Shii News – Academic Items
1. Conference “Perceptions of Justice in the Christian and Islamic Mediterranean (500-1200)”, Society for the Medieval Mediterranean, Madrid, 14-15 March 2024
Submissions that address issues surrounding the various theoretical notions of justice that occurred in any geographical scenario in the Christian and Islamic Mediterranean between 500-1200 will be considered, especially: Religion, theology and justice. – Justice and political culture. – Discourses and literature on justice. – Cross-cultural influences on justice.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 November 2023.
2. Conference of the Asian Federation of Mediterranean Studies Institutes (AFOMEDI): “Spaces of Familiarity, Spaces of Difference in the Mediterranean”, Academia Sinica, Taipeh, 18-19 March 2023
Scholars based in East Asia and around the world working in all disciplines, thematic fields, and time periods related to the Mediterranean are welcome to present at this conference. The theme encourages scholars to analyze how peoples interacted with the sea basin in their political, social, economic, cultural, and religious activities and exchanges.
Deadline for abstracts: 8 September 2023. Information:
3. Panel S15 on “Architecture, Villages, and their Entangled Histories: Rural-urban Encounters in the Islamic World” During the Conference “Cities at the Boundaries”, University of Ostravia, Czech Republic, 4-7 September 2024
Papers may focus on a single village, planning or design of a building complex in a particular village, or any other topic relevant to rural-urban architectural interactions in the Balkans, Middle East and parts of Africa and Asia. Papers could clarify the impact of cultural, political, economic, and physical context on the develop-ment and transformation of villages; the spatial dynamics of local societies and their interrelations with the larger world; etc.
Deadline for abstracts: 30 September 2023.
4. “Mohamed Ali Foundation Fellowship” (April-June 2024), Institute for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Durham University
This residential fellowship carries a grant, accommodation and meals, and is a valuable research and publication opportunity for early career (post-doctoral) or established scholars working on the modern history of Egypt and the wider region.
Application deadline: 20 October 2023.
5. “Averroes/Ibn Rushd Chair for Mediterranean Islam”: 5 Months Residency in the Institute for Advanced Study of Aix-Marseille University, Marseille
The Averroes Chair aims to foster new forms of understanding of Muslim religious phenomena and Islamic practices in the Mediterranean, in relation to other religions of the Mediterranean region (Judaism, Christianity).
Deadline for applications: 16 October 2023.
6. Articles for „Nazhruna: Islamic Education Journal”
This is a double-blind peer-reviewed international journal published by Perkumpulan Dosen Tarbiyah Islam Indonesia (PDTII). The journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, reports on field studies, and book reviews of Islamic studies (See Focus and Scope). The articles of this journal are published every six months (2 issues per year)
7. Book Manuscripts for “Academica Press”, London and Washington, DC
This award-winning independent non-fiction publisher seeks manuscripts from dynamic scholars across fields and at all career stages. Academica publishes actively in political science, international relations, history, literature, linguistics, religion, philosophy, cultural and regional studies, the arts, anthropology, law, and other fields.
8. Rethinking Gender, Ethnicity and Religion in Iran
An Intersectional Approach to National Identity
Azadeh Kian,
I B Tauris, 2023
9. Assistant Professor in Islamicate South Asia, The University of Chicago: Humanities Division: Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations
Oct 25, 2023 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time
The Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor specializing in the study of Islamicate South Asia to begin July 1, 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. Research expertise may be in any period between the tenth century and 1947, and may focus on any region of South Asia, including Afghanistan.
The successful candidate will demonstrate a wide-ranging familiarity with Islamic textual traditions and be knowledgeable in the cultural history of Islam in the subcontinent. Applicants are expected to have expertise in at least one relevant South Asian language, such as Urdu, and a solid command of Arabic and/or Persian. They will have an active research agenda leading to publication in leading venues in their area of specialization, be able to teach undergraduate and graduate level classes in English, and to teach advanced reading classes in their language(s) of expertise. Candidates must have completed all requirements for receipt of a PhD in a relevant field by the start date of the appointment.
Application Instructions
Application materials must include:
- a cover letter
- a curriculum vitae
- a research statement
- a teaching statement
- a writing sample (article/dissertation or book chapter)
- the names and contact information for three recommenders
To apply for this position, please submit your application through the University of Chicago’s Academic Recruitment website at All applicant materials must be received by 11pm Central Time/Midnight Eastern Time on October 25, 2023. For questions about the position, please contact . Position contingent on final budgetary approval.
10. Epidemics and their determinants: Past and present
Call for papers
Barcelona, February 8 – 9, 2024
COVID-19 has shown that epidemics are not solely relics of the past, nor are they exclusive to low-income countries. Consequently, there has been a surge of academic interest in studying contemporary and historical epidemics. Despite efforts to reference and employ historical epidemic management measures such as cordons sanitaires or quarantines, historical epidemics have rarely been used as a testing ground to advance our understanding of present and future outbreaks or as a foundation for future preparedness.
This workshop aims to create a platform for interdisciplinary debate bridging the gap between past and present epidemics. It aims to bring together historians, demographers, epidemiologists, geographers, and related disciplines that deal with the study of infectious diseases. The workshop will focus on epidemics and their dynamics, both past and present. Possible topics to be addressed are:
– Socioeconomic and environmental determinants in the spread of epidemics.
– Role of non-pharmaceutical interventions on health and economic outcomes.
– Long term consequences for socioeconomic status, health and well-being.
– Marginalized groups as risk factors.
– New and old theoretical approaches to epidemics.
– Methodological contributions will be welcomed.
Please submit your abstract (300 – 500 words) to by December 1, 2023. Accepted proposals will be notified by December 15, 2023.
Posted in: Academic items- August 01, 2023
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