1.HYBRID “22nd Annual Women’s and Gender History Symposium”, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 29 February – 2 March 2024
We seek graduate student paper presentations of 15-20 minutes that foreground the social, cultural, and political implications of space and place in histories of women, gender, sexuality, and/or queerness. Alter-native presentations (e.g. film, poetry, art) are welcome so long as they fit within the symposium’s format.
Deadline for abstracts: 30 November 2023. Information: https://wghistory.web.illinois.edu/
2. “10th School of Mamluk Studies Conference”, Kuwait University, 5-7 March 2024
The conference will be conducted in two parts (5-7 March 2024), and will be preceded by a three-day (2-4 March 2024) intensive course on Mamluk archaeological material taught by Professor Bethany Walker, Uni-versity of Bonn. The preorganized panels may focus on any aspect of the intellectual, political, social, econo-mic, and artistic life of the Mamluk period.
Extended deadline for abstracts: 30 November 2023.
Information: https://networks.h-net.org/group
3. Colloque « Apocalypse Now ? Attentes des derniers jours dans le judaïsme, le christianisme et l’islam (du Moyen Age aux temps contemporains) », Strasbourg, 18 et 19 mars 2024
Le premier axe s’intéresse aux transferts des idées apocalyptiques dans le judaïsme, le christianisme et l’islam. Le second se penchera sur les mouvements messianiques et apocalyptiques dans une période de tensions extrêmes. Le troisième axe aborde la question des prophètes et du prophétisme. Aujourd’hui, l’image actuelle du prophète est assez floue.
Propositions de communisation: 27 novembre 2023. Information : https://iismm.hypotheses.org/files/2023/11/Appel-a%CC%80-communication-Apocalypse-Now-.pdf
4. International Conference “Voices that Matter: Gender in Times of Crises and Natural Disasters”, Errachidia, Morocco, 20-21 May 2024
Given the critical role of gender in crisis and disaster management and its significant influence on Sustainable Development Goals, this conference seeks to address the health, social, economic, natural, and political dimensions of crises and disasters. It also aims to question why gender inequalities are magnified in such contexts and what actions should be taken by various actors to mitigate their impact and achieve gender justice. In collaboration with the “International Journal of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies: Contemporary Medusa”.
Deadline for abstracts: 30 December 2023.
5. ONLINE Graduate Student Workshop of the Association for Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies (AGAPS), 8-9 June 2024
The workshop is open to all graduate students currently in the writing/revisions stage of their PhD dissertations, writing in English. Students working in all disciplines and chronological periods are encouraged to apply, as are scholars looking at connections between the Gulf, Arabian Peninsula, and other parts of the world. Each graduate student will have their chapter discussed in depth by a senior scholar.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 February 2024.
Information: https://agaps.org/call-for-agaps-graduate-student-workshop/
6. Visiting Doctoral Fellowships (6-12 Months) at the Orient-Institut Beirut (OIB)
The visiting fellowships are beginning no later than 1 March 2024 for doctoral candidates engaged in out-standing research projects in the humanities and social sciences. We invite applications across disciplines, time periods, and geographic coverage outlined in our mission statement. Proposals are encouraged to articulate the contemporary stakes of the research project, encompassing historiographical, cultural, religious and/or political dimensions.
Deadline for applications: 10 December 2023.
Information: https://www.orient-institut.org/support/fellowships/doctoralfellowships.html
7. Visiting Doctoral Fellowships (6-12 Months) at the Orient-Institut Beirut (OIB)
The visiting fellowships are beginning no later than 1 March 2024 for doctoral candidates engaged in out-standing research projects in the humanities and social sciences. We invite applications across disciplines, time periods, and geographic coverage outlined in our mission statement. Proposals are encouraged to articulate the contemporary stakes of the research project, encompassing historiographical, cultural, religious and/or political dimensions.
Deadline for applications: 10 December 2023.
Information: https://www.orient-institut.org/support/fellowships/doctoralfellowships.html
8. Post-doctorant (24 mois) dans le champ aréal “Sociétés et cultures de l’Afghanistan”, Campus CNRS Ile-de-France, Villejuif
Compétences: Diplôme de doctorat dans une discipline des sciences humaines et sociales, avec une compétence sur l’aire culturelle de référence. – Productions scientifiques régulières (communications et publications, autres que la thèse). Compétences linguistiques : maîtrise indispensable d’au moins une des langues de l’aire culturelle de référence ; maîtrise de l’anglais; pour les candidats étrangers, compréhension du français souhaitée (B1); Qualités rédactionnelles, capacité à formuler un projet scientifique, à publier et valoriser ses recherches; etc.
Date d’embauche prévue : 5 décembre 2023. Information : https://iismm.hypotheses.org/92309
9. Research Groups at the “Israel Institute for Advanced Studies” 2025-2026, Hebrew University in Jerusalem
The IIAS invites scholars from Israel and abroad to submit Research Group (RG) proposals for the 2025-2026 academic year. Research proposals may be submitted by initiator(s) affiliated with any academic institution in Israel or abroad. Proposals may cover any research topic from all disciplines including interdisciplinary research, and must seek to be innovative with potential impact on their research field.
Deadline for proposals: 1 December 2023. Information: https://iias.huji.ac.il/rgopencall
10. Individual Fellowships at the “Israel Institute for Advanced Studies” 2025-2026, Hebrew University in Jerusalem
The IIAS invites scholars from Israel and abroad to submit proposals for an individual fellowship at the IIAS for the 2025-2026 academic year. Topics may cover any research area from any discipline and must seek to be innovative, with the potential to impact research in the field. Two or three scholars who collaborate on the same project should apply individually and state clearly that they wish to work together.
Deadline for proposals: 1 December 2023. Information: https://iias.huji.ac.il/open.call.individual.fellowship
11. Mellon Post-doctoral Fellowship (2 Years) in Near Eastern Studies, Society for the Humanities, Cornell University
We invite applications from candidates whose scholarship focuses on questions of decoloniality/decolonial methods, environmental humanities, and / or migration studies. Temporal and regional focus is open, and we are especially interested in conceptually oriented work that critically reexamines and considers the Middle East beyond area studies.
Deadline for applications: 5 January 2024. Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/25799
12. Post-doctoral Research Associates (1-3 Years) in Studies on Iran and the Persian Gulf (19th – 21st Century), Sharmin & Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Iran & Persian Gulf Studies, Princeton University
The full-time position is open to scholars of all academic disciplines in the humanities and social sciences.
Deadline for applications: 10 January 2024.
Information: https://puwebp.princeton.edu/AcadHire/apply/application.xhtml?listingId=32581
13. Visiting Assistant Professor in Islamic Studies (2 Years), University of Rochester, NY
Qualifications: A Ph.D. in Religion or a related field is required. Preference will be given to candidates with demonstrated excellence in teaching at the undergraduate level and with demonstrated potential and/or excellence in research and publications in the candidate’s field.
Deadline for applications: 25 November 2023. Information: https://apply.interfolio.com/135710
14. Stage Intensif de Langue Arabe, Spécialisation Golfe, Niveau B2, CEFREPA-Koweit, 7-16 jan-vier 2024
Les cours d’arabe standard sont accompagnés d’immersions et de pratiques en dialectal du Golfe et d’un cours de sciences humaines et sociales (histoire, géopolitique, patrimoine archéologique et artistique). Il est destiné à des stagiaires (étudiants en master, doctorants, chercheurs, professionnels des entreprises et administrations françaises dans la région) ayant déjà acquis le niveau B1.
Date de application : 27 novembre 2023. Information : cefrepa@gmail.com
15. Stage Intensif de Langue Arabe, Niveau C1, CEFREPA-Koweit, 21-30 janvier 2024
Les cours d’arabe standard sont accompagnés d’immersions et de pratiques en dialectal du Golfe et d’un cours de sciences humaines et sociales (histoire, géopolitique, patrimoine archéologique et artistique). Il est destiné à des stagiaires (étudiants en master, doctorants, chercheurs, professionnels des entreprises et administrations françaises dans la région) ayant déjà acquis le niveau B2.
Date de application : 27 novembre 2023. Information : cefrepa@gmail.com
16. Articles for the Eighth Issue of the “Oxford Middle East Review”
We invite authors to reflect on the role of the MENA’s people, civil societies, and governments as a driver of local, regional, and global transformations. We encourage submissions to explore change from below or from above and to question what continuities persist during moments of sudden change or during periods of gradual transformation.
Deadline for submisstions: 10 December 2023.
Information: https://mesana.org/resources-and-opportunities/2023/11/13/the-herbert-scoville-jr.-peace-fellowship-program
17. Articles for the Journal “Sociology of Islam (SOI)”
SOI provides an international scholarly forum for research related to the religion and culture of Islam, Muslim societies, and social issues related to Muslims in socio-political context. SOI publishes multiple issues per year containing original peer-reviewed articles and book reviews on the sociological, political, anthropolo-gical, historical and other aspects of Islam and Muslim societies across all times and places
Information: https://brill.com/fileasset/downloads_products/Author_Instructions/SOI.pdf
18. Washington University in St. Louis – The John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics seeks applications from junior scholars and recent Ph.D. graduates for up to two postdoctoral fellowships in residence at Washington University in St. Louis.
Applicants should hold a doctorate in religious studies, politics, anthropology, law, philosophy, theology, American studies, history, Jewish studies, Islamic studies, sociology, or another relevant field. Scholars should be engaged in projects centrally concerned with religion and politics in the United States, historically or in the present day.
Closing date: Jan 8, 2024
19. ONLINE Webinar: ‘Uncovering Dr Hans E. Wulff Collection: A Life Contribution to the Study of Iran and Iranian Studies’
with Pedram Khosronejad
British Institute of Persian Studies, 06 December 2023, 5PM (UK time).
On Zoom.
This paper will present the life and research conducted by Hans E. Wulff in Iran between 1936-1941 and in 1964-65 and discusses the significance of his archive and collection for the study of the traditional craft, art, technology, and science of Iran.
20. Thinking and Believing: al-Jāḥiẓ on Religious Knowledge
Hussein Abdulsater
Thinking and Believing: al-Jahiz on Religious Knowledge | IIS lecture series
This talk, which forms part of the Islamic History and Thought Lecture Series, presents an overview of the intellectual project of al-Jāḥiẓ (d. 868-9) as an introduction to the worldview of the Epistemists, while touching on their rise and fall as a theological trend. It also seeks to situate them in the formative ʿAbbasid moment of Islamic history.
Date: 30 November 2023
Time: 5:00pm – 6:30pm
Venue: Online (Zoom)
Registration required (follow the link above)
21. In a change to the original programme
‘Empire, Sultanate, and the Boundaries of the Persianate world in South Asia.
with Roy Fischel,
British Institute of Persian Studies (BIPS)
27 November 2023, 7pm (UK time)
The British Academy, 10-11 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AH
This is an in-person only event, which will take place at the British Academy. Registrations for the event are currently closed: people booked on the lecture by Prof Frankopan have been contacted to confirm their attendance. Should there be available places, these will be open for booking early next week.
Please check the website above.
1. Sufis in Medieval Baghdad
Agency and the Public Sphere in the Late Abbasid Caliphate
A. Muhammad
Bloomsbury, 2023
2. CfP: EuQu (The European Qur’an) International Workshop at UCPH
Interreligious Connectivity – Digitally Explored
Location and date: University of Copenhagen, 17–19. April 2024
Organizers: Jacob Langeloh and Jan Loop
In person/online
Closing date: Dec 7, 2023
3. The Medieval Persian Gulf
Brian Ulrich
ARC, 2023
4. Open Access: MIDEO 38 (2023).
This special issue, edited by Abdessamad Belhaj (Leuven) and Haoues Seniguer (Lyon), focuses on the topic of Islamic Theologies of Disasters / Théologies islamiques des catastrophes / فقه الكوارث في الإسلام. All papers are freely available online on OpenEdition Journals.
5. Re)envisioning Ancient Worlds
A Forum for Exchanges on Ancient Studies at UCLA
December 5–6, 2023 | Royce Hall 306
Global Antiquity is convening a workshop titled (Re)envisioning Ancient Worlds. This event, held at UCLA over two days, December 5–6, 2023, will include invited speakers from the University of California and the greater Los Angeles area whose research focuses on the ancient worlds.
For more info and to register:
6. “Sociétés, politiques et cultures du monde iranien”, Jeudi 07 décembre 2023, 17h, INALCO salle 5.21 (5e ét.)
Le CeRMI a le plaisir de vous convier à la prochaine séance du séminaire “Sociétés, politiques et cultures du monde iranien”, qui se tiendra le jeudi 7 décembre 2023, 17h-19h, en salle 5.21 à l’INaLCO (65 rue des Grands Moulins, Paris XIII, 5e étage).
Nous sommes heureux d’accueillir Mme Alka Patel, Professeur en Histoire de l’Art à l’Université de Californie à Irvine, et chercheuse invitée à l’Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art à Paris, pour une conférence intitulée: “Architectural Epigraphy: Ornament, Ideology and Empire“.
The shortlived Ghurid-Shansabani empire (c. 1145-1215 CE) at its height extended from modern western Afghanistan, through the Indus’s alluvia and the Ganga-Yamuna duab, to western Bangladesh. As such, this political-cultural formation furnishes promising entrées for analyses of the aforementioned regions’ historical pasts, opening vistas on such macro processes as pre-modern state-building and Islamization, as well as granular phenomena such as the impacts of theological and juridical debates on the very mechanics of empire. This presentation plumbs the informative potential of the Ghurid-Shansabanis’ architectural patronage and its inseparable epigraphic programs for elucidating the realities of multiple societal strata, and their variegated participation in the imperial project.
Orientations bibliographiques
– Z.A. DESAI. “A New Inscription of Muhammad Bin Sam.” Epigraphia Indica-Arabic and Persian Supplement, 1968, p.1–3.
– J. HOROVITZ. “The Inscriptions of Muhammad Ibn Sam, Qutbuddin Aibeg and Iltutmish.” Epigraphia Indo-Moslemica 12, 1911, p.12–34.
– A. PATEL. “Transcending Religion: Socio-Linguistic Evidence from the Somanatha-Veraval Inscription.” In Carla M. Sinopoli, Grant Parker (eds.). Ancient India in Its Wider World. Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 2008 , p.143–164.
– A. PATEL. Iran to India: The Shansabanis of Afghanistan, c. 1145-1190 CE. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022.
Pour rappel, vous retrouverez le programme 2023-2024 du séminaire mensuel de recherche “Sociétés, politiques et cultures du monde iranien” sur le site du CeRMI :
Au plaisir de vous retrouver à l’occasion de ces séances, qui se déroulent en présentiel sur le site de l’INaLCO (65 rue des Grands Moulins, Paris XIII).
7. Symposium – Islamic Art History Network (IAHN), Lectures and Initial Meeting – November 24-25
Online then inperson
the initial meeting of the Islamic Art History Network (IAHN) on 24 and 25 November 2023. The first day will be online. The second day will be held at the Centre for Medieval Studies, Kings Manor, University of York (UK) and will feature in-person and online talks. The zoom links for both days are provided in the schedule. We have also scheduled two discussion sessions, one on each day, in order to facilitate the sharing of ideas from participants and audience members about the priorities of the IAHN as it develops over the coming years. The core activity of the IAHN will be the organization of an annual two-day event highlighting current research in all areas of Islamic art history.
Richard McClary
Marcus Milwright
Department of History of Art, University of York
Islamic Art History Network (IAHN)
Islamic Art History Days 2023
Day 1
November 24th (online on Zoom) 14:30 to 19:00 UK time
14:30-15:00 Ana Marija Grbanovic
Medieval Wall Paintings in Iran, 10-14th Centuries Art Historical Research of Vanishing Cultural Heritage
15:00-15:30 Viola Allegranzi
Inscribing Authority: Fresh perspectives on monumental epigraphy from Central Asia (10th-13th century)
15:30-16:00 Bahar Özdemir
The Use of Glaze in Shah-i Zinda Tiles
16:30-17:00 Hassan Moradi
Stucco Splendours of Siraf: Exploring the Artistic Legacy of an Ancient Commercial Port
17:00-17:30 María Marcos Cobaleda
Challenge of Islamic Art History Research: The Application of New Methodologies to the Study of the Artistic Exchanges
17:30-18:00 Hala Qasqas
Coffeehouses of Damascus: Unveiling the Architectural and Historical Narratives
18:00-18:30 Gül Kale
Architect’s Tools: Items in Museum Collections in Turkey and Canada
18:30-19:00 Network Planning Discussion
Day 2
November 25th (in-person in York) 9:45 to 15:10 UK time
The Huntington Room, King’s Manor
10:00-10:30 Yui Kanda
Legacy of Shāh ʿAbbās’s Charitable Acts: Kufic Qurʾāns with alleged Twelver Imām signatures
10:30-11:00 Leila Danesh
The Concealed Mihrab at the Masjid-i Malik Zuzan
11:00-11:30 Zahra Kazani
Visual Analogies and the Imagination in Medieval Islamic Aesthetics
13:00-13:30 Network Planning Discussion
13:30-14:00 Mehreen Chida-Razvi
Political Identity and Power in the Architectural Layers of Lahore
14:00-14:40 Andrea Luigi Corsi & Valentina Laviola
A New Study on the Endangered Late-Ottoman City of Hodeida (Yemen) and its Architectural Decoration
14:40-15:10 Atri Hatef Naemi
On the Periphery of the Ilkhanate: Provincial Architecture in Post-Conquest Iran
8. Hybrid lecture – Tanzanian Heritage, Sites, and Museums, Aga Khan Center, London – December 7, 2023
Following the success of our exhibition Black Monuments Matter in 2020, the Aga Khan University, Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations is proud to announce a public talk on Tanzanian Heritage, Sites, and Museums: pilot projects on the Swahili Coast: Zanzibar, Kilwa and Mafia Islands. This event coincides with the celebration of the opening of a new site museum in Tanzania on the Island of Mafia.
Join us as we delve into African cultures and heritage. The speakers will present Africa’s contribution to world history by exhibiting World Heritage Monuments, Museums, and architectural treasures from Tanzania. Sites and monuments are physical representations of history, heritage, and development in society. But art, architecture, sites, and monuments are more than material culture, they are an integral part of our social environment, past and present.
Our event aims to show the diversity and richness of Tanzanian cultures as part of world history through the study and conservation of African monuments, bringing awareness and pride of African roots and contributions to other cultures. During the evening, we will explore how various groups and identities shaped the Swahili culture. We hope to contribute to both awareness of Swahili identity and African heritage by making them visible, assessable, and known to as many people as possible.
Facing poverty, social challenges, and economic crisis, but also climate challenges with global warming and coastal erosion, the speakers will address the multifaceted challenges faced by Tanzanian national authorities and international NGOs to protect, restore, and promote Swahili sites. Experts will discuss tourism-heritage links and business strategies, stakeholder engagement, cultural heritage/museum management, changing heritage narratives in tourism discourse, and cultural sustainability, and what people think and feel about these conservation projects, from local communities to intellectuals and scholars
At the Aga Khan University, we recognise and promote the work of national and international organisations committed to the support of African heritage. We believe in the importance of education for the understanding and appreciation of world cultures. The African sites and monuments presented during the evening are protected by UNESCO and have been given world heritage status. These sites are protected and supported by Tanzanian authorities and international NGOs such as the World Monument Fund and the Aga Khan Trust for Culture.
Join us for an enlightening discussion on the intersection of African monuments, Muslim world, and Indian Ocean cultures. Together, let’s explore world heritage sites and vibrant African cultures.
December 7, 2023
5:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Location: Aga Khan Centre, London
Hybrid Event: Zoom link will follow.
Contact Information
Professor Stéphane PRADINES (he/him/his)
Founder & Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Material Cultures in the Muslim World
The Aga Khan University | Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations
Aga Khan Centre, 10 Handyside Street, London, N1C 4DN, United Kingdom
Muslim Cultures of the Indian Ocean
Contact Email
9. CFP – 25 Years After Hillenbrand: New Approaches to Sources, Translation and Perspectives
Date: 10-12 October 2024
Location: University of Groningen
Deadline: 11 April 2024
Carole Hillenbrand’s seminal work, The Crusades Islamic Perspectives was published 25 years ago. In the time since its publication, Islamic experiences of the crusading phenomenon have been repositioned as a central element of crusader studies. Yet questions remain about how the field moves onwards from here.
We aim to gather leading experts and early career researchers in the field of crusader studies (broadly defined) including specialists on Islamic written and material sources, and other linguistic traditions (Latin, Old French, Iberian dialects and vernaculars, Syriac, Greek, Hebrew and Judeo-Arabic, and Armenian) to discuss emerging research pathways. The workshop will highlight and further develop the latest advances in the study of materiality, objects and artefacts, art history, intellectual history, historiography, translation studies, the history of emotions, digital humanities, memory and remembrance, and medievalism.
The organisers plan to publish the conference proceedings either in an edited volume with a top tier publisher, or as part of a special collection in a leading journal. A limited contribution towards travel and subsistence costs is available. This will be considered on a case-by-case basis, with priority being given to early career researchers and scholars from the Global South.
Contact Information
Mohamad El-Merheb (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen), m.elmerheb@rug.nl, and James Wilson (Universität Konstanz) james.wilson@uni-konstanz.de
Contact Email
10. Extended: Call for the Ernst Herzfeld Award for MA Theses in Islamic Art History and Archaeology
The Ernst Herzfeld Society for Studies in Islamic Art and Archaeology is pleased to announce the 2023/24 call for the Ernst Herzfeld Award for Master Theses in Islamic Art History and Archaeology. The aim of the Award is to encourage and support emerging scholars in Europe who are working on visual and material culture of Islamic countries in the fields of Art History, Archeology, and Historical Building Research. The Ernst Herzfeld Award highlights the diversity and innovation of current research in these growing fields. The successful candidate is honored at the annual colloquium of the Ernst Herzfeld Society, offered a full travel grant to present her/his master thesis at the colloquium, and is granted publication of the presented paper in the series of the Society, Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie (BIKA).
Eligibility: – Outstanding master thesis (MA, Master, M.phil., and similar) on a topic situated within the research fields of History of Islamic Art and Architecture, Islamic Archeology, or Historical Building Research on Islamic Architecture.- The thesis must have been written and supervised at a European university. Reviewing and grading the thesis must have taken place within the last two years, between January 1, 2021 and November 13, 2023. – Accepted languages of the thesis are: German, English, French, Italian, and Spanish. – A thesis can be submitted only once to an Award Call.
Application procedure: An applicant is proposed by the supervisor of the MA thesis.
Applications include: 1) the complete MA thesis as it was submitted to the university (PDF); 2) a summary in English (5 pages); 3) the recommendation form filled out by the proposing supervisor in English; and 4) the original official review/evaluation of the thesis for/by the university, at which it was submitted.
Review Procedure: – The review procedure is jointly organized by the Award and the Steering Committees as well as the Advisory Board of the Ernst Herzfeld Society. – Proposing supervisors are excluded from the review procedure and the peer-review. – Applications fulfilling the criteria of eligibility will undergo peer-review by the Award committee and by external reviewers.
Submission: Please send the complete application by November 30, 2023 (deadline extended) to award@ernst-herzfeld-gesellschaft.com The recommendation form to be filled out by the proposing supervisor is available here: https://ernst-herzfeld-gesellschaft.com/wpcontent/uploads/2023/10/EHG_Award_Supervisor_Recommendation_Form_2023_updated.docx
Contact Email
11. Now Hiring: Stanford Iran 2040 Program Manager
The Stanford Iranian Studies Program is seeking a Project Manager to administer, support, and manage the Stanford Iran 2040 Project. The Stanford Iran 2040 Project is an academic initiative that serves as a hub for academic researchers all around the world, particularly Iranian diaspora scholars, to conduct research on issues related to the future of the Iranian economy and evaluate their possible implications in a global context.
This position will be responsible for identifying relevant speakers and collaborators, organizing an annual conference, overseeing the annual Moghadam Award call for applications and recipient selection process, and managing the relevant project databases and web pages. The successful candidate should exhibit the ability to practice sound judgment and decision-making, effective written & oral communication, strong attention to detail and respectful relationship management. This position must also exhibit knowledge of the field of modern Iranian economics, politics, public policy, as well as Persian language fluency.
12. Stanford: Zahedi Family Fellowship
Full information at:
Application Deadline: December 8, 2023
13. Virginia Wesleyan University – Assistant Professor of History with emphasis in African, Asian, or Middle Eastern History
14. The Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture and the Mashtots Professor of Armenian Studies at Harvard University are pleased to announce the next lecture in the 2023–2024 East of Byzantium lecture series.
Tuesday, December 5, 2023 | 12:00 PM (EST, UTC -5) | Zoom
Language Care and Community: The Fashioning of Middle Armenian into a Courtly Vernacular
Michael Pifer, University of Michigan
Contact Information
Brandie Ratliff, Director, Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture
Contact Email
15. “Sickness and Healing in Byzantium” – CSMBR Forthcoming Webinar: 5 December 2023
Sickness and Healing in Byzantium
From the Imperial Court to the City Hospitals
Irene Calà
5 December 2023 – 5 PM (CET)
Greek medicine has come to us through the Byzantine civilization, as evidenced by the numerous medical works produced throughout the history of the Eastern Roman Empire.
This lecture aims at providing an overview of the medical practices offered to the citizens of Byzantium, the role of hospitals and their connection with religious and political institutions, as well as the care provided by physicians at the imperial court.
Indeed, body integrity was not only about medicine, but has deep social and political implications, the sacredness of the emperor’s body being a central theme in Byzantine medicine.
In this lecture, I shall therefore also address the question as to how medical theory and practice were transmitted and used in Byzantium. In so doing, I will use different sources, from medical manuscripts used to encode traditions into current practice to the medical works produced in Byzantium, especially the surgical work of Paul of Egina (625-690 AD) and its reception.
As well as medical texts, I will discuss a number of episodes drawing from historical works and epistolary letters, such as the historical work of John Skylitzes (1040-1101 AD), including an analysis of the illuminated manuscript from Madrid. In the final part of my lecture, I will highlight the role of the doctor in manipulating the body of the sick person, with an emphasis on anatomical knowledge and surgical operations, including mutilations and autopsy cases.
To register for this event: https://csmbr.fondazionecomel.org/events/online-lectures/sickness-and-healing-in-byzantium/
1.Screening of the documentary film about the UNESCO World Heritage Site / Sasanian fortifications of Darband (Derbent) in Spain:
23rd International Archaeological Film Festival of the Bidasoa
Info & Trailer:
2. ONLINE Webinar “The Invention of the Maghreb”, Center for Middle East Studies, Brown University, 15 November 2023, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm ET
A lecture with Abdelmajid Hannoum, professor of Anthropology at the University of Kansas, and Brian Meeks, professor of Africana Studies at Brown University.
Information and registration:
3. ONLINE Presentation “Birthing Dynasties: Concubinage and Race in Medieval al-Andalus” by Stacey Murrell, Medieval Studies Program, Emory University, 17 November 2023, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm EST
This chapter examines the racialization of enslaved women and its impact on mother-child relations in the medieval Islamicate Mediterranean. In order to grapple with the anonymity and violence of enslavement and its archive, at times I mark the absence of the numerous majority of enslaved women, while at others I imagine their figures onto the page.
Information and registration: https://scholarblogs.emory.edu/raceandgenderglobalmiddleages/
4. HYBRID Conference “Faith and the Environment: Muslims and Christians Responding to or Impacted by Environmental Issues”, Centre for Muslim-Christian Studies, Oxford University, 1 March 2024
The conference will focus on Muslim and Christian perspectives on the environment from environmental, theological and practical points of view, and abstracts are welcomed from both those with a confessional standpoint and those with none. The scope of the conference encompasses all topics and disciplinary ap-proaches relating to the study of Islam and Christianity and their encounter around the environment as a shared natural resource.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 December 2023. Information: https://www.cmcsoxford.org.uk/environment
5. Interdisciplinary Workshop “Stages of Performing in Pahlavi Iran (1925-1979)”, Munich, 11-12 April 2024
In the context of global theatre histories, understood as historiography of connections, interweavings, exchange and disconnections, the workshop seeks proposals on the following sub-topics: Transnational influences on the performing arts in Pahlavi Iran and transregional exchanges of stages; the impact of other countries and regions of the Persianate world (theatre in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and the Caucasus); performing arts and political propaganda; etc.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 December 2023.
Information: https://www.uni-marburg.de/de/cnms/iranistik/aktuelles/nachrichten/theatre-workshop
6. Workshop “Misattributions and Forgeries in Middle Eastern Manuscript”, Vienna, 16-17 May 2024
The purpose of this workshop is to study misattribution of content in and forgeries of Middle Eastern manuscript cultures as intellectual history. This cross-discipline workshop aims to cover manuscripts in various languages, including, but not limited to, Arabic, Armenian, Coptic, Ethiopian, Hebrew, Persian, and Syriac, in addition to the ancient languages of Egypt and Mesopotamia. All time periods are of interest.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 December 2023. Information: https://www.ias.edu/hs/islamic-world/memat
7. Full Professor of Cultural and Intellectual History of the Islamic World, University of Vienna
The applicant`s research focus should be on the cultural and intellectual history of the Arab-Islamic world from Early Modern Age to the present and should include the source language Arabic (and possibly Persian). In teaching, a focus on the post-classical period to the present is expected.
Application deadline: 15 January 2024. Information: https://personalwesen.univie.ac.at/en/jobs-recruiting/professorships/detail-page/news/cultural-and-intellectual-history-of-the-islamic-world/
8. 130 Fully-funded Scholarships (4 Years) for the Doctoral Programmes in Economics, History, Law, and Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute, San Domenico di Fie-sole, Italy
Deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2024. Information: https://www.eui.eu/en/services/academic-service/doctoral-programme#msdynttrid=1BEWQW9wyUn_v4KXPzeGI9LB7DgjSyosZqILpMnXTI0
9. Various Fellowships from the Emirates Leadership Initiative: “Leadership in Today`s Middle East”, Harvard Kennedy School
The Emirates Leadership Initiative (ELI) provides the critical opportunities needed for emerging leaders from the United Arab Emirates and the Middle East to confront the region’s public policy issues in question through a multi-pronged approach, including: a research fund supporting pre-doctoral, post-doctoral, and faculty research; student degree fellowships; an on-site learning experience in the UAE; and Executive Education programs.
Information: https://www.belfercenter.org/project/middle-east-initiative#!emirates-leadership-initiative
10. Visiting Fellowships 2024-2025 in the Program on Law and Society in the Muslim World, Harvard Law School
We are particularly interested in applicants whose work focuses on constitutional law, human rights, women’s rights, children’s rights, minority rights, animal welfare and rights, food law, environmental law and climate change, migration and refugee studies, LGBTQ issues, and related areas. We welcome applications from scholars who have completed an advanced degree (e.g., PhD, SJD, JD, LLM, or other comparable degree).
Deadline for applications: 15 February 2024. Information: https://plsmw.law.harvard.edu/fellowships/
11. Faculty Leave Residential Fellowship (9 Months) for Scholars of the Contemporary Middle East and North Africa, Crown Center for Middle East Studies, Brandeis University
The fellowship is open to all disciplines – particularly politics, economics, history, religion, sociology, or an-thropology. The 2024-2025 fellowship is open to all faculty members, tenured and non-tenured, in the ranks of assistant, associate, full, andemeritus professor (or equivalent) who work on the contemporary Middle East and North Africa.
Deadline for applications: 1 January 2024.
Information: https://academicprogramsonline.org/ajo/fellowship/26475
12. Ernest R. May Fellowship in History and Policy (10 Months, Focus on Islamic and Middle East History), Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University, MA
The May Fellowship aims to help build the next generation of scholars who will bring professional history to bear on strategic studies and major issues of international affairs. The program supports resident pre- and post-doctoral historians, who are expected to complete a book, monograph, or other significant publication during their period of residence.
Deadline for applications: 30 January 2024.
Information: https://www.belfercenter.org/fellowship/ernest-may-fellowship-history-and-policy
13. Book Award of the Sharmin and Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Iran and Persian Gulf Studies, Princeton University
The book award (1000) is given for for the best scholarly monograph on topics in history, society, politics, economics, and cultures related to modern Iran and the Persian Gulf, broadly defined. Nominations are ac-cepted for scholarly monographs published in English between January 2021 and April 2024.
Deadline for nominations: 1 April 2024. Information: https://cipgs.princeton.edu/funding/book-award
14. Invisible East:
‘Dynamics of Human Occupation in Khorasan during the 1st millennium CE’
with Rocco Rante
Wednesday, 15 November 2023, 4PM UK
Basement Teaching Room 1, AMES, Pusey Lane, Oxford, OX1 2LE
In Person.
12. Reading across Borders
Afghans, Iranians, and Literary Nationalism
by Aria Fani
U Texas Press, 2024
(advance sales 40% discount, with code…see above website)
16. ‘On the Methodological Significance of a Less Known Treatise of Ibn Arabi on Irfan (Mysticism)’
A Talk by Professor Ali Paya
Friday, 8 December 2023
6 pm – 7:30 pm (London time)
Venue: The Islamic College. 133 High Road London NW10 2SW
Register at:
17. The Iranian Studies Initiative at UCSB and Farhang Foundation present
‘I Speak from the Edges of the Night
Translating Forugh Farrokhzad’s Collected Poems’
a free live lecture event by Dr. Domenico Ingenito
18.11.23, 11 am PT
Register at:
18. Museum of Fine Arts, Houston – Curatorial Fellow, Art of the Islamic Worlds
1-year appointment with a one (1) year renewable option
19. Spaces and Frontiers of Islamic Art and Archaeology
Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2023
Brings together papers delivered at the 15th Colloquium of the Ernst Herzfeld Society. The ten essays explore diverse aspects of geographic, confessional, political, and theoretical liminality spanning from Early Muslim Arabia to contemporary Islamic art.
It is available for purchase with Reichert Publishers: https://reichert-verlag.de/buchreihen/kunstgeschichte_reihen/kunstgeschichte_beitraege_zur_islamischen_kunst_und_archaeologie/9783752007527_beitraege_zur_islamischen_kunst_und_archaeologie-detail
20. Back in Print.
Surveyors of Persian Art:
A Documentary Biography of Arthur Upham Pope &
Phyllis Ackerman.
Compiled and Edited by:
Jay Gluck and Noel Siver
Also of Interest:
A Survey of Persian Art: From Pre-Historic Times to the Present.
21. Invisible East:
Zoom: ‘In Search of Urban Geopolitics: Deep Mapping Tehran’s Lalehzar District, 1880-1960’
with Ida Meftahi
Thursday, 16 November 2023, 5PM BST/12PM Toronto time
1. ONLINE Conference “Zoom with Journalists in Afghanistan”, Media in Cooperation & Transi-tion (MiCT), 16 November 2023, 4:30 pm Afghanistan Time
Despite widespread censorship and the exclusion of women from public life, it has been possible to maintain a certain representation of women in public spaces in some provinces. Against this background, we invite you to a dialogue with local media professionals from various parts of Afghanistan.
Information and registration:
2. Conference “Postcolonial, Decolonial, Post-imperial, De-imperial”, Centre d’études turques, ottomanes, balkaniques et centrasiatiques (CETOBaC), Paris, 15-17 May 2024
We welcome contributions from a host of disciplines, including Anthropology, Art History, Comparative Liter-ature, Gender Studies, History, International Relations, Memory Studies, and Sociology – focussing on the collective memories and ongoing legacies of three empires, the Habsburg, the Ottoman and the Romanov.
Deadline for abstracts: 17 November 2023. Information:
3. 4th Mediterranean Studies Symposium “Feeding the Mediterranean: Culinary (Re-)Inventions, Legacy and Hospitality”, University of Palermo, 13-16 June 2024
We are seeking papers on the topic of food and hospitality in and of the Mediterranean from interdisciplinary perspectives (humanities, social sciences, international law, media studies, art, and other fields of research). Any historical period of reference is welcome though we strongly encourage presenters to focus on the early modern to contemporary times. Presentations of recently published books on the Mediterranean are also welcome, if related to this year’s topic(s).
Deadline for abstracts: 25 November 2023. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/group/announcements/2 0011367/call-papers-mediterranean-studies-symposium-june-2024-deadlinenov-25
4. Eighth International Conference of the Society for the Medieval Mediterranean: “Being Human: Rhythms, Actions, Interactions in the Medieval Mediterranean”, Edinburgh, 24-27 June 2024
We invite papers that examine the theme from different disciplinary perspectives, including History, Archae-ology, Literature, Linguistics, Art History, Religious Studies/Theology, among others. We welcome research papers that apply innovative approaches and stimulate debates that will enhance our understanding of indi-vidual and collective perceptions and experiences of human interactions in and across the medieval Medi-terranean.
Deadline for abstracts: 14 January 2023.
Information: www.societymedievalmediterranean.com/2024-edinburgh
5. Two PhD-Positions (50 %) in the Field of Middle Eastern Pictorial Satire, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Qualification: Above-average degree (Master′s) in Islamic Studies, Arabic Studies, Middle Eastern Studies or History with special interest in working with multi-graphic sources (caricatures, cartoons, pictorial satires in journals) and in interdisciplinary collaboration. Very good reading knowledge of Arabic (position 1) or Per-sian (position 2). For the Arabic language region, knowledge of dialectal language forms is advantageous; knowledge of other languages of the region is of advantage.
Deadline for applications: 11 December 2023. Information:
6. Chapters for Edited Volume on “Transit Migration: States, Migrants, and the GCC”
Using a multidisciplinary field approach to migration studies, we invite scholars from sociology, political science, anthropology, economics, and other disciplines to contribute to this edited volume in order to critically examine the GCC states’ growing economic role in shaping multiple economic regions in the Global South-North/Global South-South debates.
Deadline for abstracts: 30 November 2023. Information: Contact Dr. Omar Bortolazzi, obortolazzi@aud.edu
7. Articles on “Religious Charisma in the MENA and Its Diasporas: Authority, Succession, and Devotion” for a Special Issue of the Journal “Antropolitica”
We invite papers with ethnographic approaches to charismatic authority and/or community in religious con-texts in the MENA and its diasporas that refine our understanding of the variety of forms of religious commit-ment and belonging, as well as emotional attachment to a religious leader, community or movement, in order to establish a productive dialogue between the various perspectives and ethnographic contexts.
Deadline for abstracts: 24 January 2023.
Information: https://periodicos.uff.br/antropolitica/announcement/view/812
– The Research Library of Dr. Geoffrey Roper (Cambridge) on Sale
Approx. 900 titles, some multi-volume, in various languages, principally English, Arabic, Turkish, Persian, French, German and other European languages. They are mainly on book history with a focus on printing and publishing history in the languages and countries of the Middle East and Islam. The collection also covers the history of book printing in Arabic in other parts of the world. Mostly publications of the last 50 years, but a few are older (19th century).
Information: https://gerlachbooks.com/index.php?art_no=COL_144
9. Building an Electronic Syriac Corpus using OCR: Preserving and Digitizing Cultural Heritage
Launch of Simtho III
Friday, November 10 from 12 to 3:00 pm
Sponsored by: Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton and Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute.
Conveners: Sabine Schmidtke, George A. Kiraz and María Mercedes Tuya
The digitization of cultural heritage materials plays a crucial role in preserving and making accessible historical and linguistic resources. The Simtho corpus is a result of constructing an electronic Syriac corpus through the application of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology and correcting the OCR results in collaboration with young women and men in the Middle East who make up Beth Mardutho’s Meltho Lab team. Syriac, an ancient language with a rich literary and religious tradition, presents unique challenges due to its complex script. The proposed approach involves a multi-step process: digitization of physical books and manuscripts (by third parties), training custom OCR models for Syriac script recognition, and creating an annotated corpus for linguistic research. This project presents the culmination of this work, a 16 million-word corpus of Syriac texts. The resulting electronic corpus provides a digital repository of Syriac texts, enabling scholars, linguists, and historians to access, study, and analyze these valuable resources.
For further info and for pre-registration, required, please visit: https://bit.ly/Simtho3
10. Islamic Art and Science in European Museums: A Conversation’ – Sunday 19 November, 2pm GMT online via Zoom
To celebrate UNESCO’s International Day of Islamic Art, the Alwaleed Cultural Network is hosting a special LIVE online conversation between Professor Stefan Weber (Director, Museum of Islamic Art at he Pergamon Museum, Berlin) and Dr Silke Ackermann (Director, History of Science Museum, University of Oxford) reflecting on the ways in which their museums acquire, categorize and curate their collections of Islamic Art and Science. This unique conversation will be chaired by Abeer AlFouti, Executive Manager, Global Initiatives, Alwaleed Philanthropies.
This event is free to attend but registration is essential. For further information and to register for free, click here: https://www.alwaleedculturalnetwork.org/en/events/islamic-art/
The Alwaleed Centre at the University of Edinburgh has two additional events on the horizon which may also be of interest:
Can English convey my Islamic experience? Reflecting on the presence of English in the South African madrasa
Wednesday 15 November, 5:30pm GMT in-person (50 George Square) and online via Zoom
Featuring Yasmin Ismail (Leiden University) and Jeremy Dell (University of Edinburgh).
Further information and tickets here: https://www.alwaleed.ed.ac.uk/events/can-english-convey-my-islamic-experience
Book launch: Benoît Challand discusses violence and representation in Tunisia and Yemen
Monday 20 November, 50 Geroge Square Room 1.06, 5:10pm – 6:30pm (in-person only – no booking necessary)
An in-person book launch of ‘Violence and Representation in the Arab Uprisings’ by Dr Benoît Challand (The New School for Social Research) with a response from Dr Nida Alahmad (University of Edinburgh). Further information here: https://www.ed.ac.uk/literatures-languages-cultures/islamic-middle-eastern/events/book-launch-benoit-challand
11. Journées d’étude/Workshop : Cultures orales à l’écrit : regards sur l’aire iranienne / Oral cultures in writing (16-17 novembre 2023)
Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter aux journées d’étude “Cultures orales à l’écrit : regards sur l’aire iranienne / Oral cultures in writing” qui se tiendront les 16 et 17 novembre 2023 dans les locaux de l’INaLCO :
65 rue des Grands Moulins, Paris XIIIe
– Le 16/11 : salle RJ 24 (dans la bibliothèque, rez-de-jardin)
– Le 17/11 : salle 3.11 (3e étage)
Veuillez trouver en fichier joint le programme et les résumés des interventions.
Inscription et accès aux locaux
L’INaLCO a mis en place des mesures supplémentaires d’accès au bâtiment (voir les détails : http://www.inalco.fr/actualite/communique-inalco-passe-posture-vigipirate-urgence-attentat)
Toute personne extérieur à l’établissement, devra se munir d’une carte professionnelle (la carte lecteur de la Bulac est également valable), et présenter le programme imprimé (et la page de titre de la brochure) à l’accueil si nécessaire.
Le 16/11 les interventions auront lieu dans une salle *située à la bibliothèque*. Les agents à l’accueil de la bibliothèque seront informés pour autoriser l’accès aux locaux aux personnes inscrites à la journée et qui ne possèdent pas de carte lecteur.
Inscription : Pour assurer votre accès aux locaux, vous êtes invités à vous inscrire en écrivant à agnes.korn@cnrs.fr *avant le 15/11, 23h59*.
La liste des inscrits sera communiquée à l’accueil du bâtiment de l’INaLCO et à l’accueil de la Bibliothèque pour faciliter l’accès des participants.
12. New Issue Alert – al-ʿUṣūr al-Wusṭā 31 (2023)
We are pleased to announce the publication of the latest issue of al-ʿUṣūr al-Wusṭā, the only open access, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the medieval Middle East. In addition to the five research articles we have published over the course of the year, the new issue features remarks by the recipient of Middle East Medievalists’ 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award, our first ever pedagogy file entitled “Textile Mobilities across Afro-Eurasia,” three conference reports, and five book reviews. Table of Contents and downloadable PDFs (as well as all back issues) can be found here: https://journals.library.columbia.edu/index.php/alusur/index
13. University of Rochester – Visiting Assistant Professor in Islamic Studies
Close: Dec 15, 2023
14. National University of Singapore – Assistant Professor and Associate Professor (Malay World Studies)
Close: Dec 31, 2023
15. Ralph C. and Mary Lynn Heid Rare Materials Research Fellowship
The University of Michigan Library invites applications for fellowships for research in residence.
The Ralph C. and Mary Lynn Heid Rare Materials Research Fellowship is open to researchers whose work would benefit from onsite access to our special collections, including the Islamic Manuscripts Collection held in the Special Collections Research Center.
Our fellows are awarded:
$2,000 for a project requiring domestic travel to Ann Arbor MI
$3,000 for a project requiring international travel to Ann Arbor MI
Individuals who live within a 100-mile radius of Ann Arbor, Michigan, will not typically be granted a fellowship.
The current application cycle is open from 1 November 2023 through 1 February 2024, with the residency period and award to be used between 6 May 2024 and 15 August 2025. For more information, including eligibility requirements and instructions for applying, please visit this page:
Special Collections Research Fellowships >> How to Apply
Applications are due 1 February 2024.
Questions? Contact Martha O’Hara Conway at moconway@umich.edu
16. CFP: Empire: In Theory and in Middle East History
American University in Cairo
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Arab and Islamic Civilizations
Annual History Seminar
8 & 9 March 2024
Oriental Hall, AUC Tahrir Square Campus
Call for Papers
EMPIRE: In Theory and In Middle East History
For most of recorded history, empires and imperial regimes have existed in one form or another and have shaped the lives of peoples of the Middle East. And yet the concept of Empire is often assumed to be clearly defined, almost eternal, even though empire took different shapes across history, including the history of the Middle East. Furthermore, current theories of empire tend to be Eurocentric and to focus on contemporary power structures in the post-colonial and post-modern period, with less reference to historical empires.
This coming session of AUC’s Annual History Seminar aims to look more carefully at empire as a theoretical concept and its changing definitions, and how it shaped and was shaped by interactions with peoples. How do these concepts apply to medieval, early modern of modern empires? How do they apply to world empires that ruled the Middle East?
We invite abstracts of around 300 words in either English and Arabic for presentations that would revolve around the theories and concepts of Empire as they relate to different empires with particular interest in studies, comparative or otherwise, that relate to Middle East history.
The themes that the seminar aims to tackle include:
The sessions of the seminar are scheduled for Friday 8 and Saturday 9 March, 2024 at Oriental Hall, Tahrir Square Campus of the American University in Cairo. Participants should plan to speak for around 20 minutes in either English or Arabic. Abstracts of around 300 words, in either language, are expected by 1 December, 2023. Graduate students and PhD candidates are encouraged to apply. Participants will be informed by late December 2023. Please send abstracts to aric@aucegypt.edu with carbon copies to the organizers.
Inquiries can be directed to either of the organizers:
Dr Nelly Hanna nhanna@aucegypt.edu
Dr Amina Elbendary abendary@aucegypt.edu
17. Under the Adorned Dome, Four Essays on the Arts of Iran and India
Yves Porter
Brill, 2023
18. At the Roots of Causality
Ontology and Aetiology from Avicenna to Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī
Francesco Omar Zamboni
Brill, 2023
19. Making Islam Work
Islamic Authority among Muslims in Western Europe
Thijl Sunier
Brill, 2023
20. Iran in Irish-nationalist historical, literary, cultural, and political imaginations from the late 18th century to 1921
Mansour Bonakdarian
Anthem, 2023
21. The Institute of Archaeological Sciences at Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, seeks to fill in a PostDoc-position in Islamic Archaeology (part-time, 50%, TV-GU-E13) to the next possible date.
The position is for three years with a possible extension after positive evaluation.
We expect from you:
To conduct independent research in the field of Islamic archaeology and to develop your own research project, including the acquisition of third-party funding, with the aim of a Habilitation.
To teach in the BA/MA program in the Institute of Archaeological Sciences one course per year.
To participate in the activities of the Institute of Archaeological Sciences.
Your profile
You have completed a scientific university degree (diploma/master) as well as a doctorate in one of the following fields: archaeology (with a focus on Islamic archaeology), architectural history/historical building research or Art history (with a focus on Islamic art history) or Islamic Studies / Islamic Studies (with a focus on Material culture of Islam).
Your doctorate was defended on, or later than, 15.11.2020. You are scientifically active and enthusiastic to support in shaping a new field of research. You have a very good command of English; knowledge of German is advantageous.
To apply
Please send your application by email until 21.11.23 as a single PDF file (max. 10 MB) to junior professor Dr. Hagit Nol (nol@em.uni-frankfurt.de and arch.institut@uni-frankfurt.de)
The application should include:
Contact Information
Hagit Nol
Contact Email
22. ‘Cosmopolitan Artefacts, Artists, and Intellectuals across the Global Muslim World’, The Journal of Transcultural Studies Vol. 13 Nos. 1-2 (2022)
Guest-editor: Yuka Kadoi
The Journal of Transcultural Studies (uni-heidelberg.de)
Yuka Kadoi
Transcultural Mobility: Cosmopolitan Artefacts, Artists, and Intellectuals across the Global Muslim World
Nikolaos Vryzidis
Of Texts and Objects: Perceptions of “Persian” Art from Later Byzantium to Modern Greece
Alberto Saviello
Inter-pictorial Religious Discourse in Mughal Paintings: Translations and Interpretations of Marian Images
Yuka Kadoi
Embracing Islam: Okakura Tenshin at the Limits of His Alternative Orientalism
Simone Wille
The Significance of Mobility and the Artistic Practice of Zahoor ul Akhlaq
Contact Email
23. Conference – The Golden Horde: Art, Material Culture, and Architecture, Max Planck Institute in Berlin – December 7,8
This is an announcement for the conference The Golden Horde: Art, Material Culture, and Architecture, which will take place in Berlin on December 7 and 8. https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/event/golden-horde-art-material-culture-and-architecture
If you would like to attend in person, please send an email to Qiao Yang at the Max Planck Institute in Berlin qyang@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de
The link to attend online (via WebEx) is on the conference program website. No advance registration is required.
Contact Email
24. Production, Transmission & Interpretation
An interdisciplinary conference on Islamic Art, Architecture and Archaeology
14th and 15th March, 2024
University of York
With keynote addresses by Professor Robert Hillenbrand and Professor Marcus Milwright
Islamic time begins with the Hijra; the integral responsibilities of every Muslim include the Hajj; and studies of Islamic history have traditionally followed military marches and commercial/cultural corridors that enabled the creation of the great gunpowder empires. More recently, mobility has also been manifested in the Islamic world in the fall of these empires, movement of their materials through loots and repatriations, and voluntary and forced migrations. Until recently, these themes have been predominantly researched divorced from Islam through incongruous positivist lenses and euro-centric canons, and often with underlying colonial agendas.
It is with the aim to intervene within and disrupt this context that the Department of History of Art and the Department of Archaeology at the University of York present Production, Transmission, & Interpretation, a conference on Islamic Art, Architecture and Archaeology. Foregrounding the voices of the historically marginalised, founded in material cultural narratives, and focussed on new sources and methodologies, this conference will bring together the latest research from scholars – doctoral to emeriti – and draw upon a range of cognate disciplines across the arts, humanities, and social sciences, to consider 1400 years of the Islamic world and society.
Submission Guidelines
We welcome abstract submissions intended to culminate into the standard format of 20-minute in-person academic paper presentations and invite applications from across disciplines, including art and architectural history, archaeology, conservation, heritage management, curation, museum studies and cultural studies, on themes that may include
Islamic heartlands, hinterlands, and frontiers
Art and architecture of mobility, routes, travels, and transfers
Patronage – imperial, sub-imperial, male, female, and non-binary
Agency of architects, artists, and craftspersons
Sources – oral histories, local archives, epigraphy, calligraphy, endangered languages
Archaeological material, bioarchaeological approaches, and conservation
Islamic approaches past and present to nature, culture, environment and sustainability
Conflicts, occupations, appropriations and adaptations
Islamic art markets – auctions, ethics, legislations
Abstracts should be limited to 250 words, indicate the target thematic cluster, and be accompanied by the researcher’s name, institutional affiliation and stage of study, location, and a brief biography not exceeding 100 words.
Deadline for abstract submission is 31 December, 2023.
All abstracts should be sent as pdf attachments to hist592@york.ac.uk
If you have any questions, please email Parshati Dutta (parshati.dutta@york.ac.uk) or Nausheen Hoosein(nausheen.hoosein@york.ac.uk).
Conversations are underway with leading university presses to publish a thematic edited volume of papers presented, therefore please declare if the material has been used before, and if not, whether you would be interested in publishing with us.
25. A pre-Mongol New Persian legal document from Islamic Khurāsān dated ah 608/1212 ce
Z Bhalloo,
BSOAS, 2023
We would like to invite you to attend ‘Beyond Karbala: New Approaches to Shii Materiality and Material Religion’, an Author Meets Respondents Session at the upcoming annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion (AAR) in San Antonio, TX.
The session aims to introduce and discuss the forthcoming book Beyond Karbala: New Approaches to Shii Materiality and Material Religion (Brill, 2024).
The book brings together 12 empirical contributions which examine manifestations and transformations of religious materiality in Shi’i Muslims in diverse demographic and geographic contexts. It expands the study of the aesthetics and visual cultures of religion and sketches an intellectual space for the material study of Shiʿi Islam and religion more broadly.
The editor’s introduction highlights the resonances and dissonances between the contributions presented in the book and makes conceptual propositions that push the frontiers of scholarship on Islam, Religious Studies, Material Religion, Anthropology, and Sociology.
For further information on the book, click here.
Speaker: Fouad Gehad Marei (Lund University)
Respondents: Katja Rakow (Utrecht University), David Morgan (Duke University) and Anna Bigelow (Stanford University)
Time: Monday, 20 November, 9:00 AM – 11:00
Place: Henry B. González Convention Center — Room 302B (Ballrom Level)