Understanding Sunni-Shi’a sectarianism in contemporary Indonesia
The Sunni-Shi’a sectarian conflicts in Muslim countries have intensified during the last two decades; Indonesia, the largest Muslim-majority country in the world, is no exception to this trend. While sectarian discourses influenced by geopolitical dynamics are catalysed by many scripturalist groups in local sectarian conflicts, the traditional Islam represented by Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) is left out from the scholarly analysis on sectarianism as it has been largely considered representative of tolerant Islam.
What draws Shia Muslims to an insecure pilgrimage? The Iranian journey to Arbaeen, Iraq during the presence of ISIS
In 2014, when Islamic State (ISIS) forces were still in power in some regions of Iraq, almost two million Iranian pilgrims headed into Iraq and joined Arbaeen religious procession which is one of the world’s biggest annual pilgrimages. Most people who embark on the journey stream toward Karbala on foot.