Incidents of Anti-Shiism in June 2018 – Shia Rights Watch
Anti-Shiism is extended to June, and compared to May, the number of people killed and wounded has almost tripled. With 206 cases of anti-Shiism, Shia Muslims continue to be under attack in countries like Bahrain, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Syria. Shia Muslims have faced inhuman outcomes of discrimination with sentencing, arrests, anti-Shia speech, …
Saudi effort to isolate Iran internationally produces results
Saudi efforts to isolate Iran internationally are producing results in North Africa and Central Asia. Authorities and religious leaders in Tajikistan and Algeria have in recent weeks accused Iran of subversive activity and propagating Shiism while Morocco last month announced that it was breaking off diplomatic relations with the Islamic republic.
The story of Pakistan’s ‘disappeared’ Shias
CCTV images from a local mosque show 30-year-old Naeem Haider being led away in handcuffs by more than a dozen armed men. Some have their faces covered with masks, others are in police uniform. It was the night of 16 November 2016. Mr Haider has not been seen since.
Saudis launch war on Qatif, calls for moratorium on executions in Bahrain – Voice of Bahrain
The “reformist” face of the Saudi crown prince, Mohammad bin Salman (MBS) that appears to the West is a camouflage to a more sinister face of repression, dictatorship and state terrorism. The real face of the Saudi regime was laid bare this week when regime’s troops stormed the Eastern city of Qatif, raided many houses and detained scores of innocent people.
Inside the US war in Yemen – 48 hills
One of the most important US Senate votes in decades took place recently, and few people know it happened. On March 20, Senators voted on whether to stop US support for Saudi Arabia’s vicious war in Yemen by invoking the War Powers Act.
DYNTRAN Symposium: Paris 2018
Symposium of the DYNTRAN Project (ANR-DFG): Dynamics of Transmission: Families, Authority and Knowledge in the Early Modern Middle East (15th-17th centuries) 7-9 March 2018 Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 Maison de la Recherche, 4 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris Salle Athéna Following the three previous workshops held in Marburg (2015), Cairo (2016) and Naples …
2017 Annual Report – Shia Rights Watch
2018 marks the 7th anniversary of Shia Rights Watch. Over the past seven years, our organization and our team have grown from a Washington, DC-based minority rights group to an internationally renowned institution active in both the United Nations and the International community.
Saudi Arabia’s Rivalry With Iran Is Further Destabilizing the Middle East
Saudi Arabia’s increasingly erratic behavior has raised question marks around the world. After decades in which Riyadh kept a low profile and mainly intervened in world affairs by using its oil wealth, the Saudi military and intelligence machine is now pursuing a brutal war in Yemen, has put little Qatar under boycott, has attempted to destabilize Lebanon, is licking its wounds from defeat in Syria, and is cultivating potential clients in Iraq.
Foreign correspondent: Make Saudi Arabia great again! – 48 hills
I stood in front of a mosque in the city of Qatif, Saudi Arabia, interviewing people for a story. Suddenly, two city police cars pulled up. Several minutes later plain clothes officers from the secret police began questioning me. I had entered the country with a journalist visa, but committed the grave crime of practicing journalism without official permission.