1.The Mediterranean Seminar Summer Skills Seminars are intensive, interactive four-day workshops that provide students, scholars and professionals with foundational training in technical skills related to Mediterranean Studies. The Seminars, run by leading scholars, emphasize hands-on reading complemented by supplementary and contextual topics.
All Skills Seminars are held synchronously by remote client (i.e.: Zoom, Teams. etc.), and are open to all. Meeting times are set to accommodate the most possible participants taking into account the effects of time zones. The meeting times noted below are given in MDT (Mountain Daylight Time), which is EDT -2, CDT -1, PST +1, GMT -8, and WET -9.
“Mediterranean Magic: An Introduction” 10–13 June 2024
This Summer Skills Seminar provides participants with an overview of magic and its ability to intersect with religion, ethnicity, gender, and more across transnational networks. While anchored in the premodern cultural and literary past we will also explore some contemporary echoes.
Contact Email
2. Archaeology, Text, Narrative, and the Usable Past in Global Perspective (Session #1108, EAA Rome)
The concept of the/a “usable past” was coined by Van Wyck Brooks in 1918 in an attempt to retrospectively bind together disparate cultural elements in the USA. The instrumentalising of the past to shape collective memory is a feature of all human collectivities. Salient examples of this in the politics of the present and the past are to be found in the use of the shared-but-exclusive heritage of perceived golden ages from around the globe—e.g., the Rashidun Caliphate, Roman Empire, Gupta Empire, Tawantinsuyu, Mali Empire or Tang era, among many other points in space and time—to justify contemporary political systems, social stratification and inter-polity relations. However, it would be difficult to argue that the deployment of a usable past by established social groups this is ever totalising, with individuals and groups having complex relationships with the past and narratives associated with it.
This session seeks to take stock of the research being done across the globe on these issues, both in the present and the use of the past in the past. Papers are encouraged in relation to both case-studies where textual and archaeological evidence intersect and contradict, and on areas for which documentary narratives do not survive. Studies treating these processes outside Europe are particularly encouraged, as are comparative treatments of the problematic. Research questions that could be posed include—but are not limited to—why usable pasts are so often linked to military highpoints; the use of the past by groups writing against one another in narrative complexes; gatekeeping and selectivity and the past; the removal of the past in colonial relations; archaeology shaping and being shaped by narrative; and on the past as a socio-political and cultural resource more widely.
Session #1108, The European Association of Archaeologists, 30th annual meeting in Rome, 28-31 August 2024
Additional details:
Contact Information
Russell Ó Ríagáin, University College Dublin (Ireland)
Hagit Nol, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt-am-Main (Germany)
Contact Email
3. Edinburgh – Hybrid: Islam and Christian Muslim Relations (ICMR) Research Seminars
The talks will take place on Tuesdays in the Martin Hall at New College from 16:10 until 17:30 (unless otherwise stated), in hybrid form. Those wishing to attend online may do so by following this link: https://ed-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/83079577369 and entering passcode cWg5iQ5U.
30 Jan
Professor Nahyan Fancy (University of Exeter)
‘The Brain Never Shuts Down’: Sleep Theory and Practices in Premodern Islamic Societies
20 Feb
Professor Andrew Peacock (University of St Andrews)
Translating the Bible in Mongol Tabriz: Persian manuscripts, Syriac Translators and European Patronage.
5 Mar
Professor Emily Selove (University of Exeter)
Book Talk: The Donkey King: Asinine Symbology in Ancient and Medieval Magic
19 Mar
Dr Sofia Rehman (independent scholar)
Book Talk: Gendering the Hadith Tradition: Recentring the Authority of Aisha, Mother of the Believers
*** Online only from 10am to 11:30am ***
2 Apr
PhD Student Panel in Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations
Speakers TBA
All best wishes,
Salam Rassi
Contact Email
4. Book: Hajj and the Arts of Pilgrimage
GINGKO has published Hajj and the Arts of Pilgrimage, a beautiful two volume book including twenty seven essays responding to objects associated with the arts of pilgrimage, from the remarkable collection of Professor Sir Nasser David Khalili.
Each of the essays are written by prominent specialists in the field. The volumes are beautifully illustrated with full-colour images of objects from the collection, some of which have never been seen before. Together, the essays in Hajj and the Arts of Pilgrimage provide a comprehensive overview of Hajj, illustrating the religious, spiritual, cultural, and artistic aspects of pilgrimage to the Holy Sanctuaries of Islam and the cosmopolitan nature of Hajj itself.
Edited by Qaisra M. Khan with Nahla Nassar
Foreword by Julian Raby
Essays by Bilal Badat, Sergio Carro Martín, Sami De Giosa, Sabiha Göloğlu, Alastair Hamilton, Edmund Hayes, Qaisra Khan, Janie Lightfoot, Jan Loop, Michael Christopher Low, Ulrich Marzolph, Richard McGregor, Luitgard Mols, Harry Munt, James Nicholson, Nahla Nassar, Seif el Rashidi, Yousuf Saeed, Saarthak Singh, John Slight, Mehmet Tütüncü, Aram Vardanyan, Arnoud Vrolijk, Michael Wolfe, Muhammad Isa Waley, Peter Webb.
Hajj and the Arts of Pilgrimage is available to buy from our website: https://www.gingko.org.uk/publishing/books/hajj-and-the-arts-of-pilgrimage/
5. Online summer course in Persian at UT: Iranian Cinema
Re-initiation of the online, higher-intermediate/advanced summer courses in Persian at UT Austin.
Our first summer course will be IRANIAN CINEMA, to be taught entirely in Persian in summer session 1 (June 6-July 11, 2024).
Enrollments are open to any language learners anywhere in the world, with the condition of taking the placement exam.
You can read more about this summer course on the attached flyer or by clicking on (or copy/pasting) this link: https://liberalarts.utexas.edu/mes/languages/persian/iranian-cinema-summer-course-prs-329.html.
Fellowships available.
6. SOAS Iranian Women Visual Artists – 27 February 2024
SOAS Middle East Institute and the SOAS Centre for Iranian Studies
Iranian Women Visual Artists – NOW!
5.30pm-7.00pm, Tuesday 27 February 2024
More info and register at:
7. Islamic Theology and Extraterrestrial Life: New Frontiers in Science and Religion
Bloomsbury, 2024
Jörg Matthias Determann and Shoaib Ahmed Malik, eds.
More information:
8. Prochaine séance du séminaire “Sociétés, politiques et cultures du monde iranien”, jeudi 29 février 2024, 17h, à l’INALCO
Le CeRMI a le plaisir de vous convier à la prochaine séance du séminaire “Sociétés, politiques et cultures du monde iranien”, qui se tiendra le jeudi 29 février 2024, 17h-19h, en salle 3.15 à l’INaLCO (65 rue des Grands Moulins, Paris XIII, 3e étage).
Nous sommes heureux d’accueillir M. Yavuz Aykan, spécialiste de l’histoire du droit et de l’histoire sociale de l’Empire ottoman, Maître de conférences en histoire moderne à l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, pour une conférence intitulée: “L’Empire et son madhhab: vers une relecture de l’impérialisation ottomane“.
Cette communication a pour point de départ la question suivante : quel rôle a joué le droit musulman dans l’intégration des périphéries à l’empire ottoman à l’époque moderne ? Pour éclairer le problème dans sa complexité, je me concentrerai sur le déploiement de la doctrine juridique hanafite dans la ville d’Amid (aujourd’hui Diyarbakır), limitrophe des territoires safavides, et interface du monde iranien. J’examinerai en particulier le sort du terme juridique de hakk-ı karar, comparable au principe romain de l’usucapio, qui désigne littéralement le droit du cultivateur sur la terre agricole “en vertu de la résidence”. Jusqu’au XVIIe siècle, ce principe était régi par les règles du kanun, sorte de code administratif imposé par le souverain. Avec l’intégration de ce principe dans les textes hanafites, on observe l’interpénétration progressive des règles du kanun et de la doctrine sunnite-hanafite, et le déploiement de cette dernière dans les pratiques juridiques ottomanes. En me fondant sur l’analyse d’un procès complexe concernant le destin d’une terre vacante dans la ville d’Amid au XVIIIe siècle, je soutiendrai qu’en s’appropriant les principes du kanun ottoman, la doctrine sunnite-hanafite s’est constituée en soutien aux prérogatives d’État sur les terres agricoles, notamment en période de crise. Ma conclusion mettra en perspective ce processus dans le contexte des politiques sunnites dans la région, pour mieux comprendre le renforcement du hanafisme ottoman aux frontières de l’empire safavide.
Orientations bibliographiques
Pour rappel, vous retrouverez le programme 2023-2024 du séminaire mensuel de recherche “Sociétés, politiques et cultures du monde iranien” sur le site du CeRMI :
Dans l’attente du plaisir de vous retrouver à l’occasion de ces séances, qui se déroulent en présentiel sur le site de l’INaLCO (65 rue des Grands Moulins, Paris XIII), nous vous adressons tous nos vœux les meilleurs pour la nouvelle année.
Contact: justine.landau@sorbonne-nouvelle.fr
9. A Stroll in the Enchanting Sphere of Persian Wisdom, Language, and Culture
A Series of Courses Introducing Masterpieces of Persian Literature
Course 1:
With Sa‘di in the Delightful Gardens of Golestan
Lecturer: Dr Isa Jahangir
April 16 – July 16
Tuesdays 6-7:30 pm
Venue: The Islamic College 133 High Road London NW102SW
To register:
10. Webinar:
Silk in Ottoman Safavid Trade, Warfare, and Urban Life in the Early Modern Period,”
Professor Fariba Zarinebaf
4 March, 5 pm EST
11. GINKO Grants
GINGKO provides grants to support academic research into the history, art history and religions of MENA. GINGKO also offers grants for people organising transformative interfaith and intercultural encounters between people from MENA and the West.
In 2023 successful applications included a workshop entitled ‘From West Africa to South East Asia: The History of Muhammad al-Jazuli’s Dala’il al-Khayrat Prayer Book (15th-20th centuries)’ to be held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and New York Public Library and a conference entitled ‘Searching for the light: The life and work of Mahmoud Saïd, pioneer of Egyptian and Arab Modernism’ to be held at the Università La Sapienza in Rome.
If you have a research project or an encounter that you would like to pursue, pleases consider applying.
We are open for applications until 6 April 2024. You can read more about the GINGKO Grants Programme and find information on how to apply by visiting:
12. The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Programoffers over 400 unique awards for U.S. citizens to teach, research, and conduct professional projects in more than 130 countries, including projects in the areas of study of Islamic art. Explore awards available in the 2025-26 competition. You can join the more than 400,000 Fulbrighters who have come away with enhanced skills, new connections and greater mutual understanding.
We encourage you to visit our website for application resources:
– Getting Started
– Application Guidance
– Open Awards in the 2025-26 Competition, searchable by discipline, country/region, etc.
– Webinar Schedule and Archive
– Office Hours, a great way to get your questions answered live by Fulbright staff
View our webinar schedule for presentations throughout the year, sharing opportunities for specific regions, countries, and disciplines.
We look forward to receiving your application by our deadline of September 16, 2024. To receive program updates and application resources, connect with Fulbright.
1.HYBRID Presentation of Research Project “Beyond 1932: Rethinking Musical Modernity in the MENA Region”, CEDEJ, Paris, 13 February 2024, 11:00 am CET
The Cairo Congress of Arab Music in 1932 brought together musicians and musicologists from across the post-Ottoman world and involved the participation of eminent Western composers, orientalists and musicologists. Its underlying aim was to share ‘best practice’ in performance, pedagogy and research, to unify and connect. Martin Stokes, Yara Salahiddeen, Sophie Frankford, and Rim Irscheid will consider 1932 in retrospect and consider the fate of postcolonial politics and culture across the entire Arab and post-Ottoman world.
Information and registration:
2. ONLINE Lecture “Byzantium as Europe’s Black Mirror” by Anthony Kaldellis (University of Chicago), Havard University, 16 February 2024, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm EST
In the course of its long self-fashioning, “the West” (later “Europe”) set itself off as a superior alternative to a number of imagined Others, including the infidel world of Islam, the primitive nature of the New World, and even its own regressive past, the Middle Ages. This lecture will explore the unique role that Byzantium played in this process.
Information and registration: https://maryjahariscenter.org/events/byzantium-as-europes-black-mirror
3. ONLINE Webinar: “From True “History” to the “He-Story” of Truth: Al-Mawqif as Narration of the Beginnings” by Chafika B. Ouail (Nizwa University, Oman), Centre for Islamic Theology (ZIT), University of Münster, 28 March 2024, 6:00 pm CET
In this first lecture of the online lecture series “Sufism and Suprarationality: The Cognitive Aspects of Islamic Mysticism”, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chafika B. Ouail will investigate the mystical experiences of an early Islamic Sufi wanderer, Abd al-Gabbar an-Niffari (d. 965). Al-Niffarī’s main Work “Spiritual Stations and Addresses” is considered as one of the most ambiguous sufi texts.
Information and registration: https://www.uni-uenster.de/ZIT/Aktuelles/2024/Sufism_and_Suprarationality_ The_Cognitive_Aspects_of_Islamic_Mysticism.html
4. Max Weber Foundation Conference on „Harmful Entanglements“, Orient-Institut Istanbul, 14-15 May 2024
The concept of entanglement enables researchers to avoid dealing with clearly (pre-)defined social or political entities. What kind of entanglements have been regarded as sufficiently “bad” to provoke attempts at disentanglement? As dependencies involve power inequalities, the question of agency in disentanglements becomes crucial: What regimes of power trigger decolonialisation and neo-colonialisation processes?
Deadline for abstracts: 25 February 2024. Information:
5. Early Career and Postgraduate Conference “Theology & Religious Studies, the Global and the Local”, Durham University, 16 July 2024
We welcome papers from postgraduate students and other early career scholars interested in theology and religion from multiple disciplines in the humanities and the social sciences.
Deadline for abstracts: 5 April 2024. Information: https://www.durham.ac.uk/research/institutes-and-centres/catholic-studies/about-us/events/early-career-and-postgraduate-conference/
6. Symposium “Women and Power between the Mediterranean and the Nordic World in Harald Hardrada’s Times”, Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, 8-11 September 2024
This symposium explores how powerful women shaped Harald’s formative travels, from Ingegerd of Sweden in Kievan Rus’ to Empress Zoe of Byzantium and Rasad in Fatimid Egypt. Yet This symposium will also be an opportunity to develop a wide-raging discussion and comparison on the broad theme of women and power across the varied cultures with which Harald interacted.
Deadline for abstracts: 3 March 2024.
Information: https://blogs.ed.ac.uk/hardrada/2023/07/09/event-2-women-and-power/
7. Conference “Exploring the Middle East: Dynamics, Challenges, and Perspectives”, Christopher Newport University, VA, 7-9 February 2025
Themes: • 1. Politics and Governance, • 2. Socioeconomic Development, • 3. Culture, Arts and Heritage, • 4. Migration and Refugees, • 5. Media and Communication, • 6. History and Historical Perspectives, • 7. Religion, Identity and Cultural Pluralism, • 8. Environment and Sustainability.
Deadline for abstracts: 20 July 2024. Information: https://mesana.org/resources-and-opportunities/2024/02/05/exploring-the-middle-east-dynamics-challenges-and-perspectives
8. Postdoctoral Research Associate (5 Years) in the History of Islam and Muslims in Europe (16th–20th c.), Leipniz-Institute of European History (IEG), Mainz
Your profile: outstanding PhD; high quality academic publications in the field of early modern or modern European Islamic and Muslim History; internationally oriented academic track record; very good command of English; good knowledge of German or willingness to learn German.
Deadline for applications: 25 February 2024.
Information: https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=66864
9. PostDoc Position (“Oberassistenz”) in Islamic Studies (2 Years +, 80%), Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich
Your profile: PhD in Islamic Studies or adjacent fields (history, religious studies, anthropology); Excellent knowledge of Arabic; Knowledge of another language relevant to the field (Persian, Ottoman Turkish, Urdu) appreciated; Teaching experience; Administrative skills; Interdisciplinary research agenda focusing on dis/continuities between the pre-modern and the modern world; Motivation to further advance on the academic career path via “Habilitation”.
Deadline for applications: 15 March 2024. Information: https://jobs.uzh.ch/offene-stellen/postdoc-oberassistenz-islamic-studies/421121a8-a963-4a3c-a535-07833de4221a
10. International Fellowships (24 Months) for Young Foreign Postdoc Researchers, Offered by of the British Academy and the Royal Society, UK
The applicants must: Have a PhD or be in the final stages of their PhD; Applicants should have no more than seven years of active full time postdoctoral experience at the time of application; Be working outside the UK; Not hold UK citizenship; Be competent in oral and written English; Have a clearly defined and mutually-beneficial research proposal agreed with a UK host researcher.
Deadline for applications: 13 March 2024.
Information: https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/funding/international-fellowships/
11. 2 Postdoctoral Positions (3 Years) on Feminism and Mobilisation of Law in Gulf Countries, University of Oslo
Applicants must hold a PhD degree in a relevant field: 1) the first postdoc (sociological studies, sociology of gender, and gender studies); 2) the second postdoc (qualitative and quantitative legal analysis). The two postdocs are expected to conduct in-depth fieldwork within courtrooms in Saudi Arabia, Oman, and Emirates. They should have excellent oral and written communication skills in English and advanced oral and written communication skills in Arabic.
Deadline for applications: 14 February 2024. Information: https://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/254652/postdoctoral-positions-on-feminism-and-mobilisation-of-law-in-gulf-countries
12. Call for Abstracts: Memory Studies in Turkey and Beyond. A Handbook
edited by Erol Gülüm (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany) and Deniz Gündoğan İbrişim (Boğaziçi University & Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey) Brill
Sections: • Transcultural memories: Ottoman past and post-imperial memories etc. • Painful memories: Difficult pasts, conflicts, traumas, and resolutions etc. • Memory politics: Identities, ideologies, diplomacies, diasporas etc. • Migrating memories: Circulations, transmissions and reproductions etc. • Ecological memories: Geographies, (disputed) territories, cultural landscape etc. • Cognitive psychological memories: Individual memory, autobiographical memory, (collective) future thinking, flashbulb memories etc.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 April 2024. Information: https://www.memorystudies-frankfurt.com/2024/01/22/call-for-abstracts-memory-studies-in-turkey-and-beyond-a-handbook/
13. Arab Media & Society,the biannual journal of the Kamal Adham Center for Television and Digital Journalism in the School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the American University in Cairo, is seeking submissions for our next issue on “Media & Artificial Intelligence.”
The advent of artificial intelligence has ushered in a new era that promises significant changes in the field of communication and media. As nation-states and organizations invest substantial resources in advancing artificial intelligence, it becomes essential to explore the potential outcomes of this revolutionary digital mechanism. While artificial intelligence is often presented within a utopian framework, there are also cautious voices raising concerns. This call for papers aims to critically analyze the impact of artificial intelligence on media and communication, particularly in the Arab world and its diaspora.
Specifically, we seek to examine how artificial intelligence will contribute to and shape the production of media and communication. Additionally, we aim to investigate the downstream effects of artificial intelligence on media audiences and consumers, as well as the potential alterations in communication dynamics between individuals and entities. This call encourages deep reflection on the opportunities, risks, ethical and moral implications, potentialities, and transformations that may arise in the imminent age of artificial intelligence.
In light of the pressing need to address the complexities presented by artificial intelligence, Arab Media & Society dedicates its upcoming publication, issue 37, to this theme. We welcome diverse submissions on various subtopics related to media and artificial intelligence. Some suggested subtopics include, but are not limited to:
Journalism and Communication programs in Higher Education
Authors interested in submitting their work for peer-review consideration should send their manuscripts by June 15, 2024. Other submissions, including book and conference reviews, shorter research papers, and columns, should be received by July 1, 2024.
All submissions must be in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx), adhere to the Chicago Manual of Style, and have a maximum length of 10,000 words (including footnotes and citations). Please include the author’s name (as it will be published), affiliation, and a brief abstract of no more than 150 words.
Please direct your articles and ideas to editor@arabmediasociety.com .
For further information regarding our publishing policies, kindly visit www.arabmediasociety.com/publishing-policies/.
14. Leiden Yemeni Studies Lecture Series
Leiden University will host the first round of a series of online talks about Yemen. The series, running from January 2024 till June 2025 and sponsored by the Horizon-2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions project EMStaD YEMEN, brings together experts on various aspects of Yemen’s history, art and archaeology, politics, economics, sociology, anthropology, and literature, creating an interdisciplinary dialogue about the region.
All talks take place online (zoom) at 16.00 Central European Time, registration is available through the individual pages of the events on the series webpage.
The schedule for the spring is the following:
January 22, 2024 – Bernard Haykel (Princeton University), Keynote lecture: Zaydis, Salafis and Houthis and their Engagement with the Islamic Tradition in Yemen.
February 19, 2024 – Ewa Strzelecka (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Reimaging Peacemaking: Gender, Diaspora, and Peace Democratization in Yemen / discussant: Elham Manea (University of Zurich)
March 25, 2024 – Mahmood Kooria (Edinburgh University), Indian Problems, Yemeni Solutions? Legal Exchanges in the Sixteenth Century / discussant: Roxani Eleni Margariti (Emory University)
April 22, 2024 – Zacharie Mochtari de Pierrepont (University of Liège), Blessed Aristocracies: Charismatic authority, rural elites, and historiography in Medieval Yemen (6th-9th/12th-15th c.) / discussant: Vincent Cornell (Emory University)
May 20, 2024 – Ingrid Hehmeyer (Toronto Metropolitan University), History of Water Management in Yemen: An Interdisciplinary Study / discussant Daniel Varisco (American Institute for Yemeni Studies)
June 24, 2024 – Marieke Brandt (Austrian Academy of Sciences), Mapping the Past, Imagining the Future: Heritage Politics in Ḥūthī Yemen / discussant Noha Sadek
Contact Email
15. Workshop and Special Issue: Cold War Internationalisms of/in the Decolonizing World
The Global Sixties: An Interdisciplinary Journal invites submissions for a
workshop and an ensuing special thematic issue on the Internationalism of the
Decolonizing World in the Cold War.
In recent decades, Cold War historiography has paid growing attention to the
autonomy and agency of the players beyond the US-Soviet dichotomy. In the wake
of Westad’s seminal The Global Cold War (2005), scholars have increasingly
explored the episodes, events, and institutions that demonstrate the agency of the
Global South. From the Bandung Conference to Pan-African networks, the so-called
Third World assumes a pivotal role in the latest historiographies. Newly independent
states, among others, are recast as actors in their own right and not mere pawns in a
game played by two superpowers.
Cold War Internationalisms of/in the Decolonizing World advances this recentering of
the narrative by focusing on decolonizing or newly independent states, along with
related actors, as the makers and breakers of the Cold War world order. This special
issue thus seeks to reframe the Cold War from the standpoint of Latin American,
Middle Eastern, African, or Asian actors – where the US and Soviet Union appear
not as the protagonists but as the dependent variables of decolonial world-making.
In addition, we seek contributions to highlight the decolonizing world’s agency in
defining and/or shaping various ideologies – including, but not limited to,
Communism, Socialism, Social Democracy, Nationalism, or Liberalism. We want to
explore how actors from the postcolonial sphere assigned new meanings to the
political vocabulary of the Cold War and created their own vocabularies.
Submissions including, but not limited to, the following topics are welcome:
● Anti-imperialist networks
● South-south diplomacies
● Biographical or multi-biographical studies
● Revolutionary organizations linked to post-colonial powers
● Women’s organizations, labor, intellectual, cultural, medical, educational, and
humanitarian groups
● Politics of anti-colonial nationalism
● Non-Soviet communisms
Contact Information
16. Searching for the Deputy Editor of Iranian Studies Journal
The Deputy Editor of Iranian Studies, appointed for an initial period of three years (July 1, 2024-June 30, 2027), is responsible for evaluating all submissions on the Cambridge University Press electronic platform, ScholarOne, ensuring that they conform to the journal’s word-limit, citation, and transliteration styles. Following this initial review, the Deputy Editor will make a recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief about the appropriate course of action. The Deputy Editor will also monitor the review assignments for timely processing and, when necessary, send reminders to the Associate Editors and reviewers.
The Deputy Editor receives an honorarium of $2,500 per annum from the Association for Iranian Studies.
Please submit a 2-page letter of application, in which you describe past experience and/or aptitude for this role, to the Editor-in-Chief, Professor Nasrin Rahimieh (nasrin.rahimieh@uci.edu), by April 15, 2024. A selection committee will conduct brief interviews with the short-listed candidates.
17. The First Reading Comprehension Texts of Persian,” Behrooz Mahmoodi-Bakhtiari – February 17, 2024, 12:00 PM EST
lease join us for the second lecture in the “Literature in Persian Language Pedagogy” webinar organized jointly by the University of Toronto and the University of Chicago, entitled, “Ḥekāyāt-e Laṭīf: The First Reading Comprehension Texts of Persian and their Literary Sources” by Prof. Behrooz Mahmoodi-Bakhtiari, Associate Professor of Linguistics and Persian at the University of Tehran.
The lecture will be this coming Saturday, Feb 17 at 12:00 EST and 11:00 CST. Please register below to receive the zoom link.
Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday!
Best wishes,
Pouneh Shabani-Jadidi, Ph.D. (she/her/hers) پونه شعبانی جدیدی
Instructional Professor of Persian
Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago
5828 South University Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, Room 303
Email: pshabanijadidi@uchicago.edu Webpage
Persian Language Program at the University of Chicago
1.New book: Love at a Crux
explores the emergence of the Persian romance genre (the dastan-e asheqana) in a comparative context (Arabic, Greek, Georgian, French, and German), with Vis & Ramin as its focal point.
It is available to order at the University of Toronto Press website in a variety of formats, but as it has been published Open Access, you can directly download the PDF of the book here.
Cameron Cross
Assistant Professor of Iranian Studies
University of Michigan | Middle East Studies
2. Andreas Görke and Gregor Schoeler,
The ‘Urwa Corpus and the Non-Muslim Sources
Studies in Late Antiquity and Early Islam, volume 27
Gerlach Press, ISBN 9783959941266, 2024
HC, 328 pages, with Index
EUR 145 GBP 135 USD 167
3. UCLA Hybrid event: Pourdavoud Lecture Series with Christian Sahner
How Zoroastrians Argued with Muslims in the Early Islamic Period
Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 4:00pm Pacific
Royce Hall 314
Hybrid Zoom Option Available
4. Call for Paper – Deadline March 1, 2024
Beyond Binaries: Intersex in Premodern Islamic Legal, Medical, and Literary Discourses
On 26 June 2024, I am organising an international conference entitled “Beyond Binaries: Intersex in Premodern Islamic Legal, Medical, and Literary Discourses” at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. This conference is part of the Veni Grant “Beyond Binaries: Intersex in Islamic Legal Tradition.”
While, on the one hand, numerous studies have currently focused on the history of Islamic doctrines and cultural traditions concerning gender and sexuality, such as effeminacy, transgenderism, and homosexuality, the questions regarding intersex topics in Islam and Muslim culture, despite having great visibility in terms of how they are publicly debated and invoked in polemical contexts, have hardly been tackled comprehensively by scholars of Islam.
On the other hand, presently, traditional Muslim scholars and public preachers often advocate for Islam as intolerant of trans-genderism or non-binary sex/gender divisions (see, for example, Assim al Hakeem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQ0DE7tI7No; Yasir Qadhi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCsUXGz1_6I; Amer, Jamil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWF-b_rXwpU). Not surprisingly, this dominant approach has reinforced orientalist narratives insisting that the male-female binary conception of humanity in Islamic teaching is a monolithic rigid code without room for discussion and historical developments. For example, Paula Sanders, in “Gendering the Ungendered Body,” argued for the following two notions: (1) premodern Islamic legal and medical texts demand sex and gender dimorphism that strictly define males and females as true opposites; (2) medieval Muslim jurists could not tolerate intersex ambiguity and imposed a gender on such (“unsexed-ungendered”) bodies to protect against social disorder and preserve male-dominated sexual hierarchy (Sanders 1991). Astonishingly, she drew such a broad conclusion primarily based on an examination of four mainly eleventh-century legal manuals, dominantly Kitāb al-mabsūṭ of the Ḥanafī jurist Muḥammad Ibn Aḥmad al-Sarakhsī (d. 1090). Despite the limitation of Sanders’s study, her thesis has been championed by various scholars of Islamic, Middle Eastern, and gender studies in the last three decades.
By contrast, Muslim discourses on sex or gender are oftentimes surprisingly dynamic. Therefore, some scholars have challenged Sanders’s position and upheld that the recognition of the intersex category as a non-binary possibility is particularly significant as classical Muslim jurists and physicians acknowledged the complex identification of such individuals, even when assigning them a specific legal sex/gender (Gesink 2018, Alipour 2017, Geissinger 2012). Moreover, contemporary grassroots-level activists and Muslim reformist scholars lobby for a more accepting attitude, referring to Islam’s inbuilt tolerance of both biological sex fluidity and non-binary conceptions of gender.
This conference thus offers a scholarly assessment of the premodern Muslim medical practice, Islamic law, and Persian and Arabic literary trajectories demarcating the space between the two poles of acceptance and rejection of the third sex and/or gender in premodern Muslim discourses. Its enquiry thus relates to the sex and/or gender identity(ies) of intersex individuals in Islamic legal, medical, and literary debates.
Paper proposals that examine – but are not limited to – the following questions are welcome:
The conference is a primary step towards an edited volume on the theme. I thus invite accepted contributors to submit their papers to this volume for publication in a peer-reviewed university press after the conference.
Please send your abstract (no more than 300 words) and CV (no more than 150 words) in one document by email to m.alipoorkalaei@uu.nl before March 1, 2024
Conference date: 26 June 2024
Organizer: Mehrdad Alipour
Venue: Drift 21, room 0.05 (Sweelinckzaal), Utrecht University
Costs of the Conference: Reservations for the conference hall, lunch, and conference dinner (only for the speakers) will be covered by the organisation. Applicants should cover their own travel expenses and accommodations.
For more information on the conference and the project “Beyond Binaries: Intersex in Islamic Legal Tradition” go to the following link: https://beyondbinaries.nl
5. Events on Islamic Law at Wolfson College, Oxford, 22 February 2024
The first event is a panel discussion at 2.30 pm titled “Islamic Law and the Modern State: Rupture or Continuity?” with Rob Gleave (University of Exeter), Morgan Clarke (University of Oxford), and Dominik Krell (University of Oxford).
Later on the same day, Baudouin Dupret (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) will give a talk titled “Is There Such Thing as Islamic Law”.
Between the panel discussion and the lecture, all participants will be invited to join us for coffee, tea, cakes, and snacks. More information can also be found here.
Please register by using this link.
We look forward to welcoming you to both events.
Law in Societies Cluster, Wolfson College
6. UCLA Iranian Studies
Forugh Farrokhzad: A Journey Along the Line of Time
فروغ فرخ زاد: سفری در خط زمان
A Film Screening and Panel Discussion
Sunday, March 3, 2024 at 3:30pm Pacific Time | Royce Hall 314
Alternate live stream on Zoom:
(No need to register in advance, just click the link at 3:30pm on March 3 to join.)
7. L. Chamankhah, ‘Hall ul-fusus and its Main Tenets: A Reading into Mīr Sayyid `Alī Hamadānī’s Commentary on Fusus ul-Hikam’
The Muslim World, 2024
Open Access at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/muwo.12477
8. University of Chicago’s Heshmat Moayyad Lecture Series 2024
Please Join us for Prof. Kathryn Babayan’s Talk on Wednesday 2/28 at 5pm CST as part of the University of Chicago’s Heshmat Moayyad Lecture Series 2024.
This talk spotlights a rant ascribed to a woman from the Bakhtiari tribal group of Lurs living in the vicinity of Isfahan in southwestern Iran. The letter is undated. It finds its way to Isfahan as a collector’s item recorded in several late seventeenth-century anthologies. The vernacular language deployed in the letter ascribed to a Bakhtiari woman uses sexual insults to publicize the infidelity of her husband. I will read this rant to project the female voice excluded from epistolary collections of seventeenth century anthologies.
Prof. Kathryn Babayan specializes in the social history and culture of the early-modern Persianate world, gender studies, and the history of sexuality. She is the author of two award winning books, Mystics, Monarchs and Messiahs: Cultural Landscapes of Early Modern Iran (Cambridge M.A.: Harvard University Press, 2003), and The City as Anthology: Eroticism & Urbanity in Early Modern Isfahan (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2021). Prof. Babayan has also co-authored Slaves of the Shah: New Elites of Safavi Iran, with Sussan Babaie, Ina Baghdiantz-McCabe, and Massumeh Farhad (London: I.B. Tauris, 2004), and co-edited two books Islamicate Sexualities: Translations Across Temporal Geographies of Desire with Afsaneh Najmabadi (Cambridge M.A.: Harvard University Press, 2008), and An Armenian Mediterranean: Words and Worlds in Motion with Michael Pifer (Cham, Switzerland: Palgarve Macmillan, 2018).
To join on Zoom (registration required)
9. The Rebellion of Forms in Modern Persian Poetry: Politics of Poetic Experimentation
Farshad Sonboldel, Bloomsbury, 2024
10. M-Classi, a new digital tool in knowledge organization
Dear colleagues, dear friends,
I am happy to announce the creation of “M-Classi”, a new digital tool to catalogue and interrogate the classifications of the sciences in Islam. Its development will be focused by priority on Arabic, Persian, and Turkish classifications, but for comparative purposes it will also integrate taxonomies in languages such as Syriac, Greek, Latin, or Hebrew. The current Beta version of the program is now available on request at https://sites.uclouvain.be/erc-philand/dissemination/m-classi/, where a short demo video is also to be found.
Godefroid de Callataÿ
Prof. of Arabic and Islamic Studies
PI of PhilAnd Advanced ERC grant
11. Leibniz Institute of European History – postdoctoral position (research associate) (m, f, x) in the History of Islam and Muslims in Europe (16th–20th c.)
12. Spring 2024 AMECYS Digital Series
Friday February 23, 11 am CDT
Dr. Heidi Morrison
Associate Professor of History, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse,
Editor of Lived Resistance against the War on Palestinian Children
(forthcoming, University of Georgia Press, August 2024)
F March 8, 11 am CDT
Rusha Latif
Independent researcher
Author of Tahrir’s Youth: Leaders of a Leaderless Revolution
(American University of Cairo, 2022)
Wednesday March 20, 1 pm CDT
Dr. Jessica M. Marglin
Professor of Religion and
Ruth Ziegler Chair in Jewish Studies
Author of The Shamama Case:
Contesting Citizenship Across the Modern Mediterranean
(Princeton University Press, 2022)
Links/registration info for series will sent to all AMECYS listserv members, so make sure signed up for the listserv! Digital medium for series is Zoom (https://zoom.us/download).
13. Edinburgh – The Alwaleed Centre has a number of public seminars taking place in February to which all are warmly welcome.
Fakes and Forgeries in the Islamic Art Market: A Study of Two Problematic Pieces of Mina’i Ware
Friday 16 February, 3pm, Room G06, 50 Geroge Square + online
A special seminar by Richard Piran McClary (University of York) exploring the ways in which fakes and forgeries present in Islamic ceramic wares in both public and private collections. This event is free to attend either in-person or online but registration is necessary. Click here for further information and free registration
Book Talk: On Muslim Democracy
Friday 23 February, 3pm, Room G06, 50 George Square + online
Join Andrew F. March (University of Massachusetts Amherst/Harvard University) as he discusses his and Rached Ghannouchi’s new book ‘On Muslim Democracy’. This event is free to attend either in-person or online but registration is necessary. Click for further information and registration.
SAVE THE DATE: Prof. Saul Takahashi on Palestine
Tuesday 27 February, 5:30pm, Appleton Tower Lecture Theatre
The Alwaleed Centre is to be welcoming Prof. Saul Tahahashi (Osaka Jogakuin University) to discuss his time as Deputy Head of Office in Occupied Palestine (Ramallah), United Nations High Commission for Human Rights. Further details + registration to follow in due course. For now, please save the date.
Islam and the Spice Trade: Towards a New History of Global Commerce
Wednesday 28 February, 4pm, Screening Room, 50 George Square (in-person only)
An in-person lecture by Professor Joel Belcher (George Washington University) on lesser-known ports and practices of the 15th century spice trade. This event is in collaboration with the Edinburgh Centre for Global History and the Alwaleed Centre for the Study of Islam in the Contemporary World.
Free to attend, in-person only – no need to register. Click here for further information.
With very best wishes,
The Alwaleed Centre for the Study of Islam
in the Contemporary World
University of Edinburgh
16 George Square
0131 650 4615
14. Fri. Feb. 23, 12pm EST: Literary Modernity and Anticolonial Revolution in the Muslim World: A Conversation Between Nergis Ertürk, Sam Hodgkin, and Annette Damayanti Lienau
Arabic, Persian, and Turkic, as shared literary languages of the Muslim world, provided a means of communication and a basis for political coordination to the early generations of radical anticolonial writers and thinkers from Jakarta, Cairo, and Timbuktu; Bukhara, Lahore, and Tabriz; Istanbul, Kazan, and Kashgar. These revolutionaries read each other’s newspapers, spent years of exile in each other’s regions, and developed rich literary subcultures based on their shared cultural traditions. Ultimately, these activists’ shared projects of independence, vernacularization, and national modernization produced a far less continuous linguistic and cultural space, with new patterns of coordination and solidarity. Three new books explore this transnational world of literary and political revolution, providing different vantage points on the ways that world contributed to the making of the national literatures and world literature that we have inherited today. This will be a public conversation between Nergis Ertürk (Writing in Red: Literature and Revolution Across Turkey and the Soviet Union, Columbia, April 2024), Sam Hodgkin (Persianate Verse and the Poetics of Eastern Internationalism, Cambridge, December 2023), and Annette Damayanti Lienau (Sacred Language, Vernacular Difference: Global Arabic and Counter-Imperial Literatures, Princeton, January 2024), in which the three scholars will reflect on the politics of literary form and language in the circuitries of literary internationalism.
You can register for the webinar here.
15. From Konkan to Coromandel: Societies and Cultures of the Deccan World
Webinars co-organized by the Center of Islamic Studies, University of Cambridge, and Art, Resources and Teaching Trust, Bangalore, presenting the pioneering scholarship across various fields of knowledge from both the Northern and Southern Deccan regions of India.
The Rise and Fall of the Goan Temple
Amita Kanekar (Architectural Historian) on February 16th at 1 PM London (8 AM New York and 6:30 PM India)
Mughal Burhanpur: Dynamic Urbanism at the Edge of Empire
Rachel Hirsch (Harvard University) on March 22nd at 1 PM London (9 AM New York and 6:30 PM India)
Translating Dakani Poetry and Nusrati’s Gulshan-i ‘Ishq
Makoto Kitada (Osaka University) on April 19th at 11 AM London (4:30 PM India/8 PM Japan)
Exploring the Library of Tipu Sultan
Ursula Sims-Williams (The British Library) on May 17th at 2 PM London (9 AM New York and 6:30 PM India)
All webinars will take place on Zoom. Free and open to the public. Prior registration is mandatory.
Please visit https://www.cis.cam.ac.uk/activities/lectures-workshops/from-malabar-to-coromandel/ to register and receive the Zoom link.
If you have issues signing up please email Neil Cunningham, nc524@cam.ac.uk.
16. Iran Heritage Foundation Grants
The Iran Heritage Foundation is pleased to announce that, after a lapse of several years due to Covid and administrative disruptions, its Academic Committee will be reconstituted. Like its predecessor, its overall aim will be to foster knowledge and appreciation of Iran’s rich cultural heritage by awarding research-related grants. It will, however, have a fuller agenda than was previously the case. It will operate two cycles each year, the first disbursing £15,000 and the second £20,000. The Trustees will review the awards process and may consider occasional support over and beyond the annual grant budget in exceptional circumstances.
In this, the initial year, the deadlines for receipt of applications are 30 May 2024 and 29 August 2024. As before, the Committee will assess applications for research grants in various academic disciplines, with a particular emphasis (in alphabetical order) on archaeology, arts, history, linguistics, and literature, though applications from other disciplines may be considered. Projects to be supported may include the most various academic initiatives, from fieldwork to workshops to building databases and digitising images, and will – as previously – privilege new research such as editions and translations of key texts. In order to support multiple initiatives in each cycle, grants will preferably not exceed £3,000.
The application process and conditions for such grants will shortly be laid out on the website of the IHF https://www.iranheritage.org/. In its second cycle, the Committee will also award two book prizes each year; one in memory of Iradj Bagherzade, the late founder of I.B. Tauris Publishing (now a subsidiary of Bloomsbury Publishing), as an enabling prize to defray some of the costs of a book still to be published; and the other for an already published book making a significant contribution to the world of Iranian studies. The terms and conditions for these book prizes will also be laid out on the website of the IHF.
The Committee’s mandate includes advice to the Trustees on the merits of major academic conferences, exhibitions and cultural events of value which the IHF has historically helped support or has itself organised in the past. This will involve advice on the selection of institutional partners such as prestigious universities and museums, and collaboration with other charities dedicated to the celebration and preservation of Iranian culture. We shall seek to support endeavours covering Prehistoric, Ancient, Islamic, Modern and Contemporary Iran.
The five members of the Academic Committee will meet at regular intervals throughout the year. The membership of the Committee is as follows:
Hassan Hakimian, former Director of the London Middle East Institute at SOAS, is Professor of Economics and currently the Interim Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at HBKU University, Qatar. He is a Founding Member and a past President of the International Iranian Economic Association (IIEA). One of the programs he directed at SOAS won the Queen’s Prize for Higher and Further Education in 1996.
Professor Robert Hillenbrand, FBA (Universities of Edinburgh and St Andrews) has published 11 books, edited or co-edited 14 books, published some 200 articles, organised ten symposia and held ten visiting professorships. His specialties are Islamic architecture, painting and iconography with a special emphasis on Iran.
Professor Marcus Milwright (University of Victoria, Canada) is currently British Academy Global Professor at the University of York (2023-27). His research focuses on the art and archaeology of the Islamic Middle East, labour and traditional craft practices, and cross-cultural interaction. He has written six books and 82 papers.
Andrew Peacock is Bishop Wardlaw Professor of Islamic History at the University of St Andrews and a Fellow of the British Academy. His research focuses on the history and culture of Iran and the Persianate world. He has written or edited twelve books and published some 55 papers.
Dr Julian Raby, art historian and long-term Director of the Freer Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., has been founding editor of Oxford Studies in Islamic Art (14 volumes) and General Editor, Khalili Collection of Islamic Art (over 30 volumes). He has written numerous books and articles and mounted multiple exhibitions.
Applications are now invited.
17. The Text Pre Exegetical Test ( TPET ) has just been published in Iran. This book is an interdisciplinary relationship between Qur’anic studies and engineering; Machine learning and Digital Humanities (DH) TPET tries to methodize the type of encounter with the text as the most important event in the field of text-oriented Islamic studies. The pre- Exegetical nature of these rules means that the researcher must define his position regarding the results of these tests before interpreting the text. Testing the text before interpretation practically provides the researcher with the prepared and processed text. The result of this test of the text is not necessarily the interpretation of the text; Rather, putting all the possible possibilities of the text on the table is on the interpreter’s desk; so as to provide the context for a better judgment of the commentator and a more accurate interpretation of the text. It is clear that the more the number of these tests on the text; The percentage of error probability (Tafsir-e- be Ray) is reduced.
TPET book is the first book-length publication emerging from the IQP project “Ind. Int. Quranic Parliament”.
18. This year, the Iranian Studies Program at the Yale MacMillan Center is hosting the major Afghan novelist and memoirist Homeira Qaderi as our Writer in Residence.
Over the course of this year, Qaderi is conducting several conversations with other Persian-language writers about their craft. These are online webinars conducted in Persian, and we invite Persian-speakers from all over the world to tune in.
Following up on a fascinating conversation with Aliyeh Ataei in November, we are pleased to announce two more upcoming conversations with Qaderi:
Tues. Feb. 20, 12-1:30pm EST: A reading and conversation with Prof. Fatemeh Shams on the art of poetry, moderated by CMES fellow Bezhan Pazhohan
Tues. Mar. 26, 12-1:30pm EST: A reading and conversation with Mujib Mehrdad on Afghan literature, moderated by the Yarshater Fellow in Iranian Studies, Latifeh Aavani
To register for the event, follow this link. This event is co-sponsored by the Yale Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, the Department of Comparative Literature, and the Jaleh Esfahani Cultural Foundation.
1.ONLINE Conference “Researching Muslim America: Intersecting Identities, Methodological Advances, and Lingering Challenges”, Muslim Studies Program, Michigan State University, 8-9 February 2024
Information, program and registration: https://events.islamicity.org/events/theme-researching-muslim-america-intersecting-identities-methodological-advances-and-lingering-challenges/
2. ONLINE Book Talk “The Kurdish Nobility in the Ottoman Empire: Loyalty, Autonomy, and Privilege” by Nilay Özok Gundogan (Florida State University), Center for Middle East Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI, 9 February 2024, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST
This book is a study of the rise and fall of Kurdish nobility in the Ottoman Empire from the sixteenth through the nineteenth centuries. Focusing on one noble Kurdish family based in the emirate of Palu, a fortressed town in the eastern provinces of the Ottoman Empire, the book provides the first systematic analysis of the hereditary nobility in Kurdistan between 1720 and 1895.
Information and registration: https://watson.brown.edu/cmes/events/2023/nilay-ozok-gundogan-kurdish-nobility
3. ONLINE Working Group Race & Gender in the Global Middle Ages: “The Racialized Scentscape of Fatimid Automata” by Dr. Holley Ledbetter (Oberlin College), Medieval Academy of America, 9 February 2024, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm EST
This paper explores the eight life-size mechanical sculptures stationed in the majlis of the early twelfth-century Fatimid vizier al-Afḍal Shāhanshāh (r. 1094-1121) as technological embodiments of enslavement. Performing for viewers, the jewel-bedecked female figurines purportedly bowed their heads when al-Afḍal entered the hall and returned to their upright position when he found his seat. Etc.
Information and registration: https://scholarblogs.emory.edu/raceandgenderglobalmiddleages/
4. ONLINE Webinar “The Muslim Difference: Defining the Line Between Believers and Unbelievers from Early Islam to Present” with Professor Youshaa Patel, Muslim Studies Program, Michigan State University, 21 February 2024, 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm EST
Information and registration: https://muslimstudies.isp.msu.edu/about/reg-links/
5. HYBRIDE Seminaire “De poète de la tribu à poète de la rue – les transformations de statut et de conditions de vie des poètes arabophones à l’époque prémoderne” avec Hakan Özkan (IREMAM – Aix-Marseille Université), MMSH/IREMAM, Aix-en-Provence, 25 April 2024, 14h00 heure de Paris
Nous accorderons une attention particulière à la notion de mobilité sociale des poètes, c’est-à-dire à la capacité de ces auteurs à s’élever au-delà de leur statut socio-économique initial, à travers leurs carrières en tant que poètes mais également dans d’autres domaines professionnels. Nous explorerons en outre la thématique de la précarité, qu’elle soit d’ordre économique ou physique.
Information et inscription : https://www.iremam.cnrs.fr/en/node/101905
6. 17th Pan-European Conference on International Relations: RG Section 13 “Islam in Inter-national Affairs: Theories and Practices of Diplomacy”, 27-31 August 2024, Lille Catholic University, France
The section analyses both theoretical approaches of Islam in International Relations and concrete historical experience of diplomacy in Islam: – Theoretical Approaches of Diplomacy in Islam. – Worldviews of Muslim Thinkers and Practitioners vis-á-vis Diplomacy. – Diplomacy and Islamic Polity/Governance. – Diplomacy of Transnational and Political Islamist Movements. – The Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL, Daesh) Phenomenon and Diplomacy.
Deadline for abstracts: 13 March 2024. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/group/announcements/20021931/cfp-panels-section-s13-islam-international-affairs-theories-and
7. Workshop “Aesthetics, Rituals, and Narratives in Islamic Mobilization”, University of Oxford, 24 October 2024
We will investigate how art, rituals, performances, music, and symbolic meanings contribute to creating a cohesive narrative that shapes various forms of Islamic mobilization across the Middle East. We invite abstracts that explore aesthetics, rituals, and narratives within the context of Islamic movements in the Middle East.
Deadline for abstracts: 22 March 2024. Information: https://www.cfplist.com/CFP/40739
8. International Conference on “Digital Archiving in the Arab World (DA|AW)”, Abu Dhabi, 29-31 October 2024
The conference will bring together scholars and practitioners for discussions about archiving challenges in the Arab world, hence no discipline or approach is proposed. The questions are broad, and all possible responses are appreciated.
Deadline for abstracts: 18 February 2024.
Information: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TwMxdXGdz5eumFI6yS-4KWyUI1EpJLY4/view
9. Fellowship of the American Center of Research in Amman in the Fields of Ancient History, Anthropology, Middle East History / Studies and Political Science (2024-2025)
Extended deadline for applications: 15 February 2024.
10. Articles on “Contemporary Issues of Capitalism in the Middle East”, for a Special Issue of “Middle East Critique” with Guest Editors Stella Morgana and Kayhan Valadbaygi
What does the term ‘capitalism’ imply when it is applied to the Middle East and North Africa? How do dy-namics of class, gender and ethnicity shape contemporary issues of capitalism? This special issue tackles these questions by exploring the gaps in current mainstream literature.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 February 2024. Information: http://tinyurl.com/MEC-CapitalisMENA
11. Gulf International Forum is pleased to invite nominations for our Gulf book award, a recognition celebrating exceptional scholarly works. Both authors and publishers are eligible to nominate, and while there is no restriction on the number of submissions per author, we encourage thoughtful and selective nomination.
Eligibility Criteria
* The book should be a scholarly monograph grounded in original research.
* Publications must be in English, released between January 2023 and December 2023.
* The content should be centered around one or more of the nine Gulf states: the six nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Iraq, Iran, and Yemen. It should comprehensively delve into one or more pertinent themes, such as political, economic, social, security, or cultural aspects relevant to the Gulf region.
* This award accepts submissions of original works. Please note that this award does not consider edited volumes, new editions of previously published books, bibliographies, or textbooks.
Nomination Deadline and Application
Nominations must be submitted by February 14, 2024.
Please apply by completing the <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ZUP1wkDuvmctLaWUVf7cvn18q8oPdgXFeW3iBWRu7OJC49qwSCX9h5Ny8JNUsTEWAF9MiViGmEXuYOBJPPgE5QBEhHmJ-yiJC8GzvexucmjU7nJ4sAhxEX8nj0PzIh2DD5-H2wImJxhnyELUGKPJ-wl4pYE1sv-NpBwdowCUvw5Ku1r_WDga6fQxhTEIPHGfmRYgsmDAN9lKNDXp5sHgdeLGZ2vm-ra6j06RHJDfR99R4orD_YiVjtKndWO7TxPedbtgrB99s7WTXPbww2HrdQ==&c=AcJmH9ndQj19Z02S_CSPEvre_B7JwE8OgFx6wxbaa6h5adHtBVQPRA==&ch=fQCp5qsBzFAzJfjS0brxnBkMU0A2DVsT1ULGCKw0AEBgkT5qdeex1w==>following form <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ZUP1wkDuvmctLaWUVf7cvn18q8oPdgXFeW3iBWRu7OJC49qwSCX9h5Ny8JNUsTEWAF9MiViGmEXuYOBJPPgE5QBEhHmJ-yiJC8GzvexucmjU7nJ4sAhxEX8nj0PzIh2DD5-H2wImJxhnyELUGKPJ-wl4pYE1sv-NpBwdowCUvw5Ku1r_WDga6fQxhTEIPHGfmRYgsmDAN9lKNDXp5sHgdeLGZ2vm-ra6j06RHJDfR99R4orD_YiVjtKndWO7TxPedbtgrB99s7WTXPbww2HrdQ==&c=AcJmH9ndQj19Z02S_CSPEvre_B7JwE8OgFx6wxbaa6h5adHtBVQPRA==&ch=fQCp5qsBzFAzJfjS0brxnBkMU0A2DVsT1ULGCKw0AEBgkT5qdeex1w==>. APPLY NOW!
* The author(s) of the winning book will receive a $1,000 award. In the case of multiple authors, the prize will be divided equally.
* Winner will be awarded a certificate of recognition, a trophy and announced on social media.
* Winner will be announced and awarded at the GSS Opening Ceremony on March 4, 2024, at Georgetown University Campus in Washington DC.
Selection Committee
Dr. Dania Thafer, Senior Fellow and Executive Director at Gulf International Forum
Dr. Yagoub Alkandari, Advisory Board Member at Gulf International Forum and Director of Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Center in Kuwait University
Dr. Courtney Freer, Senior Non-Resident Fellow at Gulf International Forum and Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellow at Emory University
Dr. Khalid Al-Jaber, Director of MENA Center
Dr. Gawdat Bahgat, Senior Non-Resident Fellow at Gulf International Forum and Professor at the Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies at the National Defense University
For additional information or any queries, please contact us at gss@gulfif.org.
12. Call for Submissions | 2024 BRISMES Early Career Development Scholarship
Submissions are now open for the 2024 BRISMES Early Career Development Scholarship. The aim of this award is to support activities geared towards strengthening the academic profile and CV of an early career scholar. This year, two awards of £3,000 each are available.
In order to be eligible for this award, applicants must be members of BRISMES, must have submitted a PhD dissertation in the last 2 years in any disciplinary field, on a topic related to the study of the Middle East and North Africa and must not have a permanent academic position when they receive the grant.Priority will be given to applicants with limited or no access to institutional support (whether time or funding) for research-focused activities.
Eligible activities include (but are not necessarily limited to):
The deadline for submissions is midnight (UK time) on 31 March 2024.
More information: https://www.brismes.ac.uk/awards/ecds
13. The next online Monday Majlis of the Centre for the Study of Islam, Exeter:
Monday, the 12th of February, 17:00-18:30 (UK time). Dalal S al-Baroud with Sayed Ismail A al-Behbehani, Rewilding Arabic Literature
Registration is required. Register please on this link:
14. The Gibb Memorial Trust
The Gibb Memorial Trust offers two annual scholarships to students undertaking doctoral research in the field of the Trust’s activities.
The Gibb Memorial Trust’s Centenary Scholarship of up to £2,000 is available to postgraduate students at an advanced stage of their doctoral research in any area of Middle Eastern Studies (7th century to 1918) at a British university.
Centenary Scholarship application form & past recipients
The A. H. Morton Memorial Scholarship for Doctoral Research in Classical Persian Studies is for a maximum of £3,000 and can be applied to any year of a course of doctoral study at a British university, including for an approved period of study abroad.
H. Morton Scholarship application form & past recipients
Applicants may apply for only one of the scholarships in any one year. Previous winners may not re-apply for the same scholarship.
The Gibb Centenary Scholarship
The Gibb Memorial Trust’s Centenary Scholarship of up to £2,000 is available to any doctoral research student in any area of Middle Eastern Studies (7th century to 1918) at a British university, with preference given to students at an advanced stage of their research, working with materials in Arabic, Persian or Turkish, and with an established financial need. Those unable to take up an award will need to reapply.
Applications must be submitted by 29 March 2024. The result will be announced by 30 June 2024.
For more information: https://www.gibbtrust.org/scholarships/
For any questions, please contact the Secretary, Zuher Hassan, at secretary@gibbtrust.org.
15. 2024: International Symposium, University of Arizona: Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Miracles and Wonders, Science and Faith in the Pre-Modern Age: The Experience of Transcendence – Reality or Imagination
22nd International Symposium on the Middle Ages and the early modern age, to be held at the University of Arizona, Tucson, May 3-4, 2024
For the first social get-together, please try to arrive already on May 2.
Ca. 24 papers can be included. We invite close readings of artworks, literary texts, legal documents, medical treatises, etc., all dealing with the broad complex of faith, miracles, science, and wonders in the pre-modern world. This symposium wants to challenge naive modern perspectives of the pre-modern world as having been determined by simple-mindedness, foolish belief in miracles and wonders, and hence ignorance. Science was a major factor already then, and belief in miracles is still with us today. Hence, the papers ought to address the two sides of the same coin and unearth the dialectics of the two dimensions, miracles and science.
Program (tba)
Contact: Prof. Albrecht Classen, aclassen@arizona.edu
Registration (which will cover all meals, refreshments, social gatherings, the meeting room, equipment, materials, and local transportation: $110.
Hotel accommodations:
Ramada by Wyndham TUCSON
777 West Cushing Street, Tucson, AZ 85745 520-239-2300 520-239-2329 FAX; or contact the sales manager, Wes Clark, dWes Clark wes@tucsonramada.comirectly with email: Wes Clark <wes@tucsonramada.com>
$99.00 + $11.93 Sales Tax + $4.00 Bed Tax = $114.93 (extremely competitive; please book early b/c there is a mariachi competition going on at the same time, with lots of people coming to Tucson at the same weekend).
This rate is for 1-2 occupancy and includes our complimentary American Breakfast Buffet, free WiFi and free parking. This rate is valid 3 days pre- and post-event. NOTE: Tax rate subject to change.
Guests will call to make their own reservations. Please call our reservation number (520-239-2300) and ask for the “Miracles and Wonders Conference” Rate. The group rate is not available online or thru travel agents – guests must call the hotel directly.
As per sales manager: “The cut-off date for the May 2-4, 2024 conference is April 15th. We will continue to honor the $99 rate after the cut-off on a space available basis. Please let your attendees know that the Tucson Mariachi Festival is that week at the TCC, so we may be sold out if they wait until the last minute.”
Payment: Guests will pay for their own rooms. The University of Arizona is not responsible for any charges.
Cancellations: Must be made at least 48 hours prior to avoid a penalty.
Cut-Off Date: May l1, 2024 – Rooms Subject to Availability After Cut-Off Date
Contact: Prof. Albrecht Classen, aclassen@email.arizona.edu
School of Advanced Study • University of London
Julia Hartley’s Iran and French Orientalism: Panel Discussion and Book Launch
15 February 2024, 17:30-19:00 GMT
Woburn Suite, G22/26, University of London Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
All are welcome to attend this event which is being held in person only. Please register in advance: https://ilcs.sas.ac.uk/events/iran-and-french-orientalism-panel-discussion-and-book-launch
2. Gender, Governance and Islam,
edited by Deniz Kandiyoti, Nadje Al-Ali & Kathryn Spellman Poots
Edinburgh, 2019
Open Access at:
3. Khorshid Khanom: A Study in the Origin and Development of the Shir-o Khorshid Motif
W Floor, F Sajadi,
Mage, 2024
4. Veil Obsessed: Representations in Literature, Art, and Media
Edited by Umme Al-wazedi and Afrin Zeenat
Paper $44.95s | 9780815638414
Ebook 9780815657118
To order: https://press.syr.edu/supressbooks/6267/veil-obsessed/
The astral sciences and early cultures: why do we study them, and how do we share our interest with the public?
Alexander Jones (ISAW, NYU) in conversation with Sonja Brentjes (IAS, MPIWG)
Sponsor: Sabine Schmidtke, IAS; Convenor: Sonja Brentjes, IAS and MPIWG
Hybrid Event: 14 February, 6:00-6:45 pm
White-Levy Room, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Registration is required for both in-person and online participation.
Register at: https://bit.ly/4b9DbTp
6. 2 PhD Scholarships – University of Edinburgh – Dept of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies
Deadline: Monday 6 May 2024
Full information at:
7. The Fourth Biennial Arabic Language Teaching Conference at the University of Cambridge approaches.
Key Conference Details:
For more information, visit the conference website: https://www.ames.cam.ac.uk/whats-on/fourth-biennial-arabic-language-teaching-and-learning-higher-education-conference
8. UCLA Iranian Studies Outreach
Bilingual Lecture Series
Reza Shah’s Exile in Mauritius
Houchang Chehabi
Sunday, February 25, 2024 at 4:00pm, Royce Hall 314
Alternate live stream on Zoom:
(No need to register in advance, just click the link at 4:00pm on February 25 to join.)
9. Spring 2024 AKPIA Lecture Series: A Forum for Islamic Art & Architecture
February 8, 2024, 6:00pm
“To the Baroque and Back Again: Architectural Renovation in the Late Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey”
Emily Neumeier
AKPIA Fellow; Assistant Professor of Islamic Art and Architecture, Temple University
February 29, 2024, 6:00pm (please watch the AKPIA website, this event may be rescheduled)
“The Sufi Shrines of Khuldabad”
Mohit Manohar
Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Art History, The University of Chicago
Presented with support from the Department of History of Art and Architecture and the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Fund for Asian Studies
March 28, 2024, 6:00pm
“Textiles and the Temporary in Early Modern South Asia”
Sylvia Houghteling
Associate Professor of History of Art, Bryn Mawr College
Presented with support from the Department of History of Art and Architecture and the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Fund for Asian Studies
April 4, 2024, 6:00pm
“At the City’s Edge: The Shrines of Mosul”
Ethel Sara Wolper
AKPIA Fellow; Associate Professor, Department of History, University of New Hampshire
The Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at Harvard University
Lectures are open to the public and held Thursdays, 6:00-7:30pm,
at 485 Broadway, Lower Auditorium, Cambridge, MA
Please check the website for the latest information on these events: https://agakhan.fas.harvard.edu/news-events
Contact Email
10. Lecture – ‘Colonial Heritage in a Postcolonial World’, IJIA Dialogues, February 21
On behalf of the International Journal of Islamic Architecture, it’s my pleasure to invite you to our upcoming and fourth journal-sponsored Dialogues session. We have three guests joining us from North Africa for a conversation on colonial-era heritage in the contemporary Islamic world. We’ll do this event via Zoom on Feb. 21 at noon EST (GMT-5).
Below is more information on the session and the necessary registration link. We hope you’ll join us and share this invitation with anyone who you think may be interested.
IJIA Dialogues
21 February 2024 | 12:00–13:15 Eastern Time (US and Canada, GMT-5)
Colonial Heritage in a Postcolonial World
Remnants of nineteenth- and twentieth-century European colonialism dot the streetscapes of cities throughout the postcolonial world. Tangible links to the past, these historic built environments also play a vital role in the function and identity of the contemporary postcolony. Within the Islamic world, as globally, such buildings may include government offices, religious structures, schools, and other forms of infrastructure that often stand out amidst examples of recognized ‘traditional’ cultural heritage. What do these inherited colonial-era artifacts mean now, and how have they been contested, conserved, interpreted, and put to use since the advent of independence? What lessons can be learned from them, and what challenges come with preserving the products of such difficult histories in today’s globalizing context?
Join the International Journal of Islamic Architecture (IJIA) for its annual Dialogues session, a webinar that brings together scholars and practitioners from varied disciplines for a discussion of critical contemporary issues that interrogate the boundaries between architecture, art, anthropology, archaeology, and history. In this year’s session, “Colonial Heritage in a Postcolonial World,” IJIA Associate Editor Daniel E. Coslett will be joined by Leila Ben-Gacem, Alaa El-Habashi, and Lahbib El Moumni for a lively discussion on architectural history, heritage preservation, and postcolonial identity, across North Africa and beyond.
Zoom registration: https://drexel.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkf-isqDspEtIzBtAH0d1wokaU6YXtT8LZ
Leila Ben-Gacem is a social entrepreneur and Ashoka Fellow based in Tunis, Tunisia. She is the general manager of TUNISTORIC and has founded several cultural heritage organizations, including Dar el Harka, Dar Ben Gacem, and Blue Fish.
Alaa El-Habashi is a Cairo-based professor of architecture and heritage conservation at Menoufia University. His research and practices embrace the specificities of local identities and traditions in historic built environments.
Lahbib El Moumni is an architect based in Casablanca, Morocco. He is the co-founder of MAMMA, an association that aims to highlight and preserve Morocco’s modern architectural and urban heritage, and a doctoral candidate at ETH Zürich.
Additional information on IJIA can be found here: https://www.intellectbooks.com/international-journal-of-islamic-architecture
Contact Information
Daniel E. Coslett, Ph.D.
Drexel University
Contact Email
11. The Digital Lab for Islamic Visual Culture & Collections is accepting applications for the summer 2024 field trip led by Dr. Glaire Anderson in collaboration with Dr. Rafael Blanco (Universidad de Córdoba). Córdoba In the Age of the Caliphs is a 5-day experience focused on the architecture, archaeology, and art of the Umayyad capital of al-Andalus for those interested in the Digital Lab’s work across video games, immersive technologies, GLAM, and education.
Based at the University of Edinburgh, the Digital Lab brings researchers and students together to work on creative, interdisciplinary projects in collaboration with partners in the games and GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) sectors.
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until remaining places are filled, or until the final deadline of 31 March. Prospective applicants are encouraged to apply early.
For more info please contact: info@digitallabivcc.com
Dr. Glaire Anderson,
Senior Lecturer in Islamic Art & Founding Director, Digital Lab for Islamic Visual Culture & Collections, University of Edinburgh
Contact Information
Dr. Glaire Anderson,
Senior Lecturer in Islamic Art & Founding Director, Digital Lab for Islamic Visual Culture & Collections, University of Edinburgh
Contact Email
12. CFP – HIAA Biennial Symposium, 2025, Boston College and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA, April 3-5, 2025
Call for Papers: HIAA Biennial Symposium, 2025
Art Speaks (Back)
Boston College and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Boston, MA
April 3-5, 2025
Today, as they have in the past, new technologies and new media are bringing about radical changes in art and society. Reflecting on both the current political moment and new technologies of knowledge and artistic production such as AI, we are calling for paper, panel, and round table discussion proposals with the theme “Art Speaks (Back).” Art has been used to represent and to misrepresent, to subvert or uphold power, to speak back to power, to technology, to Orientalism, to politics, etc. For example, the illustrations in medieval or early modern manuscripts sometimes subvert the messages of the text or go beyond it to include other interpretations; architecture at times embodies messages for the patron that speak back at a rival or enemy; artists and designers often speak back to holders of power whether in explicit or hidden ways. And sometimes, neither art, nor artists, nor historians, have the freedom to voice their opinions.
The capacity or incapacity of art (and artists) to “speak” may be a useful heuristic/analytical tool to examine both contemporary and historical artistic production. By examining the social and political roles art and artists have played in the past, we may be able to assay the dangers and opportunities presented by new media and technologies. We envision the theme “Art Speaks (Back)” to be explored through attention to technologies of production, to patronage and collecting, to the role of art and artists in society, to art created in times of crisis or change. These are only some examples of the way in which the rich and suggestive theme “Art Speaks (Back)” can be examined.
We invite individual papers, complete panels, or pre-organized round-table discussions that address any aspect of this theme. In this year’s symposium, we will have one session dedicated to 5-minute lightning talks. We also encourage individual applications to this session.
To submit individual papers and lightning papers, please submit a title, an abstract, and a 100-word bio, and indicate whether you are applying to present a 20-minute or a 5-minute paper. For complete panels with three or four 20-minute papers, please include a panel abstract and title as well as individual titles and abstracts for all the papers, and short (100 word) bios for all participants. For round table discussions, please submit an abstract and a title for the roundtable, and the names and 100-word bios of all participants.
Accommodations will be provided for all presenters and travel expenses of students and contingent scholars presenting at the symposium will be covered by HIAA and the Norma Jean Calderwood Professorship Funds at Boston College. Presenters must be HIAA members in good standing.
Please email all submissions to: HIAA.2025.Boston@gmail.com by April 15, 2024. The program committee plans to announce its selections by June 15th.
13. Call for Papers: Muslim Contributions to Civil Society and Philanthropy in the Caribbean
Due date: 15 March, 2024
More information:
14. The Middle East in Cambridge
Cambridge-Brown Persian Poetry Reading Group
Tue 6th February 2024 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM (Time zone: London)
Led by:
Dr. Annabel Keeler (Affiliated Researcher at the University of Cambridge, Faculty of Asian & Middle Eastern Studies)
Dr. Michelle Quay (Lecturer of Persian at Brown University, Center for Language Studies)
On Tuesday 6th February, please join us for this term’s first meeting of the reading group. We will meet on Zoom this term on alternate Tuesdays for three sessions of reading Persian poetry in the original.
New members, please register here to receive the Zoom invite.
If you have registered previously, no need to sign up again as you will remain on the mailing list.
Reading Group schedule:
Alternate Tuesdays 12 – 1:00pm EST / 5 – 6:00pm UK Time
Session 1: Tues Feb 6th
Session 2: Tues Feb 20th
Session 3: Tues March 5th
Texts for first session:
We will be reading the following story from Rumi’s Mathnavi:
The translation is attached.
Group details:
The group is designed for students with some background in reading Persian. We will be reading, translating and discussing some fantastic specimens of Persian verse. Meetings are primarily intended for Brown and Cambridge affiliates. Interested students with an intermediate knowledge of Persian (i.e. those who have completed at least first-year Persian) are very welcome to join. Students below this level may join as auditors. Preparation of the texts before the sessions is ideal, but not obligatory.
This reading group is jointly convened by Dr. Annabel Keeler (Affiliated Researcher at the University of Cambridge, Faculty of Asian & Middle Eastern Studies) and Dr. Michelle Quay (Lecturer of Persian at Brown University, Center for Language Studies). It has been coordinated by Dr. Keeler at Cambridge for many years, and it is Brown’s great pleasure to participate for a third year running.
15. Call for Papers: AWEJ for Translation and Literary Studies (May Issue 2024)
Arab World English Journal for Translation and Literary Studies welcomes the submission of papers for the May Issue 2024. We are honored to announce that the guest editor for this issue is Assoc. ProfessorRania M Rafik Khalil, Acting Vice Dean for Research and Postgraduate Studies, Faculty of Arts and Humanities at The British University in Egypt.
The submission deadline is February, 29.2024. The issue publication date is May Issue 2024.
The papers can address but are not limited to, the following areas: click here.
Please send your submission to tls@awej.org
We have the pleasure of sending the full issues of AWEJ for Translation & Literary Studies February, May, August, and October 2023
Arab World English Journal for
Translation and Literary Studies
16. Zahra Institute’s Kurdish Studies’ Lecture Series for the Spring semester is open to the public and will be given via Zoom.
You can access the Spring 2024 Kurdish Studies’ Lecture Series via our website: https://www.zahrainstitute.org/
17. Digital Scholarship Conversations@IAS: February 16, 12-1pm: DAMAST – an interactive research environment
DAMAST – an interactive research environment
Prof. Dr. Dorothea Weltecke and Dr. Florian Jäckel
Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Friday, February 16, 12:00-1:00 pm (EST)
Hosted by Sabine Schmidtke (School of Historical Studies, IAS)
and María Mercedes Tuya (Digital Scholarship, IAS).
Damast is an interactive research environment for visualizing the multi-religious situation in the Islamicate world from 600 to 1400 CE. For the first time, all the existing geographical and chronological data about communities of Dhimmis under Muslim rule have been gathered together into one Database. Over 8,300 pieces of evidence at more than 440 locations are part of the database. They are visualized on a map, a timeline and displayed in various tables. Various filters, such as time, location, religious community and source allow detailed inspection of the data. Results of the research remain accessible as a report and can be referenced. Our presentation will introduce the research environment and the underlying concepts, explains some of its features – and its shortcomings.
Register in advance for this virtual event at https://bit.ly/3SDY4ie. After registering, you will receive an email containing information about joining the event.
For additional information please email ds@ias.edu.
1. History Graduate Conference 2024, Istanbul Bilgi University, 17-18 May 2024
The Conference is organized by graduate students from Istanbul Bilgi University’s History Department and the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies and supported by Tarih Vakfı. The conference aims to provide an interdisciplinary platform for graduate students primarily studying History and academics from different disciplines to present their research.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 March 2024.
2. ONLINE Symposium: “Philosophy between the Islamicate and Latin American Traditions: Civilizational Perspectives on Alienation/Ghayriyya (Otherness) in the Knowing/Being”, 22-24 June 2024
The purpose of this symposium is to provide a framework of dialogue for scholars of philosophy in those two traditions, and includes some of the most distinguished academics. To register, write to Anthony F. Shaker at afshaker@aol.com . Please indicate your full name, occupation and country.
3. Doctoral Researcher (3 Years, 50 %, Focus Media Studies in Turkey/Middle East), Centre of Near and Middle East Studies (CNMS), University of Marburg
Profile: MA in Media Studies and/or Turkish Studies; excellent German and English language skills; knowledge of Turkish also preferred; interest in media in/from Turkey, preferably with research experience in this area; interest in some of the following: television studies, screen studies, cinema, censorship, visual culture, image studies, post-truth; ideal is experience with video editing software (DaVinci Resolve and/or
Adobe Premiere)
Deadline for applications: 4 February 2024. Information:
4. WEBINAR | Bactrian documents and archives from Northern and Southern Afghanistan
with Nicholas Sims-Williams
Thursday, 08 February 2024, 5PM GMT/12PM Toronto time
On Zoom. Registration required.
5. Call for papers and panels for section S13 – Islam in International Affairs: Theories and Practices of Diplomacy (Regular Sections, the full list of sections is available here) at the forthcoming 17th Pan-European Conference on International Relations (#EISAPEC24) to be held on 27-31 August 2024 at the Lille Catholic University, France.
The section presents Islamic contributions to international affairs and the field of International Relations. It seeks to explore theoretical approaches and empirical experiences of the Islamic civilisation by referring to classical and modern sources, the worldview of prominent thinkers, statecraft experiences, current transnational movements, and case studies on the Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL, Daesh) phenomenon concerning Diplomacy.
The section analyses both theoretical approaches of Islam in International Relations and concrete historical experience of diplomacy in Islam: theories, empirical cases in different periods, and early Islam and the practice of diplomacy, among others. It considers a picture of current and historical Islamic contributions to IR fashioned under the themes highlighted below:
– Theoretical Approaches of Diplomacy in Islam
– Worldviews of Muslim Thinkers and Practitioners vis-á-vis Diplomacy
– Diplomacy and Islamic Polity/Governance
– Diplomacy of Transnational and Political Islamist Movements
– The Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL, Daesh) Phenomenon and Diplomacy
The objective is to develop and sustain a body of knowledge that addresses the theories and practices of the Islamic civilisation and Muslim societies concerning international affairs and the discipline of International Relations. This section aims to set a model for the inclusion of Muslim contributions to the field of IR to enrich, diversify, and strengthen it. To this end, the section aims to publish the papers in an edited volume with a major international publisher.
Abstracts must be submitted electronically via the online submission system. Please read the Submission Details and Guidelines before submitting your proposal, and visit the official EISA PEC 2024 website and the Co-IRIS Facebook page for further updates.
The deadline for abstract submissions is 13 March 2024.
Do not hesitate to contact the conference organisers or us with any questions.
We hope that you will join us in Lille!
All the best,
Raffaele Mauriello, Allameh Tabataba’i University
Deina Abdelkader, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Section Chairs
Contact Information
Raffaele Mauriello, Allameh Tabataba’i University
Deina Abdelkader, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Section Chairs
Contact Email
6. University of California, Santa Barbara – Middle East Studies Librarian and Area Studies Collection Strategist
7. Adjunct position in Arabic Literature (2024-25)
The University of Texas at Austin’s Department of Middle Eastern Studies seeks
an Arabic literature temporary Assistant Professor of Instruction (without
tenure) to teach full time during 2024-25. The salary is $51,000 and the
position is not renewable.
Applicants should hold a PhD in Arabic, Comparative Literature, or a related
discipline and be able to teach courses on topics such as Arabic literature
and film, modernity, and Islam in the Middle Eastern context. Successful
candidates will have a strong record of working with undergraduate students
from varying backgrounds and be willing to contribute to the intellectual
culture of the Department during their appointment.
Please submit a cover letter, CV, sample syllabi, and names of two referents
to Interfolio (apply.interfolio.com/134821). Review of applications will start
on February 15 2024 and continue until the position is filled.
For questions, please contact Dr. Levi Thompson
(levi.thompson@austin.utexas.edu ).
8. Muḥammad and His Followers in Context
The Religious Map of Late Antique Arabia
Ilkka Lindstedt
Brill, 2023
9. Brill: NEW Kurdish Studies Journal
Editor-in-Chief: Martin van Bruinessen
Managing Editor: Marlene Schäfers
Book Review Editor: Sacha Alsancakli
Kurdish Studies Journal is an interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing high-quality academic work. The journal publishes research, scholarship, and debates in the field of Kurdish studies in a multidisciplinary fashion, covering a wide range of topics including, but not limited to, economics, history, society, gender, minorities, politics, health, law, environment, language, media, culture, arts, and education.
Articles for publication can be submitted online through Editorial Manager. For more information, instructions for authors and support with Editorial Manager, visit: brill.com/ksj
We are happy to announce that Kurdish Studies Journal just launched with an extensive, special issue on Kurdish Queer Studies, edited by Hakan Sandal-Wilson.
1. Short Courses:
Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations
The Aga Khan University (International) in the United Kingdom
The Challenges of Development in Muslim Societies
The Qur’an in Muslim Practices
Cities of the Muslim World(s)
2. Call for Papers: Islamic Archaeology Conference 202407-09. November 2024
Goethe-University Frankfurt (Germany)
Islamic Archaeology as a discipline has seen a spectacular growth in complexity and amount of themes in the last two decades. After a long period in which Islamic Archaeology was considered a field of Art History in the Middle Eastern and North African countries, the discipline has found a new life in the 21st century by adopting new perspectives and expanding to new research areas. The materials that constitute its subject of study and the groups of researchers that address it are spread worldwide, and therefore a range of points of view and expectations from different archaeological traditions have been developed. It is a good time now to address this variety in the discipline in search of common trends and interests.
Islamic Archaeology Conference 2024 invites scholars, researchers, and professionals worldwide to participate in a comprehensive exploration of the material culture of the Early and Middle Islamic periods (600-1500 AD) and in analyzing historical narratives and syntheses that the discipline contributes to. This conference aims to provide a platform for contributions from diverse groups of people and for exchanging ideas, methodologies, and discoveries in Islamic archaeology.
We invite submissions on a wide range of topics related to the archaeology of the Islamic world during the 7th to 15th centuries, including but not limited to:
Submission Guidelines
– Abstracts: Submissions should include a 300-word abstract outlining the research objectives, methodologies, and preliminary findings.
– Formatting: Abstracts should be submitted in Times New Roman, 12-point font, and include a title, author(s) name, affiliation, and contact details.
– Language: The submission language is English.
– Deadline: The deadline for abstract submission is 31. March 2024.
The conference fees for speakers are: 25€ for Professionals; Free for Students
Important Dates
– Abstract submission deadline: 31. March 2024
– Notification of acceptance: 15. May 2024
– Fee payment deadline: 1. July 2024
– Conference dates: 07-09. November 2024
Contact Information
For inquiries and abstract submissions, please contact Abed Taghavi at isac.arc2024@gmail.com and Hagit Nol at h.nol@em.uni-frankfurt.de.
We look forward to your participation in this exciting and intellectually stimulating event on Islamic Archaeology.
Contact Information
For inquiries and abstract submissions, please contact Abed Taghavi at isac.arc2024@gmail.com and Hagit Nol at h.nol@em.uni-frankfurt.de
Contact Email
3. The HIAA board is pleased to share the Winter 2024 HIAA Newsletter. Please access the latest newsletter through the HIAA website: https://www.historiansofislamicart.org/
4. Middle East Centre Librarian
University of Oxford
St Antony’s College invites applications for the post of Middle East Centre Librarian. The MEC Librarian’s responsibilities are to provide the optimal library resources for students, Fellows and guests of the MEC, and to plan for the development of the library resources in the context of the Centre’s academic requirements as they evolve. Main duties will include collection development, reader services, and book acquisition budget management.
Deadline | 8 February 2024
More information
5. Postdoctoral Research Fellow for the Minerva Global Security Programme (Middle East)
University of Oxford
The Blavatnik School of Government is looking for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow for Minerva Global Security Programme. We work across different levels of analysis ranging from the local, and national, to the transnational and global level, with a particular focus on Ukraine/Russia, South Asia, the Middle East, the Horn of Africa, the Andean Region, and the Golden Triangle. The role would suit a researcher with regional expertise in the Middle East and an excellent grounding in security studies.
Deadline | 12 February 2024
More information
6. Al-Qasimi PhD Studentship in Arab and Islamic Studies, Middle East Politics, Ethno-Political Studies, Kurdish Studies or Palestine Studies
University of Exeter
The Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies is seeking applications for two PhD studentships for excellent doctoral students whose area of specialisation fits and complements the research interests of our academics. We are looking for PhD proposals in humanities and social sciences with reference to the Middle East and the Islamic world. This can cover Anthropology, Archaeology, Gender Studies, History, Islamic Studies, International Relations, Literature, Political Science and other relevant fields.
Deadline | 8 April 2024
More information
7. Call for Applications | Editor of Studies in the History and Culture of the Persianate World
The British Institute of Persian Studies (BIPS) is looking for a scholar with an established reputation in the field of Iranian Studies and prior editorial experience as well as extensive knowledge of Persian and Iranian studies, broadly defined, to take responsibility for editing the Studies in the History and Culture of the Persianate World. The aim is to publish two volumes a year. The editor will receive an honorarium of £1,000 per annum subject to review by the Council.
Deadline | 31 January 2024
8. Call for Nominations | BISA Annual Prizes
The British International Studies Association welcomes nominations for its annual prizes. In addition to long-standing prizes, including the Susan Strange Best Book Prize, Distinguished Contribution, and teaching prizes for all career stages, there are three exciting new prizes for 2024 – a Master’s dissertation prize sponsored by both BISA and the British Council, a Working Group of the Year Prize, and an EDI prize.
Deadline | 12 February 2024
More information
9. Call for Applications | Malek Sghiri Scholarship for Arabic Studies
Applications are invited for the Malek Sghiri Scholarship for the summer of 2024 at the Taa Marbouta Language Centre in Tunis. This scholarship covers all tuition costs for summer-long Arabic language courses and for students at all levels. Open to all aged 18-35 from any country, with a demonstrable interest in human rights, anti-corruption & civil society.
Deadline | 31 March 2024
10. ARMACAD is pleased to announce scholarships for eligible students in Iranian Studies and associated disciplines to attend ASPIRANTUM’s 2024 summer school for the Persian language.
Deadline: February 1, 2024
For more details, please visit: https://aspirantum.com/scholarships/scholarships-for-persian-language-courses-from-armacad
Students pursuing Undergraduate (BA), graduate (MA), and postgraduate (Ph.D.) programs, as well as researchers in Iranian Studies and related fields who are enrolled in universities or academic institutions in the countries specified below, can apply for the ARMACAD scholarship. The ideal candidates will be 19 – 39 years old by the program’s start.
This scholarship is only available to citizens of the following countries.
Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America.
For more details, please visit: https://aspirantum.com/scholarships/scholarships-for-persian-language-courses-from-armacad
11. Call for Papers for MESA 2024: Panel Title:
Early Modern Persian Majmū‘a(s): Historical, Philological, and Art-Historical
Processes of Realisation
Mahroo Moosavi (Max-Planck-Institute, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz)
Denise-Marie Teece (New York University Abu Dhabi)
We invite paper proposals for the session “Early Modern Persian Majmū‘a(s):
Historical, Philological, and Art-Historical Processes of Realisation” at the
58th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), November 11
– 19, 2024, online.
Deadline: 6 February 2024.
The archives of Persian manuscripts held in libraries across the world include
an extensive number of late medieval/early modern book compilations, often
catalogued under the comprehensive, yet not exhaustive, title of majmū‘a.
These collections, mainly dating to the 13th to the 18th centuries, comprise a
wide range of genres and themes and materialise them in manners which have
rarely been studied. These themes and genres include chancellery inshā,
personal epistles, royal decrees, seals, contracts, occult texts, drawings,
paintings, diagrams, charts, poetry, non-chancellery prose, tales, riddles,
treatises on art, medical texts, cooking recipes, dream interpretations and
much more. This panel focuses on collections known by several taxonomic
terminologies, including jung, safīne, bayāż, kashkūl, zanbīl, chante, daftar,
dastak, jarīde, ṣaḥīfe, dastūr, hizārpīshe, ganjīne, gulchīn, khirqe, shahr-
āshūb, and muraqqa‘ and investigates these works in terms of their historical,
philological, and art-historical aspects in a cross-disciplinary and
interdisciplinary manner.
The panel is particularly concerned with identifying and discussing potential
methodologies through which this corpus may be approached, analysed, and
studied. How and why were these texts/images collected, curated, and assembled
in such compilations? Since many of these compilations were created through a
process of recycling and reuse of previous textual and visual material, under
what possible mechanisms and inner/outer logics did this de- and re-
materialisation of the source material function? What was the potential agency
and role of the compiler/editor [jāmi‘] in substantiating a majmū‘a? And, to
what extent did the virtual and actual properties of the compilations connote
a form or forms of intellectual-artistic subjectivity? In other words what do
these mechanisms of book assembly and production reveal about the psychology,
religio-polity, and culture within Iranian and broader Persianate societies?
Through what collective memory and creative networks do these diverse,
seemingly unrelated, and at times fragmentary book materials intersect? And,
finally, is it possible to use these earlier majmū‘a assemblies of textual and
visual materials as models for new methods, modes, and manners in the curation
of Perso-Islamic textual and material culture in contemporary museum
Through focusing on such topics and elaborating on questions outlined above
and beyond, the panel aims to trigger further historical, philological, and
art-historical scholarly discussion concerning Persian book compilations and
to move such discourse beyond its normative frameworks.
We invite proposals for presentations of 20 minutes, followed by a rigorous
discussion. Proposal abstracts should be between 250 and 400 words and may
respond to the questions raised above, and/or propose new readings of these
Proposals (accompanied with a short CV including the title/status and current
institutional affiliation of the speaker) must be submitted by 6 February 2024
to the panel convenors at:
12. The Islamic College:
Monthly Talk: On Writing a Historical-Critical Tafsīr
A Talk by Professor Nicolai Sinai
Tuesday 13 February 2024
6.00 P.M. – 7.30 P.M. (LONDON TIME)
Zoom ID: 834 4933 6884 Passcode: 931992
HOSTED BY: The Islamic College, London, UK
13. The Annemarie Schimmel Memorial Lecture—“I Saw My Lord in the Form of a Beardless Youth”: Images of Devotion in a Mughal Princely Album
Monday, January 29, 2024
6–7 pm
The Met Fifth Avenue
Bonnie J. Sacerdote Lecture Hall, Ruth and Harold D. Uris Center for Education
Murad Khan Mumtaz, Assistant Professor, Williams College
As a young prince, Dara Shikoh (1615–1659), heir to the Mughal throne, compiled an album for his fiancée, Nadira Banu Begum. The album celebrates the theme of union through various visual and literary metaphors, including the conspicuous presence of dervishes shown viewing princes and princesses in idyllic garden settings. In this talk, join Murad Khan Mumtaz, Assistant Professor, Williams College, to explore how depictions of Muslim ascetics in this album aided in constructing the courtly persona of Dara Shikoh as a locus of godly manifestation within Indo-Muslim devotional culture.
The lecture series is made possible by The Norbert Schimmel Trust.
Free, though advance registration is required. Please note: Space is limited; first come, first served.
Use the street-level Ruth and Harold D. Uris Center for Education entrance at Fifth Avenue and 81st Street.
14. Invitation: Pourdavoud Lecture Series with Elspeth Dusinberre
The Collapse of Empire
Gordion’s Transition from the Achaemenid to the Hellenistic World
Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 4:00pm Pacific
Royce Hall 306
Hybrid Zoom Option Available
15. SOAS University of London is delighted to announce a brand new online short course: An Introduction to the arts of the Islamic World, which will run 23 February – 22 March 2024.
This course features five pre-recorded lectures and five interactive seminar sessions, delivered live via Zoom, and is available for just £135.
The course is convened by Ms Chiara De Nicolais (co-convenor of the Arts of the Islamic World module of the SOAS-Alphawood Postgraduate Diploma in Asian Art, which runs 22nd April to the 10th July 2024).
The course begins with a guided tour of the new Albukhary Foundation Gallery of the Islamic world at the British Museum led by Dr Venetia Porter (Senior Curator for Islamic and Contemporary Middle East art at the British Museum (1989-2022), now Honorary Research Fellow) and is followed by four lectures dedicated to more in-depth topics, such as the history of blue and white ceramic production in the Near East and Central Asia and its links with China; the revolutionary developments of Qur’anic manuscripts between the 8th and 12th century, the history of museum display and how excavated textiles are been shown within a museum setting, and Qajar era masculinities in Iran in the 19th century.
Through these five pre-recorded lectures, you will be introduced to the wonders of “Islamic” art, and you will discover how the production of such works of art was deeply influenced by neighbouring countries in Asia. Each Friday of the course will then feature an hour-long seminar, convened by Ms Chiara De Nicolais, where each lecture topic will be discussed further in a lively, interactive setting.
The course is accessible from anywhere in the world and all sessions will be recorded and made available for you to view in your own time for a two-month period.
We very much hope you’ll join us for this immersive introduction to the arts of the Islamic World. For more details or to book your place, please click here.
If you have any further questions that we can assist with, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Patrick Monger
Programme Manager
SOAS-Alphawood Postgraduate Diploma in Asian Art
SOAS University of London
Room 472
Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG
+44 (0) 20 7898 4445
1. ONLINE Webinar “The Kurdish Nobility in the Ottoman Empire: Loyalty, Autonomy, and Privilege”, Center for Middle East Studies, Brown University, 9 February 2024, 12:00 am – 1:00 pm ET
In this webinar, Nilay Özok Gündogan will analyze the history of one noble Kurdish family based in the emirate of Palu, a fortressed town in the eastern provinces of the Ottoman Empire, between 1720 and 1895.
Information and registration:
2. 18th Great Lakes Ottoman Workshop (GLOW), Binghamton University, SUNY, 3-4 May 2024
GLOW has three broad themes this year: “Translation in Ottoman Studies”, “Nature and Natural Histories of the Ottoman Empire”, and “Ottoman Migrations.” Each theme will have at least one panel associated with it. Abstracts and prearranged panels not related to these themes are gladly accepted on any topic related to Ottoman studies
Deadline for abstracts: 1 February 2024.
3. HYBRID 45th Conference of the Middle East Librarians (MELCom International), Aga Khan Library, London, 14-17 May 2024
Deadline for abstracts: 28 January 2024. Information: https://melcominternational.eu/index.php/forthcoming-conference/
4. Conference “Animals in Anatolian and Turkish History”, Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations, Koç University, Istanbul, 16-17 May 2024
The conference’s goal is to explore how animals shaped the human experience in Anatolia and Turkey over time, and how Anatolian and Turkish societies (in turn) have altered the past and present of different animal groups.
Deadline for abstracts: 6 February 2024.
5. Cercec / Cetobac International Graduate Conference in Area Studies “Modernities Debated. Crossed Perspectives from Russian, Soviet and Ottoman (Post-)Imperial Spaces: Central and Eastern Europe, Balkans, Eastern Mediterranean, Caucasus and Central Asia”, EHESS, Paris, 21-23 May 2024
The aim of this conference is to explore how the idea of modernity has been produced in situ by past and present actors in the areas under study. By focusing more closely on the way in which the internal dynamics of the geographical and social spaces of interest produce modernity, this conference aims to continue the work undertaken by areal studies on how modernity is conceptualised and actualised.
Deadline for abstracts: 23 February 2024. Information: https://iismm.hypotheses.org/files/2024/01/AAC-Journees-doctorales-CETOBAC-CERCEC-Modernites-en-debat.pdf
6. ONLINE Workshop “Medieval Middle Eastern Diversity” Organized by Thomas A. Carlson (Oklahoma State University) and Reyhan Durmaz (University of Pennsylvania), 20 May 2024
This one-day workshop invites scholars to discuss diversity, with any thematic focus, within the temporal scope of the “medieval” period (roughly 600-1500) and the Middle Eastern region. Any scale of work, from broad theoretical inquiries to granular micro-historical analyses, is welcome.
Deadline for abstracts: 23 February 2024. Information: https://mailchi.mp/mediterraneanseminar/cfp-medieval-middle-eastern-diversity-workshop-20-may-remote?e=82aeb6c61d
7. Pre-doc Scholarship (36 Months) for Dissertation Project in the Field of “History of Islam in the Eastern Mediterranean”, University of Mainz
Prerequisites: An outstanding Master degree obtained within the past 24 months in a relevant discipline; proficiency in English and German and/or willingness to acquirerelevant language skills as soon as possible after the start of the scholarship.
Deadline for applications: 29 February 2024. Information: Contact urban-difference@uni-mainz.de
8. 130 Fully-funded Scholarships (4 Years) for the Doctoral Programmes in Economics, History, Law, and Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute, San Domenico di Fiesole, Italy
Deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2024. Information: https://www.eui.eu/en/services/academic-service/doctoral-programme#msdynttrid=1BEWQW9wyUn_v4KXPzeGI9LB7DgjSyosZqILpMnXTI0
9. Tenure-track Position in Medieval History (500-1500 CE), Tel Aviv University
The position is open to PhD holding candidates at all levels of their careers. We seek in particular researchers who focus on one of the following areas and/or on interactions between them: History of Western Christianity, History of Eastern Christianity, Mediterranean History, History of the Crusades and Crusader Kingdoms.
Deadline for applications: 17 March 2024. Information: https://mailchi.mp/mediterraneanseminar/job-zvi-yavetz-school-of-historical-studies-tel-aviv-university?e=82aeb6c61d
10. Assistant, Associate or Full Professor in History of Islamic Art and Architecture (4 Years), American University in Cairo
The Department of Arab and Islamic Civilizations invites applications from a historian of art and architecture with a primary focus on the study of the Islamic world before 1800 for an open-rank appointment that will begin in the fall of 2024.
Deadline for applications: 30 January 2024. Information: https://mesana.org/resources-and-opportunities/2024/01/16/assistant-associate-or-full-professor-in-history-of-islamic-art-and-architecture
11. Résidences islamologiques de l’Ifpo, Amman (mars – decembre 2024)
Il sera attendu des chercheures et chercheurs dont le projet aura été sélectionné de : donner au moins une conférence ouverte au public sur l’un de leurs sujets de recherche; – rencontrer des enseignantes-chercheures et des enseignants-chercheurs de Jordanie impliqués sur des thématiques communes de recherche; – rédiger et soumettre un article scientifique pour publication à un numéro du Bulletin des études orientales (BEO) dans un délai de 12 mois après la résidence; etc.
Le dossier de candidature est à envoyer avant le 31/01/2024.
Information : https://www.ifporient.org/residences-islamologiques-2024/
12. Articles on “AI in Muslim and Islamic Contexts” for a Special Issue of the “Journal of Islamic Studies” Edited by Dr Cherry Muslim
This special edition specifically aims to explore the evolving role of AI in various aspects of Islamic and Muslim life, from religious knowledge dissemination to educational settings, and from the issuance of fatwas to the enhancement of religious rituals. The adoption of AI in Islamic settings presents both challenges and oppor-tunities, raising questions about the ethical and theological dimensions of these advancements.
Deadline for submissions: 30 May 2024.
Information: https://unisapressjournals.co.za/index.php/JIS/announcement/view/142
13. University of Utah,
Post Doctoral Fellow in Arabic
Closing date: Feb 15, 2024
14. The Center for Arabic Study Abroad (CASA) – Fellowship Applications 2024-2025
Applications for CASA I, II, and III are due on Thursday, February 1st 2024.
For more information, please visit: https://arabicspecialprograms.arizona.edu/
CASA I offers a 9-month advanced level training in Arabic language and culture Fellowship program to qualified American undergrad and graduate level students at the Qasid Arabic Institute in Amman, Jordan or the Arab American Language Institute in Morocco (AALIM) in Meknes.
CASA II offers a 5-month (Spring 2025 semester) language and research support Fellowship program for graduate students (priority given to PhD students) in MENA Studies (any area of specialization pertaining to the MENA region) through the Qasid Arabic Institute in Amman, Jordan.
CASA III offers a 5-month (Spring 2025 semester) language and research support Fellowship program for faculty and postdoctoral fellows in all areas of specialization pertaining to the MENA region through AALIM (Arab American Language Institute in Morocco) in Meknes, Morocco. The application requires that all applicants take the ACTFL exam for Reading, Listening and Oral proficiency.
Deadlines / Exam Dates: Application deadline is February 1, 2024 Exam deadline (reading, listening, OPI) is February 15, 2024
15. CeRMI is pleased to invite youto thenext sessionof the seminar “Societies, Policies and Cultures of the Iranian World”, which will be held on Thursday, February 8 , 2024, 5-7 p.m., in room 3.15 at INaLCO (65 rue des Grands Moulins, Paris XIII,3rd floor).
We are pleased to welcome Ms. Arezou Azad, Director of the ERC project “Invisible East” and Senior Research Fellow at the University of Oxford, appointed to the Junior Professor Chair “Arts and Heritage of Afghanistan” at Inalco , for a lecture entitled: The Bamiyan Notebooks: Reading and Interpreting the Persian Documents of Medieval Afghanistan“.
This lecture examines Afghan documents written in thetwelfth andthirteenth centuries AD (“the Bamiyan Notebooks”), currently under study by the “Invisible East” program team. These are essentially administrative and legal documents from the archives of a state warehouse dealing with tax collection and tax management. An exceptional aspect of these documents is that they reflect the views of lower- and middle-level administrators, and sometimes even rural farming communities and peasants. This session will focus on the methods developed for deciphering and reading these documents, as well as their use as historical sources on rural administration. My talk will highlight the importance of these documents, which are still largely underused, although available in open access, for understanding the development of language and writing, documentary culture and history (social, economic and political).
Bibliographic References
Online Resources
As a reminder, you will find the 2023-2024 programof the monthly research seminar “Societies, Policies and Cultures of the Iranian World” attached, and on the CeRMI website:
16. The next online Monday Majlis of the Centre for the Study of Islam, Exeter:
Monday, the 29th of January, 17: 00-18:30 (UK time). Stefan Karmola, All under the Heavens… and the Heavens, Too: Universal History and Astrology in Mongol Iran
Registration is required. Register please on this link:
1.History of the Caucasus. Volume two, In the shadow of great powers
Baumer, Christoph, author.
London : I.B. Tauris; 2024
2. UCLA Center for Near Eastern Studies
A Celebration of 100 Years of the Towfigh Satirical Magazine
Sunday, February 4, 2024 at 4:00 pm, Royce Hall 314
Alternate live stream on Zoom:
3. The Middle East Institute at Columbia University invites applications for an appointment as Arcapita Visiting Professor of Modern Arab Studies for a one-semester position for the fall 2024 or spring 2025 semester.
The position may be filled at the rank of Visiting Assistant Professor, Visiting Associate Professor, or Visiting Professor. We are interested in candidates whose field of research and teaching is in history, culture, or social sciences of the modern Arab world. The incumbent will be expected to teach one course, participate in the activities of the Middle East Institute, and give a brown bag lecture and other such public lectures as may be appropriate.
_Qualifications__ _
Ph.D., record of scholarly publications, and proven teaching experience in English are required by the beginning of the appointment.
For more information and to apply: http://apply.interfolio.com/139252 <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__apply.interfolio.com_139252&d=DwMFAg&c=009klHSCxuh5AI1vNQzSO0KGjl4nbi2Q0M1QLJX9BeE&r=PnZrXAvwTBIA2A2VJjlOh8T2_17BrGfb44kdry7yJTE&m=bG7MnPK0L6xaa2RC6uX0Ywr5gG4PWc7SPMk8dGpE05odcagFVcxXeyiECrRZw0aL&s=XCo5rSNgGmtYMUxPRZJPIm8Asd442JeYQd2s7KpWlig&e=>
4. UCL Press is delighted to announce the publication of a new open access book that may be of interest to list subscribers: Shopping with Allah: Muslim pilgrimage, gender and consumption in a globalized world, by Viola Thimm. Download it free: https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3S1QTir&data=05%7C02%7CAndrew.J.Newman%40ed.ac.uk%7Ca2ca5bb0f3ab4dc240c708dc17475091%7C2e9f06b016694589878910a06934dc61%7C1%7C0%7C638410842410604727%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=X%2Bq6WV9PNBQCdyNR57LiVhhOUFDQsk%2B33YFSCdZ6eiY%3D&reserved=0
5. 18th-Century Persian (Blue) Mosque in Yerevan (Armenia):
6. We extend a warm invitation to all those with a keen interest in exploring the fascinating intersection between the Bible and the Qur’an to consider submitting a paper to the Qur’an and Islamic Tradition in Comparative Perspective Unitat the International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature(https://www.sbl-site.org/meetings/Congresses_CallForPaperDetails.aspx?MeetingId=44&VolunteerUnitId=518).
The conference is scheduled to take place from 28 July to 1 August 2024, in the enchanting city of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
The deadline for paper or session proposals is 13 February 2024.
We warmly encourage submissions from individuals representing a diverse spectrum of voices and at various levels of their careers, including graduate students.
If you possess insights into the hermeneutical connections or intertextuality between Biblical or extra-Biblical texts and the Qur’an or Islamic tradition, this is an opportunity to share your knowledge and perspectives with and get some feedback from a wider academic community.
7. Literature in Persian Language Pedagogy: new Persian language pedagogy webinar of 2024-2025
We are pleased to announce the new Persian language pedagogy webinar of 2024-2025, titled, “Literature in Persian Language Pedagogy,” co-organized by UChicago’s NELC/CMES and the University of Toronto’s Elahe Omidyar Mir-Djalali Institute of Iranian Studies.
This webinar runs from January 2024 to December 2025, and all the lectures will be on zoom and on a Saturday once a month during the academic year. The poster of each lecture will be distributed in advance.
Zoom Registration Link:
Saturday, 27 January 2024, 4:00 PM
How to Teach a Persian Poem?
Multiple Approaches to Persian Poetry
Ali-Asghar Seyed-Gohrab
Utrecht University
Saturday, 16 March 2024, 12:00 PM
Literary Translation in Persian Language Courses
Pouneh Shabani-Jadidi
University of Chicago
Saturday, 6 April 2024, 12:00 PM
Flames, Flowers, and Butterflies: Interpreting the Literary Language
Pardis Minuchehr
University of California, Santa Barbara
Saturday, 4 May 2024, 12:00 PM
Reading What They Speak: Learning Persian through Eulogiesa and Accolades
Yass Alizadeh
New York University (NYU)
8. Apply Now: The Tenth Yemen Exchange Conference (Virtual)
An Intensive Online Course on Yemen
22 April – 3 May 2024
deadline: 15 March 2024
9. Lecture – How Jerusalem Became an Islamic City, Nasser Rabbat, AUC, Cairo, January 27
The Department of Arab and Islamic Civilizations (ARIC) at the American University in Cairo (AUC), in coordination with the AUC Bookstores, is honored to host this upcoming lecture by Professor Nasser Rabbat, Aga Khan Professor and Director of the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Professor Rabbat will deliver a lecture on “How Jerusalem Became an Islamic City” on Saturday 27 January, 2024, at 6.00 pm at Hill House, Room 602 (6th Floor), AUC Tahrir Square Campus.
This is an in-person public lecture, no prior registration is required. Visitors might be requested to show a photo ID at the AUC campus gates.
Please join us!
For more information, please email: aric@aucegypt.edu
10. Call for papers – EAA ANNUAL MEETING, Rome, August 2024
Session #676 “Pots in Transition: Resilience, Change, and Revival in Central Asia and Its Neighbourhood from the Perspective of Ceramics Research”.
We invite all colleagues and students interested in any of the following topics on Central Asian ceramics to contribute to this session at the 30th EAA Annual Meeting in Rome to be held from 28 to 31 August 2024.
Deadline: 8 February 2024. https://submissions.e-a-a.org/eaa2024/
Here you can find the abstract:
“Central Asian ceramics, of both pre-Islamic and Islamic date, are a very vast field of study, where many different areas of scholarly expertise, methodological approaches, and academic traditions converge. Indeed, the pottery itself is highly diverse, but at the same time many links and correspondences are traceable through time and space across assemblages of different periods and regions. Therefore, comparative analysis and data sharing between ceramic corpora of different sites are fundamental to a better understanding of such complex and multifaceted dynamics. The lack of common standards and methodology in ceramic processing and data collection, however, often inhibits any comparative approach.
As scholars working in this field, we feel the need to set the state of the art and shape a new agenda in Central Asian ceramic and material culture studies.
Many issues are still to be thoroughly investigated; among them, we have chosen particularly stimulating topics that are deemed to raise lively debates:
– the complex issue of the transition between the pre-Islamic and the Islamic periods as visible in ceramics: cut or continuity;
– the revival of past fashions, techniques, styles, colours, etc. in ceramics;
– communal uniqueness (unique technology, unique use of specific raw materials, unique style, etc) of ceramic productions, how to interpret them? local response/originality or contacts with distant cultures that are not otherwise evident;
– towards a common agenda and a minimum standard for recording and classification of Central Asian pottery: proposals and case studies.
Speakers are welcome to present data from their archaeological or art history projects, but at the same time are very much encouraged to pay attention to the methodological aspect of their research work, aiming for a final discussion on new standards, shared analytical approach, online platforms, and meeting places for interchanging news, projects, ideas.”
For further information, visit the page https://www.e-a-a.org/EAA2024/Programme.aspx?WebsiteKey=20b5538d-68f8-4056-9596-1ae1ce0ead47&hkey=fe6595a9-39e9-47f1-8159-520091f89dfa&Program=3#Program
Agnese Fusaro – University for Foreigners of Siena – International University (Italy); agnese.fusaro@unistrasi.it
Gabriele Puschnigg – Institute of Iranian Studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences (Austria); Gabriele.Puschnigg@oeaw.ac.at
Jacopo Bruno – Sapienza University of Rome (Italy); Institute of Iranian Studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences (Austria); jacopo.bruno@uniroma1.it
Contact Information
Agnese Fusaro
Contact Email
11. Virtual Islamic Art History Seminar Series: Spring 2024 Speakers
The Virtual Islamic Art History Seminar Series (VIAHSS) is pleased to announce an exciting roster of talks for Spring 2024! All talks are presented via Zoom on Fridays at noon EST/5PM UK/7PM Turkey (unless otherwise noted). These lectures are free and open to all audiences.
Friday, January 26, 2024
Marianna Shreve Simpson (Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies, University of Pennsylvania)
Master of the Minute: ʿAbdullah al-Shirazi, Artistic Identity and Art Historical Perception
Friday, February 9, 2024
Mogheesa Hasnain Rajput (Independent Researcher)
Captive Memories: The Mosque of Wünsdorf
Friday, February 23, 2024
Mira Xenia Schwerda (Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Edinburgh)
Intimate Strangers: Visual Arts and the Emergence of Print-Based Celebrity Culture in 19th-Century Iran
Friday, March 8, 2024
Mikael Muehlbauer (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
The Fatimid Mausoleum at Qus (Upper Egypt) and Antiochene Cosmography
Friday, March 22, 2024
Elizabeth Rodini (Vartan Gregorian Center for Research in the Humanities, New York Public Library)
As the World Turns: The On-Going Geopolitics of Gentile Bellini’s Portrait of Sultan Mehmed II
Friday, April 5, 2024
Farshid Emami (Rice University)
Inhabiting a Cosmopolis: Urban Quarters and Civic Selves in Safavid Isfahan
Friday, April 19, 2024
Haleh Hajyasini (Art University of Tehran)
Digitizing the Adel Farhangi Photographic Archive of Iran’s Historical Monuments
Friday, May 3, 2024
Mahroo Moosavi (Max-Planck Institute, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz; Museum of Islamic Art, Pergamon Museum, Berlin)
The Garden of Laylī-u-Majnūn’s Phantasma: Temporal Architectonics in the Illustrations of a Bodleian Copy of the Khamsa of Niẓāmī
Friday, May 17, 2024
Sarah Slingluff (University of Edinburgh) and Deniz Vural (University of Edinburgh)
Can Scholars of Islamic Art Help Decolonize Video Games?: The Case of Assassin’s Creed Mirage
To attend our inaugural event on January 26, please make sure to register in advance here:
https://wellesley.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMudeqvqD0tHdfaln6Wv89mhdXBg_EQD3By Upon registration, you’ll receive the link to access the lecture.
As always, you can find a full schedule of upcoming talks and register for our list-serv on our website at viahss.org. Although not every talk is recorded, we also have recordings of several recent talks available on the VIAHSS Vimeo page at vimeo.com/viahss. Lastly, you can follow us on X at @viahss and on Instagram at @theviahss to stay up to date on upcoming events!
Contact Information
Dr. Alexander Brey and Rachel Winter
Contact Email
1.55th International Conference of the Aram Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies on “Orientalism and Western Travellers to the Levant, 1500-1950”, University of Oxford, 8-10 July 2024
Deadline for abstracts: 28 February 2024. Information: https://www.aramsociety.org/conferences/current-conferences/
2. 56th International Conference of the Aram Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies on “Trade Routes & Seafaring in the Ancient Near East”, University of Oxford, 15-17 July 2024
Deadline for abstracts: 28 February 2024.
Information: https://www.aramsociety.org/conferences/current-conferences/
3. 2 Postdoctoral Fellowships for the Research Project “Iran Beyond Iran: Diasporic Politics, Transnational Entanglement and Digital Publics”, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen
We are seeking two postdoctoral fellows for a two-year fixed-term position who will carry out independent research that fit the overall framework of this research project which focuses on Iranian diaspora politics in Western Europe by investigating the specific entanglements of the diaspora with homeland, host country and geopolitics. We invite candidates with a PhD degree in Middle Eastern Studies or Iranian Studies, in socio-logy, anthropology, or with related social science background with experience in conducting online and/or traditional fieldwork.
Deadline for application: 9 February 2024.
Information: https://jobportal.ku.dk/videnskabelige-stillinger/?show=160738
4. ARCE-CAORC Research Fellowships in Egypt
Applicant need not be American citizens but must be at a U.S. university in the U.S. Fields of Study: Anthro-pology, Archaeology, Architecture, Art, Art History, Comparative Literature, Coptic Studies, Economics, Egyptology, Ethnomusicology, Gender Studies, History, Humanistic Social Sciences, Islamic Studies, Litera-ture, Music, Political Science, and Religious Studies.
Deadline for applications: 31 January 2024.
Information: https://arce.org/fellowship/arce-caorc-research-fellowships/
5. Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in Middle East Studies, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Researchers with training in Environmental Studies, anthropology, political economy, urban studies, and geography are particularly encouraged to apply. This fellowship is renewable for a second year contingent upon administrative approval.
6. ONLINE Mediterranean Skills Seminar “Reading Arabic Manuscripts”, 24-27 June 2024
The Course will build participants’ ability to read handwritten Arabic manuscripts and documents, primarily those written before the twentieth century. It is designed with academics in mind, particularly graduate students, postdocs, and professors working in disciplines such as history, literature, and religious studies. All interested parties with at least two years of Arabic language training are welcome to apply.
Deadline for applications: 28 April 2024.
Information: https://www.mediterraneanseminar.org/overview-reading-arabic-manuscripts-2024
7. Articles and Guest Editors for the “Journal of Material Cultures in the Muslim World”
The Journal is a world reference and a leader in Europe for field archaeologists, (art) historians, anthropo-logists, curators, scholars, and students of the archaeology, architecture, anthropology and ethnography of the Muslim world. The journal aims to inform (other) disciplines and historiographies, for example by also including archaeological field surveys. The journal also focuses on un(der)explored Muslim regions outside of the Middle East and North Africa.
Information: https://networks.h-net.org/system/files/attachments/mcmwcall-papers-2024.pdf
8. Sufi Civilities
Religious Authority and Political Change in Afghanistan
Annika Schmeding
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9. Francis Marion University and the History Department invite applications for a tenure-track historian specializing in Asia. While the subfield is open, preference will be given to those candidates whose courses complement those currently offered by the department. The successful candidate will also teach lower-level sections of Introduction to Modern World History.
Candidates are expected to have a Ph.D. in hand by the start of the appointment (those who are considered ABD, and nearing the completion of their degree will be considered), teaching experience, and research in his or her field of expertise is strongly desired. The successful candidate is required to support an undergraduate research program and must engage in scholarly and university committees and service. The successful candidate will be expected to assist in the recruitment of history majors and participate in the ongoing development of the history program.
FMU has been named a “Great College to Work For” since 2013 as determined by the Chronicle of Higher Education-sponsored survey of higher education institutions. In addition, it has been recognized for its excellence in education by several national ranking agencies, among them the US News and World Report survey, which has named FMU as one of its top regional universities in the south for more than a decade.
Francis Marion University (FMU) is a state-supported, regional university located in Florence, South Carolina. Candidates will find Florence, South Carolina to be an excellent place to live. Florence enjoys award winning schools, affordable cost of living, excellent healthcare, and robust recreational programs including sports, community events and festivals. Florence is a growing city with a vibrant arts culture. Within a few-hour drive are several metropolitan areas, including Columbia, South Carolina; Charleston, South Carolina; Charlotte, North Carolina; Savannah, Georgia, and less than an hour drive to the beach. Florence’s thriving downtown was recently awarded the prestigious Great American Main Street Award, which recognizes communities for their excellence in comprehensive preservation-based commercial district revitalization.
Application Materials:
To obtain a copy of the faculty application, please click here.
Review of applications will begin on February 28, 2024, and will continue until the position is filled.
For more information:
10. Spring 2024 Kurdish Language Instruction (KLI) Program
Interested in learning Kurdish? As a key part of our humanistic approach to Kurdish studies, Zahra Institute is committed to offering Kurdish language instruction. We aim to tailor our offerings to student needs and interests while maintaining the highest academic standards.
Students can enroll in our Kurdish language offerings (Kurmanji and Sorani) as standalone courses or take them as electives in our MA and Certificate programs. Application deadline is extended to January 18 and financial aid is still available. To apply, scan the QR code on the flyer or visit our webpage: https://www.zahrainstitute.org/KLIOverview.html
Zahra Institute’s Kurdish Studies’ Lecture Series for the Spring semester is open to the public and will be given via Zoom. You can access the Spring 2024 Kurdish Studies’ Lecture Series via our website: https://www.zahrainstitute.org/
11. The next online Monday Majlis of the Centre for the Study of Islam, Exeter:
Monday, the 22nd of January, 17:00-18:30 (UK time). Neguin Yavari, Sufi Movements and Contestable Periodization Schemes.
Registration is required. Register please on this link: