Mahathir’s reforms could put Saudi Arabia and the UAE on the spot
Newly elected Malaysian Prime Minister Mohammed Mahathir is adopting policies that could reshape the Southeast nation’s relations with powerful Gulf states. A series of anti-corruption measures as well as statements by Mr. Mahathir and his defense minister, Mohamad (Mat) Sabu, since this month’s upset in elections that ousted Prime Minister Najib Razak from office, are sparking concern in both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
An interview with Abdulaziz Sachedina on His Life and Scholarship – Maydan
The following interview with Professor Abdulaziz Sachedina was conducted in 2016 and presented here after his editorial interventions for purposes of accuracy. We hope that scholars of all age cohorts will benefit from this interview on Professor Sachedina’s life and scholarship. Ahmet Selim Tekelioglu (AT): Thank you, Professor Sachedina for agreeing to speak to Maydan.
Iremam – Colloque
Comité scientifique : Denise Aigle (directrice d’études émérite, EPHE/UMR Orient et Méditerranée) Mohammad-Ali Amir-Moezzi (directeur d’études, EPHE/LEM) Michele Bernardini (professeur, Universita’ Degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale) Anna Caiozzo (professeur, Université Bordeaux-Montaigne/Ausonius) Guy Le Thiec (professeur, AMU/TELEMME) Yannick Lintz (conservateur, directrice du Département des Arts de l’Islam au Louvre) Yves Porter (professeur, AMU/LA3M) Maria Szuppe (directrice de recherches, CNRS/Mondes iranien et indien)
2017 Annual Report – Shia Rights Watch
2018 marks the 7th anniversary of Shia Rights Watch. Over the past seven years, our organization and our team have grown from a Washington, DC-based minority rights group to an internationally renowned institution active in both the United Nations and the International community.
Washed up: Malaysian launderette refuses non-Muslim customers
“For Muslim customers only. Leave your shoes outside,” The owner of a self-service laundrette in the historic town of Muar in the Malaysian state of Johor likely had little inkling of the hornet’s nest he would stir up by putting up a sign barring non-Muslim from using his services.
See also ‘Malaysian launderette owner stirs Asian hornet’s nest’.
The Second Workshop – Edinburgh, 19-21 May, 2017
THE ROLE AND DEPICTION OF IRANIAN/PERSIANATE SUBALTERNS FROM THE 13TH CENTURY TO THE MODERN PERIOD A multi-year research project funded by the British Institute of Persian Studies (BIPS). The second of four workshops – on subalterns across the entire Persianate world in the Safavid and Afsharid periods (1501-1747) – was held at the University of Edinburgh, UK, on 19-21 May, 2017.
Shiite Survival in Ottoman Aleppo|
This article presents a translation of a waqf document from the Ottoman archives of Aleppo. The author’s contention is this waqfiyya bears witness to the resilience of Shiite presence in a predominantly Sunnite city.
Shia Muslims Population
According to Pew Research Institute, A comprehensive demographic study of more than 200 countries finds that there are 1.6 billion Muslims of all ages living in the world today, representing 23% of…
Bahrain’s Monarchy Cries Sectarianism to Hoard Public Wealth
NOTE:The following article was written by Bahrain Watch member Fahad Desmukh and was originally published on the website of TRT World on May 29, 2017. However TRT World had to remove it the following day after Bahrain’s foreign ministry made a complaint about the article to the Turkish government.
This is the aim of Donald Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia
Donald Trump sets off on Friday to create the fantasy of an Arab Nato. There will be dictators aplenty to greet him in Riyadh, corrupt autocrats and thugs and torturers and head choppers. There will be at least one zombie president – the comatose, undead Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria who neither speaks nor, apparently, hears any more – and, of course, one totally insane president, Donald Trump.