00 IST
Sumaira Nawaz | Reform Unbound: Afghanistan’s Sirāj-ul Aḳhbār (1911-19) and its Global Publics
April 10, 2024 | 16:00–17:30 BST / 11:00–12:30 EDT / 20:30–22:00 IST
Supriya Gandhi | Persianate Hinduism in Colonial India: Revisiting Rammohun Roy’s Tuhfat al-muwahhidin
April 12, 2024 | 16:00–17:30 BST / 11:00–12:30 EDT / 20:30–22:00 IST
Website: www.interfaith.cam.ac.uk/south-asia-24
Registration Link: https://forms.office.com/e/Z4kN3ahf1i
We envision our colloquium to be brainstorming sessions for examining how interreligious interactions are analysed and theorised in diverse disciplines today, and in what ways do historical sources and ethnographic data from South Asia elaborate such interactions. Some of our presenters have pre-circulated reading materials that would be helpful in understanding their arguments. If you would like to consult these reading materials, please email: trinbarua@gmail.com.
12. Call for Papers: National, Transnational, and Antinational Circuits in Literature
Our special issue aims to investigate the multifaceted developments of approaches to and accounts of the national concept as well as its inter-, trans-, and antinational inverses as they are manifested in literary texts across diverse geographies and cultures from the 19th century to the present. We invite contributors who engage with questions of the national, the international, transnational, and antinational, exploring their intricacies, challenges, and transformative potential within the broad field of literary studies.
We are interested in canonical works of internationalism, connected to Soviet ideology as well as to the non-aligned movement. But we are most interested in those works that explicitly speak to global capitalist exploitation on the conjuncture of other forms of violence, such as colonialism, racism, sexism, xenophobia, white supremacy, environmental exploitation, queer- and transphobia, and ableism. Importantly, we encourage authors to focus on those aspects, that are often ignored within analysis of internationalisms for example by Indigenous movements and individuals, or people with disabilities.
Papers may focus on, but are not limited to, the following themes:
Submission Instructions:
Interested authors should submit a 250-word abstract and a short bio (250 words) by e-mail to the guest editors of this special issue of Comparative Literature (contact below). We aim for a special issue of 5-7 original articles, preceded by an introduction by the editors. Selected authors are expected to submit an original article of 6,000-8,000 words (likely early 2025). The deadline for abstract submissions is April 20th, 2024. Decisions will be communicated shortly thereafter. Accepted papers will still go through the regular peer-review process of the journal, therefore a selection doesn’t necessarily guarantee the publication of your article.
Guest editors:
Dr. Viktoria Pötzl at poetzlvi@grinnell.edu
Dr. Katharina Wiedlack katharina.wiedlack@univie.ac.at
13. Publication – Corinne Mühlemann, Complex Weaves: Technique, Text, and Cultural History of Striped Silks. Affalterbach: Didymos-Verlag, 2023.
Silk fabrics in the form of wearables and soft furnishings were omnipresent in medieval Islamic society, yet their presence has not always been acknowledged within the field of art history. Complex Weaves considers the interwoven historiography of textile studies and Islamic art history through focusing on lampas fabrics produced in the Mongol (Ilkhanate, Chagatai Khanate) and Mamluk territories during the 13th and 14th centuries. Attending to these complex striped silks offers new perspectives on the production, consumption, and intended use of medieval textiles. By analyzing the different weaving techniques, the Arabic inscriptions in the patterns of the striped silks as well as their representation in pictorial and written sources, Complex Weaves critically examines the technological knowledge and divisions of labour required to produce lampas fabrics. The iconography, materiality, and inscriptions of striped silks are placed in conversation with 13th century metal vessels and contextualized through the varied uses of wearable silks. From robes of honour (khilʿa, tashrīf) for the Sāqī (cup-bearer) to the textile propaganda of the Abū Saʿīd silk, the incorporation of specific silks was instrumental in constructing talismanic power and political messages. Silks affected both those who wore them, and those who observed them, offering researchers insight into Islamic art history.
Corinne Mühlemann is the Assistant Professor for the History of Textile Arts (Abegg-Stiftung professorship) at the University of Bern, Switzerland. She has been a Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellow at the Centre for Textile Research at the University of Copenhagen. Her research contributes to the fields of textile studies and Islamic art history.
14. ITS Ramadan Discount 2024
In celebration of the holy month of Ramadan and the Eid, the Islamic Texts Society is offering a 15% discount on all titles.
Books from the ITS are an aid to deepening one’s worship in this holy month, and also make an ideal Ramadan and Eid gift for family, friends and loved ones.
In order to take advantage of this offer, please visit our website https://its.org.uk and enter the coupon code RAMADAN24 on the purchase page. This offer is valid from 9 March to 14 April 2024.
1.Hybrid: Making it Count: Women’s Rights and Suffrage in Iran with Dr. Kashani-Sabet (U Penn)
Sunday, March 10, 2024, 3-4:45 PM EDT, St. Mary’s Hall, UMD, Multipurpose Room
Elahé Omidyar Mir-Djalali Speaker Series.
2. Al-ʿUṣūr al-Wusṭā: the Journal of Middle East Medievalists announces a thematic dossier entitled “From the Margins, From Below: Theoretical and Analytical Interventions in Premodern Middle Eastern Studies,” guest edited by Kristina Richardson and Matthew Thomas Miller, to be published in 2026.
We are soliciting original research articles from any discipline that challenge dominant scholarly narratives in Islamic and Middle Eastern studies through the application of particular theoretical schools of thought (e.g., feminist, affect theory, ecocriticism, narratology), analytical categories (e.g., race, gender, disability), or perspectives (e.g., history from below, literature of the margins) that have not been typically privileged as objects of study. We also welcome articles that interrogate the disciplinary formation of Islamic and Middle Eastern studies in the non-Islamic world and how these enduring institutional arrangements have centered certain languages, regions, and modes of analysis as worthy of study and relegated others to the margins. We are committed to assembling a diverse slate of scholars for this dossier, representing a wide range of topical, geographical, and theoretical/analytical perspectives.
Al-ʿUṣūr al-Wusṭā: The Journal of Middle East Medievalists is the only open-access, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the medieval Middle East. To be considered, please submit a title and abstract of no more than 500 words to mtmiller@umd.edu by April 15, 2024. The dossier’s guest editors will invite selected authors to an online workshop in May 2025 where they will present drafts of their articles. The workshop will be an opportunity for all to receive constructive feedback. Complete articles will be due by August 1, 2025. All submissions will be subject to the journal’s peer review process.
3. Workshop “Ibn Khaldun: Universal Thougt and Shared Heritage”, Tunis, 27-28 May 2024
This workshop aims to contribute to deeper research on the life and thoughts of this eminent figure. Its aim is to understand how political and intellectual circles, both in the East and in the West, have received Khaldunian thought since the Middle Ages, but especially after its “rediscovery” in the contemporary era. A particular focus will be placed on ‘The Muqaddimah’ and the work of Ibn Khaldun as shared and contested heritage.
Deadline for abstracts: 10 March 2024. Information: https://mailchi.mp/mediterraneanseminar/cfp-ibn-khaldun-universal-thought-and-shared-heritage-tunis-may-27-28?e=82aeb6c61d
4. International Conference: “Musical Heritage Across Borders – Materiality as an Indication of Distribution Channels”, Hamburg, 28-30 May 2024
The conference explores the materiality of manuscripts on music in Latin, Arabic, Persian, Ottoman Turkish and Chinese languages. By tracing the routes of distribution of musical and music-theoretical manuscripts, we gradually come closer to an overview of cultural exchange relations, even beyond the dependence on political conditions. We are looking for a total of five early stage researchers (Master, Phd) to add further impulses to the presentations of the Scientific Board.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 March 2024.
5. Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association (MLA): “Mediterranean Sexualities”, New Orleans, 9-12 January 2025
How do Mediterranean sexual epistemologies challenge common approaches to the history of sexuality? Especially encouraged are papers considering queer sexuality and erotics with (in)visibility of/in archives, empire, slavery, race, migration, and nation.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 March 2024. Information: https://mailchi.mp/mediterraneanseminar/cfp-mediterranean-sexualities-mla-912-january-new-orleans?e=82aeb6c61d
6. Conference “Travellers in Ottoman Lands”, Sabancı University, Istanbul, 9-12 April 2025
The speakers will explore many fascinating subjects relevant to travel in the region during the Ottoman period, including: . Horticulture and botany; Memorials, cemeteries, places of worship of various faiths; Women travellers; Cuisine; Art and Culture; Travel and exile; Archaeology; Explorers and photographers; Modes of travel; Famous travellers; Architecture.
Deadline for abstacts: 15 November 2024. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/group/announcements/20025364/travellers-ottoman-lands-tiol-conference-announcement
7. Research Software Engineer (Digital Humanities; V-L 13, part-time 50% or 75%) at “Bibliotheca Arabica – Towards a New History of Arabic Literature”, Leipzig
Candidate Profile: University degree (Master’s/Diploma, PhD) in Computer Science or Digital Humanities; Proficiency in at least one programming language; Experience in developing and implementing complex applications; Experience in Digital Humanities projects or interdisciplinary communication with domain ex-perts; Proficiency in English.
Deadline for applications: 15 April 2024. Information:
8. Postdoctoral Fellowship (5 Months), CEDEJ, Cairo
CEDEJ offers a fellowship (April-August 2024) to a recent Ph.D. graduate working on contemporary Egypt from a humanities or social science perspective. The fellow will reside in Egypt and participate in the academic life of the center. He will receive office space and be granted full access to the library. The monthly stipend is 41,000 EGP.
Deadline for applications: 15 March 2024. Information: http://cedej-eg.org/index.php/join-us/?lang=en
9. Visiting Assistant Professor (1-2 Years) in Any Aspect of the Contemporary Middle East (Except Egypt), Colgate University
The candidate will be expected to teach an introductory course in the Core Communities component that is part of Colgate’s Liberal Arts Core Curriculum, a course on “The War on Terror,” and a course of their own design. There is a preference for geographical focus on Palestine, Iran, or Yemen. A Ph.D. is required at the time of hire or shortly after hire.
Deadline for applications: 31 March 2024. Information: https://apply.interfolio.com/141922
10. Fellowships of the “Max van Berchem Foundation” (Genève) to Promote the Study of Islamic and Arabic Archaeology, History, Geography, Art History, Epigraphy, Religion and Literature
The Foundation awards grants for research carried out in these areas by scholars who have already received their doctorate.
Deadline for applications: 31 March 2024. Information:
11. ONLINE Hebrew, Arabic, Pashto, and Iranian Cinema Summer Courses, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University of Texas, Austin, 6 June – 19 August 2024
– Hebrew Summer Institute:
– Arabic Summer Institute:
– Pashto Summer Institute:
– Iranian Cinema Course:
Deadline for registration: 15 April 2024
12. Bi-annual Book Award of the Association for Middle East Anthropology (AMEA)
This award is given to an anthropological work (single- or co-authored, but not edited volumes) that features creative ethnographic writing, innovative data collection strategies, and sophisticated analysis. We solicit books that make significant contributions to anthropological knowledge and that advance our understanding of the complex forces that shape life in the Middle East. Books submitted for the 2024 award must have a publication date in 2022 or 2023.
Deadline for submissions: 15 May 2024. Information: Contact Anne Meneley: ameneley@trentu.ca
13. Yaron Klein
The Poetry of the One Thousand and One Nights
Monday Majlis Online on the 11th of March, 17:00-18:30 (UK time)
Centre for the Study of Islam, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, Exeter.
Register please on this link:
A 14th-Century Asian Silk in a Monastic Manuscript with Dr. Nikolaos Vryzidis
Nikolaos Vryzidis offers an interdisciplinary examination of a silk fabric that survives on the
cover and spine of a late Medieval Greek manuscript binding, now on display at the Great
Meteoron Monastery in Thessaly, Greece.
Link: https://vimeo.com/903797919
Two Velvet Letter Pouches and Their Role in Safavid Diplomacy with Dr.Anna Jolly and Dr. Corinne Mühlemann
Anna Jolly and Corinne Mühlemann examine two Iranian letter pouches from the Danish
National Archives. Sewn from two differently patterned, cut, voided velvets, these pouches are exquisite works of Safavid textile art. Jolly and Mühlemann’s research suggests that they
originally contained two letters from Shāh Ṣafī I (r. 1629-1642) addressed to Duke Frederick III
of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp (r. 1616-1659), and received by him in 1639.
Link: https://vimeo.com/906100824
2. College of William and Mary – Visiting Assistant Teaching Professor (Non-Western Art History)
March 11, 2024
3. Call for Papers : Mediterranean Review Vol.17, No.1
Mediterranean Review, issued by the Institute for Mediterranean Studies,
Busan University of Foreign Studies, is calling for papers.
Mediterranean Review (MR) is an official journal of Asian Federation of
Mediterranean Studies Institutes (AFOMEDI), and the Association of History,
Literature, Science and Technology (AHLiST).
MR widens the scope of Mediterranean Studies by publishing academic articles
on the diverse ‘mediterraneans’ distributed all around the world where
civilization exchange occurs, including the Baltic Sea, the Yellow Sea, or the
Caribbean Sea area.
We welcome the submission of articles that covers all fields of the
Humanities, Social Sciences
as well as Science and Technology Studies in relation to a Mediterranean
A special emphasis is on the past and present modes of interactions and
exchange in global mediterraneans.
* Date of Submission : April 1st , 2024 (Monday)
* Address to submit : imsmr@bufs.ac.kr
* Date of publication:
No.1) 30th of June
No.2) 31st of December
Before submitting your paper, please refer to our code of research ethics as
well as to the text formatting and citation rules on our website:
– Published Articles :
https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fimsmr.cafe24.com%2Fgo%2Fbbs%2Fboard.php%3Fbo_table%3DArticles&data=05%7C02%7C%7C02782a4c39164977c52708dc38a77996%7C2e9f06b016694589878910a06934dc61%7C0%7C0%7C638447539279477464%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C40000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=%2FVwAk0ZitBLp6pwvL2hf%2FF21BF2pbFPsm9anycuFY00%3D&reserved=0 (click to move)
– Submission Guide : https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fimsmr.or.kr%2Fgo%2Fbbs%2Fcontent.php%3Fco_id%3DGuidelines&data=05%7C02%7C%7C02782a4c39164977c52708dc38a77996%7C2e9f06b016694589878910a06934dc61%7C0%7C0%7C638447539279484343%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C40000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=oDaoDw1AoZE23G3hLsNeaSFlejINwcWkFjz8K8EKW5I%3D&reserved=0
(click to move)
– Code of Ethics :
https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fimsmr.cafe24.com%2Fgo%2Fbbs%2Fcontent.php%3Fco_id%3DCode_of_Ethics&data=05%7C02%7C%7C02782a4c39164977c52708dc38a77996%7C2e9f06b016694589878910a06934dc61%7C0%7C0%7C638447539279489391%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C40000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=Y5r3XCxms4z6b8ZPi9IJriP3B9woKEr3k5dlF4JGKrQ%3D&reserved=0 (click to
– Please notice that we only accept manuscripts in the English language.
– All submitted papers will be evaluated under a strict and fair peer review
– Please notice that there is no guarantee for a submitted article to be
4. The Ottoman Canon and the Construction of Arabic and Turkish Literatures
Ceyhun Arslan (Koç University)
Edinburgh, 2024
5. The Musical Heritage of al-Andalus is now available in an OpenAccess edition. The entire volume can be downloaded as a single PDF, or the individual chapters may be downloaded separately to make it easier to assign them as readings in university courses.
This volume is of particular interest regarding the origins of the muwashshah, the role of medieval “singing slave girls” (qiyan), interactions between Arabic and Hebrew poetry, and the complexities of cultural contact and transformations in al-Andalus and the broader Mediterranean.
Winner of the 2022 Premio del Rey book Prize (American History Association) and the 2022 Early Music prize (American Musicological Society)
“. . . The twelve chapters of The Musical Heritage of al-Andalus track the pernicious politics of ‘influence’; interreligious and intercultural negotiations beyond the traditional, narrow tripartition of Muslims, Christians, and Jews; gender roles and sexual identities; the development of ‘revolutionary’ Arabic and Hebrew lyric genres in Iberia; and the complex intertwining of social status, ethnicity, enslavement, and music professionalization (alongside much more). . . Reynolds makes accessible a rich body of work that may be unfamiliar to the wider readership that the book invites, and offers compelling new arguments for specialized readers.”
This is the companion volume to Medieval Arab Music and Musicians (Brill 2022) that was released as an OpenAccess edition earlier this month:
6. Muslim Contributions to Civil Society and Philanthropy in the Caribbean
SUBMISSIONS DUE: 15 March 2024
In collaboration with the Muslim Philanthropy Initiative (MPI) at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), LACISA is hosting an online colloquium on Muslim contributions to civil society, philanthropy and activism in the Caribbean.
This colloquium brings together scholars and practitioners to conceptualize overarching patterns, offer case studies, and suggest possible avenues forward in the study of Muslim communities in the Caribbean. For more on what we mean by “Caribbean” and/or “Muslim philanthropy,” please see the attached document setting out the colloquium’s parameters and points of discussion.
We welcome proposals that investigate Muslim contributions to civil society, philanthropy, and activism from historical, anthropological, literary, sociological, cultural, and religious perspectives. Colloquium presentations based on interviews, autoethnographies, and primary source translations would also be enthusiastically received. We are also open to participation by activists, organizations, and individuals directly involved in projects, whether in the form of interviews or as first-person/third-person essays.
Once we have selected from the proposals, we will convene an online colloquium in May 2024. Those who present will be remunerated in the amount of $250, thanks to generous support from MPI. In addition, select papers will be included in a special volume, edited by Ken Chitwood, Ph.D. (MPI) and Harini Kumar, Ph.D. (Princeton University).
We are inviting proposals due 15 March 2024. The proposal should be 250-300 words long and address any one, or combination, of the following themes:
**Submissions, inquiries, and other communication related to the colloquium should be sent to lacisanews@gmail.com.
7. Spring 2024 funding: Laura Bassi Scholarship
The Laura Bassi Scholarship was established in 2018 with the aim of providing editorial assistance to postgraduates and junior academics whose research focuses on neglected topics of study, broadly construed. The scholarships are open to every discipline and the next round of funding will be awarded in Spring 2024:
Spring 2024
Application deadline: 24 March 2024
Results: 10 April 2024
All currently enrolled master’s and doctoral candidates are eligible to apply, as are academics in the first five years of full-time employment. Applicants are required to submit a completed application form along with their CV through the application portal by the relevant deadline. Further details, including previous winners, and the application portal can be found at: https://editing.press/bassi
8. Missionaries in Persia
Cultural Diversity and Competing Norms in Global Catholicism
C Windler,
Bloomsbury, 2024
9. The British Association for Islamic Studies is delighted to announce the provisional programme for its 2024 Annual Conference, hosted by the University of Leeds on Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 May 2024. The full programme is available to view online here: https://www.brais.ac.uk/conferences/brais-2024
With keynote lectures from Prof. Tahera Qutbuddin (Abdulaziz Saud AlBabtain Laudian Professor of Arabic, University of Oxford), and Prof. Stefan Weber (Director of the Museum for Islamic Art in the Pergamon Museum, Berlin) this year’s conference looks set to be a truly memorable gathering of scholars and students from across the globe.
The conference is open to anyone with an interest in any aspect of Islamic Studies, and registration is now possible online HERE
If you have any questions at all about the conference, they may be answered on our conference FAQ page HERE. If not, please do not hesitate to contact us via this email address.
Tuesdays in March (5, 12, 19, and 26)
12 p.m. to 1 p.m. ET
Hartford International University for Religion and Peace will host a four-part lunchtime webinar series that explores the roots – and the current manifestations – of hatred and bigotry toward Jews and Muslims. Two scholars will focus on what’s happening today and two will delve into ancient and scriptural connections. LEARN MORE
11. The Global Academy Call for Applications for the 2024-2025 academic year is now open!
The MESA Global Academy offers competitive fellowships to Middle East Studies scholars from the MENA region who are currently displaced.
The Global Academy awards $5,000 scholarships and faciliates programming for its fellows, including speaking engagements at partner universities across the United States, publication opportunities, mentoring, and professional development workshops.
Eligibility criteria for the fellowships include: 1) holding a PhD or equivalent in a field in the social sciences or humanities (graduate students will not be considered); 2) the primary institutional affiliation was in the MENA region prior to displacement; and 3) a publication record indicating scholarly productivity (in English, French, a native MENA language, or principal research language of the field).
The deadline for applications is May 1, 2024.
For more information and to apply, click here.
12. Mo Habib Translation Prize Deadline Extended to May 1
13. Prince Dr. Sabbar Farman-Farmaian Fellowships
With the generous support of Farman-Farmaian Family, the IISH launches a new fellowship programme named the Prince Dr Sabbar Farman-Farmaian Fellowships for scholars who wish to use its collections for the study of social and economic history of 18-20 century of Iran, whether from a regional, national, or comparative and transnational perspective.
Fellowships are awarded for six months (1 October 2024 – 31st March 2025). This is a call for applications for fellowships for the year 2024/2025.
Deadline for applications is 1 May 2024.
Fellows receive a monthly stipend of € 1,500. The fellowship also includes an economy return flight to the Netherlands, visa support, as well as arrangements for accommodation. Cost of health insurance in Amsterdam will be reimbursed.
Minimum requirements/selection criteria:
– An MA degree or higher,
– An updated CV,
– A Research proposal in not more than 500 words
– Academic level English
The fellow’s research plan should fit the Institute’s focus on social history.
Fellows are expected:
– To write a report on their research activities at the end of the fellowship period,
– To be present at the institute customarily,
– To take part in the activities of the Institute’s Research Department,
– To interact with other fellows and the IISH’s research staff in the English language,
– To give at least one public lecture.
Selection will be made based on the quality and novelty of the proposed research project, its affinity to social history research conducted at the International Institute of Social History, and the applicant’s qualifications.
Fellows are expected to present the results of their work both orally to the other members of the Research Department, and in writing with a paper of min. 5000 and max. 8000 words (including notes). It is envisaged that the PDF version of the paper will be published as an occasional paper on the website of the IISH.
Applications should be submitted before 1 May 2024 to jacqueline.rutte@bb.huc.knaw.nl
General information about the IISH can be obtained via http://socialhistory.org.
More information about the fellowship can be obtained from Professor Touraj Atabaki, e-mail: tat@iisg.nl
1.ONLINE Webinar “Public Diplomacy and New Leadership of Civil Society Organisations: DSA NGOs in Development Study Group”, 29 February 2024, 12:00 – 14:00 GMT
Bringing together case studies from Cameroon, Egypt, Poland, Palestine, Lebanon and Libya, this webinar reflects on how external calls for proposals in the fields of women’s empowerment, community development, education, training, exchange programmes, democracy, human rights and peacebuilding influence the way civil society organisations contribute, deliver, intervene and position themselves in various societies.
Information and registration:
2. Colloque « Généalogies arabes des dynasties non arabes : une quête de légitimité inattendue en Islam médiéval et moderne ? (IXe-XVIIIe s.) » – MMSH (Aix-en-Provence), 5-6 mars 2024
Programme : https://iismm.hypotheses.org/files/2024/02/Colloque-genealogies-Programme.pdf
3. ENIS Spring School 2024 “Peripheral Islam: Muslims on the Geographical, Normative, Political and Religious Margins”, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland, 4-7 June 2024
This Spring School focusses on Muslims living, working and writing in the periphery and welcomes papers that show how, where and why peripheral Muslims – varying from marginalised areas and controversial scholars to ostracised politicians and heterodox sects – have shaped this periphery and have been shaped by this periphery.
Deadline for registration: 1 May 2024.
Information: https://nisis.sites.uu.nl/2024/02/09/call-for-papers-enis-spring-school-2024
4. Workshop „Religion, Race, and Concepts of Difference in the Modern Middle East”, Oxford University, 14-15 June 2024
We are especially interested in contributions that engage with the history of concepts of difference across the 19th and 20th century Ottoman Empire and post-Ottoman Middle East: The transformation (or persistence) of concepts of difference rooted in terms like the Arabic jins, the Turkish millet; the colonial racialization of Islam, Judaism, Eastern Christianity, and other traditions; theoretical reflections on the relationship between race and religion in Middle Eastern contexts; etc.
Deadline for abstracts: 7 March 2024.
Information: https://talks.ox.ac.uk/talks/id/b1ccebda-68f8-4ea5-98de-debee0911478
5. International Conference “Evliya Çelebi and Eastern Croatia under Ottoman Rule”, University of Osijek, Croatia, 14-15 November 2024
Themes: The period and/or events immediately preceding the establishment of Ottoman rule in eastern Croatia and immediately following the retreat of the Ottoman Empire; Evliya Çelebi’s Seyahatname as a source for the history of eastern Croatia and the neighboring regions; comparative cases of historical inter-actions between eastern Croatia and the neighboring regions, especially during the 17th century. The working language of the conference will be English.
Deadline for abstracts: 1 May 2024. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/group/announcements/20025046/international-conference-evliya-celebi-and-eastern-croatia-under
6. 15th Conference of the Asian Federation of Middle East Studies Associations (AFMA): “Towards an Optimal Framework for Middle East Studies: Asian and Middle Eastern Perspec-tives in an Era of Global Challenges”, Doshisha University, Kyoto, 7-8 December 2024
Themes: Politics and society in the Middle East. – Religious and intellectual lives in the Middle East. – Society and environment in the Middle East. – Historical experiences of the Middle East seen from Asian per-spectives. – Changing energy situation in the world and the future of the Middle East. – Economic rela-tionships between Asian and Middle Eastern countries. – Cultural interactions between Asia and the Middle East. – Middle East studies in the West and Middle East studies in Asia. Etc.
Deadline for abstracts: 31 May 2024. Information: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/s1l3d5b5w7k5v8dyq9iay/h?rlkey=5t8nqp8weocj9cl3ix1uq7w11&e=1&dl=0
7. International Conference of the Emmy Noether Junior Research Group TRANSLAPT: “Empire in Translation: Perso-Arabic Knowledge and the Making of Early Modern Ottoman Civilisa-tion”, University of Münster, Germany, 15-17 January 2025
The Research Group “Inner-Islamic Transfer of Knowledge within Arabic-Persian-Ottoman Translation Pro-cesses in the Eastern Mediterranean (1400-1750)” aims to investigate the transregional transfer of knowledge by focusing on translation as a concept, process, and product. We invite contributions that focus on early modern translation processes between Arabic, Persian, and Ottoman Turkish, with particular attention to the study of manuscript copies of these translations.
Deadline for abstracts: 17 March 2024.
Information: https://www.uni-muenster.de/ArabistikIslam/translapt/call_for_papers/index.html
8. Postdoctoral Fellowship (2 Years) in the History of the Modern Middle East and North Africa, Duke University, Durham, NC
We seek candidates with broad knowledge of the history of the region in its global context. Teaching experien-ce is a must. The successful candidate will teach one introductory lecture course on the Modern Middle East in the fall of 2024, and a gateway or advanced undergraduate seminar in the Spring of 2025.
Deadline of applications: 1 April 2024. Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/27206
9. Visiting Lecturer of Persian Language (1 Year +), Indiana University, Bloomington
Qualifications: A doctoral degree in a relevant field, such as Persian Language pedagogy, second language acquisition, linguistics, or language education. Experience developing Persian language materials, including web-based materials; experience using digital instructional technologies; experience in conducting pedago-gical research on the Persian language is highly desirable, but not required.
Deadline for applications: 1 March 2024. Information: https://indiana.peopleadmin.com/postings/22568
10. Scholarships for MA Iranian Studies at SOAS, University of London
The scholarship is open for UK/EU and overseas fee-paying SOAS students, normally providing a contribu-tion towards fees or a full fee waiver.
Deadline for applications: 29 April 2024. Information: https://www.soas.ac.uk/study/student-life/finance/scholarships/kamran-djam-scholarships , Contact; Dr. Ali Alavisa137@soas.ac.uk
11. Articles on “Trans, Queer and « Third Gender » People in Muslim Countries” for a Special Issue of the Journal “Anthropology of the Middle East” (20.1, 2025)
Anthropologists are invited to contribute to this issue, but also contributors from various disciplines as histo-rians, sociologists and jurists. Proposals could also come from literary scholars working on a corpus (novels, short stories, poetry, etc.) from Muslim countries of a certain period that feature a trans, queer or third-gender character. Researchers in visual, theatrical or film studies are also invited to analyze one of these countries’ films featuring a trans, queer or third-gender character.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 April 2024.
Information: https://iismm.hypotheses.org/files/2024/02/Call-for-papers.pdf
12. Articles on “Infidels, Enemies or Humanists? The European-Italian “Renaissance” and the Fictional Imaginary of the Muslim-Ottoman Turk” for a Special Issue of the Journal “Religions”
This issue focuses on the inter-connection between the Ottoman world and the Western Europe in the Quattrocento and Cinquecento; in specific, the idea is to work on the reciprocal imaginary that the Ottoman sulta-nate and the European-Italian potentates reciprocally played in this specific age. The argument is open to a multi-disciplinary approach able to consider the historical, religious, political, artistic, and literary approaches as international relations topics.
Deadline for manuscripts: 30 September 2024.
Information: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/religions/special_issues/Z3H162B632
13. “NEXUS” – New Online Platform on Religions and Politics in the Middle East, Created by the Haifa Laboratory for Religious Studies
NEXUS will feature a blend of scholarly articles, research contributions, and semi-popular essays, creating a space where complex ideas are presented in a manner that resonates with a diverse audience. We aim to transcend traditional boundaries, making our platform a valuable resource for policy-makers, practitioners, scholars, and students alike.
Information: https://nexus.haifa.ac.il
14. Harvard University – Harvard University AKPIA Postdoctoral Fellowships
15. Call for Submissions | BRISMES Early Career Development Scholarship
Submissions are invited for the 2024 BRISMES Early Career Development Scholarship. The aim of this award is to support activities geared towards strengthening the academic profile and CV of an early career scholar. Two awards of £3,000 each are available. The deadline for submissions is midnight (UK time) on 31 March 2024.
16. Call for Papers | Building Past, Present and Future
First International Conference on Iranian Studies, University of Bucharest, 2-4 October 2024
The Persian Language and Literature Section at the University of Bucharest is pleased to announce its inaugural conference, “Bridging Past, Present, and Future”, dedicated to celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Persian Language and Literature Section and honoring its founder, Professor Viorel Bageacu (1936-2015). We invite scholars and researchers to submit abstracts for papers in all subfields of Iranian Studies, exploring the connections between the past, present, and future.
Deadline | 25 March 2024
17. Call for Applications | BIAA Grants & Scholarships
Funding Call, British Institute at Ankara (BIAA)
In recent years, the BIAA has launched a range of scholarships aimed at supporting students from undergraduate to doctoral level embarking on fieldwork and research in Türkiye and the Black Sea region. Applications are invited for the following:
Deadline | 17 April 2024
18. Call for Papers | Societies in Transition: Law, Culture and Politics in the Middle East
30th International DAVO Congress, University of Göttingen, 26-28 September 2024
This congress invites submissions on topics in the humanities and social sciences that deal with research on the Middle East, North Africa and other states influenced by Islam or their relations with other regions. You can register individual presentations as well as panels (with 3-4 contributions). As a separate category, the workshop talks provide space for the presentation of final theses and doctoral projects.
Deadline | 30 April 2024
19. Iranian Kurdistan Since 1979
Workshop | LSE Middle East Centre | 6 March 2024
This day-long workshop will bring together scholars from across disciplines to explore contemporary Iranian or ‘Rojhelati’ Kurdistan. Panels will explore Kurdish identity and gender, history writing and politics, and representation and resistance. Researchers will present their ongoing work for constructive feedback and discussion.
More information
20. Translanguaging and Linguistic Diversity in Arabic
Conference | University of Cambridge | 18 April 2024
Registration is open for the 4th Biennial Conference on Arabic Language Teaching and Learning in HE which will be hosted at the University of Cambridge. The conference aims to delve into Translanguaging and Linguistic Diversity in Arabic, and provide a platform for robust discussions and networking opportunities. The deadline for registrations is 28 March 2024.
More information
1. Milkvetch & Violets: Poems (Expanded Bilingual Edition)
Mohammad Reza Shafi’i-Kadkani
Mage, 2024
2. Medieval Arab Music and Musicians (Brill, 2022) is now available in an OpenAccess edition. The volume includes complete annotated translations of three medieval texts that may be of interest to a broad audience among scholars and students of the Middle East:
1) The Biography of Ibrāhīm al-Mawṣilī from al-Iṣbahānī’s Kitāb al-Aghānī
2) The Biography of Ziryāb from Ibn Ḥayyān’s Kitāb al-Muqtabis
3) Ibn Sanā’ al-Mulk’s treatise on the muwashshaḥ, Dār al-Ṭirāz
Each section is available for download separately to make them easier to use as assigned readings in university courses. An additional option to download the entire work as a single PDF will be added to the website soon:
Additional Information:
The biography of the famous 8th-century musician and courtier Ibrāhīm al-Mawṣilī offers an intimate portrait of life in the ‘Abbasid court in Baghdad during the reigns of the caliphs al-Mahdī, al-Hādī, and Hārūn al-Rashīd. This translation contains an introduction, the complete text in translation, including isnāds and musical indications, along with explanatory annotations, and therefore allows readers to get a sense of how Abū l-Faraj al-Iṣbahānī gathered and organized his materials. In many ways, this single biography is a miniature version of the Kitāb al-Aghānī as a whole. Since substantive complete translations from KA into English are few in number, this text may be useful in courses on medieval Islamic history, the history of Arabic literature, and of course the history of Middle Eastern music. Passages on the purchase, selling, and training of “singing girls” (qiyān) may also be helpful in addressing issues of gender in medieval Islamic society.
The Andalusi historian Ibn Ḥayyān’s 11th-century biography of the most famous of all Andalusian singers, Ziryāb, is the longest and most detailed account of the life of a figure who has become legendary in recent centuries. The modern “mythic Ziryāb,” however, emerged entirely from the rather hyperbolic account penned by al-Maqqarī in his Nafh al-Ṭīb in the 17th century. While al-Maqqarī’s text paints an entirely laudatory portrait of Ziryāb, Ibn Ḥayyān’s much earlier text preserves conflicting versions of who Ziryāb was and how he was viewed by his contemporaries. It is also a fascinating portrayal of the 9th-century Cordoban court of the Emir ‘Abd al-Raḥmān II.
Ibn Sana’ al-Mulk’s 12th-century treatise Dār al-Ṭirāz is the single most important medieval source on the emergence and spread of Andalusi muwashshaḥ poetry and song. Although a Spanish translation was published some 60 years ago, that translator misunderstood, and therefore dismissed, the musical information contained in the text. This translation thus offers a significant re-interpretation of a very significant text in the history of Arabic literature and music.
Dwight F. Reynolds
3. Monday Majlis of the Centre for the Study of Islam, Exeter:
Austin O’Malley,
The Hoopoe on the Pulpit: Narrative Structure and Imagined Performance in ʿAṭṭār’s Manṭeq al-ṭayr
Monday Majlis Online on the 26th of February, 17: 00-18:30 (UK time)
Centre for the Study of Islam, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, Exeter.
Register please on this link:
4. A Story of Islamic Art,
Routledge, 2024
Marcus Milwright
More information about the book can be found at:
5. Lecture – 2024 Calderwood Lecture on Islamic and Asian Art, Dr. Marianna Shreve Simpson, Boston College – April 2
Paintings as Prelude and Postscript in Deluxe Persian Manuscripts of the Early Modern Period
Deluxe Persian manuscripts of the early modern period often open, and sometimes
close, with double-page paintings of court receptions, literary gatherings, hunts and
other scenes. While such ubiquitous compositions are generally thought to be
independent of specific literary texts, closer consideration suggests fascinating
thematic connections, and also points to particular centers of artistic production.
Tuesday April 2, at 5:30 pm
Hill Family Conference Room
McMullen Museum
2101 Commonwealth Avenue
Brighton, MA 02135
Reception to follow
Sponsored by the Calderwood Professorship in Islamic and Asian Art
Art, Art History and Film Department, Boston College
Contact Information
Emine Fetvaci
Norma Jean Calderwood University Professor of Islamic and Asian Art
Boston College
Contact Email
6. Zoom- Circle for Late Antique and Medieval Studies
The Circle for Late Antique and Medieval Studies is pleased to present two events in the Spring 2024 semester:
Friday, March 1 – “The Military Origins of the Persian Language (6th-9th Cent.)” a lecture by Étienne de la Vaissière, professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris
Friday, April 5 (TBC) – Panel discussion on numismatics in late antique and medieval studies.
Date & Time
Mar 1, 2024 05:00 PM
Apr 5, 2024 05:00 PM
London times
Register at:
This in-depth program caters to students and colleagues interested in developing expertise in translation theories, techniques and cultural nuances.
Course Content: This course aims at training students of translation and translators on the translation of journalistic, political, commercial, legal, and scientific texts from Arabic into English and vice versa. The course includes the presentation of linguistic and cultural issues affecting meaning transfer from the original text into target language. Personalised one-on-one guidance and practical exercises ensure skillful navigation of cultural and linguistic nuances, empowering participants to excel in this dynamic field.
Course Dates & Duration: Two weeks 21st April – 2 May 2024 (5 hours a day, total of 50 hours).
Tuition: 1520 USDS
For more information please contact us at: info@jordanla.com
We look Forward to welcoming your students to this unique learning experience.
JLA team
Jordan Language Academy
Mobile: +962 779502220
Tel: +962-6-5820985
twitter: www.twitter.com/jlaarabic
facebook: www.facebook.com/jlaarabic
8. Intellect is pleased to announce that Journal of Contemporary Iraq & the Arab World 18.1 is out now!
Special Issue: ‘Interventions in Film Studies’
For more information about the journal and issue click here>>
9. CfP Cross-Points: A Cambridge–Stanford Graduate Conference in Arabic Literature
We are looking for papers for a conference on Arabic Literature to be held at the University of Cambridge, UK on 12th and 13th September 2024
This two-day conference, hosted jointly by the PATH+ Research Unit at Stanford University and the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Centre of Islamic Studies at the University of Cambridge, will bring together doctoral students of Arabic literature, with the aim of building an inter-institutional community, fostering collaboration, and imagining new directions and methodologies for research. Conscious of the limitations imposed by adherence to temporal, geographical, and generic boundaries, we shall arrange our panels thematically. This approach will allow us to tease out connections between customarily diverse subfields. As such, we encourage applicants to engage with the broader implications of their research when submitting abstracts. Potential themes include but are not limited to:
We invite submissions for ten-minute papers on any aspect of Arabic literature. Please send an abstract of no more than 250 words and brief biographical information to camstan.arablit@gmail.com by 31st March 2024. Participation is restricted to doctoral students. Funding will be available to offset travel and visa costs, and accommodation will be provided. Further information on travel reimbursements will be sent to participants upon acceptance of their proposal.
10. Symposium: Challenging Empire: Women, Art, and the Global Early Modern World
March 1-2, 2024, Online and in Person
The symposium “Challenging Empire: Women, Art, and the Global Early Modern World,” part of the project Global Makers: Women Artists in the Early Modern Courts of Europe and Asia, is intended to extend and expand knowledge of cultural production by and for early modern women – particularly those associated with the courts – on a global scale. While numerous conferences, symposia and resulting publications in the past several decades have addressed women as producers, consumers and subjects of European art during the early modern period (c. 1400-1750), less consideration has been given to women’s roles in the courts – particularly as informed by the steadily increasing cross-cultural interactions (i.e. between Europe and Asia, the Americas, Africa, etc.) that characterized the period. This symposium aims to address this lacuna while de-centering the traditional Euro-centric model of study in the analysis of women’s cultural production, presentation and consumption surrounding courts and empires (institutions associated with ruling power). The goal is to encourage a more equitable view of early modern women’s experiences of and with art globally, across traditionally held national and continental boundaries.
For information and registration, please visit: https://art.ua.edu/challenging-empire-symposium/
11. MLA 2025 LLC West Asia Call for Papers
Between Land and Sea: Literatures in the Persian Gulf and Arabian Peninsula
Literary cultures of the Arabian Peninsula / Persian Gulf beyond citizenship and monolingualism. Topics may include petrofiction and ecocriticism; Gulf futurism; Indian ocean; diasporic writing; race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality; neoliberal cultural industries.
~ 250 word abstracts to alon@umn.edu by March 15, 2023
1. Hybrid – “End-of-Time Trends in Contemporary Thought & Messianic Beliefs”
Islamic Research and Information Center (IRIC) in collaboration with the Faculty of World Studies, University of Tehran, is holding a meeting entitled “End-of-Time Trends in Contemporary Thought and Messianic Beliefs” on Wednesday 21 February 2024 from 2pm to 4pm (Tehran Time).
The meeting will take place in Hannaneh Hall, Faculty of World Studies, Northern Campus of University of Tehran and will be streamed live on Zoom too.
This program includes a panel discussion with distinguished experts
moderated by Sareh Taromirad.
Please note that the program is in English.
For more information:
2. Dick Davis Talk at Georgetown University about Khosrow and Shirin
Monday 26 February, 2024 at 3:30pm McGhee Library, ICC
to attend in person
The event will also be live streamed HERE
3. Washington and Lee University: Middle East and South Asia Studies
Location Lexington, VA
Open Date
Feb 14, 2024
The Middle East and South Asia (MESA) Studies program at Washington and Lee University invites applications for a Visiting Assistant Professor of Arabic for the 2024-2025 academic year. We seek candidates with native or near-native fluency in Arabic, and fluency in English, who have teaching experience at the university level. The teaching load for this appointment is six courses per year. The successful candidate will teach undergraduate Arabic at the introductory, intermediate, and advanced levels.
The Visiting Assistant Professor of Arabic will be a core member of the university’s interdisciplinary MESA program. Participation in this program includes attendance of the cohort’s monthly meetings, as well as contributions to student-focused extracurricular activities (e.g., film screenings, cooking classes, poetry readings). Members of the cohort are actively engaged in research relating to the Middle East and South Asia. Though research is not a formal requirement of this position, opportunities for scholarly engagement and collaboration with existing faculty will be available.
Washington and Lee is a top-ranked, highly selective university devoted to the liberal arts. We are committed to excellence in teaching and to the research and professional activity that support it. Situated in the Shenandoah Valley, three hours southwest of Washington, DC, the university enrolls approximately 1,860 undergraduates and 380 law students.
Washington and Lee affirms that diverse perspectives and backgrounds enhance our community. We are committed to the recruitment, enrichment, and retention of students, faculty, and staff who embody many experiences, cultures, points of view, interests, and identities. In keeping with the University Strategic Plan, we encourage applications from underrepresented minority candidates and members of other communities that are traditionally underrepresented in academia.
Applicants must have a PhD (or ABD status) in Arabic or a related field (e.g., Middle Eastern Studies, Islamic Studies) by the time of appointment, which begins July 1, 2024.
Application Instructions
All application materials must be submitted online through Interfolio at http://apply.interfolio.com/140901. Applications must include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, graduate transcript (unofficial is acceptable for initial application), student evaluations, and contact information for three professional references. At least two of these references should be able to speak to your teaching abilities. Women and minority candidates are especially encouraged to apply. Please send any inquiries about the position to Seth Cantey at canteys@wlu.edu.
Review of applications will begin on March 11 and will continue until the position is filled.
4. Workshop: Aesthetics, Rituals, and Narratives in Islamic Mobilization
Date: 24th October 2024
Venue: The Middle East Centre, University of Oxford, Woodstock Rd, Oxford OX2 6JF (UK)
Workshop funded by Sasakawa Peace Foundation
For over four decades, the Middle East has witnessed the (re)emergence of Islamic mobilization—a multifaceted phenomenon that involves diverse groups advocating for visibility, political legitimacy, and resonance in response to social and political grievances. When analysing Islamic narratives of resistance, it is imperative not to underestimate the importance of aesthetic, ritualistic, and entertainment characteristics. These elements play a pivotal role in capturing people’s attention and motivating them to participate in collective actions.
In this workshop, we will investigate how art, rituals, performances, music, and symbolic meanings contribute to creating a cohesive narrative that shapes various forms of Islamic mobilization across the Middle East. We invite abstracts that explore aesthetics, rituals, and narratives within the context of Islamic movements in the Middle East. Submissions may address, but are not limited to, the following themes:
_Analysing the expressive dimension of Islamic militant activism, focusing on the interplay between symbolic meanings, visual representations, and emotions in influencing militant groups to challenge their antagonists.
_Examining the contribution of art, slogans, graffiti, and music in shaping narratives of armed resistance.
_Investigating the incorporation of religious festivals, communal rituals, and traditions in Islamic mobilization.
Examing the role of rituals in the identity formation of Islamic movements.
_Investigate how activists construct narratives about memories of past struggles and current experiences of grievances to foster or resist political changes.
_Examine the role of oral histories, art, literature, and cultural expressions as essential components of collective action frames, elucidating how activists express their grievances.
_Exploring the role of digital platforms in enabling Islamic groups to share the experiences of activism through multimedia representations.
_Analysing the impact of digital activism on mobilization by unfolding the relationship between online campaigns and aesthetics of protest in the digital era.
How to Apply:
Applicants must submit an abstract of 400-words, a 100-words biography, and a two-page CV to info_workshop_mena2024@area.ox.ac.uk by 22 March 2024.
Please note that we will be selecting only 15 abstracts for presentation. Notification of acceptance will be sent by April 2024. Papers to be submitted after the notification of acceptance will be 4000-words for work in progress and 8000-words for full articles.
Partial funding is available to support accommodation in Oxford for participants, with priority given to individuals with limited institutional support. If you require funding for accommodation, please indicate your request in your submission.
Conveners: Dr Antonella Acinapura (Antonella.acinapura@area.ox.ac.uk ) and Dr Kenichi Tani (kenichi.tani@area.ox.ac.uk )
5. The Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture and the Mashtots Professor of Armenian Studies at Harvard University are pleased to announce the next lecture in the 2023–2024 East of Byzantium lecture series.
Tuesday, February 27, 2024 | 12:00 PM (EST, UTC -5) | Zoom
Political Rituals and Urban Communities in Cilician Armenia
Gohar Grigoryan, University of Fribourg
Advance registration required. Register: https://eastofbyzantium.org/upcoming-events/
6. A new documentary THROUGH THE MIRROR OF CHESS: A CULTURAL EXPLORATION which explores the remarkable impact of chess on culture, art, literature, science and more in an attempt to comprehensively address the question of what makes the game so unique.
The viewer is taken on an exhilarating journey across a wide range of times and places, touching on Asian studies, Islamic art, Medieval romance, Enlightenment philosophy, psychology, linguistics, game theory, gender bias, literature, computer science, educational theory, empirical economics, sporting culture, penal reform, social empowerment and more.
Part 2 of the film provides a detailed exploration of the history and widespread social and cultural impact of chess over its first thousand years, from roughly 500–1500 CE. Beginning in Northern India, the film follows the evolution of the game into the Sasanian Empire, its incorporation into the Islamic world through the Arab Conquest, and its eventual penetration into Medieval Europe, highlighting its many influences on art, literature and politics throughout a broad range of very different societies.
Professor Antonio Panaino, University of Bologna, examines the strong cultural role that games played in the Sasanian world, reflecting prevailing societal norms, while describing the very real activities that young noble warriors were engaged in as a means of training and education.
Professor Jenny Adams, UMass Amherst, is featured in the film and talks about what medieval literary representations can tell us both about the ways the game changed as it was naturalized in the West and about the society these changes reflected. In its Western form, chess featured a queen rather than a counselor, a judge or bishop rather than an elephant, a knight rather than a horse; in some manifestations, even the pawns were differentiated into artisans, farmers, and tradespeople with discrete identities.
The film explores how a careful investigation of chess pieces over the ages sheds highly revealing light on the artistic and courtly values of many different civilizations. At the same time, a close examination of the many chess-related literary references, from epic Persian poems to medieval romances and political allegories, provides an additional array of unique insights into a tapestry of distinct yet overlapping traditions.
On the film page, https://ideasroadshow.com/libraries_chess/, you can find more details. Attached is a detailed study guide with additional information. Feel free to contact me directly, irena@ideasroadshow.com , for more information about this film and upcoming films on the Italian Renaissance.
Contact Email
7. The Al Babtain-Leiden University Centre for Arabic Culture will offer the sixth Leiden Summerschool on Philology and Manuscripts from the Muslim World, with lectures by experts, hands-on classes and much practice with manuscripts from its famous collection of oriental manuscripts. The course is meant for graduate students (MA and PhD) and researchers. It will take place from August 19 to 30, 2024. More information will soon be available on the website mentioned below (page Summerschools.) Or send an e-mail to Fons Hooft for more information.
The deadline for applications is Wednesday May 1, 2024. Participants will be informed about the selection by Friday May 3, 2024.
Contact Information
Mr Fons Hooft, student-assistant.
Contact Email
8. Cambridge Blue Story of Muhammad Hanafiyyah from Java
Majid Daneshgar’s article on a rare copy of the Hikayat Muhammad Hanafiyyah kept at Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge. This work is inscribed on a BLUE paper from the mid-17th century.
This copy was produced in Java, and it contains more Persian poetic accounts. Here is the online article: