Shii News – Academic Items
1.HYBRID Bilingual Interdisciplinary Conference: “Druze in the Levant and the Diaspora – Discourses of Tradition and Modernity”, University of Kansas, Lawrence, 16-17 October 2025
We invite scholars from various disciplines to submit original and unpublished papers that focus on the Druze as a whole, a specific Druze community or communities, or a comparison between the Druze and others. Presentations can be from a discipline-specific approach or those who employ an interdisciplinary approach.
Deadline for abstracts: 28 February 2025. Information:
2. A Full-Time Assistant Professor Position in Social/Cultural Anthropology
The Department of Anthropology at Özyeğin University, Istanbul, invites applications for a full-time Assistant Professor position in Social/Cultural Anthropology, starting in September 2025.
Candidates must hold a PhD in Anthropology or a related discipline (e.g. Sociology, Cultural Studies, STS). The ideal candidate will have an active research agenda, a strong record of international peer-reviewed publications and demonstrated excellence in teaching. While areas of specialization are flexible, a research focus on environmental studies, digital anthropology or market ethnography is an advantage.
Deadline for applications: 1 February 2025. Information:
3. Head Librarian of the W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR), East Jerusalem
The AIAR is a US research institute in East Jerusalem seeking a Head Librarian to manage its 125-year-old library collections and promote its use by resident fellows and local students and scholars. Previous experience in library management is required.
Deadline for applications: 26 January 2025. Information:
4. Assistant Professor in Islamic Theology, Loyola University Chicago
We welcome candidates with strong research and teaching profiles in Islamic Studies, Islamic theology, comparative religion, and theory and method in the study of religion.
Deadline for applications: 15 January 2025.
5. Internship Program at Euro-Mediterranean-Arab Association EMA, Berlin
Are you a university student passionate about economics, political science, marketing, events, or communications? Do you want to gain experience in a non-profit organization fostering international cooperation, focusing on the MENA region? We are looking for motivated interns to join our Berlin office for a 3-month voluntary internship. Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Send your CV and cover letter to Mr. Ali Rajat
6. Articles for the “Druze Studies Journal (DSJ)”, Issue 2
DSJ is a peer-reviewed open-access interdisciplinary journal, that is available free of charge for authors and readers on this website: We are accepting submissions for the journal’s second issue.
7. Congratulations to Prof. Dick Davis on winning the 15th edition of the Lois Roth Prize for his two most recent volumes, Layli and Majnun and Khosrow and Shirin
The American Association of Iranian Studies (AIIrS), our partner for the Persian Translation Prize, announced that Dick Davis (Ohio State Univ.) won this year’s 15th edition of the Prize for his two most recent volumes. Layli and Majnun (Penguin Classics) and Khosrow and Shirin (Mage) capture the most celebrated epic romances of Nezami Ganjavi. A master of the Masnavi style of double-rhymed verse, Nezami is considered the greatest romantic epic poet in Persian literature, in part for his innovation of a colloquial and realistic style. Offering the highest praise for these volumes, the jury wrote: “Davis’s translations exhibit the height of his own poetic ingenuity through his impeccable use of iambic pentameter with end rhymes. So fluently and naturally written, his translations could stand as original poems.”
As AIIrS President Anne Betteridge points out, “The nuanced translations honored by the Prize introduce readers to literary and cultural worlds they would not otherwise be able to enter.” Over the years, Davis has made an immense contribution to the field. This year’s awarded volumes join his translations of Vis and Ramin (2012) and The Conference of the Birds (with Afkham Darband, 2002) in offering global English-language readers a window into the range of classical Persian poetry of the 11th and 12th centuries. At the other end of the spectrum, he won the inaugural Prize in 2000 for introducing the 20th-century Iranian author Iraj Pezeshkzad to readers, with his hilarious novel My Uncle Napoleon.
The Persian Translation Prize is the sole existing award for outstanding translations of classical and modern Persian literature into English. Lois Roth’s interest in and affection for Iran and Iranian culture dated back to the years she lived and worked in Iran (1967-72)—first as USIA’s Deputy Cultural Attaché and then as the Director of the Iran America Society. In a period when Iran was in a ferment of cultural activity and experimentation, this important bi-national organization, which focused on English language learning, cultural exchanges, and fine and performing arts, became one of the most significant centers for such endeavors in the country. Lois was also one of a group of persons who helped initiate and encourage the founding of the American Institute of Iranian Studies.
Wishing you happy and healthy holidays… and happy reading in the New Year! And, as the year comes to a close, please consider making a contribution to support our Literature & Translation programs.
Dr. Skyler Arndt Briggs
Board Chair
8. University of Calgary – Assistant Prof, Tenure-Track, South Asian or Middle Eastern History, Decolonial
9. The David Collection – Curator of Art from the Islamic World – The David Collection, Copenhagen
Posted in: Academic items
- December 24, 2024
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