Shii News – Academic Items
1.International Conference “How Rebellion Ends: Conflict Resolution in the Late Antique and Early Islamicate World, 500-1000 CE”, Organized by the DFG Emmy Noether Research Group “Social Contexts of Rebellion in the Early Islamic Period” (SCORE), University of Hamburg, 12-13 September 2024
The conference will bring together scholars of late antique and early Islamicate societies for a fruitful inter-disciplinary engagement with (shared?) cultures of conflict resolution.
Information and programme: .
For registration contact
2. Colloque international “Écrire la Méditerranée arabe. Les différentes expressions d’un espace et d’un concept contrasté”, Université de Lille, 20-21 novembre 2024
Les intervenant.e.s sont invité.e.s à proposer des contributions qui s’inscrivent dans un des axes suivants : I) La Méditerranée : limites physiques et conceptuelles. – II) Dynamiques, circulations et traversées. – III) Représentations et écritures de la Méditerranée arabe. – IV) Valorisation de la mémoire méditerranéenne à travers les archives, le numérique et les médias. Langue de communication : français – anglais.
Propositions de communications à faire parvenir avant le 10 septembre 2024.
Information :
3. Two Stipends for Doctoral Students (4 Years) at the “Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies”
We are interested in attracting outstanding doctoral students who will contribute to and write their PhD theses in the framework of our project “The socio-cultural life of sociological concepts: Arab contributions to global theory”, funded by the Einstein Foundation Berlin.
Deadline for applications: 15 October 2024.
4. Assistant Professor in Comparative Politics (Regional Focus MENA), Political Science Department at Fordham University, Manhattan, NY
We are seeking innovative scholars with significant expertise in areas that could include populism, social movements, institutions, political behavior, crime and corruption, political identities, ethnic and racial politics, intersectional approaches to power and marginalization, the effects of climate change, the politics of crisis, and socio-economic inequality.
Deadline for applications: 10 September 2024. Information:
5. Chapters for the Edited Book “Islamic Feminism: Reimagining Gender and Justice within Islamic Traditions” by Prof. Anisur Rahman & Dr. Farah Shahin, New Dehli
Themes: Contributions of Islamic Feminist Scholars • Challenges and Criticisms • Legal Reforms and Women’s Rights • Education and Women Empowerment • Intersectionality and Inclusivity • Feminist Activism and Social Change • Prospects of Islamic Feminism.
Deadline for submissions: 30 September 2024. Information:
6. Articles for the Journal “Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft (ZDMG)”
The ideal article has a historical orientation and is written on a strong philological basis. It deals with pre-modern Muslim societies (up to ca. 1800) and tackles one of the following broader themes: history, religion, culture, law, literature, societal issues. The ZDMG publishes articles in English, German or French.
Deadline for submissions: 15 October 2024. Information:
7. Articles for the Journal “Anatolica” Related to the Archaeology and History of Anatolia and Neighboring Regions from Prehistory to the Ottoman Era (Vol. 51)
Original scholarly papers from the disciplines of archaeology, history, history of archaeology, history of art, anthropology, epigraphy, history of architecture, archaeometry, geographical information systems (GIS), numismatic, maritime archaeology, cultural heritage management, digital humanities, museum studies are in the scope of the journal.
Deadline for papers: 1 December 2024. Information:
8. Articles for the Journal “Antiguo Oriente” Related to the History of Societies of the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean from the Paleolithic to the Early Islamic Period (Vol. 22)
This is the annual, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal published by the Center of Studies of Ancient Near Eastern History (CEHAO). Antiguo Oriente publishes articles and book reviews in Spanish, English and French.
Deadline for abstracts: 1 November 2024.
9. Articles for the Journal “Islamic Studies Review (ISR)”, Vol. 6 (December 2024)”
Islamic Studies Review is an international journal published by the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia. The journal intends to promote and disseminate scholarly works (articles and book reviews) on Muslim texts, history, and societies across the globe.
Deadline for submissions: 10 September 2024. Information:
10. Articles for “The Maghreb Review” Related to the Maghreb, Middle East, Iran, Turkey, Islamic Studies, and Africa from Earliest Times to the Present Day (Vol. 49, no. 4)
Contributions are invited from history, ethnography, economics, politics, Islamic culture, philosophy and sci-ence in the Islamic world, linguistics, literature, agriculture, sociology, anthropology, ethnomusicology, and relevant medical issues in our fields.
Deadline for abstracts: 26 September 2024.
11. Ulrich Marzolph Receives Lifetime Award from Iranian Studies Association (Video)
German scholar Dr. Ulrich Marzolph is the 2024 recipient of the Association for Iranian Studies’ Lifetime Achievement Award. Dr. Marzolph’s field of expertise is the narrative culture of the Near and Middle East, with particular consideration of Persian folk narratives, popular literature and art.
Award Ceremony Video:
12. The recent issue of PMLA includes a “Theories and Methodologies” section on “The Persianate” curated by Pardis Dabashi.
Theories and Methodologies– “The Persianate” PMLA, 139.2 (March 2024)
Intro: Persianate Words and Worlds: Introduction to “The Persianate”
Pardis Dabashi
Pathways to Persotopias
Aria Fani, Kevin L. Schwartz, Samuel Hodgkin
What is the Value of the Persianate to Afghan Studies? or, What Can Afghan History Tell Us about the Persianate? Lessons from the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Nicole Ferreira
The Aestheticization of Persia from Kant to Hegel
Anahid Nersessian, Manu Samriti Chande
The Aristocracy of Qing Xinjiang as Patrons of Islamic Letters
David Brophy
Persianate Unfamiliarity: A Qaṣīda by Shawkat Bukhārī to Imam al-Rizā
Catherine Ambler
Fraught Intimacies: Persian and Hindu Publics in Colonial India
Supriya Gandhi
Remembering the Persianate in the Modern Novel
Alexander Jabbbari
From Daneshvar to Damahi: New Formulations of the Persianate
Atefeh Akbari Shahmirzadi
Afterword: The Persianate as Comparative Literature: A Concept in Search of a Method
Nile Green
13. Les études sur l’Asie centrale : pluridisciplinarité et connexions d’un champ
mercredi 11 et jeudi 12 décembre 2024
INALCO, Auditorium Dumézil, 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris
Cette journée d’étude est organisée dans le cadre des activités du GIS Moyen-Orient et Mondes musulmans, en partenariat avec l’Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO), l’Institut français d’études sur l’Asie centrale (IFEAC) et le Centre de recherche sur le Monde iranien (CeRMI). Elle fait suite à la rencontre qui s’est tenue en février 2023 intitulée « Les études sur l’Asie centrale : dynamiques scientifiques, nouveaux contextes de recherche ».
Dans la perspective de renforcer la structuration du champ, la journée d’étude a pour ambition de promouvoir les études centrasiatiques en rendant compte de leur dynamisme et de leur diversité, de mettre en relation ses différentes disciplines et composantes, et de proposer un moment d’échanges entre les collègues impliqué-e-s dans les travaux sur la région. L’Asie centrale est entendue dans une acception géographique large, s’étendant de l’Iran à la Mongolie et de l’Afghanistan à la Russie.
Cet appel s’adresse aux chercheuses et chercheurs de tout statut qui travaillent dans le large spectre des SHS, de l’Antiquité jusqu’à nos jours, sur des thématiques aussi diverses que le patrimoine, le religieux, le pouvoir, le territoire, les rapports sociaux, les circulations, le numérique, le changement climatique, les approches critiques, etc. La journée pourra également aborder les conséquences des crises géopolitiques actuelles sur les terrains et le champ de recherche centrasiatiques.
Les doctorant-e-s sont fortement incité-e-s à soumettre une proposition de communication.
Les propositions de communication devront comprendre un titre, un résumé de 200 mots, ainsi que le nom et l’affiliation de l’auteur/autrice.
Les propositions de posters devront comprendre un titre, un résumé du projet de recherche soulignant ses points importants, ainsi que le nom et l’affiliation de l’auteur/autrice. Les posters seront affichés sur le lieu de l’événement.
Merci d’envoyer votre proposition à l’adresse avant le 15 septembre 2024. Une réponse sera transmise au 30 septembre 2024.
Des financements sont possibles pour les participant.e.s ne résidant pas à Paris et ne disposant pas de ressources de leur institution.
14. ‘Amazing’ Viking-age treasure travelled half the world to Scotland, analysis finds
Lidded vessel is star object in rich Galloway Hoard and came from silver mine in what is now Iran
15. ONLINE Webinar “ Making and Remaking Empire in Early Qajar Iran”
with Assef Ashraf British
Institute of Persian Studies (BIPS), 25 September, 2024, 5:00 pm UK Time
In 1722, the Safavid empire collapsed. An empire that ruled for over two centuries, and which in its heyday spanned parts of Central Asia, the Caucasus, and present-day Iran, came to a swift end. The following decades were ones of political turmoil, and it was only with the rise of the Qajars in the 1780s that a level of stability was restored.
This talk, while drawing on a range of sources, will focus on how the Qajars governed their new empire. In doing so, it offers an explanation for how and why Qajar Iran formed out of the cauldron of eighteenth-century unrest, but also hopes to advance our understanding of an understudied but transitional moment in Iranian history.
Information and registration:
Posted in: Academic items
- September 03, 2024
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