‘My Future Is Now.’ An Afghan Woman from a Threatened Minority Wrestles with What Happens When the U.S. Withdraws
Time Magazine
28 June, 2021
‘”Bring them to safety”: Desperate pleas from Afghan Australians
Australian government urged to expedite partner and family visas and launch rescue mission out of Kabul.’
16 August, 2021
See also:
‘Hobart’s Hazara community terrified about a return to Taliban held homeland’
ABC Radio Hobart
16 August 2021
‘Life or death for Hazaras: Australia has a moral obligation to act, now’
Sitarah Mohammadi and Sajjad Askary
The Guardian, 19 July 2021
From Iraq, an Intimate Glimpse of the Religious Holiday of Arbaeen
The World Through a Lens Every year, millions of pilgrims descend on the central Iraqi city of Karbala to commemorate the Shiite holiday of Arbaeen, one of the largest organized gatherings in the world. Credit…
REVIEWING THE “OASE” (ORGANIZATION OF AHLULBAYT FOR SOCIAL-SUPPORT AND EDUCATION); Its Creeds, Its Activities, and a Different Color within Indonesian Shi’is | Musadad | Analisa: Journal of Social Science and Religion
Aghaie, Kamran Scot. “The Passion of ‘Ashura in Shiite Islam”. In Voices of Islam, Vol 2, Edited by Vincent J. Cornell, 110-124. London: Praeger. Alterman, John. B and Shireen Hunter. 2004. The Idea and Practice of Philanthropy in Muslim Contexts. Washington: CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies). Bantuanhukum.or.id. 2017.
Thailand: Bahraini Footballer Goes Home to Australia
Thailand has freed a Bahraini refugee football player threatened with extradition since November 2018 following global pressure from athletes, sports federations, and rights groups. Hakeem Al-Araibi is a refugee whose detention and threatened deportation was a grave injustice. FIFA and the IOC deserve credit for applying their new human rights policies to help gain Al-Araibi’s release and his return home to Australia.
Hakeem al-Araibi Case: Bahrain is Emboldened to Take Human Rights Abuse Beyond Its Borders
When the Bahraini government claimed there would be no threat to Hakeem al-Araibi’s life if the refugee footballer were extradited to his home country – citing the integrity of the kingdom’s judicial system – it would have been laughable were it not so tragic.
See also FFA Pledges Funds.