Shii News – Academic Items
1.University of Kansas – Assistant Professor, Islamic Studies in Africa
Closing date: Jan 15, 2024
Researching and Publishing Provenance Information for Islamic Art
January 5, 2024
8–9:30 PST / 11–12:30 EST / 16–17:30 GMT / 17–18:30 CET
To register:
Moderator: Elizabeth Dospěl Williams (Dumbarton Oaks)
Panelists: Inês Fialho Brandão (Museu Calouste Gulbenkian), Martina Rugiadi and Anne Dunn-Vaturi (The Metropolitan Museum of Art), Amanda Phillips (UVA), and Eiren Shea (Grinnell College)
Provenance research is a specialized skill usually gained through firsthand experience in museum collections and archives, yet its findings have legal, ethical, and scholarly implications well beyond the institutions where such work is generally carried out, including topics related to teaching, art historical research, and cultural property. Provenance research and publishing is, furthermore, a rapidly developing field, meaning that its contours can be intimidating to those not regularly working in this discipline.
This workshop is envisioned as an introduction to researching and publishing the provenance histories of art from the Middle East and Central Asia. While it is intended as a basic account of resources and best practices for those not in museum settings, its focus on future directions means it can also serve as a point of discussion for those already specialized in these fields.
After a brief overall introduction, the workshop will offer three concurrent Zoom Room panels addressing topics including the state of the field for provenance research on Islamic art, important resources for Islamic art provenance research, and emerging best practices for publishing provenance research.
3. Note Date: Post-doctorant (24 mois) dans le champ aréal “Sociétés et cultures de l’Afghanistan”, Campus CNRS Ile-de-France, Villejuif
Compétences: Diplôme de doctorat dans une discipline des sciences humaines et sociales, avec une compétence sur l’aire culturelle de référence. – Productions scientifiques régulières (communications et publications, autres que la thèse). Compétences linguistiques : maîtrise indispensable d’au moins une des langues de l’aire culturelle de référence ; maîtrise de l’anglais; pour les candidats étrangers, compréhension du français souhaitée (B1); Qualités rédactionnelles, capacité à formuler un projet scientifique, à publier et valoriser ses recherches; etc.
Closing date 2 December 2023
Date d’embauche prévue : 5 décembre 2023. Information :
4. Teti, A., & Abbott, P. (2023). Scholarship on the Middle East in Political Science and International Relations: A Reassessment. PS: Political Science & Politics,56(2): 259-264. online)
5. New Podcast
Dr. Claudia Yaghoobi – Women’s Rights in Iran: Challenges, Achievements, and Misconceptions
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Listen to Part Two of Our Conversation with Dr. Claudia Yaghoobi <>
This episode marks the second part of a two part conversation with Dr. Claudia Yaghoobi delving into the evolving landscape of sexuality in contemporary Iran. Dr. Yaghoobi discusses the Family Protection Law, dispels common misconceptions within Iran, such as the assumption that all women share identical viewpoints, and examines the perceptions of veiling during the Pahlavi era. Furthermore, she assesses the progress made by women during the Pahlavi era, emphasizing the significant role played by women themselves, not just the government. The conversation ends on a discussion of the Islamic Republic’s views on “morality” and women’s rights in present-day Iran.
Dr. Yaghoobi is a professor at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. See her chapter “Iranian women and shifting sexual ideologies, 1850-2010” here. <>
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Did You Miss Part One? Listen Here <>
In this episode, Dr. Yaghoobi explores the shifting dynamics of sexuality in Iran across a span of nearly two centuries. She examines the intersectionality of gender and sexuality, discussing how gender rights have fared better than sexual rights. She discusses sexual mores in Iran and the non-linear trajectory of Iran towards modernization. Furthermore, she delves into the notion of “acceptable” sexuality and draws comparisons between Iranian and Western sexual norms.
Listen <>
6. Volume 4 of Scenes from the 16th-Century Ottoman Empire
This is a facsimile of an album in the Austrian National Library Codex Vindobonensis nr. 8615
Illuminierte Turkenbuch [Illuminated Turks Book] (1573-1578)by David Ungnad von Sonnegg (gest. 1600) andHieronymus Beck Von Leopoldsdorf’sBildnisse Orientalischer Herrscher Und WürdenträgerI
formerly attributed to Johannes Lewenklau:[Bilder Türkischer Herrscher, Soldaten, Hoffleute staedte u.a.]
ISBN 978-90-6921-050-6
Edited by / : Mehmet Tütüncü & Ömer Erdem
with contributions: Rudolf H. W. Stichel and decipherment of German captions by Paul Brood and Jan van den Broek
Graphic Designer: Omer Erdem:
This book is a convolut with 3 parts that have been assembled.
The first part consists of 18 portraits of Ottoman sultans and viziers and other notables.
This part is part of a greater Portraitsbook so called Lamberger portraetbuch consisting of 240 portraits. This book which the owner was Hieronymus Beck von Leopoldsdorf (1525-1596) and is in 1973 obtained by KunsthistorischesMuseum of Vienna. This portraits were long time considered as work of Johannes Löwenklau (1541-1596). But as prof. Stichel has shown in the article this part of the codex with Portraits belonged to Beck on Leopoldsdorfs album.
Second part 9fo. 32-121) of scenes and dressings of Ottoman citizens, soldiers, officers and other personalities and•
third part (fol. 122-143) gives an insight in the architecture of the Palace and the etiquette and hierarchy which is depicted with careful drawings and inscriptions.
The album It was long time considered as an album that belonged to Lowenklau. the main part of the album 8615 is a copy of the lost Illumnierte Turkenbuch von David Ungnad vonSonnegg (gest. 1600), because it follows mainly the illustration of Dresden book of Zacharias Wehmr for the Kurfurst August von Sachsen. Ungnad was between 1573 and 1578 an envoy in Istanbul.
Of all Habsburg the albums, this one is the most prestigious and professionally prepared.
For sample pages, more information and how to order please follow the next link.
7. Ordering Imperial Worlds: From Late Medieval Spain to the Modern Middle East,
edited by Susan Slyomovics, Edinburgh University Press, November 2023. See
This volume of original essays invites 10 preeminent scholars to think through a rich corpus on cities, empires, images and archaeological sites produced by the distinguished architectural historian Zeynep Çelik. Awarded the prestigious 2019 Giorgio Della Vida medal for excellence in Islamic studies by the University of California, the occasion allowed researchers from various universities, countries and disciplines to reflect on her rich body of work. Inspired by Çelik’s works, chapters travel between Muslim and Christian Spain, the Ottoman Empire and France, Europe and its overseas empire in North Africa, and more.
8. The Smithsonian’s National Museum of Asian Art in Washington, DC is now accepting applications for the Ebrahimi Fellowship for Persian Art.
The Ebrahimi Fellowship promotes excellence in research and publication on Persian art from the ancient to the contemporary period. Research proposals are evaluated in terms of merit, originality, methodology, and potential for significant publication that will advance scholarly and public understanding of Persian visual arts. Interdisciplinary proposals with a primary focus on Iranian visual arts will be considered.
The Ebrahimi Fellowship is intended to provide an environment conducive to research, writing, and collegial discourse. Fellows are expected to devote themselves full-time to the proposed project, to participate in the museum’s scholarly community and programs, and to present a research-in-progress seminar during the period of the appointment.
Scholars of all nationalities are welcome to apply. Meeting the requirements and obtaining the required visas for residence and research in the United States are the responsibilities of the applicant. If necessary, the Smithsonian will review the individual for participation in an Exchange Visitor Program and will support the individual, if eligible, in their application for a J-1 Visa. This fellowship is offered in partnership with the American Institute for Iranian Studies.
Doctoral candidates, early career scholars, and senior scholars are all encouraged to apply.
Awards will be made for a period of up to three months and are not renewable. Appointments must take place in 2024-2025.
The maximum stipend is $15,000. It will be prorated for shorter terms (approximately $5,000 per month). Additional support not to exceed $4,000 may be provided for approved research and travel expenses.
Application Deadline
The application deadline is February 1, 2024. Notification of awards will be sent by early March.
How to Apply
Applications must be submitted in English and must include:
- Curriculum vitae with contact information and complete list of publications
- Research proposal consisting of a précis (150 words) and a narrative (maximum length 1,500 words). The proposal should address previous relevant research and published results, the significance and originality of the current project to the study of the arts of Iran (from ancient to contemporary) or related disciplines, methodology, bibliography, and the projected schedule of research and writing.
- List of up to 5 objects you would like to view at NMAA, including an explanation of why they are important to your research and the links from If you are interested in the Archives, please list particular areas of focus with justification.
- Detailed budget and justification for projected research expenses not to exceed $4,000.
- Two letters of recommendation emailed to Reviewers should comment on the merits of the proposal and the feasibility of the research plan as well as the candidate’s potential for original contribution to the field of art history.
The finalists may be invited to participate in Zoom interviews.
View the fellowship page on our website:
For more information or to submit application materials, please email our Scholarly Programs and Publications Department:
Contact Information
Lizzie Stein, Scholarly Programs and Publications
National Museum of Asian Art
9. The next VIAHSS lecture will take place on Friday, December 1, 2023, at 12:00 NYC/17:00 London/18:00 Vienna/20:00 Istanbul.
Veronika Poier (University of Vienna) will present “Mediation between Architecture, Word, and Image: The Inscriptions of the Green Complex (1419-1424) for Sultan Mehmed I in Bursa.”
To attend, please make sure to register in advance here:
Upon registration, you’ll receive the link to access the lecture.
As always, you can find a full schedule of upcoming talks and register for our list-serv on our website at Although not every talk is recorded, we also have recordings of several recent talks available on the VIAHSS Vimeo page at Lastly, you can follow us on X at @viahss and on Instagram at @theviahss to stay up to date on upcoming events!
Contact Information
Dr. Alexander Brey and Rachel Winter
Contact Email
10. Online: Join the National Museum of Asian Art on Tuesday, December 5, 12–1 p.m. EST for the online lecture Crafting Luxury: Dress in Ancient Persia with Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones, professor of ancient history at Cardiff University, Wales.
In conjunction with the British Museum’s recent exhibition Luxury and Power: Persia to Greece, it was decided to attempt to create the types of garments worn by the elite of the Persian court in the Achaemenid period (559–330 BCE). Dress played a role in the Persian concept of luxury, and although textiles have not survived in the archaeological record, careful research into the representations of clothes in Achaemenid art and the traditional dress styles in the Iranian world has made recreations of court clothing possible. This talk explores the design and symbolism of Achaemenid dress and highlights the methods undertaken to recreate Persian costumes for the British Museum exhibition.
A leading expert in ancient Persian history and culture, Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones has served as the director of the ancient Iran research program for the British Institute of Persian Studies and is the author of many books, including Persians: The Age of the Great Kings, which has been translated into fifteen languages.
This lecture is generously supported by the Tina and Hamid Moghadam Fund.
Register here:
Visit the event page here:
Contact Information
Lizzie Stein, Scholarly Programs and Publications
National Museum of Asian Art
Contact Email
11. Islamic Ecumene: Comparing Muslim Societies
Edited by David S. Powers & Eric Tagliacozzo
Receive a 20% discount online*: LLF23
*Valid until 11:59 GMT, 30th June 2024. Discount only applies to the CAP website.
‘Celestial & Maritime Grids & Circles: Digitising Cosmographical Manuscripts’
Monday 4 December 2023, 17:30- 19:30 (London).
Aga Khan Centre ,
10 Handyside Street,
London N1C 4DN
The event is free, but booking is essential. Book your ticket now to join us in person.
13. Call for Submissions | 2024 BRAIS Prize in the Study of Islam and the Muslim World
The British Association for Islamic Studies (BRAIS) is delighted to announce the 2024 round of the BRAIS Prize in the Study of Islam and the Muslim World. This international prize is awarded annually to the best doctoral thesis or unpublished first monograph based on a doctoral thesis. English-language submissions on any aspect of the academic study of Islam and the Muslim world, past and present, including Muslim-minority societies are accepted. Applicants can be based in any country, and manuscripts will be assessed on the basis of scholarly quality and originality.
Deadline | 12 January 2024
14. Webinar | Persian Qutbshahi Documents from India
With Eva Orthmann
In this talk, Eva Orthmann discusses bilingual and trilingual inscriptions from India and the Qutbshahi dynasty.
Event organised by the Invisible East Programme.
14 December 2023, 5PM GMT. On Zoom. Information and registrations at this link.
15. Instructional professor (open rank) in Urdu language
The University of Chicago: Humanities Division: Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations
Chicago IL
Open Date
Dec 01, 2023
Jan 04, 2024 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time
The Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations and the College of the University of Chicago seek an experienced teacher of Urdu language to help grow its existing offerings in South Asian languages. We invite applications for a position as an Instructional Professor (open rank) in Urdu language. The position begins in academic year 2024-25, with a start date of September 1, 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. The selected candidate will be appointed at the rank of Assistant Instructional Professor, Associate Instructional Professor, or Instructional Professor, depending on qualifications and educational background. The initial appointment will be for a minimum of two years, with longer initial terms possible depending on previous experience and initial rank, with review and progression schedule determined by a collective bargaining agreement between the University and the Service Employees International Union.
Responsibilities include both teaching and service duties. Teaching normally consists of seven courses across three quarters, at least 6 of which are Urdu language courses, at all levels of the language. One additional course may include non-language offerings in the College Core or in the Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations, to be determined in consultation with the Department and College. Service duties may include advising undergraduate theses, creating and overseeing Urdu placement exams and graduate language exams, teaching independent studies, and engaging in outreach, or other program-specific duties. Instructional Professors of all ranks are required to engage in regular professional development.
Applicants are required to have at least one year of previous experience teaching Urdu at the college or post-secondary level, preferably at a North American institution. An M.A. degree or equivalent is required. A Ph.D. in a related field is desirable. Applicants must demonstrate sufficient language ability for teaching Urdu in a university context. Preferred qualifications include:
- Experience teaching students with differing experience and goals, e.g., heritage and non-heritage learners, undergraduate and graduate students
- specialized training in second language acquisition, second language pedagogy, and/or assessment
- proficiency with digital pedagogical tools and methods.
Application Instructions
To apply for this position, please submit your application through the University of Chicago’s Academic Recruitment website at An application must include:
- a cover letter
- curriculum vitae
- a teaching statement
- one sample syllabus for Introductory Urdu
- a second sample syllabus for a non-language course
- the names and contact information for three recommenders.
Application deadline: All applicant materials must be received through the application system by 11pm Central Time/Midnight Eastern Time on Jan 4, 2024. Candidates may be asked to submit additional material following the initial review of applications.
This position is contingent upon budgetary approval. The terms and conditions of employment for this position are covered by a collective bargaining agreement between the University and the Service Employees International Union. For information on the Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations, please go to
For questions about the position, please contact Isaac Rainey at
Posted in: Academic items- December 02, 2023
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