‘L’Alévisme de Turquie constitue un courant notable de l’islam – on évitera le terme de minorité – qui rassemble aujourd’hui environ un cinquième de la population du pays, turque et kurde, soit environ 16 millions d’individus. Persécuté sous l’Empire ottoman, ou ignoré, c’est-à-dire délaissé, à cause de ses croyances jugées « hérétiques » au regard de l’islam sunnite, son histoire est ponctuée, sous la République turque, par des révoltes violemment réprimées par l’État kémaliste et des affrontements avec des adversaires sunnites ou politiques.’
Where faith meets modernity: cemevi and local Alevi politics
Abstract This article intends to shed light on the local politics of the Alevis by focusing on three different cemevis in Istanbul’s Gazi neighborhood. Based on a field study in the neighborhood between 2014 and 2015 and eventually revisiting it in 2019, we analyze the local political dynamics with regard to different cemevis.
The Growing Influence of Salafism in Muslim Mindanao | Insurgencies | Types of Conflict | IPAC
Marawi Muslims rallied against the 2016 shooting of a Saudi cleric in Zamboanga. The Growing Influence of Salafism in Muslim Mindanao (Jakarta, 8 January 2020) The puritanical stream of Islam known as Salafism is making major inroads in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) in the southern Philippines, in a way that could foster greater social conservatism in areas such as education, freedom of religion and women’s rights.
Sufis and Their Opponents in the Persianate World
Sufis and Their Opponents in the Persianate World [Tabandeh, Reza, Lewisohn, Leonard] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Sufis and Their Opponents in the Persianate World
Protecting the Citadel of Islam in the Modern Era: A Case of Shiʿi Mujtahids and the Najaf Seminary in Early Twentieth‐Century Iraq
The concept of protecting the Citadel of Islam ( Hifẓ Bayzat al‐Islam) , is common in the lexicon of Shiʿi political jurisprudence. It refers to those Islamic principles and foundations without which the existence of Islam and the Muslim community would be in danger.
Shi’a Minorities in the Contemporary World
New comparative perspectives on Shi’a minorities outside the Muslim world Key features Provides comparative insights into Shi’a Muslim communities across the globe, set in Muslim minority contexts Makes an important contribution to understanding the glob