Shii News – Academic Items
1.HYBRID Book Discussion: “Studying Islam in the Arab World: The Rupture Between Religion and the Social Sciences” by Sari Hanafi, American University of Beirut, 18 April 2024, 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
The author provides critical insight on case studies in Lebanon Jordan, Morocco, Kuwait Qatar, and Malaysia: What is the purpose of religious education? Does it aim to create people who specialize solely in religious affairs? What is the nature of the relationship between the social sciences and the Shariah sciences?
Zoom link:
2. Colloque on the Occasion of the 15th Anniversary of the Yearbook of Muslims in Europe: “Diasporification of Islam: Transborder Relations of Muslims in Europe. Established Muslim Communities and New Arrivals”, Department of Turkish Studies, University of Strasbourg, 18-19 April 2024
Information and program: ts/DET_Brochure_Colloque.pdf
3. ONLINE Book Talk: “Arabic-Type Books Printed in Wallachia, Istanbul, and Beyond. First Volume of Collected Works of the TYPARABIC Project”, Edited by Radu Dipratu and Samuel Noble, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 25 April 2024, 19:00 h, Bucharest Time
This first volume focuses on the history of printing during the 18th century in the Ottoman Empire and the Romanian Principalities among diverse linguistic and confessional communities. Although “most roads lead to Istanbul,” the many pathways of early modern Ottoman printing also connected authors, readers and printers from Central and South-Eastern Europe, Western Europe and the Levant.
4. International Conference “From Solidus to Stavraton: Coinage and Money in the Byzantine World”, Princeton University, 26-28 April 2024
This conference will be the first ever devoted solely to Byzantine numismatics, and it will reunite renowned scholars and specialists from Europe, Asia, Africa, and the U.S.
Information, program and registration:
5. Workshop “Intersections of Youth, Gender, and Religion under Digital Media in the MENA Region”, Leipzig University, 26-27 September 2024
Themes: Expressions and performances of religious identities. – Governance strategies and policies targe-ting the youth, gender, and sexuality. – New age religions and spiritualities. – Social media influencer econo-mies. – Youth cultures. – Feminist and LGBTQ politics and collective movements. – Anti-gender politics and ideologies. – Negotiation of the religious-secular divide. Etc.
Deadline for abstracts: 3 May 2024. Information:
6. Postdoctoral Fellowship (1 Year) in Islamic Studies, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
We seek candidates who study Muslim societies and cultures in their global context, with interdisciplinary and critical perspectives and methods, including digital humanities.
Deadline for applications: 10 May 2024. Information:
7. “Early Scholars Publication Grants”, Offered by the UNESCO Chair in Translating Cultures; King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies (KFCRIS)
The grants are intended to facilitate and support the publication and dissemination of outstanding graduate-level research in a peer-reviewed academic publication. They aim to support innovative research in translating Arab cultures by facilitating collaborations between scholars in translation studies, cultural studies, intangible heritage, and the humanities at the local, regional, and international levels.
Deadline for applications: 15 May 2024. Information:
8. Courses of the Arabic Language Institute in Fez (ALIF), Morocco, 21 May – 6 July 2024
ALIF is a globally-oriented center that aims to educate and engage students from around the world in Arabic, North African culture, cross-cultural communication, research, and community service.
Deadline for applications: 23 April 2024. Information:
9. New Journal: “Rivista di Studi storici del Mediterraneo” – International Review of Mediterranean Historical Studies
This journal promotes a global perspective on the historical dynamics of the Mediterranean, transcending geographical boundaries. Contributions are invited about topics that transcend any conventional periodization in order to investigate the complex network of relations and influences relating to different Mediterranean contexts and foster historical knowledge of the Mediterranean.
10. Articles for the “Indonesian Journal of Religion, Spirituality and Humanity”, State Islamic University (UIN) Salatiga, Indonesia
IJORESH is committed to the scholarly study of the dynamic interplays among religion, spirituality and humanity. It particularly focuses on the works which deal with anthropology of religion, sociology of religion, and philosophy of religion.
Deadline for submissions: 30 May 2023.
11. Journey of Love: Nizami’s “Layla and Majnun”, An evening of Sufi Music, Poetry and Sama, Toronto & Vancouver
Immerse yourself in the “Journey of Love” program featuring the MTO Zendeh Delan Ensemble. Hosted by Canadian Friends of Sufi Arts, Culture and Knowledge (CFSACK), this transformative experience, reimagining Nizami’s timeless classic “Layla & Majnun” through Sufi music, invites attendees on a spiritual odyssey, blending spirituality and art. Experience Sufism through music, dhikr, and the traditional practice of sama, in this live performance.
The program also has an almost sold-out Vancouver run on April 19, 20, and 21 at the Cultch Historic Theatre.
This live program is repeated on April 25, 26 and 27 in Toronto at the Meridian Arts Center Greenwin Theatre in North York.
MTO Zendeh Delan is known for revitalizing contemporary Sufi music by integrating traditional melodies with global influences. Their diverse repertoire combines Sufi tunes with Western elements, further enriched by the poetry of revered Sufi Masters, and incorporates the sacred sama practice.
CFSACK is a not-for-profit charity dedicated to increasing knowledge and appreciation of Sufi history, art, and culture.
Further information can be found at
Contact Information
For further information and access to discounted tickets, contact Shahed Ejadi, Director of Canadian Friends of Sufi Arts, Culture and Knowledge.
Contact Email
12. Exhibition – Conoscenza e Libertà. Arte Islamica al Museo Civico Medievale di Bologna – April 20–September 15
Curated by Anna Contadini (SOAS University of London)
The wonderful objects in this exhibition are designed to display the Museum’s outstanding collection of Islamic objects, which includes some undisputed masterpieces. They are the fruit of targeted collecting which includes that of Bolognese collectors and scholars Ferdinando Cospi in the XVII, Luigi Ferdinando Marsili in the XVIII and Pelagio Palagi in the XIX century. Knowledge of them allows us to comprehend the contribution made by the cultures that produced them to European art and thought, and frees us from prejudices and stereotypes. The themes of the exhibition, in fact, reveal the transmission of scientific knowledge, of techniques of manufacturing and decoration and of the appropriation of ornamental repertoires that will become part of a global artistic vocabulary. The objects on display come from a wide swathe of the Islamic world, extending from Iraq to Spain, and cover a broad chronological span, from the beginning of the 13th to the 18th century. They are representative of the artistic production of the Abbasid, Zangid, Ayyubid, Mamluk, and Ottoman dynasties, and include Spanish examples of Islamic inspiration from the 15th and 16th centuries. The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue of the same title.
8 maggio, h. 17
Anna Contadini (SOAS, Università di Londra)
Trasmissione e ricezione: arte islamica a Bologna
15 maggio, h. 17
Lucia Raggetti (Università di Bologna)
Scienza come arte. Tecnica, natura e cultura nel Medioevo arabo-islamico
29 maggio, h. 17
Frédéric Bauden (Università di Liegi)
Quando gli oggetti parlano: citazioni poetiche nell’arte islamica
5 giugno, h. 17
Mattia Guidetti (Università di Bologna)
Il collezionismo di arte islamica a Bologna
13. Extended deadline
Call for Submissions | Second Symposium on Middle Eastern, North African and Central Asian Dances, Music and Performing Arts
Symposium, Pomona College (Claremont, CA), 3-6 October 2024
Submissions are invited for the second scholarly symposium on MENA and Central Asian dances. This year’s topics include music and performing arts from the same regions. The goal is to gather as many scholars as possible in one academic environment to present their most recent research. All submissions must be accompanied by an abstract (150-250 words).
New Deadline | 19 April 2024
14. Valparaiso University – Visiting Assistant Professor in History
Incl Middle Eastern History
Closing date: 11.7.24
Posted in: Academic items- April 16, 2024
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